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1、2014 年电子科技大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 FTZ2 ADIZ3 cost principle4 third-party custodians5 foreign exchange reserve6 blind date7 departure gate8 Independence Day9 player of the year10 storm in a tea cup11 smart phone12 federal shutdown13 World Heritage List14 simultaneous interpreting15 cultural turn汉译英16

2、信息共享平台17 核心竞争力18 春运19 过境免签20 人才流失21 合同违约22 退休金双轨制23 素质教育24 自主创业25 申报个人财产26 对口支援27 宜居城市28 律诗29 计算机辅助翻译30 音译英译汉31 What is Poetry?Every truth which a human being can enunciate, every thought, even every outward impression, which can enter into his consciousness, may become poetry, when shown through an

3、y impassioned medium; when invested with the coloring of joy, or grief, or pity, or affection, or admiration, or reverence, or awe, or even hatred or terror; and, unless so colored, nothing, be it as interesting as it may, is poetry. Eloquence, as well as poetry, is impassioned truth; eloquence, as

4、well as poetry, is thoughts colored by the feelings. A question will sometimes arise, whether some particular author is a poet; and those who maintain the negative commonly allow that, though not a poet, he is a highly eloquent writer.Poetry and eloquence are both alike the expression or utterance o

5、f feeling; but, if we may be excused the antithesis, we should say that eloquence is heard; poetry is overheard. Eloquence supposes an audience. The peculiarity of poetry appears to us to lie in the poets utter unconsciousness of a listener. Poetry is feeling confessing itself to itself in moments o

6、f solitude, and embodying itself in symbols which are the nearest possible representations of the feeling in the exact shape in which it exists in the poets mind. Eloquence is feeling pouring itself out to other minds, courting their sympathy, or endeavoring to influence their belief, or move them t

7、o passion or to action.Poetry is the natural fruit of solitude and meditation; eloquence, of intercourse with the world. The persons who have most feeling of their own, if intellectual culture has given them a language in which to express it, have the highest faculty of poetry: those who best unders

8、tand the feelings of others are the most eloquent. The persons and the nations who commonly excel in poetry are those whose character and tastes render them least dependent upon the applause or sympathy or concurrence of the world in general. Those to whom that applause, that sympathy, that concurre

9、nce, are most necessary, generally excel most in eloquence.汉译英32 选自浮生六记沈复著 余性爽直,落拓不羁,芸若腐儒,迂拘多礼,偶为披衣整袖,必连声道“得罪” ,或递巾授扇,必起身来接。余始厌之,曰:“卿欲以礼缚我耶? 语日,礼多必诈。”芸两颊发赤,曰:“ 恭而有礼,何反言诈 ?”余曰:“恭敬在心,不在虚文。” 芸曰:“至亲莫如父母,可内敬在心而外肆狂放耶?”余曰:“前言戏之耳。” 芸曰:“世间反目多由戏起,后勿冤妾,令人郁死!”余乃挽之入怀,抚慰之始解颜为笑。邻仅老夫妇二人,灌园为业,知余夫妇避暑于此,先来通殷勤,并钓池鱼,摘园蔬

10、为馈。偿其价,不受,芸作鞋报之,始谢而受。时方七月,绿树阴浓,水面风来,蝉鸣聒耳。邻老又为制鱼竿,与芸垂钓于柳荫深处。日落时,登土山,观晚霞夕照,随意联吟,有“ 兽云吞落日,弓月弹流星 ”之句。2014 年电子科技大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 (Free Trade Zone)自由贸易区2 【正确答案】 (Air Defense Identification Zone)防空识别区3 【正确答案】 成本原则4 【正确答案】 第三方托管5 【正确答案】 外汇储备6 【正确答案】 相亲7 【正确答案】 登机口8 【正确答案】 独立日9 【正确答案】 年度最佳球员10 【正

11、确答案】 大惊小怪11 【正确答案】 智能手机12 【正确答案】 政府停摆13 【正确答案】 世界遗产名录;世界遗产名单14 【正确答案】 同声传译15 【正确答案】 文化转向汉译英16 【正确答案】 information-sharing platform17 【正确答案】 core competitive power18 【正确答案】 the Spring Festival transportation19 【正确答案】 transit without visa20 【正确答案】 brain drain21 【正确答案】 breach of contract22 【正确答案】 dual p

12、ension scheme23 【正确答案】 Quality-oriented Education24 【正确答案】 self-employed25 【正确答案】 declare personal assets26 【正确答案】 partner assistance27 【正确答案】 livable city28 【正确答案】 regulated verses29 【正确答案】 computer-aided translation30 【正确答案】 transliteration英译汉31 【正确答案】 什么是诗歌?人类可以阐明的每一个真理,每一个想法,甚至每一个可以进入他意识的外在印象,都可


14、辩是向其他人倾诉自己,吸引他们的同情,或试图影响他们的信仰,或让他们产生感情或做出行动。诗歌是独处和冥想的天然成果;雄辩,则是与世界的交流的成果。最有感情的人,如果知识文化赋予了他们一种表达语言的能力,那么他就拥有最高的诗歌能力:最能理解他人情感的人,是最善雄辩的人。普遍擅长诗歌的人和国家是那些性格和品味上最不依赖于世界的掌声、同情或一致性的。那些最需要掌声、同情、赞同的人,是最擅长雄辩的人。汉译英32 【正确答案】 Six Chapters of a Floating Life Shen FuI am by nature candid and unconstrained, but Yun w

15、as scrupulous meticulously polite. When I would occasionally put a cape over her shoulder or help her adjust her sleeves, she would invariably say, “I beg your pardon.“ If I gave her a handkerchief of a fan, she would always stand to take it. At first I didnt like her acting like this, and once I sa

16、id to her, “Do you think that by being so polite you can make me do as you like? For it is said that “Deceit hides behind too much courtesy.“ Yun blushed, “Why should respect and good manners be called deceit?“ “True respect comes from the heart, not from empty words.“ I said. “There is no one close

17、r to us than our parents,“ Yun said, arguing with me now. “But how could we merely respect them in our heart while being rude in our treatment of them?“ “But I was only joking.“ I protested. “Most arguments people have begun with a joke.“ Yun said. “Dont ever argue with me for the fun of it againit

18、makes me so angry I could die!“ I pulled her close to me, patted her back, and comforted her. Her anger passed and she began to smile.Our only neighbors were an old couple who raised vegetables for a living. Learning we had come to escape the summers heat, they came to call on us, bring gifts of fis

19、h from the pond and vegetables from the garden. I tried to pay for them, but they would not take anything, so Yun made them some shoes, which we finally prevailed on them to accept. It was then the beginning of seventh month, with dark shadows among the green trees. There was a breeze across the wat

20、er, and the songs of cicadas were everywhere. The old couple also made us a fishing pole, and I took Yun fishing in the deep shadow of the willow trees. When the sun was going down, we would climb to the top of the small hill and admire the twilight. We used to make up impromptu poems there, one line of which was “Beast-like clouds eat the setting sun, the bow-like moon shoots falling stars.“


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