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1、考研英语二(作文)模拟试卷 106 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Directions: Write an essay based on the drawing. In your writing, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. You sho

2、uld write about 150 words.2 Directions: Write an essay based on the drawing. In your writing, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. You should write about 150 words.3 Directions: Write an essay based on the drawing. In your writing, y

3、ou should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. You should write about 150 words.4 Directions: Write an essay based on the drawing. In your writing, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your co

4、mments. You should write about 150 words.5 Directions: Write an essay based on the drawing. In your writing, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments.You should write about 150 words.考研英语二(作文)模拟试卷 106 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay

5、 of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 In the picture, two birds are flying in the sky. In the meantime, they are together carrying a cage with their claws. Inside the cage, a little bird is also flying. This picture is trying to draw our attention to the problem o

6、f parents overprotection of their children. The two birds can be exactly described as “helicopter parents“ who are always hovering over their children trying to keep them from danger.In my opinion, “helicopter parents“ would only do more harm than good to their kids. To begin with, kids would fail t

7、o grow independent under their parents strict control. Moreover, kids with excessive protection would not be able to form a realistic view about the world. Just like the bird in the cage, overprotected kids would see the world as a forever safe place in which they do not need to worry about anything

8、 at all. Sadly, this fantasy is not true and even dangerous.In short, in order to help children become independent and see the real world, parents should smash the protective cage.【试题解析】 这幅图片描绘了两只鸟抬着一个鸟笼在飞翔,鸟笼里面有一只小鸟。从标题“关”“爱”可看出,该图对鸟爸和鸟妈过分保护小鸟的行为提出质疑,认为父母应放手让孩子接受锻炼。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,并

9、指出图片的内在含义:父母不应该过度保护孩子。第二段提出个人看法:过分关爱孩子弊大于利。其一,孩子在父母严格监管下无法学会独立处事。其二,过度保护下的孩子无法对现实世界进行正确判断。第三段提出建议:父母应该打破过度保护的牢笼。【知识模块】 作文2 【正确答案】 In the picture, a student is featured in a dorm room. He is calling his mother, asking for instructions to wash his socks. The intended message of this picture is about s

10、tudents poor ability of taking care of themselves, a problem quite prevalent in China today.In my view, both students and their parents should take the blame for their inability to take care of themselves. For one thing, some students take everything in their life for granted. That is why they do no

11、t bother to learn some basic life skills. For another thing, the indulgence of parents encourages the laziness of their kids. Some parents go to extremes to micro-control every little detail of their kids. They even discourage their kids to make efforts to live an independent life. In their minds, c

12、hildren are always the little kids who need constant love and care.In short, to help children become independent and capable, parents should loose control on their children, while children should learn to take some responsibilities for themselves.【试题解析】 这幅图片描绘了一名学生在宿舍里打电话给妈妈,询问如何洗袜子。可见,这名学生无法自理,基本的日

13、常洗涮也要向家里人请教。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,指出图片的内在含义:学生的自理能力差。第二段指出学生的自理能力差是自己和父母共同造成的。其一,学生认为父母包办生活中的一切是理所当然的。懒于训练自己独立生活的能力。其二,父母的溺爱纵容了孩子的懒惰,使孩子缺乏锻炼机会。第三段作出总结:父母不要凡事都代办,学生要学会有所担当。【知识模块】 作文3 【正确答案】 In the picture, a man is driving a car, but the car is not powered by fuel, but a dog. The dog, motiv

14、ated by a bone hanging in front of it, is running on the top of the car. Underneath the picture, the caption reads: “Gasoline is not available.“ This picture, in its funny yet ironic way, portrays a disheartening scene for us: the energy crisis is looming large, unless we do something to tackle it.I

15、 believe its very urgent to solve energy crisis, and two measures can be taken for this goal. First, people should be educated to save energy. Do not take gasoline, gas and electricity for granted. We should cherish them as if they were about to run out shortly. Second, we should develop new energy

16、resources.To conclude, with these actions, I think we could still drive our cars around in the future, which wont have to be powered by a running dog.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了一只狗在汽车装置上不断奔跑,为主人的汽车提供动力。从图解可以看出,作者的意图是要引起我们对能源危机的关注。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段简要描绘图片,并指出图片的意图:除非我们采取措施,否则能源危机将日趋严重。第二段提出个人看法:采取两方面的措施来

17、应对能源危机。其一,倡导人们节约能源。其二,开发新的能源。第三段总结全文。【知识模块】 作文4 【正确答案】 In the picture, a man is fined by an officer for peeing into a river. Behind them, a manufacturing plant is pouring black waste water into the river and discharging dark smoke into the air. Under the picture the caption reads: “When small pollut

18、ion meets big pollution“. This picture, in its creative and ironic way, raises readers attention towards the severity of environmental pollution, to which irresponsible factories contribute.The government should enhance law enforcement to tackle this problem. Officials and special task forces must s

19、trengthen inspection of and supervision over law enforcement. They should inspect manufacturing plants at regular or irregular times, in order to send a zero-tolerance message to those factories on illegal discharge of waste water and smoke. Moreover, any factory which discharges untreated waste wat

20、er or smoke should be penalized immediately to deter potential offenders.As the English proverb goes, “When the cat is away, mice will play“. When environmental pollution is involved, the government should always be there and discipline the “mice“no matter they are individuals or enterprises.【试题解析】

21、这幅图片刻画了污染的情景。男子向河里小便,工厂向河里排污水、向空中排废气。从图解可以看出,工厂的污染行为危害更大,应引起有关部门的注意。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段简要描绘图片,并指出图片的意图:让读者意识到排污企业才是环境污染最大的源头。第二段阐明政府应该加强执法以应对这一问题,应该要严执法、勤执法,对排污企业采取零容忍的态度。并对非法排放废水废气的工厂予以惩罚。第三段总结全文。【知识模块】 作文5 【正确答案】 In the picture, pedestrians are bending over the zebra crossing. Behind them

22、stands a traffic controller saying “the green light will last for five seconds, ready.“ This picture, in its funny way, satirizes the irrational design of some traffic light systems.From where I stand, the designs for public facilities should be humanized. To begin with, designers should understand

23、the needs of the intended users. Moreover, they should test run their designed facilities before putting them into service. Take a Dutch designer as an example. Though not disabled, he sat on a wheel chair to travel around the accessible museum he designed. At last, he improved his design and made t

24、he museum more satisfactory. Similarly, if the designers of the traffic light system test run the system before putting it into use, the absurd situation portrayed in the picture will not happen.In short, designers should work on their designs from the intended users perspectives, so that their work can serve people better.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了行人过马路的紧张情景,行人一字排开作准备起跑冲刺状,交通协管员说绿灯时间只有 5 秒,可见红绿灯系统的设置有问题。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,并指出图片的意图:讽刺了一些交通灯系统的不合理设计。第二段提出个人看法:公共设施的设计应该有人情味,并以荷兰设计师设计的无障碍博物馆为例加以说明。第三段总结全文:设计师应站在使用者的角度进行设计,以确保设计能更好地服务大众。【知识模块】 作文


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