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1、2014 年北京交通大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 WHO2 IOC3 IPR4 CPA5 CPI6 OTC7 Skopos theory8 Poly system theory9 cultural pluralism10 Hermeneutic school11 catering industry12 balance sheet13 deluxe suit14 force majeure15 opinion poll汉译英16 第三产业17 母校18 京都协议书19 国债20 论语21 不良贷款22 软着陆23 不再生资源24 秒杀25 学分26 国民待遇27 新华社28 保税

2、区29 社会保障30 针灸英译汉31 It is usual to arrange for a delay of a few seconds between the release and the cutting-off of the current and the brake application; this gives the driver the opportunity of crossing quickly to the opposite side of his cab (驾驶室), as he may need to do momentarily for look-out purp

3、oses, without stopping his train by so doing.32 Each year we come together to reaffirm the founding vision of this institution. For most of recorded history, individual aspirations were subject to the whims of tyrants and empires. Divisions of race and religion and tribe were settled through the swo

4、rd and the clash of armies. The idea that nations and peoples could come together in peace to solve their disputes and advance a common prosperity seemed unimaginable.It took the awful carnage of two world wars to shift our thinking. The leaders who built the United Nations were not naive; they did

5、not think this body could eradicate all wars. But in the wake of millions dead and continents in rubble, and with the development of nuclear weapons that could annihilate a planet, they understood that humanity could not survive the course it was on.33 I had the illusion that I was driving through o

6、ne immensely long, narrow farm. The villages and towns were usually perched on the edge, so as not to waste arable soil and because there was a need, before the High Dame tamed the Nile, to live beyond the reach of the annual floods. The road followed the course of the Nile, now passing through the

7、fields, now drawing a black line separating them from the desert.汉译英34 本质量计划是以公司现行质量管理体系为基础,对一些需要特殊控制的内容如里程碑、技术难点、没计评审点、重点配件评审点和试验项目评审点等进行识别、管理,并在项目实施过程中,根据实际情况对相关内容进行动态调整。35 加强宏观经济政策协调,携手推动亚太共同发展。经济全球化背景下各经济体一荣俱荣、一损俱损,应该争取通过宏观经济政策协调,放大正面联动效应,防止和减少负面外溢效应。我们要秉持开放包容、合作共赢精神,不能互相踩脚,甚至互相抵消。36 假如说,人是有灵性、有

8、良知的动物,那么,人生一世,无非是认识自己,洗练自己,自觉自愿地改造自己,除非甘心与禽兽无异。但是这又谈何容易呢?这部小说里,只有一两人自觉自愿地试图超越自己。2014 年北京交通大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 (World Health Organization) 世界卫生组织2 【正确答案】 (International Olympic Committee)国际奥委会3 【正确答案】 (intellectual property rights)知识产权4 【正确答案】 (Certified Public Accountant) 注册会计师5 【正确答案】 (Con

9、sumer Price Index)居民消费价格指数6 【正确答案】 (over the counter)非处方药7 【正确答案】 翻译目的论8 【正确答案】 多元系统论9 【正确答案】 文化多元论10 【正确答案】 阐释学派11 【正确答案】 餐饮业,餐饮行业12 【正确答案】 资产负债表13 【正确答案】 豪华套房14 【正确答案】 不可抗力15 【正确答案】 民意测验汉译英16 【正确答案】 tertiary industry17 【正确答案】 alma mater18 【正确答案】 Kyoto Protocol19 【正确答案】 national debt; government lo

10、an20 【正确答案】 The Analects of Confucius21 【正确答案】 non-performing loan22 【正确答案】 soft landing23 【正确答案】 non-renewable resources24 【正确答案】 flash sale; seckill25 【正确答案】 academic credit26 【正确答案】 national treatment27 【正确答案】 the Xinhua News Agency28 【正确答案】 bonded area; free trade zone29 【正确答案】 social security30

11、 【正确答案】 acupuncture英译汉31 【正确答案】 通常在电流释放和制动切断之间安排延迟几秒钟;这样驾驶员就有机会快速地到达他驾驶室的对面,并有时间完成一些短暂的工作,而且也不用把火车停下来。 32 【正确答案】 我们每年都举行会议重申这个机构成立的宗旨。在有历史记载的大部分时期,个人的愿望往往受制于暴君和帝国肆意翻云覆雨的狂热。种族、宗教和部落的四分五裂通过刀光剑影和兵戎相见成为定局。似乎难以想象,国家和人民可以和平共处,解决相互间的分歧,一起促进共同繁荣。我们的观念在经过两次世界大战的血腥历史后才得到改变。参与筹建联合国的各位领导人原来并没有抱任何幻想;他们不认为这个机构可以从

12、此消灭所有的战争。但是,在数百万人丧生、各大洲成为一片瓦砾后,随着可以毁灭整个地球的核武器得到研发,他们懂得,如果在这条道路上走下去,人类就无法继续生存。33 【正确答案】 我感到仿佛是开车穿过一个狭窄而极长的农场。大小村镇一般在田地边上,为的是不浪费耕地,还因为在高控制服尼罗河之前,有必要住得远一些,以逃离每年洪水的威胁。公路是顺着尼罗河修筑的,有时穿过庄稼地,有时候像是划的一条黑线,这边是庄稼,那边是沙漠。汉译英34 【正确答案】 This quality plan is based on the companys current quality management system, wh

13、ich is to identify and manage some contents which needs special control, such as milestones, technical difficulties, evaluation points for designing, evaluation points for key parts and evaluation points for pilot project, and also do some dynamical adjustments in the project implementation process

14、according to the actual situation of the relevant content.35 【正确答案】 We must work together for the common development of the Asia-Pacific through increased macro-economic policy coordination. With our economies all closely intertwined in economic globalization, we must amplify the positive effects of

15、 macro-economic policy coordination while preventing or reducing the negative spillovers. We must pursue win-win cooperation in an open and inclusive spirit. Our efforts should not be uncoordinated or even cancel each other out.36 【正确答案】 If you say that people are spiritual and conscientious animals, then, life will be nothing more than knowing themselves, washing themselves, and transforming themselves voluntarily and consciously, unless he is willing to be the same as animals. But is it easy? In this novel, only one or two tried to surpass themselves voluntarily.


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