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1、考研英语模拟试卷 343 及答案与解析一、Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (10 points) 1 Formal economic forecasting is usually based on a (1)_ theory as to how the economy works. Some theories are complicated, and their a

2、pplication requires an elaborate (2)_ of cause and effect. Others are relatively simple, (3)_ most developments in the economy to one or two basic factors. Many economists, for example, believe that changes in the supply of money (4)_ the rate of growth of general business activity. Others (5)_ a ce

3、ntral role to investment in new facilitieshousing, industrial plants, highways, and so forth. In the United States, where consumers (6)_ such a large share of economic activity, some economy believe that consumer decisions to (7)_ or save provide the principal (8)_ to the future course of the entire

4、 economy. Obviously the theory that a forecaster applies is of (9)_ importance to the forecasting process; it (10)_ his line of investigation, the statistics he will regard as most important, and many of the techniques he will apply.Although economic theory may determine the general (11)_ of a forec

5、ast, judgment also often plays an important role. A forecaster may decide that the circumstances of the moment are (12)_ and that a forecast produced by the (13)_ statistical methods should be modified to take account of special current circumstances. This is particularly necessary when some event o

6、utside the Usual run of economic activity has an a (14)_ economic effect. For example, forecasts of 1987 economic activity in the United States were more accurate when the analyst correctly foresaw that the exchange value of the dollar would (15)_ sharply during the year that consumer spending would

7、 slacken, and that (16)_ rates would rise only moderately. None of these conclusions followed (17)_ purely economic analysis; they all required judgment as to future decisions (18)_, an economist may decide to adjust an economic forecast that was made by traditional methods to take account of other

8、unique (19)_; he may, for example, decide that consumers will (20)_ their spending patterns because of special circumstances such as rising price of imports or fear of threatened shortages.(A)specific(B) peculiar(C) unique(D)unified(A)trail(B) trap(C) tracking(D)tracing(A)claiming(B) ascribing(C) re

9、ferring(D)crediting(A)resolve(B) determine(C) settle(D)conclude(A)appoint(B) distribute(C) assign(D)dictate(A)account for(B) comprise up(C) make up of(D)consist of(A)waste(B) invest(C) purchase(D)economize(A)symptoms(B) clues(C) evidences(D)signals(A)secondary(B) critical(C) minor(D)remarkable(A)ins

10、tructs(B) orders(C) affects(D)dictates(A)outline(B) shape(C) profile(D)diagram(A)odd(B) strange(C) unique(D)common(A)specific(B) regular(C) usual(D)particular(A)sure(B) avoidable(C) positive(D)inevitable(A)expand(B) decline(C) increase(D)deviate(A)asset(B) capital(C) interest(D)profit(A)through(B) u

11、p(C) in(D)on(A)Obviously(B) Occasionally(C) Consequently(D)Similarly(A)setting(B) conditions(C) surroundings(D)background(A)quit(B) alter(C) preserve(D)inventPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)21 A fathers relati

12、onship to his childs current and future academic success and the level of his or her development in academic potential and scholastic achievement are both factors with some rather interesting implications that educators are beginning to study and appraise. As a matter of fact, “life with father“, ha

13、s been discovered to be a very important factor in determining a childs progress or lack of progress in school.A recent survey of over 16,000 children made by the National Child Development Study in London, England, revealed that children whose fathers came to school conferences and accompanied thei

14、r children on outings did measurably better in school than did those children x, hose fathers were not involved in these activities. The study, which monitored children born during a week in March, 1958, from the time of their birth through the years of their early schooling, further revealed that t

15、he children of actively involved fathers scored as much as seven months higher in reading and maths than did those children whose only involved parent was the mother. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the role played by fathers in the raising of a child. It indicated a much higher level of pa

16、rental involvement by the father than had been anticipated. Over 66% of the fathers were said to have played a major role in parental responsibility.The study also suggested that the greatest level of parental parenting took place in the families of only children. As the number of children and finan

17、cial obligations increased, the fathers apparent interest and involvement with the children decreased. However, no matter what the size of financial condition of the family, a fathers active participation in the childs development made great difference in the childrens progress.The study further rev

