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1、在职艺术硕士(MFA )全国联考英文阅读理解历年真题试卷汇编 1 及答案与解析一、英文阅读理解题0 People born in autumn live longer than those born in spring and are less likely to fall chronically ill when they are older, according to an Austrian scientist. Using census(人口普查)data for more than one million people in Austrian, Denmark and Australi

2、a, scientists at the Max Plank Institute for Demographic(人口统计的)Research found the month of birth was related to life expectancy over the age of 50. Seasonal differences in what mothers ate during pregnancy, and infections occurring at different times of the year could both have an impact on the heal

3、th of a new-born baby and could influence its life expectancy in old age. “A mother giving birth in spring spends the last stage of her pregnancy in winter, when she will eat fewer vitamins than in summer,“ said one of the scientists. “When she stops breast-feeding and starts giving her baby normal

4、food, its in the hot weeks of summer when babies are inclined to infections of the digestive system. “ In Austria, adults born in autumn lived about seven months longer than those born in spring, and in Denmark adults with birthdays in autumn outlived those born in spring by about four months. In th

5、e southern hemisphere, the picture is similar. Adults born in the Australian autumn lived about four months longer than those born in the Australian spring. The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century, using death certificates and census data. Although nutrition at all time

6、s of the year has improved since then, the seasonal pattern persists.1 People born in autumn live longer than those born in spring because_.(A)a baby born in autumn is never subject to any infections(B) a baby born in spring receives no protection from infections(C) a mother giving birth in spring h

7、as less nutrition during her pregnancy(D)a mother giving birth in autumn eats more vitamins during the last stage of her pregnancy2 The term “life expectancy“(Line 5)refers to_.(A)the average period that a person may expect to live(B) the length of time for each person(C) the expectations of a perso

8、ns life(D)the seasonal changes in a persons life3 Which of the following terms is EXCLUDED from the scientists demographic research?(A)Statistics of births.(B) Statistics of death.(C) Statistics of diseases.(D)Statistics of breast-feeding.4 The last sentence of the passage implies that_.(A)the seaso

9、nal pattern determines a persons life expectancy(B) the seasonal pattern still influences life expectancy even if nutrition improves at all times of the year(C) the seasonal pattern has an impact on food values(D)the seasonal pattern will not change even if nutrition has improved much in modern age5

10、 The passage is mainly about_.(A)why people born in autumn are free from chronic illness(B) how the seasonal pattern affects the health of new-born babies(C) how the month of birth is related to life expectancy(D)how nutrition in different seasons influences life expectancy5 The fact that blind peop

11、le can “see“ things using other parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us to understand our feelings about colour. If they can sense colour differences then perhaps we, too, are affected by colour unconsciously.Manufacturers have discovered by trial and error that sugar sells badly in

12、green wrappings, and that blue foods are considered unpleasant, and the cosmetics should never be packaged in brown. These discoveries have grown into a whole discipline of colour psychology that now finds application in everything from fashion to interior decoration. Some of our preferences are cle

13、arly psychological. Dark blue is the colour of the night sky and therefore associated with passivity and calm, while yellow is a day colour with associations of energy and incentive. For primitive man, activity during the day meant hunting and attacking, while he soon saw red as the colour of blood

14、and rage and the heat that came with effort. And green is associated with passive defence and self-preservation. Experiments have shown that colours, partly because of their psychological association, also have a direct psychological effect. People exposed to bright red show an increase in heartbeat

15、, and blood pressure; red is exciting. Similar exposure to pure blue has exactly the opposite effect; it is a calming colour. Because of its exciting connotations(含义), red was chosen as the signal for danger, but closer analysis shows that a vivid yellow can produce a more basic state of alertness a

16、nd alarm, so fire engines and ambulances in some advanced communities are now rushing around in bright yellow colours that stop the traffic dead.6 Manufacturers found out that colour affects sales_.(A)by experimenting with different colours(B) by experience over a long period of time(C) by trying ou

17、t colour on blind people(D)by developing the discipline of colour psychology7 Our preferences for certain colours are_.(A)partly due to psychological factors(B) linked with our primitive ancestors(C) dependent on our character(D)associated with the time of day8 If people are exposed to bright red, w

18、hich of the following things does NOT happen?(A)They feel afraid.(B) Their hearts beat faster.(C) They breathe faster.(D)Their blood pressure rises.9 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?(A)The psychology of colour is of some practical use.(B) Colour probably has an

19、 effect on us which we are not conscious of.(C) People exposed to pure blue start to breathe slowly.(D)Yellow fire engines have caused many traffic accidents in some advanced communities.10 The most suitable title for this passage may be_.(A)The Practical Use of Colour(B) Colour and Feelings(C) Colo

20、ur and Its Connotations(D)The Discipline of Colour Psychology10 Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. According to recent investigations, sixty to seventy percent of Americans consider themselves to be moderately happy, one in twenty persons feel very happy. Psy

