ITU-T SERIES F SUPP 2-1988 Terms and definitions for telex《用户电报的术语和定义》.pdf

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2、ECOMMENDATIONS NON-TELEPHONE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES TELEGRAPH SERVICE Operating methods for the international public telegram service F.1F.19 The gentex network F.20F.29 Message switching F.30F.39 The international telemessage service F.40F.58 The international telex service F.59F.89 Statistics

3、and publications on international telegraph services F.90F.99 Scheduled and leased communication services F.100F.104 Phototelegraph service F.105F.109 MOBILE SERVICE Mobile services and multidestination satellite services F.110F.159 TELEMATIC SERVICES Public facsimile service F.160F.199 Teletex serv

4、ice F.200F.299 Videotex service F.300F.349 General provisions for telematic services F.350F.399 MESSAGE HANDLING SERVICES F.400F.499 DIRECTORY SERVICES F.500F.549 DOCUMENT COMMUNICATION Document communication F.550F.579 Programming communication interfaces F.580F.599 DATA TRANSMISSION SERVICES F.600

5、F.699 AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES F.700F.799 ISDN SERVICES F.800F.849 UNIVERSAL PERSONAL TELECOMMUNICATION F.850F.899 HUMAN FACTORS F.900F.999 For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations. F series Supplement 2 (11/1988) i Supplement 2 to ITU-T F-series Recommendations Terms and d

6、efinitions for telex Source Supplement 2 was approved in Melbourne (1988) and originally published in Blue Book, Fascicle II.4. ii F series Supplement 2 (11/1988) FOREWORD The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of telecommunications. The

7、 ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standar

8、dization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution 1. In some areas of information

9、 technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC. NOTE In this publication, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. INTEL

10、LECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this publication may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, wheth

11、er asserted by ITU members or others outside of the publication development process. As of the date of approval of this publication, ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this publication. However, implementors are cautioned th

12、at this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. ITU 2002 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written permission of ITU. F series Supplement 2 (11/1988) iii

13、 CONTENTS Page 1 Telex conversation mode. 1 2 Access to the public telegram service 1 3 User class-of-service . 1 4 Public telex booth 1 5 Outgoing only terminal 1 6 Incoming only terminal . 1 7 Access barred 2 8 Restricted service 2 9 Priority. 2 10 Absolute priority 2 11 Priority for called subscr

14、iber . 2 12 In-local override 2 13 Direct outgoing selection. 3 14 Direct incoming selection 3 15 Direct incoming selection with integrated numbering. 3 16 Direct incoming selection with two-stage selection 3 17 Closed user group 3 18 Partially closed user group 3 19 User facility . 4 20 Automatic c

15、alling 4 21 Automatic answering. 4 22 Manual answering . 4 23 Automatic identification 4 24 Line identification by the network. 4 25 Automatic date and time indication. 4 26 Indication of duration 5 27 Indication of charge. 5 28 Statement of call account. 5 29 Shared terminal 5 30 Accounts for share

16、d terminal. 5 31 Storage of call content . 5 32 Retrieval of stored call content 5 33 Statistics on request . 6 34 Recorded message . 6 35 Camp-on: connect when free. 6 36 Camp-on with recall 6 37 Absent subscriber service (in telegraphy and data communication) 6 38 Call re-direction. 6 39 Changed a

17、ddress interception 6 40 Store-and-forward . 7 41 Storage installation 7 42 Redirection address . 7 43 Delayed delivery 7 44 Message priority 7 45 Message spacing 7 46 Header . 7 47 Booked call 8 48 Network recall . 8 49 Multi-address call 8 50 Conference call 8 51 Broadcast call 8 52 Restricted con

18、ference call 8 iv F series Supplement 2 (11/1988) Page 53 Broadcast conference call 8 54 Prefix . 9 55 Escape code . 9 F series Supplement 2 (11/1988) 1 Supplement 2 to ITU-T F-series Recommendations Terms and definitions for telex This Supplement contains terms and definitions for use in the telex

19、service. Most terms bear an International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEC) number which follows the definition. 1 telex conversation mode F: conversation tlex S: modo conversacional tlex The use of a telex connection for a dialogue or exchange of information between two terminals. 721.53.05 2 acces

20、s to the public telegram service F: accs au service public des tlgrammes S: acceso al servicio pblico de telegramas Provision for a telex terminal to send and receive telegrams to and from the public telegram service. 721.53.07 3 user class-of-service F: catgorie dusager S: clase de servicio de usua

21、rio The category that defines the characteristics of a call available to a user of a public telecommunication service. Note The characteristics for a user class of service could be, for example, binary rate, terminal operating mode, code structure, access barred. 721.53.08 4 public telex booth F: ca

22、bine publique tlex S: cabina telex pblica Telex terminal available to the public (i.e. non-subscribers). 721.53.09 5 outgoing only terminal F: terminal spcialis en dpart S: terminal de salida solamente A terminal that can make outgoing calls to the network but which is prevented from receiving incom

23、ing calls. 721.53.10 6 incoming only terminal F: terminal spcialis en arrive S: terminal de llegada solamente A terminal that can receive incoming calls from the network but which is prevented from making outgoing calls. 721.53.11 2 F series Supplement 2 (11/1988) 7 access barred F: interdiction S:

24、prohibicin de acceso A function of a telecommunication network that bars calls to or from certain subscribers, from or to certain services, routes or terminals. 721.53.12 8 restricted service F: service restreint S: servicio restringido A service whereby a subscriber may have access barred from his

25、terminal installation to certain services, routes or terminals which would normally be accessible to all customers. 721.53.13 9 priority F: priorit relative S: prioridad relativa The possibility of setting up a call from a nominated terminal on a private network or closed user group, by assigning to

