ITU-T A 23 ANX A-2010 Guide for ITU-T and ISO IEC JTC 1 Cooperation《ITU-T和ISO IEC JTC 1合作指南》.pdf

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1、Printed in SwitzerlandGeneva 2010ITUInternational TelecommunicationUnionISOInternational Organization forStandardizationIECInternationalElectrotechnicalCommissionGUIDEGUIDEforforITU-TITUandandISO/IEC ISO/IEC JTC 1JTC 1COOPERATIONCOOPERATIONITU-TRecommendation A.23Annex A2010ISO/IEC JTC 1Standing Doc

2、ument 3ITU ISO IEC International Telecommunication Union International Organization for Standardization International Electrotechnical Commission Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation Recommendation ITU-T A.23 Annex A (Approved February 2010) ISO/IEC JTC 1 Standing Document 3 (Approved June

3、2010) ITU 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written permission of ITU. Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation iii CONTENTS Page 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Background 1 1.3 Organization of the Guide 2 1.4

4、 References 2 1.4.1 ITU-T references . 2 1.4.2 ISO/IEC references 3 1.5 Definitions . 4 1.5.1 ITU-T definitions 4 1.5.2 ISO/IEC JTC 1 definitions 4 1.5.3 ITU-T and JTC 1 cooperation definitions . 5 1.6 Abbreviations . 6 1.6.1 ITU-T abbreviations 6 1.6.2 ISO/IEC abbreviations 6 1.6.3 ITU-T and JTC 1

5、cooperation abbreviations . 7 2 Organizational structures . 7 3 Organization procedures 9 3.1 ITU-T procedures 10 3.1.1 Traditional Approval Process (TAP) . 10 3.1.2 Alternative Approval Process (AAP) 11 3.2 JTC 1 procedures . 14 4 Modes of cooperation . 16 4.1 Introduction 16 4.2 Liaison mode . 17

6、4.3 Collaboration mode . 17 4.4 Determining the mode of cooperation . 17 4.5 Termination of collaboration and/or common text publication . 18 5 Planning and scheduling 19 5.1 Scheduling of SG/WP and SC/WG meetings 19 5.2 Work program coordination . 19 5.3 Synchronized maintenance of cooperative work

7、 . 19 6 Liaison procedures . 23 6.1 General . 23 6.2 Liaison representation 23 6.3 Liaison contributions . 23 7 Collaboration using Collaborative Interchange . 24 7.1 Collaborative relationship 24 7.2 Participation in working level meetings 25 7.3 Scheduling . 25 7.4 Contributions . 25 7.5 Editor fo

8、r common text 26 7.6 Achieving consensus . 26 7.7 Progress reporting 26 7.8 Liaisons 26 7.9 Synchronized approval process . 27 iv Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation Page 7.10 Publication . 28 7.11 Defects . 28 7.11.1 Defect Review Groups 29 7.11.2 Submission of Defect Reports . 29 7.11.3

9、Procedures for resolving defects . 29 7.12 Amendments 29 8 Collaboration using a Collaborative Team 30 8.1 Collaborative Team . 30 8.2 Convenor(s) and Editor(s) . 31 8.3 Participants 31 8.4 Meetings 32 8.5 Contributions . 32 8.6 Achieving consensus . 32 8.6.1 Development of draft text 33 8.6.2 Editi

10、ng drafts . 33 8.6.3 Resolution of ballots and comments . 33 8.7 Progress reporting 34 8.8 Liaisons 34 8.9 Synchronized approval process . 34 8.10 Publication . 36 8.11 Defects . 36 8.11.1 Defect Review Group 36 8.11.2 Submission of Defect Reports . 36 8.11.3 Procedures for resolving defects . 37 8.

11、12 Amendments 37 9 Recognition of cooperation 37 10 Applying the Patent Policy of ITU-T and ISO/IEC . 38 Appendix I Defect report form . 39 Appendix II Rules for presentation of ITU-T | ISO/IEC common text . 40 Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation 1 Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 coopera

12、tion 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This document contains a set of procedures for cooperation between ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1. It is written in an informal style, much like a tutorial, to be a practical, educational and insightful reference for both leaders and participants in cooperative work. 1.2 Bac

13、kground The ITU-T and ISO and IEC have long established cooperative relationships. For many years, the continued merging of technologies for which these individual organizations have been responsible has resulted in an increasing interdependency of a growing portion of the work programs. This has le

