ITU-T X 227 AMD 1 SPANISH-1996 Information technology C open systems interconnection C connection-oriented protocol for the association control service element protocol specificati m.pdf

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ITU-T X 227 AMD 1 SPANISH-1996 Information technology C open systems interconnection C connection-oriented protocol for the association control service element protocol specificati m.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T X 227 AMD 1 SPANISH-1996 Information technology C open systems interconnection C connection-oriented protocol for the association control service element protocol specificati m.pdf_第5页
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1、UNIN INTERNACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONESUIT-T X.227SECTOR DE NORMALIZACINDE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONESDE LA UITEnmienda 1(10/96)SERIE X: REDES DE DATOS Y COMUNICACINENTRE SISTEMAS ABIERTOSInterconexin de sistemas abiertos Especificaciones delos protocolos en modo conexinTecnologa de la informacin Interc

2、onexin desistemas abiertos Protocolo con conexin para elelemento de servicio de control de asociacin:Especificacin de protocoloEnmienda 1: Incorporacin de marcadores deextensibilidadRecomendacin UIT-T X.227 Enmienda 1(Anteriormente Recomendacin del CCITT)RECOMENDACIONES DE LA SERIE X DEL UIT-TREDES

3、DE DATOS Y COMUNICACIN ENTRE SISTEMAS ABIERTOSPara ms informacin, vase la Lista de Recomendaciones del UIT-T.REDES PBLICAS DE DATOS X.1X.199Servicios y facilidades X.1X.19Interfaces X.20X.49Transmisin, sealizacin y conmutacin X.50X.89Aspectos de redes X.90X.149Mantenimiento X.150X.179Disposiciones a

4、dministrativas X.180X.199INTERCONEXIN DE SISTEMAS ABIERTOS X.200X.299Modelo y notacin X.200X.209Definiciones de los servicios X.210X.219Especificaciones de los protocolos en modo conexin X.220X.229Especificaciones de los protocolos en modo sin conexin X.230X.239Formularios para declaraciones de conf

5、ormidad de implementacin de protocolo X.240X.259Identificacin de protocolos X.260X.269Protocolos de seguridad X.270X.279Objetos gestionados de capa X.280X.289Pruebas de conformidad X.290X.299INTERFUNCIONAMIENTO ENTRE REDES X.300X.399Generalidades X.300X.349Sistemas de transmisin de datos por satlite

6、 X.350X.399SISTEMAS DE TRATAMIENTO DE MENSAJES X.400X.499DIRECTORIO X.500X.599GESTIN DE REDES DE INTERCONEXIN DE SISTEMAS ABIERTOS Y ASPECTOSDE SISTEMASX.600X.699Gestin de redes X.600X.629Eficacia X.630X.649Denominacin, direccionamiento y registro X.650X.679Notacin de sintaxis abstracta uno X.680X.6

7、99GESTIN DE INTERCONEXIN DE SISTEMAS ABIERTOS X.700X.799Marco y arquitectura de la gestin de sistemas X.700X.709Servicio y protocolo de comunicacin de gestin X.710X.719Estructura de la informacin de gestin X.720X.729Funciones de gestin X.730X.799SEGURIDAD X.800X.849APLICACIONES DE INTERCONEXIN DE SI

8、STEMAS ABIERTOS X.850X.899Cometimiento, concurrencia y recuperacin X.850X.859Tratamiento de transacciones X.860X.879Operaciones a distancia X.880X.899PROCESAMIENTO DISTRIBUIDO ABIERTO X.900X.999Rec. UIT-T X.227 (1995)/enm.1 (1996 S) iPREFACIOLa UIT (Unin Internacional de Telecomunicaciones) es el or

9、ganismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas en el campode las telecomunicaciones. El UIT-T (Sector de Normalizacin de las Telecomunicaciones de la UIT) es un rganopermanente de la UIT. En el UIT-T, que es la entidad que establece normas mundiales (Recomendaciones) sobre lastelecomunicaciones, parti

10、cipan unos 179 pases miembros, 84 empresas de explotacin de telecomunicaciones,145 organizaciones cientficas e industriales y 38 organizaciones internacionales.Las Recomendaciones las aprueban los Miembros del UIT-T de acuerdo con el procedimiento establecido en laResolucin N. 1 de la CMNT (Helsinki