26、 it, at each stage of selection, priority over all other calls of lower priority that are in the process of being established. The possibility may apply either to every call or only to nominated calls from such a privileged terminal. 721.53.14 10 absolute priority F: priorit absolue S: prioridad abs

27、oluta The possibility of setting up a call from a nominated terminal on a private network or closed user group, by assigning to it at each stage or certain stages of selection, priority over all other calls of lower priority that are established. The possibility may apply either to every call or onl

28、y to nominated calls from such a privileged terminal. 721.53.15 11 priority for called subscriber F: abonn prioritaire en demand S: prioridad del abonado llamado A subscriber who has the facility of priority or absolute priority for all calls or for certain calls only to his terminal. This facility

29、is activated by the sending of an appropriate signal by the calling terminal. Note There may be several priority levels, each confering relative or absolute priority with respect to lower levels. 721.53.16 12 in-local override F: priorit sur le fonctionnement en local S: anulacin del funcionamiento

30、en local A facility of the network to override a terminal working in local, for the purpose of connecting an incoming call to that terminal. 721.53.17 F series Supplement 2 (11/1988) 3 13 direct outgoing selection F: prise directe S: seleccin directa de salida A facility that permits a terminal in a

31、 private network to set up a call to another network without human intervention in the private network. 721.53.18 14 direct incoming selection F: slection directe larrive S: seleccin directa de llegada A facility that permits a terminal in a telex network to set up a call to a terminal designated by

32、 the caller in a private network without human intervention in the private network. 721.53.19 15 direct incoming selection with integrated numbering F: slection directe larrive avec numrotation intgre S: seleccin directa de llegada con numeracin integrada Direct incoming selection using a single sel

33、ection sequence made up from certain figures (digits) identifying the private network followed by certain figures identifying the called terminal in that network. The complete sequence of figures constitute a complete address integrated into the numbering plan of the telex network. 721.53.20 16 dire

34、ct incoming selection with two-stage selection F: slection directe larrive avec numrotation en deux temps S: seleccin directa de llegada con marcacin bietapa Direct incoming selection using two selection sequences to select the required terminal in the private network. The first sequence identifies

35、the private network, the second sequence identifies the terminal in this network. Only the first sequence is integrated into the numbering plan of the telex network. 721.53.21 17 closed user group F: groupe ferm dusagers S: grupo cerrado de usuarios A user group on the public switched network whose

36、terminals have the facility to communicate only with each other. Note A terminal may belong to more than one closed user group. 721.53.22 18 partially closed user group F: groupe partiellement ferm dusagers S: grupo de usuarios parcialmente cerrado A user group where certain terminals may make calls

37、 to or receive calls from any other terminals normally accessible in the public switched network, the other terminals having the facility to communicate only with the user of the group. Note In some cases the external access for nominated terminals is limited to outgoing calls. 721.53.23 4 F series

38、Supplement 2 (11/1988) 19 user facility F: service complmentaire S: facilidad de usuario A facility which may be provided on request to a user of the telecommunication network in addition to the normal service provided. Note A user facility may be provided on a per call basis or for an agreed period

39、 of time. 721.53.25 20 automatic calling F: appel automatique S: llamada automtica The sequence of operations required by the network procedure to set up a connection without manual intervention at the calling terminal. 721.53.26 21 automatic answering F: rponse automatique S: respuesta automtica An

40、swering in which the called terminal automatically responds to the calling signal and the call may be established whether or not the called terminal is attended. 721.53.27 22 manual answering F: rponse manuelle S: respuesta manual Answering in which a call is established only if the called user sign

41、als his readiness to receive it by means of a manual operation. 721.53.28 23 automatic identification F: identification automatique S: identificacin automtica The transmission without manual intervention of the identification of the calling terminal to the connected terminal or vice versa, or the id

42、entification of terminals to one another when a connection is established. Note The identification may be provided by the network or by the terminal. 721.53.29 24 line identification by the network F: identification de ligne par le rseau S: identificacin de lina por la red Transmission by the networ

43、k, in response to a request from either of two connected parties, of an appropriate line or address identification. 721.53.30 25 automatic date and time indication F: indication automatique de date et dheure S: indicacin automtica de fecha y hora Automatic indication by the network of data and time

44、of the commencement of a call either to the calling terminal or to both the calling and the called terminals. 721.53.31 F series Supplement 2 (11/1988) 5 26 indication of duration F: indication de dure S: indicacin de duracin The indication by the network to the paying terminal of the chargeable tim

45、e of a call prior to the release of the paying terminal or by recall at a convenient time. Note This information may be provided automatically or on demand. 721.53.32 27 indication of charge F: indication de taxe S: indicacin del importe de la comunicacin The indication by the network to the paying

46、terminal of the charge of a call prior to the release of the paying terminal or by recall at a convenient time. Note This information may be provided automatically or on demand. 721.53.33 28 statement of call account F: dcompte de taxes de communications S: estado de cuentas de comunicaciones The se

47、nding by the network upon request of a subscriber, an Administration, closed user group or private network, of a detailed account of his call charges either since his last request or over a nominated period. 721.53.34 29 shared terminal F: terminal partag S: terminal compartido A facility offered to

48、 certain subscribers permitting the use of the same terminal, sharing the corresponding costs and charges. 721.53.35 30 accounts for shared terminal F: dcompte pour terminal partag S: cuentas de un terminal compartido Provision of separate accounts to users of a shared terminal. 721.53.36 31 storage

49、 of call content F: archivage des messages S: almacenamiento del contenido de las comunicaciones The storage for a specified length of time by the network at the subscribers request of the contents of some or all of his calls sent or received. 721.53.37 32 retrieval of stored call content F: consultation darchivage S: consulta del contenido almacenado de las comunicaciones The transmission of the call contents to subscribers who had previously requested stora


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