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1、管理类专业学位联考英语(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 2 及答案与解析一、Writing1 It is known that text message(手机短信)has both advantages and disadvantages. Some people think it is a blessing, while others regard it as a hell. In this section, you are asked to write an essay on text message. You can take either stand and provide specific

2、reasons and examples to support your idea. You should write at least 150 words on ANSWER SHEET.2 In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following information. Make comments and express your own opinion. You should write at least 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.以往许多人报考成人高校,是为圆文凭梦

3、。如今,手持本科、硕士文凭,回头重新考大学的大有人在。据报道,今年报名全国成人高:考的上海考生中,有 390 名本科毕业生,15 名硕士生。3 In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following table. Describe the table and state your opinion. You should write at least 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.4 In this section, you are asked to write an essay

4、 based on the following diagram. Describe the diagram and analyze the possible causes. You should write at least 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.5 In this section, you are asked to write a letter based on the following statement. Your letter should be at least 150 words. Remember to write clearly on t

5、he ANSWER SHEET.“五一”、“十一”长假丰富了人们的业余生活,促进了旅游经济的发展,同时也带来诸如交通拥挤、环境污染等问题。请就“黄金周” 的经济发展与环境保护问题向政府有关部门写一封信,提出自己的见解和建议。管理类专业学位联考英语(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 2 答案与解析一、Writing1 【正确答案】 At present, there is no doubt that text messages are getting increasingly popular and playing an increasingly important role in our life. W

6、e are all aware that, like everything else, text messages have both favorable and unfavorable aspects. But in my view, the favorable aspects far outweigh the unfavorable aspects and they are a real blessing.Generally speaking, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows. To begin with, in festiva

7、ls, we can send text messages to wish good luck to relatives, friends, as well as some acquaintances, which promote understanding and friendship. In addition, text message enables the users to be kept informed of the outside world. We can subscribe to weather forecast, news and even some reminding s

8、ervices, with which peoples life will be greatly enriched and getting more convenient. Text messages can also act to ask for help in emergency. People can send text messages to 110 to seek for help.It cannot be denied that text messages do have some unfavorable aspects, but as long as people have a

9、right attitude and make good use of text messages, text messages will surely make their life more convenient and more colorful.2 【正确答案】 A great many people used to participate in the entrance examinations of adult education for diplomas. However, the past few years witnessed a fundamental change in

10、the situation. Nowadays, an increasing number of people with a bachelors or even a masters degree apply for higher education. It is reported that 390 applicants with a bachelors degree and 15 with a masters took part in the examinations this year.What account for the change? In my view, at least thr

11、ee factors contribute to the change. To begin with, this transformation is closely related to the turning of societys needs for talents. Nowadays, society needs talents with practical knowledge and skills. In addition, the change has much to do with the turning of companies and employers outlook on

12、talents. They place more emphasis on what one can do for the company than what degree he holds. Most importantly, the tough employment situation results in the change. One more qualification gives a job-hunter an advantage over others when hunting for a job.With the deepening of social reform, the t

13、rend is bound to continue for some time. As far as I am concerned, it is a good sign and should be encouraged, for it is beneficial not only to individuals but also to the development of the country.3 【正确答案】 As is shown in the table, the traffic accidents in 2005 add up to 1965 and increase by appro

14、ximately 10 percent. Apparently, the number of traffic accidents dramatically increased in 2005 compared with the previous year.What accounts for the increase? In the light of the table, we can find that a couple of factors contribute to the change. To begin with, drivers careless driving behaviors

15、are mainly responsible for the traffic accidents. Among them turning left without care gives rise to the most accidents of 608, while driving under the influence of alcohol leads to the highest accident increase rate. In addition, the increase of the accidents has something to do with pedestrians ca

16、reless behavior. Pedestrians crossing roads carelessly is blamed for 401 accidents and causes an increase rate of 12 percent. Drivers ill driving habits such as failing to give a signal also result in traffic accidents, though the accident rate slightly decreases.Now that we are aware of the causes

17、of the traffic accidents and the increase of them, it is time for us to work out measures to cut down the number. With strict driving regulations and education to drivers and pedestrians, the traffic accidents are expected to fall off and we are expected to live in a secure traffic environment.4 【正确

18、答案】 As is shown in the table, the number of the applicants for GCT is about 5,000 in 1998, roughly 10,000 in 2000, and nearly 25,000 in 2002 and finally to approximately 35,000 in 2004. Apparently, the number of GCT applicants has been on a dramatical rise over the past few years.A careful and overa

19、ll consideration can lead us to single out at least three factors that can help to account for the great change. In the first place, a great many people are eager to perfect their qualification for their own career. By pursuing the special degree courses, they can acquire the special knowledge and s

20、kills required in their career. More importantly, the turning of peoples attitude toward and their outlook on life can explain the change. Now people treasure every opportunity to improve their quality to be a competent citizen. Most importantly, promotion and pay-rise motivate people to pursue high

21、er degrees. It is often reported that a higher degree gives a person an advantage over others in promotion and pay-rise.With the society getting more and more competitive, this rising trend is bound to continue for the coming years. In my view, it should be encouraged for it benefits not only the ca

22、ndidates but the society.5 【正确答案】 Dear sir,As is known to all, both on May 1st and Oct. 1st, We Chinese enjoy a long vacation known as “the Golden Week“ each year. Travelers will get on the buses and trains, board the ships and planes, and set their feet in different resorts around the country. Ther

23、e is no doubt that it will boost the economy but give rise to some environment problems as well. The following is my views and proposals for the development of tourism and environment protection.On the one hand, tourism, what we call the third industry, really plays an indispensable role in the econ

24、omic development. It will increase the job opportunities for the service industry like hotels, airlines, travel agencies, etc. Much more money is spent instead of staying in the bank accounts. Many goods are consumed and shops earn a lot. Almost everyone would benefit more or less from these traveli

25、ng seasons directly or indirectly. So in my view, the government should make considerable efforts to ensure the healthy development of travel industry.On the other hand, much more importance should be attached to environment. Sustainable development of economy is what we desire. Environment protecti

26、on is the decisive factor for the health of our economy. Its unwise to value the interest nowadays while neglect the long term benefits.Altogether, the government should lay down rules and regulations and take measures to guarantee the healthy development of travel economy and reduce the damage to environment to the minimum point. Only in this way can our society be relatively more stable and prosperous.Yours truly, Li Ming


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