ITU-T M 1510-1992 Exchange of Contact Point Information for the Maintenance of International Services and the International Network - Maintenance Information Exchange (Study Group .pdf

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ITU-T M 1510-1992 Exchange of Contact Point Information for the Maintenance of International Services and the International Network - Maintenance Information Exchange (Study Group .pdf_第1页
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2、ERNATIONAL NETWORK Recommendation M.1510 CCITT RECMNtM.L5LO tt = 48b259L 0578817 b74 m FOREWORD The CCITT (the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) is a permanent organ of the Intemational Telecommunication Union (ITU). CCITT is responsible for studying technical, operating

3、and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The Plenary Assembly of CCITT which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study and approves Recommendations prepared by its Study Groups. The approval of Recom

4、mendations by the members of CCITT between Plenary Assemblies is covered by the procedure laid down in CCITT Resolution No. 2 (Melbourne, 1988). Recommendation M.1510 was revised by Study Group IV and was approved under the Resolution No. 2 procedure on the 5th of October 1992. CCIT NOTE In this Rec

5、ommendation, tt expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to i telecommunication administration and a recognized private operating agency. jicate both O ITU 1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or rnccha

6、riical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. CCITT RECflN*flmL5LO * 48b259L 0578818 500 Recommendation M.1510 EXCHANGE OF CONTACT POINT INFORMATION FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF INTERNATIONAL SERVICES AND THE INTERNATIONAL NETWORK (Published as M.93 in 1984, rev

7、ised 1988; revised and renumbered in 1992) A bsrract This Recommendation identifies contact points within a maintenance organization for the effective cooperation between Administrations; it lists services, and provides a guide of what information should be exchanged. Anncxes A to E provide standard

8、 forms to be used in exchanging contact point information. Keywords - contact point; - distribution; - exchange; - information. 1 General The attention of Administrations is drawn to the need for exchanging information about telephone numbers, telex numbers, staffing hours, etc., for units involved

9、in the maintenance of international telecommunication services. The exchange of such information is of great assistance to international cooperation and has an important bearing on maintenance efficiency. This Recommendation lists services for which information should be exchanged. The list is not e

10、xhaustive and Administrations are asked to consider, when intending to introduce a new service, what contact point information will be required. 2 Aspects to be covered by the exchange of information 2.1 Technical service The general functions and responsibilities of the “technical service” are give

11、n in Recommendation M.75 7. Where technical service responsibility within an Administration has been divided on a functional basis, contact point information relating to each function (for example, maintenance of telephone circuits, provision of leased circuits, exchange of information for changes i

12、n national numbering plans and circuit order of selection) should be supplied. Recommendation M.1510 (10/92) 1 CCITT RECMN*fl.L5LO Y* 4Bb259L 0578819 447 2.2 Automatic and semi-automatic telephone service For each international centre, contact point information for each of the maintenance elements i

13、n Recommendations M.715 to M.725 8 should be exchanged. 2.3 Manual telephone circuits For each international centre which has responsibility for manually operated international telephone circuits, appropriate maintenance contact point information should be exchanged. 2.4 Other international services

14、 Contact point information, which should at least include information for fault reporting purposes, should be exchanged for the following international services: - Circuit-switched Public Data Communication service; Packet-switched Public Data Communication service; - - hblic Telegram service; - tel

15、etex service; - telex service: - Public Facsimile service (bureau and telefax); - Store and Forward Facsimile Switching service; - Phototelegraph service. 2.5 Common channel signalling systems For each international centre where common channel signalling is employed, contact point information should

16、 be exchanged for the maintenance units which have responsibility for the following: - signalling system transfer link (Recommendations M.760 9 and M.4100 1 i); - signalling system administrative control (Recommendations M.762 lo and M.4100 i 11). Where an Administration has subdivided the maintenan

17、ce functions of the Common Channel Signalling System No. 6 transfer link (for example, into fault reporting, control station, etc.), appropriate contact point information should be supplied. 2.6 Leased and special circuits For each internationai centre which has responsibility for leased and special

