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2、 ITU-R 271 Interference between satellite news gathering (SNG) carriers by unintentional access (2005) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that satellite news gathering (SNG) services are offered on several radiocommunication satellites; b) that the use of SNG is expanding in all par
3、ts of the world; c) that the proliferation of the use of SNG stations has caused an increase in unintentional interference to other satellite users; d) that all SNG operators do not apply the same procedures to access the satellite; e) that the origin of the interfering SNG carriers are difficult to
4、 identify, decides that the following Question should be studied 1 what recommended set of access procedures can be used by SNG operators? 2 what kind of carrier identification could be economically embedded in the digital carrier? 3 what training course or material would be appropriate for SNG operators? further decides 1 that a Recommendation and/or Report should be prepared by 2006. Category: S1