1、I C CIRCULAR 21 1 -AN/128 CAO IRCULAR 1988 AERODROME FLIGHT INFORMATION SERVICE (AFIS) Approved by the Secretary General and published under his authority INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION MONTREAL o CANADA COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling S
2、ervices- ICAO CIRCULAR*ZLL * 4841416 0004509 991 Pirblished in separate English, French, Russian and Spanish editions by the International Civil Aviation 0rgani:ation. All correspondence, escept orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to the Secretary General. Orders for this publication shoul
3、d be sent to one of the folloviiig addresses. tosettier with the appropriate remittance (by bank draft or poct office money order) iii U.S. dollars or the currency of the country in which the order is placed. Document Sales Unit International Civil Aviation Organization loo0 Sherbrooke Street West,
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5、I-choiiie. Toranomon, Kenya. ICAO Representative. Eastern and Southcri: African Office. United Nations MeSiCo. Representante de la OACI, Oficina Norteanierica. Centroamrica y Caribe, Peru. Representante de la OACI, Oficina Sudamrica, Apartado 4127, Lima 100. Senegal. Reprsentant de IOACI, Bureau Afr
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7、lly-sur-Seine (Cedex). or 17 Park Street, Calcutta. Minato-Ku, Tokyo. Accommodation, P.O. Box 46291 Nairobi. Apartado postal 5-377, C.P. 11590, Mxico 5, D.F. Bote postale 2356, Dakar. Greville House, 37 Gratton Road, Cheltenham, Glos., GL5O 2BN. Do you receive the ICAO BULLETIN? The ICAO Bulletin co
8、ntains a concise account of the activities of the Organization as well as articles of interest to the aeronautical world. The Bulletin will also keep you up to date on the latest ICAO publications, their contents, amendments, supplements, corrigenda and prices. Available in three separate editions:
9、English, French and Spanish. Annual subscription: U.S.$20.00 (surface mail); U.S.$25.00 (air mail). COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesI ICAO CIRCULAR*ZLL * = 48414Lb 0004510 603 FOREWORD Introduction 1. On 1 June 1982 the Air Navigation Commi
10、ssion (100-10) examined the results of a study by the Secretariat concerning the need for the introduction in ICAO documents of international specifications for aerodrome flight information service (AFIS) as an entity of the air traffic services. 2. Following an exchange of views, the Commission dec
11、ided that international provisions and/or guidance material regarding AFIS should be formulated. It instructed the Secretary to develop detailed proposals on the I subject for further review by the Commission, taking into account the comments I made during the discussion. , 3. The guidance material
12、contained in this circular was finally developed by the Air Navigation Commission on the basis of proposals presented by the Secretariat. I Supporting reasons 4. The Statement of Basic Operational Requirements and Planning Criteria or Regional Air Navigation Meetings, as approved by the Air Navigati
13、on Commission, specifies that at aerodromes used by international general aviation where the type and density of traffic clearly do not justify the provision of aerodrome control service, the provision of aerodrome flight information service by a unit located at the aerodrome should be recommended.