11、, 1993). Adicionalmente, la Conferencia Mundial de Normalizacin de lasTelecomunicaciones (CMNT), que se celebra cada cuatro aos, aprueba las Recomendaciones que para ello se lesometan y establece el programa de estudios para el periodo siguiente.En ciertos sectores de la tecnologa de la informacin q

12、ue corresponden a la esfera de competencia del UIT-T, sepreparan las normas necesarias en colaboracin con la ISO y la CEI. El texto de la Recomendacin UIT-T X.227,enmienda 1 se aprob el 5 de octubre de 1996. Su texto se publica tambin, en forma idntica, como NormaInternacional ISO/CEI 8650-1._NOTAEn

13、 esta Recomendacin, la expresin Administracin se utiliza para designar, en forma abreviada, tanto unaadministracin de telecomunicaciones como una empresa de explotacin reconocida de telecomunicaciones. UIT 1997Es propiedad. Ninguna parte de esta publicacin puede reproducirse o utilizarse, de ninguna

14、 forma o por ningn medio,sea ste electrnico o mecnico, de fotocopia o de microfilm, sin previa autorizacin escrita por parte de la UIT.ii Rec. UIT-T X.227 (1995)/enm.1 (1996 S)NDICEPgina1) Subclusula 2.1 12) Subclusula 9.1 1Rec. UIT-T X.227 (1995)/enm.1 (1996 S) iiiResumenEsta enmienda a la especifi

15、cacin del protocolo con conexin para el elemento de servicio de control de asociacin(ACSE, association control service element) incluye el marcador de extensibilidad ASN.1 en el mdulo que describe elprotocolo.ISO/CEI 8650-1 : 1996/enm.1 : 1997 (S)Rec. UIT-T X.227 (1995)/enm.1 (1996 S) 1NORMA INTERNA


17、extensibilidad1) Subclusula 2.1Adase la referencia siguiente: Recomendacin UIT-T X.501 (1993) | ISO/CEI 9594-2:1995, Tecnologa de la informacin Interconexin de sistemas abiertos El directorio: Modelos.2) Subclusula 9.1Sustityase el mdulo ASN.1 por el siguiente:ACSE-1 joint-iso-itu-t association-cont

18、rol(2) modules(0) apdus(0) version1(1) - ACSE-1 refers to ACSE version 1DEFINITIONS :=BEGINEXPORTSacse-as-id, ACSE-apdu,aCSE-id, Application-context-name,AP-title, AE-qualifier,AE-title, AP-invocation-identifier,AE-invocation-identifier,Mechanism-name, Authentication-value,ACSE-requirements;IMPORTS

19、Name, RelativeDistinguishedNameFROM InformationFramework joint-iso-ccitt ds(5) module(1) informationFramework(1) 2 ;- The data types Name and RelativeDistinguishedName are imported from ISO/IEC 9594-2.- object identifier assignmentsacse-as-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER := joint-iso-itu-t association-control(

20、2) abstract-syntax(1) apdus(0) version1(1) - may be used to reference the abstract syntax of the ACSE APDUsaCSE-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER := joint-iso-itu-t association-control(2) ase-id(3) acse-ase(1) version(1) - may be used to identify the Association Control ASE.ISO/CEI 8650-1 : 1996/enm.1 : 1997 (S)

21、2 Rec. UIT-T X.227 (1995)/enm.1 (1996 S)- top level CHOICEACSE-apdu := CHOICEaarq AARQ-apdu,aare AARE-apdu,rlrq RLRQ-apdu,rlre RLRE-apdu,abrt ABRT-apdu,.AARQ-apdu := APPLICATION 0 IMPLICIT SEQUENCE protocol-version 0 IMPLICIT BIT STRING version1 (0) DEFAULT version1 ,application-context-name 1 Appli

22、cation-context-name,called-AP-title 2 AP-title OPTIONAL,called-AE-qualifier 3 AE-qualifier OPTIONAL,called-AP-invocation-identifier 4 AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,called-AE-invocation-identifier 5 AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,calling-AP-title 6 AP-titleOPTIONAL,calling-AE-qualifier 7 AE-qu

23、alifier OPTIONAL,calling-AP-invocation-identifier 8 AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,calling-AE-invocation-identifier 9 AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,- The following field shall not be present if only the Kernel is used.sender-acse-requirements 10 IMPLICIT ACSE-requirementsOPTIONAL,- The follow

