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1、考研英语二(翻译)模拟试卷 3 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 1 Have you noticed how certain industries move together? For example, one airline introduces a particular service and every other airline immediately follows

2、.The most recent example of this copycat phenomenon is how the hotel industry is thinking of and deploying technology. Simple ideas such as using your smartphone to open your door are now being offered as “new technologies.“Copycat innovation forces many or all in a sector to improve and add new fea

3、tures to their offerings. But it withholds the cutting edge, the competitiveness and bold nature of break-out innovation as everyone is playing safe. The major negative is that borrowed innovations do not draw new members and becomes a stale “me-too“ strategy.Here is the sweet irony: we customers wo

4、uld love to see totally innovative offerings and experimental ideas rolled out for us to test! So dont wait until everything is sorted out and perfected behind closed doorsthrow it at your customers now.2 Standing in front of a shelf of eggs at a supermarket, the typical consumer might be forgiven f

5、or being confused. Free-roaming or free-farmed? Grass-fed, vegetarian-fed or whole grain-fed? The choices are endless: eggs have more eco-labels than any other product.And yet this list of labels is not necessarily a good thing. Todays consumer is faced with an estimated 455 eco-labels across 25 ind

6、ustry categories. But very few of these labels give people meaningful guidance in choosing environmentally superior products.My own research indicates consumers care about the source of the label and the quality of information it contains as they cannot realistically verify these things. In evaluati

7、ng the tiuthfulness of these claims, consumers prefer to rely on more detailed information. For consumers, it is a leap of faith to trust that the label is honest and credible. What is needed, according to a lecturer who specialises in regulatory law, are clear standards and truth in labelling.3 The

8、 majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihoods of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the decision. Rather, in their day-by-day t

9、actical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed “intuition“ to manage a network of correlated problems and to integrate action into the process of thinking.One of the implications of the intuitive style of executive management is that “thinking“ is inseparable from acting.

10、Managers often “know“ what is right before they can analyze and explain it. So they frequently act first and explain later. Analysis is tied to action in thinking/acting cycles. In the cycles, managers develop thoughts about their companies and organizations not by analyzing a difficult situation an

11、d then acting, but by acting and analyzing in close concert.4 For years, high school students have received identical textbooks as their classmates. Even as students have different learning styles and abilities, they are force-fed the same materials. A nonprofit based at Rice University believes we

12、can do better.“Imagine a digital textbook where because Im a different person and learn differently, my book is different than your book,“ said founder of this nonprofit, which received a $9 million grant to develop a prototype textbook. “Because I understand things in a different way from you, the

13、book itself should change. Its exploding this whole idea of this paper, traditionally important textbook and creating something thats much more like a pathway a student explores.“This nonprofit will spend two years developing the personalized, interactive books and then test them on students. The id

14、ea is to make learning easier, so students can go on to more successful careers and lives.5 A public charter school in D.C. enrolls parents and young children together in the same school, a novel effort to improve childrens prospects by building the skills of those who are closest to them.Many moder

15、n school reforms emerge from the idea that schools can overcome the difficult situations children experience in their life outside of school. But dual-generation approaches echo research that shows that a mothers education is one of the strongest predictors of a childs academic success.Such programs

16、 provide support and training for parents to learn English, earn a degree or train for a better-paying job at the same time their children are taking their first steps or learning to read. Educators say its a far more complicated and expensive endeavor to educate adults and children together. But ma

17、ny say its a critical model in the 21st century, when the pace of economic inequality is overwhelming efforts to improve the quality of teachers and schools.考研英语二(翻译)模拟试卷 3 答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 1