14、The aerodromes in question are those designated by the letters “RG“ in ICAO air navigation plan publications. 5. The main comments made during the initial consideration by the Air Navigation Commission, as indicated in paragraph 1 above, may be summarized as follows : a) Aerodrome flight information
15、 service was being provided on a growing scale. There was a definite need for a service between aerodrome control service and no service at all. Available information showed that there were different understandings among States as to what aerodrome flight information service was. The kind of questio
16、ns which should be addressed were: 1) What is aerodrome flight information service? 2) What are its limitations? 3) What is the difference between aerodrome control service and AFIS? 4) At what aerodromes may AFIS be accepted in terms of amount of traffic, types of operation and meteorological condi
17、tions? 5) What information should be provided? 6) What should be the qualifications of AFIS officers? COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICAO CIRCULARtZLiI tt Lld414hb 00045LS 54T (ii ICAO Circular 211-AN/128 7) What sort of facilities are req
18、uired to provide AFIU? b) The widespread provision of AFLS denonstrated a need for guidance material on the subject but not necessarily for standardization of the service. c) If an international general aviation aerodrome might be used also as an alternate for international scheduled air transport,
19、aerodrome control service should be provided at the aerodrome. 6. The guidance material on AFIS has been developed rith the intent af answering the questions in 5 a) and reflecting the thoughts in 5 b) and c) above. It includes guidance concerning the designation of AFIS aerodromes, the basic elemen
20、ts of information to be provided, the requirements of AFIS units for information and communications, equipment and facilities, the training of personnel and the procedures to be used. 7. The guidance material is intended to facilitate the task of future regional air navigation (RAN) meetings or regi
21、onal planning groups in recommending the air traffic services to be provided at international aerodromes designated for use by general aviation. It is also intended to facilitate the task of States in determining the nature and scope of the service to be provided at individual aerodromes and the inf
22、ormation to be published in their aeronautical information publications (AIPSI. It way also help to clarify in the minds of pilots the nature of the service to be expected at AFIS aerodromes. 8. It has been suggested that one of the primary motivations behind AFIS is cost/benefit end that this is no
23、t always compatible with saEety. It 1s recalled in this context that regional sir navigation plans shall satisfy the operational requirements and shall be economically justified (Assembly Resolutions A16-10 and A26-8, Appendix L, Associated Practice 5 refer). Although costs and the availability of q
24、ualified controllers are siznificant factors, it is expected that States, when determining whether aerodrome control service or aerodrome flight information service is required at a given aerodrome, will give the same weight to safety considerations a5 when they are planning other facilities and ser
25、vices. 9. It has also been suggested that the introduction of aerodrome flight information service is primarily an implementation problem. It my be noted in this regard that the Second Asia and ?acific Regional Air Navigation Meeting (Singapore, 1983) nade provision for AFT5 at various aerodroaies i
26、n the regions (Doc 9404, Agenda Item 4, Appendix A refers) arid that the European Air Navigation Plan also specifies a requirenent for tile provislon of 4FIS at a large number of aerodromes (Doc 7754, 23rd edition, Part III, Table AOP refers). The air naviwtion plans for the Africa-Indian Clcean, Ca
27、ribbean, Middle East and South American Regions contain general reconmendat ions on the subject . COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICAO CIRCULAR*ZLL * m 4843436 O00 (ilil _- I= -. TABLE OF CONTENTS General . Basic elements of information pro
28、vided to aircraft . AFIS requirements for information . Meteorological information Information on aerodrome conditions and the operational status of associated facilities Information on the operational status of navigation aids Information on unmanned free balloons . AFIS requirements for communicat
29、ions Aeronautical mobile service (air-ground communications) . Aeronautical fixed service Airspace designation Status of service and radiotelephony phraseology Hours of availability of AFIS . Accommodation and equipment . Qualifications and training of APIS personnel . Visual ground signals . Flight
30、 plans Co-ordination between an AFIS unit and the associated FIC or ACC Alerting service Responsibilities of. and procedures for pilots Promulgation of information . 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 9 (ilil 4512 486 Page 1 1 3 3 COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Informati
31、on Handling ServicesGUIDANCE MATERIAL ON AERODROME FLIGHT INFORMATION SERVICE (AFIS) GENERAL 1. describe the provision of information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of aerodrome traffic at those aerodromes designated for use by international general aviation (IGA) where the appropriate ai