14、d, for example, to the creation by ISO and IEC of Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1) on Information Technology. Cooperative arrangements between the ITU-T and ISO/IEC have been growing. In June 1988, an ad hoc group of CCITT and ISO/IEC JTC 1 leaders met to review the then existing situation of coo

15、peration. Recognizing that these cooperative efforts will continue to grow, the ad hoc group felt it would be beneficial to develop and document a set of procedures which builds upon past successes to facilitate future efforts. As a result, an Informal Guide on CCITT and ISO/IEC JTC 1 Cooperation wa

16、s produced. This Informal Guide recognized that the areas for cooperative work between CCITT and ISO/IEC JTC 1 are a small portion of the total work program of both organizations. Therefore, it was determined that the practical way to achieve successful cooperation is to work within the flexibility

17、existing within the procedures of each organization rather than to define a fundamentally new framework. Since that time considerable experience has been gained in the use of the procedures. Consequently, a second meeting of the ad hoc group was held in September 1991 to review and refine the proced

18、ures. A draft revised Guide was produced at that meeting and adopted by both CCITT and JTC 1 for interim use, pending formal approval. The draft revised Guide recognized the value of collaboration between the two organizations in building consensus in areas of common interest and in extending this c

19、ollaboration to the publication of common text Recommendations and International Standards to better serve the needs of industry and users. Considerable attention was given to defining efficient collaborative procedures that make the best use of resources to produce timely results. Further revision

20、was made as a result of the formal review and to reflect updated procedures of both organizations. The Guide was adopted by the WTSC and JTC 1 in March 1993. By 1996, with the experience of developing more than 150 collaborative Recommendations | International Standards, the Guide was updated to ref

21、lect insights gained through this experience and to reflect revisions in the procedures of both organizations. The updated Guide was adopted by the WTSC in October 1996 and JTC 1 in December 1996. In 2001, the Guide was again updated to reflect revisions in the procedures of both organizations. The

22、updated Guide was adopted by the ITU-T in November 2001 and JTC 1 in November 2001. 2 Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation In 2010, the Guide was again updated to reflect closer alignment of the JTC 1 procedures to those in common between ISO and IEC, and to reflect revised procedures in th

23、e ITU-T. It also takes into account the common patent policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC adopted in 2006. The updated Guide was adopted by the ITU-T in February 2010 and JTC 1 in June 2010. 1.3 Organization of the Guide The remainder of clause 1 provides a listing of useful references, definitions and a

24、bbreviations pertinent to ITU-T and JTC 1 cooperation. Clauses 2 and 3 provide tutorial information on the structure and procedures of ITU-T and JTC 1. The detailed procedures for ITU-T and JTC 1 cooperation are given in clauses 4 through 10 and Appendix I. They supplement, and sometimes repeat for

25、clarity, the basic procedures of each organization (for example, those given in WTSA Resolution No. 1, in Recommendation ITU-T A.1 and in the JTC 1 Supplement to ISO/IEC Directives) which remain controlling. Drafting rules for editors to use in the preparation of common text Recommendations | Intern

26、ational Standards are specified in Appendix II. 1.4 References 1.4.1 ITU-T references General Most information about the ITU and the ITU-T can be found on the ITU website at http:/ The fundamental documents of the ITU are its Constitution and its Convention, which can be found in

27、 “Collection of the basic texts of the International Telecommunication Union adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference, Edition 2007“. The ITU-T WTSA Proceedings of the current Study Period contains the Resolutions and A-series Recommendations approved by the last World Telecommunication Standardiza

28、tion Assembly (WTSA), and includes a listing of the Study Groups and a listing of the Questions allocated to each Study Group. Contribution No. 1 of each Study Group contains the detailed text for each Question assigned to the Study Group by the WTSA. Changes concerning A-series Recommendations and

29、Questions are published via TSB Circulars and available on the ITU website. WTSA Resolutions The latest set of WTSA Resolutions is available on the ITU website at http:/ Five Resolutions of particular relevance to ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation are listed below.