18、 【正确答案】 你有没有注意到某些行业是怎么一起行动的?举个例子,一家航空公司推出了一项独特的服务,其他的航空公司立马就跟风效仿。这种跟屁虫现象的最新事例是酒店行业如何考虑和利用科技的。一些诸如用智能手机开门的简单构想,现正作为“新技术” 在酒店推出。模仿性创新会迫使一个行业中的许多人或者所有人改进其产品以及给产品增加新功能。然而,这也抑制了尖端技术的开发,有碍企业提高竞争力,违背了突破创新的本质,因为所有人都在打安全牌。其主要的负面影响是此类模仿性创新不能招来新顾客,并且会变成一种老旧的“人有我也有” 策略。甜蜜的讽刺在于:我们顾客乐于见到企业推出完全创新的产品和实验性的想法让我们测试!所以

19、不要等到一切都在私下弄清楚并且完善了,才拿出你的新产品和新点子,现在就把它们扔给你的顾客吧。【试题解析】 1第三段第二句的翻译难点主要在于主句谓语动词 withholds 和三个并列宾语的处理。如该部分简单直译成“抑制前沿地位、竞争力和大胆创新的本质”,容易有硬译和搭配不当之嫌。我们可在理解原文的基础上进行意译,将withhold 用三个动词表达,搭配不同宾语,译为三个并列的动宾短语,如“抑制”、“阻碍”、“违背”。至于三个宾语,可适当补词,使表达更清晰到位,比如:“抑制尖端技术”实际上是抑制人们开发尖端技术的欲望和动力,可译为“抑制尖端技术的开发”。2最后一段最后一句,若只根据原句直译成“所

20、以不要等到一切都在私下弄清楚并且完善了,现在就把它扔给你的顾客吧”,译文会稍显生硬,“一切”和“它”具体指什么不太明确。前一句讲到,顾客乐于见到企业推出完全创新的产品和实验性的想法让他们测试,即顾客是鼓励企业推出新产品和新想法的,故破折号前的内容可作适当增译,如译为“不要等到,才拿出你的新产品和新点子”,这样处理,信息交代得比较清晰。【知识模块】 翻译2 【正确答案】 站在超市的鸡蛋货架前。普通消费者会感到困惑,这是可以理解的。他们不清楚这些鸡蛋是散放的鸡下的蛋,还是散养的鸡下的蛋;是用青草饲养的鸡下的蛋,还是用蔬菜饲养的鸡下的蛋,抑或是用全谷物饲养的鸡下的蛋。可供选择的鸡蛋不计其数:鸡蛋的生

21、态标签数量超过其他任何产品。然而,有这么多生态标签未必是好事。如今的消费者需要面对 25 个产业多达455 种生态标签。然而,很少有生态标签能在人们选择环保优质产品时提供有意义的指导。我本人的研究表明,消费者因为无法从真正意义上进行验证,所以他们会关心生态标签的来源以及其所包含信息的可信度。在判断这些内容的真实性时,消费者会更愿意依赖较为详细的信息。对消费者来说,相信标签信息是真实可信的是一种冒险举动。据一位专攻监管法的讲师说,关于标签,我们需要的是清晰的标准和真实性。【试题解析】 1第一段的第二、第三句(Free-roaming or free-farmed?和Grass-fed,veget

22、arian-fed or whole grain-fed?) 都是只有形容词(短语)的一般疑问句,构词、词性和语义较为接近,可考虑将它们合译作一句。翻译时如只照原文句子成分机械对译为“散放的还是散养的?”和“喂养青草的、喂养蔬菜的,又或是喂养全谷物的?”,译文会因为缺少必要成分而语义不清。可根据上下文语境增译为:是散放的鸡下的蛋,还是散养的鸡下的蛋;是用青草饲养的鸡下的蛋。还是用蔬菜饲养的鸡下的蛋,抑或是用全谷物饲养的鸡下的蛋?“值得注意的是,从内容上看,这两句的内容可以理解为上一句中所谈到的消费者困惑之事,为了更好地承接上一句,可增译“他们不清楚”统领该句。2第二段首句若直译成“然而,这些标