32、r traffic services (ATS) authority determines that the provision of aerodrome control service is not justified, or is not justified on a 24-hour basis. used at aerodromes designated as regular or alternate aerodromes for international commercial air transport operations. 2. provided at a given IGA a
33、erodrome, the appropriate ATS authority is expected to give due consideration to the type(s) of air traffic involved, the density of air traffic, the topographical and meteorological conditions, and such other factors as may be pertinent to safety and efficiency, including the language or languages
34、to be used in air-ground communications. 3. Non-controlled aerodromes at which it is determined that AFIS will be provided should be identified as “AFIS aerodromes“ in order to distinguish them from controlled aerodromes. Aerodrome flight information service (AFIS) is the term used to AFIS is not in
35、tended to be In determining whether aerodrome control service or AFIS should be 4. AFIS should be provided by a unit located at the aerodrome and identified as an “AFIS unit“. An AFIS unit will provide flight information service and alerting service to aerodrome traffic. 5. The AFIS unit is not an a
36、ir traffic control unit. It is therefore the responsibility of pilots using the service provided by this unit to maintain proper separation in conformity with the rules of the air. Basic elements of information provided to aircraft 6. The basic elements of information to be provided to aircraft by a
37、n AFIS unit should include, as appropriate, the following: I a) meteorological information for aircraft about to take off or to land, including SIGMET information. Such information should, to the extent possible, be the same as that provided to aerodrome traffic by aerodrome control towers, i.e. : -
38、 the current surface wind direction and speed, including significant variations; COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling Servicesm ICAO CIRCULAR*211 * YY143b OOOYS3Y 259 2 ICAO Circular 211-AN/lZ8 - the QW altimeter setting and, either on a regular basis i
39、n accordance with local arrangements or if so requested by the aircraft, the r)FE altimeter setting; - the air temperature for the runvay to be used, in the case of take-of f by turbine-engined aircraft ; - the current visibility representative of the direction of take-off and initial climb, or in t
40、he approach and landing area, if less than 10 km, or, when available to the APIS officer, the current runway visual range for the runuay to be used; - significant meteorological conditions in the take-off and climb-out area, or in the approach and landing area. Phis includes the occurrence or expect
41、ed occurrence of cumulonimbus or thunderstorm, moderate OK severe turbulence, uind shear, hail, moderate or severe icing, severe line squall, freezing rain, marked mountain waves, sand storm, dust stora, blowing snow, tornado or waterspout; - the present weather and the amount and height of base of
42、lov cloud, in the case of aircraft making au approach in instrument meteorological conditions; b) information enabling the pilot to select the most suitable runway for use. Such information should include, in addition to the current surface wind direction and speed, the *preferred runway“ and traffi
43、c pattern and, on request by the pilot, the length of the runway(s) and/or the distance between an intersection and the end of the runuay; - Note.- The term “preferred runway“ 1s used to indicate the most suitahle runuay at a particular time, taking into account the current surface wind direction an
44、d speed and other relevant factors such as the traffic pattern and the runway used by other aircraft, vith the intention of establishing and maintaining an orderly flow of aerodrone traffic. c) information on known aircraft, vehicles or personnel on or near the mnoeuvring area or aircraft operating
45、in the vlclnity of the aerodrome, uhfch may constitute a hazard to the aircraft concerned ; d) information on aerodrome conditions which is essential to the safe operation of aircraft. Tuch information should, to the extent possible, be the same as that provided to aerodrome traffic by aerodrome con
46、trol towers, i.e. information relating to the folloving: :t - construction or maintenance work on, or immediately adjacent to the manoeuvring area; COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesI ICAO CIRCULAR*211 * 4841416 O004515 175 = ICAO Circular 21
47、 1-AN/128 3 - rough or broken surfaces on a runway or a taxiway, whether marked or not; - snow, slush or ice on a runway or a taxiway; - water on a runway; - snow banks or drifts adjacent to a runway or a taxiway; - other temporary hazards, including parked aircraft and birds on the ground or in the
48、 air; , - failure or irregular operation of part or all of the aerodrome - any other pertinent information; e) information on changes in the operational status of non-visual navigation aids and visual aids essential for aerodrome traffic ; f) radio bearings or direction-finding information, when equ
49、ipment is available and when prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority; g) messages, including clearances, received from other ATS units for relay to aircraft (e.g. from the associated flight information centre (FIC) or area control centre (ACC); and h) any other information contributing to safety. AFIS REQUIREMENTS FOR INFORMATION 7. AFIS units should, to the extent possible, be supplied with the same information as that provided to aerodrome control towers, .e. : Me teoroloe: ical information 8. AFIS units should be supplied with up-to-date information on ex