30、Resolution 1, Rules of procedure of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T). Resolution 2, ITU-T study group responsibility and mandates. Resolution 7, Collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

31、. Resolution 22, Authorization for TSAG to act between WTSAs. Resolution 67, Creation of a Standardization Committee for Vocabulary. Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation 3 A-series Recommendations A-series Recommendations are adopted by the WTSA or by the Telecommunication Standardi

32、zation Advisory Group (TSAG) between WTSAs. The latest set is available on the ITU website at http:/ Ten A-series Recommendations of particular relevance to ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation are listed below. Recommendation ITU-T A.1 (2008), Work methods for study groups of

33、 the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T). Recommendation ITU-T A.2 (2008), Presentation of contributions to ITU-T. Recommendation ITU-T A.4 (2002), Communication process between ITU-T and Forums and Consortia. Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (2001), Generic procedures for including referen

34、ces to documents of other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations. Recommendation ITU-T A.6 (2002), Cooperation and exchange of information between ITU-T and national and regional standards development organizations. Recommendation ITU-T A.8 (2008), Alternative approval process for new and revised IT

35、U-T Recommendations. Recommendation ITU-T A.11 (2008), Publication of ITU-T Recommendations and WTSA proceedings. Recommendation ITU-T A.12 (2008), Identification and layout of ITU-T Recommendations. Recommendation ITU-T A.13 (2000), Supplements to ITU-T Recommendations. Recommendation ITU-T A.23 (1

36、996), Collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on information technology. 1.4.2 ISO/IEC references General Most information about the ISO can be found on its web site at http:/ Similarly, m

37、ost information about the IEC can be found on its web site at http:/ This information includes: Catalogue of IEC Publications This online publication lists all IEC standards issued as of the first day of the year IEC Yearbook This annual publication lists all the Technical Committees and

38、Subcommittees of IEC and, for each, lists the subjects under consideration and the publications prepared ISO Catalogue This online publication lists all published International Standards and Technical Reports of ISO ISO Memento This annual publication lists all the Technical Committees of ISO and gi

39、ves their scope and committee structure ISO Technical Programme This semi-annual publication lists the status of all documents that have reached the balloting stage (e.g., CD, DAM, DIS, DTR) ISO/IEC Directives Part 1:2009, Procedures for the technical work ISO/IEC Directives Part 2:2004, Rules for t

40、he structure and drafting of International Standards ISO/IEC Directives JTC 1 Supplement:2010 4 Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation JTC 1 Most information about ISO/IEC JTC 1 can be found on its site at http:/ The key document setting forth the specific procedures for

41、JTC 1 is the ISO/IEC Directives JTC 1 Supplement “Procedures Specific to JTC 1“. Subcommittees of JTC 1 Subcommittees of JTC 1 maintain their respective web sites, linked from the JTC 1 site. Prior to each JTC 1 plenary, SC Chairmen prepare the Subcommittee Business Plans, including a manage

42、ment summary, a period review and the priorities for the next period. 1.5 Definitions 1.5.1 ITU-T definitions Additional Review: A 3-week period in the Alternative Approval Process where Member States and Sector Members review the text of a Recommendation put for approval and can submit comm

43、ents. Alternative Approval Process (AAP): The procedure for approval of Recommendations that do not have regulatory or policy implications. Consent: A step in the Alternative Approval Process where a Study Group or Working Party agrees that the text of a Recommendation is sufficientl

44、y mature. Consultation: A step in the Traditional Approval Process where Member States are asked to delegate authority for approval of a Recommendation to the next meeting of the Study Group. Determination: A step in the Traditional Approval Process where a Study Group or Working Par

45、ty agrees that the text of a Recommendation is sufficiently mature. Last Call: A 4-week period in the Alternative Approval Process where Member States, Sector Members and Associates review the text of a Recommendation put for approval and can submit comments. Question: Description of

46、 an area of work to be studied, normally leading to the production of one or more new or revised Recommendations. Traditional Approval Process (TAP): The procedure for approval of Recommendations that may have regulatory or policy implications. 1.5.2 ISO/IEC JTC 1 definitions Amendme

47、nt (AMD): A published amendment to an International Standard. Category A Liaison: An external liaison organization which participates actively in a broad spectrum of work in JTC 1 or in a JTC 1/SC. Committee Draft (CD): Text for a proposed International Standard which has been regist

48、ered for ballot at the Subcommittee (SC) level stage 3, committee stage. Draft Amendment (DAM): Text for a proposed amendment to an International Standard which is at stage 4, enquiry stage. Draft International Standard (DIS): Text for a proposed Draft International Standard which is

49、 at stage 4, enquiry stage. Draft Technical Report (DTR): Text for a proposed Technical Report which has been submitted for balloting by National Bodies of JTC 1. Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 cooperation 5 Final Draft Amendment (FDAM): Text for a proposed amendment to an International Standard which has been submitted for balloting by ISO and IEC National Bodies stage 5, approval stage. Final Draft International Standard (FDIS): Text for a proposed Intern

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