23、签名单未必是好事”,译文有些语义不明,也不能与第一段末句内容很好地衔接。第一段末句提到鸡蛋的标签比其他任何产品都多,此处用 yet 作为转折,如将此句处理为 “然而,有这么多生态标签未必是好事”,可使译文表达更清晰,语义更连贯。3翻译第三段末句时,宜将句中的 according to短语提前至句首,以符合中文常将次要信息前置的表达习惯。主句的主语由从句 What is needed 充当,该从句为被动语态,翻译时如转换为主动语态,并且增译出主语“我们”,会更符合中文的表达习惯。【知识模块】 翻译3 【正确答案】 大多数成功的高级管理人员不会严格遵循传统的理性模式,即:先明确目标、评估问题、形成

24、选择、估计成功的可能性、做出决策,然后才采取行动执行决策。相反,这些人在日常的战略决策中,依靠的是定义模糊的“直觉” 来处理大量的相关问题以及使行动与思考过程融为一体。行政管理上的直觉风格的其中一个含义是“思考” 不能与行动分开。因为管理者们通常在能做出分析和解释之前就“知道” 某事是对的,所以他们通常会先行动,后解释。在思考行动的循环中,分析与行动是紧密相连的。在这个循环中,管理者们不是通过先分析后行动的方式来形成关于公司和机构的思路,而是通过行动与分析密切结合的方式。【试题解析】 1首段首句是个枝繁叶茂的语法意义上的简单句,其主干部分为 The majority of successful

25、 senior managers do not closely followmodel 。翻译该句的难点主要在于 follow 的宾语 model 包含多个修饰成分,其中包括前置定语 classical rational 以及后置长定语 of first clarifying goalsto implement the decision。翻译时,如将 model 的众多修饰语全部处理成定语,译作“传统的理性的、先明确目标、评估问题、形成选择、估计成功的可能性、做出决策,然后才采取行动执行决策的模式”,会导致译文冗长拖沓且语义表达不清。为使译文简洁明了,可考虑将后置长定语 of first cl

26、arifying goalsto implement the decision处理为对 model 的补充说明,译作“即:先明确目标 ,然后才采取行动执行决策”,全句可译作“大多数成功的高级管理人员不会严格遵循传统的理性模式,即:先明确目标、评估问题、形成选择、估计成功的可能性、做出决策,然后才采取行动执行决策”。2首段末句中,manage a network of correlated problems 中的 a network of 本意为“的网络”,根据语境,此处可处理成“大量的”,修饰 correlated problems“相关问题”。integrate, action into t

27、he process of thinking 中,integrate into 的意思是“融入”,该短语可直译为“使行动融入到思考过程”。3第二段的第二、第三句是两个包含因果关系的独立短句,其中前者是因后者为果。翻译时,如根据原文将其处理成两个独立的句子,分别译作“管理者们通常在能做出分析和解释之前就知道某事是对的”和“所以他们通常会先行动,后解释”,也可达意。但如用关联词语将这两句合译为一句,处理成“因为管理者们,所以他们通常会先行动,后解释”,会更符合中文的表达习惯。【知识模块】 翻译4 【正确答案】 多年来,高中生拿到的都是和其他同学一样的教材。他们即使有不同的学习方式和学习能力,也得被

28、迫接受同样的教材。活动中心设在莱斯大学的一个非盈利组织认为我们可以做得更好。这个非营利组织获得了一笔 900 万美元的资助来编写一本原创的教科书。其创始人说:“设想一下这样一本数字化教科书因为我和你不一样,学习方式也不一样,所以我的课本会不同于你的课本;因为我理解事物的方式和你不一样,所以课本就应该不一样。这样的课本会推翻传统意义上很重要的纸质教科书的理念,创造出一些与学生自己的探索不谋而合的东西。”这个非盈利组织将花两年的时间研发这一个性化的交互式课本,然后在学生身上进行试验。这个设想是想让学习变得更轻松,这样学生就可以开创更成功的事业和过上更好的生活。【试题解析】 1第二段首句是包含直接引