24、ing field shall only be present if the Authentication functional unit is selected.mechanism-name 11 IMPLICIT Mechanism-nameOPTIONAL,- The following field shall only be present if the Authentication functional unit is selected.calling-authentication-value 12 EXPLICIT Authentication-valueOPTIONAL,appl

25、ication-context-name-list 13 IMPLICIT Application-context-name-listOPTIONAL,- The above field shall only be present if the Application Context Negotiation functional unit is selectedimplementation-information 29 IMPLICIT Implementation-dataOPTIONAL,., .,user-information 30 IMPLICIT Association-infor

26、mationOPTIONALAARE-apdu := APPLICATION 1 IMPLICIT SEQUENCE protocol-version 0 IMPLICIT BIT STRING version1 (0) DEFAULT version1 ,application-context-name 1 Application-context-name,result 2 Associate-result,result-source-diagnostic 3 Associate-source-diagnostic,responding-AP-title 4 AP-title OPTIONA

27、L,responding-AE-qualifier 5 AE-qualifier OPTIONAL,responding-AP-invocation-identifier 6 AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,responding-AE-invocation-identifier 7 AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,- The following field shall not be present if only the Kernel is used.responder-acse-requirements 8 IMPLIC

28、IT ACSE-requirementsOPTIONAL,- The following field shall only be present if the Authentication functional unit is selected.mechanism-name 9 IMPLICIT Mechanism-nameOPTIONAL,- This following field shall only be present if the Authentication functional unit is selected.responding-authentication-value 1

29、0 EXPLICIT Authentication-valueOPTIONAL,application-context-name-list 11 IMPLICIT Application-context-name-listOPTIONAL,- The above field shall only be present if the Application Context Negotiation functional unit is selectedimplementation-information 29 IMPLICIT Implementation-dataOPTIONAL,., .,IS

30、O/CEI 8650-1 : 1996/enm.1 : 1997 (S)Rec. UIT-T X.227 (1995)/enm.1 (1996 S) 3user-information 30 IMPLICIT Association-informationOPTIONALRLRQ-apdu := APPLICATION 2 IMPLICIT SEQUENCE reason 0 IMPLICIT Release-request-reason OPTIONAL,., .,user-information 30 IMPLICIT Association-information OPTIONALRLR

31、E-apdu := APPLICATION 3 IMPLICIT SEQUENCE reason 0 IMPLICIT Release-response-reason OPTIONAL,., .,user-information 30 IMPLICIT Association-information OPTIONALABRT-apdu := APPLICATION 4 IMPLICIT SEQUENCE abort-source 0 IMPLICIT ABRT-source,abort-diagnostic 1 IMPLICIT ABRT-diagnostic OPTIONAL,- This

32、field shall not be present if only the Kernel is used., .,user-information 30 IMPLICIT Association-information OPTIONALABRT-diagnostic := ENUMERATED no-reason-given (1),protocol-error (2),authentication-mechanism-name-not-recognized (3),authentication-mechanism-name-required (4),authentication-failu

33、re (5),authentication-required (6),.ABRT-source := INTEGER acse-service-user (0), acse-service-provider (1) (01, .)ACSE-requirements := BIT STRING authentication (0), application-context-negotiation(1) Application-context-name-list := SEQUENCE OF Application-context-nameApplication-context-name := O

34、BJECT IDENTIFIER- Application-entity title productions follow (not in alphabetical order)AP-title := CHOICE ap-title-form1 AP-title-form1,ap-title-form2 AP-title-form2,. AE-qualifier := CHOICE ae-qualifier-form1 AE-qualifier-form1,ae-qualifier-form2 AE-qualifier-form2,. - When both AP-title and AE-q

35、ualifier data values are present in an AARQ or AARE APDU, both must- have the same form to allow the construction of an AE-title as discussed in CCITT Rec. X.665 |- ISO/IEC 9834-6.AP-title-form1 := Name- The value assigned to AP-title-form1 is The Directory Name of an application-process title.AE-qu

36、alifier-form1 := RelativeDistinguishedName- The value assigned to AE-qualifier-form1 is the relative distinguished name of a particular- application-entity of the application-process identified by AP-title-form1.AP-title-form2 := OBJECT IDENTIFIERAE-qualifier-form2 := INTEGERAE-title := CHOICE ae-ti

