1、 2 ISO 389-2:1994Acoustics Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment Part 2:Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and insert earphones(IDT) 389-22011 27 2002 . 184- , 1.02004 . 1 - ( ) - , 42 358 3 - 1 2011 . 671-4 389-2:1994 . - . 2. (ISO 389-2:1994Ac
2、oustics Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment Part 2: Reference equivalentthreshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and insert earphones). - 1.5 ( 3.5). - - , 5 - , - . () . - , , 2012 , - - II 389-22011 389 - . 389-1:1991 () , - , 60318-3, - , 60318-1. 389-4 . , , , , , ,
3、 - . . , - . , , , . . , . 389-22011III 2 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Acoustics. Reference zero for the calibration of audiometricequipment . Part 2. Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels of pure tones for insert earphones 201212011 - () , 389-1. , 4. .2
4、. - , . 389-1:1998 . . 1. - ( 389-1:1998, Acoustics Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment Part 1:Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and supra-aural earphones) 60318-4:2010 . . 4. - , (IEC 60318-4:2010, Electroacoustics Simulators of human head a
5、nd ear Part 4: Occluded-ear simulatorfor the measurement of earphones coupled to the ear by means of ear inserts) 60318-5:2006 . . 5. - 2 3 , - (IEC 60318-5:2006, Electroacoustics Simulators of human head andear Part 5: 2 cm3coupler for the measurement of hearing aids and earphones coupled to the ea
6、r by means ofear inserts)3 389-1, - :3.1 (ear insert): , . - .1 389-220113.2 (insert earphone): , - , .3.3 (ear simulator): , , . , - . , - .3.4 (occluded-ear simulator): , - . 60318-4.3.5 ear-insert simulator (earmould substitute, earmould simulator): , - .3.6 ( ) acoustic coupler for insertearphon
7、es): , - . - 60318-5.4 Etymotic Research ER-3A, - ER-3-14. EARTONE 3A ER-3A. ER-3-14 EARTONE 3A. 13 12 . 1,9 22 , - ( 1,9 , - 11 ). 2 240 , - (. 1). , 23 .5 , 4, , - 60318-5, 60318-4, - 1. , 60318-5 ( 2) 60318-4 . 251 (. 2). , , - 4, , 389-1 (.2.2, ).2 389-220113 389-22011 1 ER-3A ER-3-14 1 , 60318-
8、3, , 60318-4 f,( 20 )1), 1251602)2002)25026,522,018,014,028,024,521,517,54 389-22011) ; b) 2 1 f,( 20 )1), 31 54002)5006307508002)10001250150016002)20002500300031502)4000500060006300800012,09,05,54,02,01,50,02,02,02,03,05,03,54,05,55,02,02,00,015,513,09,57,56,05,55,58,59,59,511,513,513,013,015,018,5
9、16,016,015,51) .2) .5 389-22011 () , , - , / 43 Acoustics. .1. (-) , . , , 0 , - . . .1 1 2 3 - ER-3A, 4 -Telephonics TDH-39 Telephonics TDH-39 Beyer DT 48 , 56 36 48 28 18 23 , 250, 500, 1000, 2000,3000, 4000, 8000125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000,3000, 4000, 6000, 8000125, 250, 315, 500, 630,750, 1000, 12
10、50, 1500,2000, 2500, 3000, 4000,5000, 6000, 6300, 8000 - 10 4000 15 4000 , 60318-3( 2) 60318-3( 2); 60318-4( 2) 60318-3( 2); 60318-4( 2)6 389-22011 () ( ) .1 389-1:1998 IDT 389-12011 - . . - . 1. 60318-4:2010 * 60318-5:2006 * . . - . - :- IDT .1 WILBER, L.A., KRUGER, B. and KILLION, M.C. Reference t
11、hresholds for the ER3A insert earphone. J. Acoust. Soc.Amer., 83 (2), 1988, pp. 669676.211)2 ARLINGER, S. and KINNEFORS, C. Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for insert earphones.Scand. Audiol.,18, 1989, pp. 1951983 BRINKMANN, K. and RICHTER, U. Reference zero for the calibration
12、of pure tone audiometers equipped with insertearphones. Acustica, 70, 1990, pp. 2022074 IS0 389-4:1994 Acoustics Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment Part 4: Reference levels fornarrow-band masking noise5 IEC 60318-3:1998 Electroacoustics Simulators of human head and ear Part 3: Acoustic coupler for the calibrationof supra-aural earph