29、语的复合句,从句较多,结构也较为复杂,翻译时需注意理清句子的结构关系。该句的翻译难点主要在于两个定语从句,第一个(where becausemy book is different than your book)修饰textbook,另一个(which received a $9 million grant toprototype textbook) 修饰nonprofit。这两个修饰成分很长,不宜机械对译为“的”这种句式。可将引号外的 this nonprofit 与其后的定语从句独立译成一句,作为对该组织的介绍说明,译文处理为“这个非营利组织获得了一笔 900 万美元的资助来编写一本原创的

30、教科书”。将直接引语部分与 said founder(of this nonprofit)译成一句,处理为“其创始人说:” ;直接引语中修饰 textbook 的定语从句 where可用破折号译出,作为一种补充说明,译作“因为,所以我的课本会不同于你的课本”。2第二段最后一句的 exploding 有一定的翻译难度,若取“爆炸;破裂”之意,则无法与其后的 idea 搭配,此处取其“推翻;驳倒;破除 ”之意,译作“推翻理念看法”会更符合语义逻辑。creating something thats much more like a pathway a student explores 若逐字直译为“

31、创造出一些更像是学生探索的道路的东西 ”,译文稍显生硬且有些语义不清,可考虑将其转译为“创造出一些与学生自己的探索不谋而合的东西”。【知识模块】 翻译5 【正确答案】 哥伦比亚特区一所公立特许学校同时招收父母和小孩,这一创举是想通过提升与孩子关系最为密切的父母的技能来提高孩子成功的几率。现代学校许多改革的初衷是帮助克服孩子在校外遇到的困境。然而,双代教学法附和的却是这样一项研究,该研究发现母亲的受教育程度是孩子学业成功与否最重要的预测因素之一。此类项目为家长提供支持和培训,帮助他们学习英语,获得学位或进行培训以获到收入更可观的工作,与此同时,他们的孩子则正迈出他们的第一步或者正在学习阅读。有教

32、育工作者表示同时给家长和学生授课是一种非常复杂并且昂贵的尝试。但有许多人称,在 21 世纪的当下,当经济不平等的步伐大于师资改善和学校质量提升的步伐之时,这是一种非常重要的模式。【试题解析】 1第二段第二句的结构比较复杂,从句一句套一句,翻译前一定要理清各部分的关系。主句中的 dual-generation approaches 指的是上一段提到的同时招收家长和小孩入学的做法,可译作“双代教学法”。主句谓语 echo 是翻译难点,若取其“回响;发出回声”之意,则无法与其宾语 research 构成合理的语义搭配,此处应取“重复,附和(想法或看法)”之意。修饰主句宾语 research 的定语从

33、句 that shows thata childs academic success 较长且表达的意思较多,翻译时若处理成“研究”的前置定语“表明的研究”,会因修饰“研究”的定语过长而使译文显得累赘。为使译文简洁明了、结构清晰,翻译时可像参考译文那样,将定语从句处理成一个分句,而不是“研究”的修饰成分,译作“该研究发现”。2最后一段最后一句中,句子后部的 when 所在的从句为其中一个翻译难点。通过分析可知,when 引导的为修饰 21st century 的定语从句,该从句较长且表达的意思较多,翻译时如处理为“21 世纪”的定语,会导致译文拖沓,建议将其处理为“21 世纪”这个时间点的补充成分,单独译作一个分句。该定语从句中的行为动词 overwhelming 和名词 efforts 是另外的翻译难点。如 overwhelm 和 efforts 分别取“征服”和“努力”之意,则该从句(the pace of economic inequality is overwhelming efforts to)直译为“经济不平等的步伐征服 努力 ”,语义逻辑上不太妥当。若将两者根据句意分别意译,比如处理为“大于”和“步伐”,此处处理为“经济不平等的步伐大于的步伐”,会更符合语义逻辑,也较为贴近原文表述。【知识模块】 翻译

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