37、tle-form1 AE-title-form1,ae-title-form2 AE-title-form2,. ISO/CEI 8650-1 : 1996/enm.1 : 1997 (S)4 Rec. UIT-T X.227 (1995)/enm.1 (1996 S)- As defined in CCITT Rec. X.650 | ISO 7498-3, an application-entity title is composed of an application- process title and an application-entity qualifier. The ACSE

38、 protocol provides for the transfer of an- application-entity title value by the transfer of its component values. However, the following data type- is provided for International Standards that reference a single syntactic structure for AE titles.AE-title-form1 := Name- For access to The Directory (

39、ITU-T Rec. X.500-Series | ISO/IEC 9594), an AE title has AE-title-form1.- This value can be constructed from AP-title-form1 and AE-qualifier-form1 values contained in an- AARQ or AARE APDU. A discussion of forming an AE-title-form1 from AP-title-form1 and AE-qualifier- form1 may be found in CCITT Re

40、c. X.665 | ISO/IEC 9834-6.AE-title-form2 := OBJECT IDENTIFIER- A discussion of forming an AE-title-form2 from AP-title-form2 and AE-qualifier-form2 may be- found in CCITT Rec. X.665 | ISO/IEC 9834-6.AE-invocation-identifier := INTEGERAP-invocation-identifier := INTEGER- End of Application-entity tit

41、le productionsAssociate-result := INTEGER accepted (0),rejected-permanent (1),rejected-transient (2) (02, .)Associate-source-diagnostic := CHOICE acse-service-user 1 INTEGER null (0),no-reason-given (1),application-context-name-not-supported (2),calling-AP-title-not-recognized (3),calling-AP-invocat

42、ion-identifier-not-recognized (4),calling-AE-qualifier-not-recognized (5),calling-AE-invocation-identifier-not-recognized (6),called-AP-title-not-recognized (7),called-AP-invocation-identifier-not-recognized (8),called-AE-qualifier-not-recognized (9),called-AE-invocation-identifier-not-recognized (1

43、0),authentication-mechanism-name-not-recognized (11),authentication-mechanism-name-required (12),authentication-failure (13),authentication-required (14) (014 , .),acse-service-provider 2 INTEGER null (0),no-reason-given (1),no-common-acse-version (2)(02 , .)Association-information := SEQUENCE SIZE

44、(1, ., 0 | 2MAX) OF EXTERNALAuthentication-value := CHOICE charstring 0 IMPLICIT GraphicString,bitstring 1 IMPLICIT BIT STRING,external 2 IMPLICIT EXTERNAL,other 3 IMPLICIT SEQUENCE other-mechanism-name MECHANISM-NAME.&id (ObjectSet),other-mechanism-value MECHANISM-NAME.&Type (ObjectSet.other-mechan

45、ism-name)- The abstract syntax of (calling/responding) authentication-value is determined by the authentication- mechanism used during association establishment. The authentication mechanism is either explicitly- denoted by the &id field (of type OBJECT IDENTIFIER) for a mechanism belonging to the c

46、lass- MECHANISM-NAME, or it is known implicitly by- prior agreement between the communicating partners. If the “other” component is chosen, then- the “mechanism-name” component must be present in accordance with- ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824. If the value “mechanism-name” occurs in the AARQ-apdu

47、or the- AARE-apdu, then that value must be the same as the value for “other-mechanism-name”ISO/CEI 8650-1 : 1996/enm.1 : 1997 (S)Rec. UIT-T X.227 (1995)/enm.1 (1996 S) 5Implementation-data := GraphicStringMechanism-name := OBJECT IDENTIFIERMECHANISM-NAME :=TYPE-IDENTIFIERObjectSet MECHANISM-NAME :=

48、.Release-request-reason := INTEGER normal (0) , urgent (1) , user-defined (30) (0 | 1 | 30, .)Release-response-reason := INTEGER normal (0) , not-finished (1) , user-defined (30) (0 | 1 | 30, .)ENDSERIES DE RECOMENDACIONES DEL UIT-TSerie A Organizacin del trabajo del UIT-TSerie B Medios de expresin: definiciones, smbolos, clasificacinSerie C Estadsticas generales de telecomunicacio


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