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1、2012 年华南理工大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 WHO2 MOU3 CPI4 isotope5 Zeitgeist6 Orientalism7 referendum8 Eurozone9 loan defaulter10 nuclear deterrent11 public prosecutor12 social contract13 Skopos Theory14 in a nutshell15 pull ones leg汉译英16 诗经17 认知心理学18 反垄断法19 科学发展观20 裙带关系21 外向型经济22 自主创新23 综合国力24 科教兴国战略25 扩大内需2

2、6 自负盈亏27 转基因食品28 法人29 次贷危机30 经济制裁英译汉31 Source Text 1:In a field of that distant, half-neglected farm, I found an avenue of great elms leading to nothing. But I could see where the wheat-bearing earth had been levelled into a terrace; and in one corner there were broken, overgrown, gateposts, almost

3、hid among great straggling trees. This, then, was the place I had come to see. Here had stood the great house or palace, with its terraces, and gardens, and artificial waters; this field had once been the favourite resort of Eighteenth-century Fashion; the Duchess and Beauties had driven hither in t

4、heir gilt coaches. And although the house had long since vanished, and the plough had gone over its pleasant places, yet for a moment I seemed to see this fine company under the green of that great avenue and hear the gossip of their voices as they passed on into the shadows.Source Text 2:Rapid tran

5、sportation, modern architectural forms, methods of building up cities, and the architecture of cyberspaces all reflect the ability of our mind to cope with the spatial fractures that are produced by these things. If we are lucky enough to have the kind of mind that can make sense of a world filled w

6、ith the heavy distortions of space and time that have been wrought by modern technology, then why fight it? After all, such technology has its advantages.We cant go back to being wild savages loping across the plains of the savannah. Instead, we need to find the way ahead. But in finding this way, w

7、e need to first make sure we understand where we have come from, why so many of us value our natural heritage, and what we stand to gain from its preservation. Leaving aside the apocalyptic visions of seas boiling dry from global warming or untold millions of human beings dying slowly from the cumul

8、ative effects of toxins in our water, soil, and air, there is a much simpler rationale for our wanting to find ways to heal the spatial rifts that lie between us and the rest of the natural world: contact with nature is good for our minds.汉译英32 学院请来一位洋教师。他每每与中国学生聊天,聊到可笑之处时,他不笑,脸上也没表情;可是有时毫不可笑的事,他会冷不

9、防放声大笑,笑得仰面朝天,几乎连人带椅子要翻过去。常使中国学生面面相觑,不知这位洋教师是不是神经有问题。一天,洋教师出题,考查学生们用洋文作文的水准。中国学生很灵,一挥而就。洋教师评出了最佳作文一篇,学生们听后大为不解,这种通篇说谎的文章怎么能被评为“最佳”?原来这篇作文是写学校食堂。写作文的学生人很老实,胆子又小,生怕得罪校方,妨碍将来毕业,便不顾真假,胡编乱造,竭力美化,唱赞歌。洋教师明知学校食堂糟糕透顶,为什么偏要选这篇作文?洋教师说:“ 这文章写得当然好,而且绝妙无比。” 他拿起作文念起来,“我们学校最美的地方,不是教室,不是操场,而是食堂。瞧,玻璃干净得几乎叫你看不到它的存在” 怎么

10、会是幽默 ?大家还没弄明白。洋教师接着念道: “如果你不小心在学校食堂跌了一跤,你会惊奇地发现你并没跌跤,因为你身上半点尘土也没留下”学生们忽然明白了什么。洋教师一边笑,一边继续往下念:“食堂天天的饭菜有多么精美、多么丰富、多么解馋!只有在学校食堂里,你才会感到吃饭是一种地道的享受” 忽然,学生们爆发起大笑来。依照这种思维,我们会从身边发现多少聪明、机智、绝妙、令人捧腹的好文章啊!2012 年华南理工大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 世界卫生组织2 【正确答案】 谅解备忘录3 【正确答案】 消费价格指数4 【正确答案】 同位素5 【正确答案】 时代精神6 【正确答案】

11、东方主义7 【正确答案】 全民公投8 【正确答案】 欧元区9 【正确答案】 拖欠税款人10 【正确答案】 核威慑力11 【正确答案】 公诉人12 【正确答案】 社会契约13 【正确答案】 目的论14 【正确答案】 简而言之15 【正确答案】 开玩笑汉译英16 【正确答案】 The Book of Songs17 【正确答案】 Cognitive Psychology18 【正确答案】 antimonopoly law19 【正确答案】 the outlook of scientific development20 【正确答案】 nepotism21 【正确答案】 exportoriented

12、economy22 【正确答案】 independent innovation23 【正确答案】 comprehensive national power24 【正确答案】 the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and technology25 【正确答案】 expand domestic demand26 【正确答案】 responsible for ones profit and loss27 【正确答案】 genetically modified food28 【正确答案】 legal person29 【正确答

13、案】 subprime mortgage crisis30 【正确答案】 economic sanction英译汉31 【正确答案】 远处的那个农场,几乎被人遗忘,我在那儿找到了一条林荫大道,路边长满了榆树,路消失于尽头。但我看到有人已经把长着麦子的土地整成了平地。在一个角落里,杂草丛生,一大片蔓生的树丛几乎已经把破败不堪的门柱遮蔽了起来。这就是我看到过的地方。这里过去是一座豪华住宅,还带有阳台、花园还有人工湖。在 18 世纪,这里是时尚的名苑,公爵夫人还有漂亮的小姐们都乘坐镀金的马车来这里游玩。尽管房子早已消失得无影无踪,耕犁也曾经在这篇肥沃的土地上耕作不辍,但片刻间我似乎在林荫下看到了陪伴


15、水、土壤、空气中的有毒物质带来的累积效应慢慢死掉,对于我们想要找到办法来填补我们人类与自然世界的空间断裂带,还有一个更为简单的原理:建立与大自然的联系对我们的思想是有益处的。汉译英32 【正确答案】 Our institute employed an English teacher. When chatting with Chinese students especially a-bout some jokes, he never laughed even without any expression on his face. But it came to some insipid stori

16、es, he would burst into laughter by surprise with his face towards the sky, nearly oversetting with chair, and then we looked at each other in astonishment, wondering whether the teacher was mentally ill.One day, he gave an essay to students to see how well students could write in English. Chinese s

17、tudents were quick at writing and we finished it in a while and handed it in immediately. However, students felt doubted after they read the best passage chosen by the teacher. After all, how the passage filled with lies can be evaluated as “the best one“? The passage told about the dining hall in t

18、he school. The author was a peaceable and timid guy who was anxious about offending the school authority so as to be not beneficial for his graduation. Thus, ignoring the reality, he made up some good aspects in great praise of the dining hall. Since the teacher knew very well how terrible the dinin

19、g hall s conditions were, why did he choose this passage?The teacher said, “The passage is indeed an excellent one. “ Picking up the passage, he read, “The most beautiful place on campus is not classroom, nor is playground, but the dining hall, Look, the windows are so clean that you hardly notice t

20、here is any glass. “ Yet everyone still did not understand how can he be humorous? The teacher continued, “If you tumble by occasion, you will be surprised to find that you actually dont fall over, because there is not any dust left on your clothes.“Students seemed to be cottoning on. The teacher went on with a laugh, “How delicate, abundant and tasty the food is here! It is only in the dining hall can you enjoy having dinner.“Suddenly, students burst into laugh. Following this logic, we can find lots of perfect and amusing articles with quick wit.


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