21、chologists have been studying the factors contributing to happiness. It is not predictable nor is a person in an apparently ideal situation necessarily happy. The ideal situation may have little to do with his actual feelings.A good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness

22、. Though both may contribute, they are only chief factors if the person is seriously under-educated or actually suffering from lack of physical needs. The rich are not likely to be happier than the middle-income group or even those with very low incomes. People with college education are somewhat ha

23、ppier than those who didnt graduate from high schools, and it is believed that this is mainly because they have more opportunity to control their lives. Yet people with a very high income and a college education may be less happy than those with the same income and no college education.It should be

24、noted that people quickly get used to what they have, they are happiest when they feel they are increasing their level, no matter where it stands at a “given time. The best formula for happiness is to be able to develop the ability to tolerate frustration, to have a personal involvement and commitme

25、nt, and to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.11 According to the passage, people with college education_.(A)are necessarily happier than those under-educated people(B) have a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind(C) consider themselves to be very happy(D)have more chance to control their

26、lives12 The italicized word “they“ in the second paragraph refers to_.(A)recent investigations(B) psychologists(C) education and income(D)mood and state of mind13 Which of the following statements is NOT true?(A)People in ideal situations are not necessarily happy.(B) Sometimes the poor may feel hap

27、pier than the rich.(C) The richer one is the happier one maybe.(D)Those who are satisfied with what they have often feel happy.14 The second paragraph is written to tell us that_.(A)happiness is not necessarily connected to ones situation(B) well-educated people are not happy(C) happiness lies in a

28、good education and a high income(D)the middle-income group are the happiest people15 In the eyes of the author, the best formula for happiness is to be able to_.(A)put up with frustration(B) have a personal involvement and commitment(C) be self-confident and self-respecting(D)possess all the abiliti

29、es above在职艺术硕士(MFA )全国联考英文阅读理解历年真题试卷汇编 1 答案与解析一、英文阅读理解题1 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 这是一道细节题,要求回答秋季出生的人比春季出生的人长寿的原因。文章的中间部分引用了一位科学家的观点:她在这个时期摄入的维生素要少于夏季。也就是说孕妇在夏季摄人的维生素要多于冬季,而秋季分娩的孕妇恰好在夏季度过孕期的最后阶段。这种维生素摄入量的差异影响了新生儿的健康及其长大后的平均寿命,因此选择 D。而选项 A“秋季出生的婴儿从不感染任何传染病”、选项B“春季出生的婴儿对传染病没有抵抗力”和选项 C“春季分娩的母亲怀孕期间摄入较少营养”在文章中都没有提及

30、。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解2 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 这是一道语义题。通过构词法,我们知道这是个由 life 和expectancy 构成的复合词。life 表示“生活,生命,活力等”,而 expectancy 源自动词 expect(预计,预期 )。因此可以推断 “life expectancy”表示人的平均寿命,也就是选项 A 所表示的内容。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解3 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 这是一道细节判断题。答题时可以从文章中寻找相应的句子和段落,并从中得出答案。这道题的题干是“以下哪个术语被排除在科学家的人口统计研究之外”,也就是说文章中一定提到了人口统计研究中的三个

31、术语。本文的倒数第二句话(该研究将焦点对准 20 世纪初出生的人,以死亡证明和人口普查数据为参考)提到两个术语:出生统计学和死亡统计学(选项 A、B)。而文章中提到孕妇孕期所吃的东西因季节而变化,一年之中不同时期流行的传染病也不一样,两者都会对新生儿的健康产生影响,并进而影响他们到老年时的平均寿命。因此,疾病统计学(选项 C)也在科学家的考虑之内。由此可见,选项 D(母乳喂养统计学)被排除在科学家的人口统计研究之外。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 这是一道推理题,要求推断文章最后一句话所暗示的内容。文章最后一句话告诉我们:尽管人们在一年中各个时期的营养状况与那时相比

32、都已经有所改善,这样的季节性差异却依然存在。也就是说季节性差异这种模式仍然影响新生儿健康及其长大后的平均寿命,因此选择 B。选项 A“季节模式决定人的平均寿命”夸大了季节性差异的作用;文章没有提及选项 C“季节模式影响食物价值”;选项D“即使人们在当代的营养状况比那时改善很多,季节性差异却依然存在 ”是文章的原意,不是暗示的内容,也应排除。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 这是一道主旨题。通览全文,我们发现本文讲述了科学家的一项研究发现,即人们 50 岁以后的平均寿命与出生月份有关,并解释其原因。因此选择C。文章没有提及选项 A“为什么秋季出生的人不患慢性疾病”和选项

33、 D“不同季节的营养如何影响平均寿命”。选项 B“季节模式如何影响新生儿的健康”只涉及文章的部分内容。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解6 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 这是一道细节题,要求回答生产商通过什么方式发现颜色影响销售这个事实。文章第二段的第一句话提到生产商通过进行各种尝试发现用绿色包装的糖果滞销,蓝色食物被认为是不愉快的,而化妆品绝对不能用褐色材料包装。因此选择 A“对不同的颜色进行实验”。解答这道题的关键是理解词组 “by trial and error”(进行各种尝试 )的意思。如果不能理解该词组的意思,可以通过上下文判断,既然该句中提到了各种颜色商品的销售情况,必然是对其进行一定的试