18、 circuits, contact point information should be exchanged for the following: - fault report point; - testing point; 2 Recommendation M.1510 (10/92) CCITT RECMNtM.L.5LO tt I 4862591 0578820 Lb9 - - - - transmission maintenance point (international line) (Recommendation M.1014 i); circuit controilsub-c

19、ontrol station (Recommendations M.1012 2 and M.1013 3); restoration point for individual circuits; escalation points (Recommendation M.1560 121. 2.7 Sound programme and television Contact point information for the following centres concerned with sound-programme and television should be exchanged: -

20、 - - international sound-programme centre (ISPC) (Recommendation N. 1 4); international television centre (ITC) (Recommendation N.5 1 5); programme booking centre (PBC) (Recommendation D.180 6). 2.8 Groups, supergroups, etc., digital paths and blocks and transmission systems For each international c

21、entre, contact point information should be exchanged for the following: - - - - - restoration implementation point. fault report point (Recommendation M.2130 13); testing point (for routines, functional tests and fault localization); controlhub-control station (Recommendations M.80 141 and M.90 Fi);

22、 restoration control point (Recommendation M.725 8); 2.9 Setting-up and lining-up activities Where staff, separate from those concerned with day-to-day maintenance, are used for setting-up and lining- up new or rearranged telephone circuits, leased circuits, groups, supergroups, etc., relevant conta

23、ct point information should be exchanged. 3 Exchange and distribution of contact point information Annexes A to E contain “forms” to be used for the purpose of exchanging contact point information. For convenience, the form in Annex B covers contact points for the automatic, semi-automatic and manua

24、l telephone service, and CCSS No. 6/No. 7. Each form provides for specific telephone numbers, telex numbers and answerback codes, and facsimile number together with the hours of staffing for each contact point and the name) of the maintenance unit involved. The remarks columns on the forms should be

25、 used to supply other useful information, such as languages spoken, telephone number of the supervising officer of the maintenance unit. i) The name to be used is that by which the maintenance unit is known within the Administration and should ideally be the name used by maintenance staff when answe

26、ring the telephone. Recommendation M.1510 (10/92) 3 CCITT RECMN*M-3530 * W 48b2593 0578823 OT5 Each contact point is afforded two horizontal lines. If the maintenance unit normally responsible for a particular contact point is staffed during restricted hours only, alternative contact point informati

27、on should be supplied in the lower line for use outside those hours. In some situations a single telephone number, telex number, etc., will cover all contact points for several purposes, (e.g. leased and special circuits at an international centre). In other situations, each contact point may have i

28、ts own number. The actual arrangements will depend upon the particular organization existing within the Administration concerned. Each Administration should distribute completed forms (see Annexes A to E) to all Administrations likely to have use of the contact point information involved. Furthermor

29、e, revised issues of the forms should be distributed as required, for example, to reflect organizational changes, because a new international centre has been put into service. Copies of contact point information distributed to, and received from, other Administrations should be made readily availabl

30、e to all staff at maintenance centres involved in international services or the international network. In this way, such staff are made aware of both their own functions and responsibilities and those of the maintenance organizations of other Administrations. 4 Recommendation M.1510 (10/92) CCITT RE

31、CMN*M-L5LO * 4862593 0578822 T31 H ANNEX A (to Recommendation M. 15 1 O) CONTACT POINTS FOR THE TECHNICAL SERVICE COUNTRY: ADMINISTRATION OR PRIVATE OPERATING AGENCY: Contact point of the Technical Service: Postal address: Telephone No.: Telex No. and answerback: Facsimile No.: Office hours (UTC): I

32、nternational centres: Further information: (e.g. contact points common for more than one international centre, or principal contact points for certain traffic relations or where more than one technical service applies.) FIGURE A-1M.1510 Form for contact points for the technical service Recommendatio

33、n M.1510 (10B2) 5 CCITT RECMN*MmL5L0 * m 48b25L 0578823 978 ANNEX B (to Recommendation M.1510) CONTACT POINTS FOR INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE SERVICE COUNTRY: INTERNATIONAL CENTRE: DATE OF ISSUE: POSTAL ADDRESS: I I I I 1 Contact point Telephone Telex No. Facsimile Name of unit I No. I ansEAp 1 No. 1 pl

34、;: I responsible 1 Automatic and semi- automatic telephone service Common channel signalling system (CCSS) Manual telephone service Fault report point (circuit) Fault report point (network) Testing point (transmission) Testing point (line signalling) Testing point (switching and interregister signal

35、ling) Network analysis point System availability information point Network man age - ment Planning + liaison point Implement + control point Development Circuit control station subcontrol CCSS No. 6/No. 7 transfer link CCSS No. 6/No. 7 administrative control a) Language information may be included.

