INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU42!.3-)33)/.G0G03934%-3G0G0!.$G0G0-%$)!%.%2!,G0G0#(!2!#4%2)34)#3G0G0/ Thresholds of audibility and intelligibility,Vol. V, Rec. P.16.2 CCITT Manual Transmission planning of switched telephone networks, ITU, Geneva, 1976.3 Social Crosstalk in the Local Area Network, Electrical Communication (ITT), Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 406-417,1974.4 LAPSA (P. M.): Calculation of multidisturber crosstalk probabilities, Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 55,No. 7, September 1976.