34、验或尝试后所得出的结论。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 这也是一道细节题,要求回答我们偏爱某种颜色的原因。解答这道题的关键是文章第二段的第三句话:“Some of our preferences are clearly psychological”意思是:我们的某些偏好很显然是心理上的。也就是说我们偏爱某种颜色从某种程度上说是因为一些心理因素,因此选择 A。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 这是一道是非题,要求回答:当人们接触到亮红色时,不会发生以下哪种情况?第二段的后半部分提到接触到红色的人们会心跳加快(选项 B)并且血压升高(选项 D)

35、以及红色使人兴奋 (暗示呼吸加快,即选项 C)。因此排除了选项A“他们感到害怕”。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解9 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 这也是一道是非题,要求判断哪句话不对。选项 A“颜色心理学具有某些实际作用”对应文章第二段第二句话“这些发现演变成为一门完整学科:颜色心理学。这门学科现在运用于从时装到室内装饰等各个领域”。选项 B“颜色可能对我们产生影响,而我们对此没有察觉”对应文章第一段最后一句话提到“如果他们(盲人)能感觉到颜色的差异,那么也许我们也在无意中受到颜色的影响”。选项C“接触到纯蓝色的人们会呼吸平缓”对应文章的倒数第二句话 “同样,接触到蓝色会有相反的效果;蓝色是让人镇

36、定的颜色”。选项 D“黄色消防车在一些高档社区制造了许多交通事故”与文章最后一句话的意思正好相反,故选之。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解10 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 这是一道标题题,要求给文章一个最合适的题目。文章开篇提到人类可能在无意识中受到颜色的影响,接下来文章谈到生产商对于产品颜色和销售关系的各种发现导致了颜色心理学这门学科的形成及其实际应用,进而说明人类对颜色的偏好显然是心理因素的作用。不同颜色有着不同的心理联想并产生不同的心理作用,也正因为如此,人们才将不同的颜色运用到不同的生活场景中。文章中反复出现的是颜色的心理联想、心理作用及其实际应用,也就是颜色心理学所涵盖的内容,因此选择

37、D。选项 A“颜色的实际运用”、选项 B“颜色和感受”、选项 C“颜色及其含义”只涉及文章的部分内容。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解11 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 这是一道细节题。通过题干,我们可以定位至文中第二段第四句话:“接受过大学教育的人要比高中没毕业的人幸福感;人们普遍认为这是因为他们(接受过大学教育的人)有更多的机会掌控自己的生活”。故选择 D。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解12 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 这是一道指示代词辨别题。第二段前两句话:“人们通常认为良好的教育和不错的收入是幸福所必需的。二者也许会有助于人们的幸福,但它们并不是使人幸福的主要因素。除非这个人所受的教育严重不足

38、,或事实上,他正饱受物质必需品匮乏的折磨。”告诉我们这里的“they”指的是教育和收入,也就是选项C。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解13 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 这是一道是非判断题。选项 A“处在理想环境中的人并不一定幸福 ”对应文章第一段第四句话“它(幸福)是不可预测的;同样,处在理想环境中的人也并不一定幸福”。文章第二段第三句话“富人不一定比中等收入的甚至低收人的人幸福”暗示“有时候穷人要比富人幸福”,也就是选项 B 所表达的内容,同时这句话也表明一个人的收入和他的幸福不一定成正比,证明选项 C“一个人越富有就可能越幸福”是错误的。选项 D“对自己所拥有的一切感到满足的人通常很幸福 ”对

39、应文章最后一段第一句话“值得注意的是,人们很快会习惯于自己拥有的东西,在一个特定的时期,当人们觉得他们的地位在上升而且无论上升得多高,他们都觉得自己是最幸福的。”【知识模块】 英文阅读理解14 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 这是一道主旨题。和一般主旨题所不同的是,这道题要求回答第二段的大意。答题时先要仔细阅读题干限定的段落,注意该段落的首句和尾句,也就是段落主题句通常出现的地方。阅读第二段,可以得出段落的第一句话“良好的教育和不错的收入通常被认为是幸福所必需的”就是该段的主题句,说明该段讲述教育、收入与幸福的关系,也就是选项 C 所表达的内容。选项 A“幸福不一定和一个人所处的环境有关”出现在第一段。而文章中并没有提到选项 B“接受良好教育的人不幸福”和选项 D“中等收入的人最幸福”。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解15 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 这是一道细节题,要求回答幸福的最佳公式。文章的最后一句话提到幸福的最佳公式是能够容忍挫折(选项 A)、有参与精神和责任感 (选项 B)以及树立自信心和自尊心(选项 C)。而选项 D“拥有以上所有能力”包含了幸福最佳公式的所有方面,因此是本题的答案。【知识模块】 英文阅读理解

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