36、FIGURE B-1hl.1510 Form for the contact points for international telephone service 6 Recommendation M. 1510 (1 0192) CCITT RECMN*M.3530 St P 4862593 0578824 804 ANNEX C (to Recommendation M.1510) CONTACT POINTS FOR INTERNATIONAL LEASED AND SPECIAL CIRCUIT MAINTENANCE COUNTRY: DATE OF ISSUE: INTERNATI

37、ONAL CENTRE: POSTAL ADDRESS: CIRCUIT TYPE: THIS CENTRE DEALS WITH ALL ANALOGUE LEASED CIRCUIT FAULTS AND COOPERATION Contact point Telephone I No. Circuit Controll sub-control station t- Transmission maintenance point- international line (TMP-IL) Fault report point I Testing point I I Restoration of

38、 individual circuits 1 Setting-up and lining-up of new and rearranged circuits Telex No. answerback Facsimile hours WC) NO. I I Name of unit responsible Remarks FIGURE C-l/M.1510 Form for contact points for international leased and special circuits maintenance Recomenda tion M. 15 10 (1 0192) 7 CCIT

39、T RECMN*M.L5LO * I 48b2591 0578825 740 I ANNEX D (to Recommendation M. 15 1 O) in o W a: Q Q a s o a w cn 3 o $ l- 8 z W 8 O 3 8 Recommendation M.1510 (10B2) u) z fn 0 u, a 0 u, 5 z U I- z 2 4 W I- z W z r U K u O K n a 2 s: 3 g z z W t- a z a O U u) t- z O n t- o a t- z O o CCITT RECMN*M*L5LO * 6 4

40、862591 0578826 687 = ANNEX E (to Recommendation M.1510) w 3 B E LL O w I- a n - l- z 3 a 8 a, C O a, c ng ioi - c r O L1 ._ a-. c 3 o a E o i 5 2 B Recommendation M.1510 (10D2) 9 CCITT RECMN*M.L5LO * 48bi12593 0578827 513 References CCITT Recommendation M. 1014 Transmission maintenance point interna

41、tional line (WP-IL). CCITT Recommendation M.1012 Circuit control station for leased and special circuits. CCITT Recommendation M. 1013 Sub-control station for leased and special circuits. CCITT Recommendation N. 1 Definitions for application to international sound-programme transmissions. CCITT Reco

42、mmendation N.5 1 Definitions for application to international television transmissions. CCITT Recommendation D. 180 International sound- and television-programme transmissions. CCITT Recommendation M.75 Technical Service. CCITT Recommendations M.715 to M.725 Fault report point; testing point; networ

43、k analysis point; network management point etc. CCITT Recommendation M.760 (will be M.4020 when revised) Transfer link for Common Channel Signalling System No. 6. CCITT Recommendation M.762 (will be M.4040 when revised) Maintenance of CCSS No. 6. CCITT Recommendation M.4100 Maintenance of CCSS No. 7

44、. CCITT Recommendation M. 1560 Escalation procedure for international leased circuits. CCITT Recommendation M.2 130 Operational procedures in locating and clearing transmission faults. CCITT Recommendation M.80 Control stations. CCITT Recommendation M.90 Sub-control stations. CCITT Recommendation M.4110 Inter-administration agreements on CCSS No. 7. CCITT Recommendation M.725 Restoration control point. Recommendation M.1510 (10192) CCITT RECflN*fl.3.53O * W 4862573 0578828 45T W Printed in Switzerland Geneva, 1993


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