18、ealed that while the frequency of overnight absences reflected a corresponding deficiency of the childs level in maths and reading, a fathers employment on late shifts appeared to have little effect on the childs academic progress. The data from the study was obtained primarily through interviews wi

19、th parents, teachers and physicians. The information evaluating the level of the fathers parenting performance was elicited primarily from the admittedly subjective observations of their wives.21 It was implied from the passage that_(A)children in large families tend to do poorly in school(B) a fath

20、ers influence played a significant factor in the level of the childs academic progress(C) mothers were subjective in evaluating the roles played by fathers(D)there is a correlation between socio-economic status and scholastic achievement22 The data accumulated was obtained through_(A)observation by

21、social psychologists(B) conversations with mothers of the children(C) interviews, school records and physicians reports(D)observation of fathers with their children23 All of the children studied_(A)attended the same school(B) lived in the same neighborhood(C) were in the same socio-economic class(D)

22、were the same age24 Children who generally tended to progress academically were_(A)those whose mothers gave them more affection(B) children who had been given a balanced diet(C) those whose fathers worked the night shift(D)those who had no brothers or- sisters25 Evidence indicated that a high percen

23、tage of fathers were involved in the parenting process,which amounted to_(A)about two-thirds of the fathers involved in the study(B) a little less than one hundred percent of all fathers(C) slightly less than half of the fathers studied(D)more than three-quarters of all the fathers26 “There is a sen

24、seless notion that children grow up and leave home when they are 18, and the truth is far from that,“ says sociologist Lary Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin. Today, unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents. “There is a major shift in the middle class,“ declares sociolog

25、ist Allasn Schnaiberg of Northwestern University, whose son, 19, moved back in after an absence of eight months.Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this return to the nest. The marriage age is rising, a condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people. A high

26、 divorce rate and a declining remarriage rate are sending economically pressed and emotionally hurt survivors back to parental shelters. For some, the expense of an away-from-home college education has become so excessively great that many students now attend local schools. Even after graduation, yo

27、ung people find their wings clipped by skyrocketing housing costs.Living at home, says Knighton, a school teacher, continues to give her security and moral support. His mother agreed, “Its ridiculous for the kids to pay all that money for rent. It makes sense for kids to stay at home.“ But sharing t

28、he family home requires adjustments for all. There are the hassles over bathrooms, telephones and privacy. Some families, however, manage the delicate balancing act. But for others, it proves too difficult. Michelle Del Turco, 24, has been home three timesand left three times. “What I considered a s

29、ocial drink, my dad considered an alcohol problem,“ she explains. “He never liked anyone I dated, so I either had to hide away or meet them at friends houses.“Just how long should adult children live with their parents before moving on? Most psychologists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake. Chil

30、dren, struggling to establish separate identities, can end up with “a sense of inadequacy, defeat and failure.“ And aging parents, who should be enjoying, some financial and personal freedom, find themselves stuck with responsibilities. Many agree that brief visits, however, can work beneficially.26

31、 According to the text, there was once a trend in the U.S._(A)for middle class young adults to stay with their parents(B) for young adults to leave their parents and live independently(C) for married young adults to move back home after a lengthy absence(D)for young adults to get jobs nearby in orde

32、r to live with their parents27 Which of the following is not the reason for young adults returning to the nest?_(A)Young adults find housing costs too high(B) Quite a number of young adults attend local schools(C) Young adults seek parental comfort and moral support(D)Young adults are psychologicall

33、y and intellectually immature28 One of the disadvantages of young adults returning to stay with their parents is that_(A)the young adults tend to be overprotected by their parents(B) most parents find it difficult to keep a bigger family going(C) there will inevitably be inconveniences in everyday l

34、ife(D)public opinion is against young adults staying with their parents29 According to the text what is the best for both parents and children?_(A)They should adjust themselves to sharing the family expenses(B) Children should leave their parents when they are grown up(C) Adult children should visit

35、 their parents from time to time(D)Parents should support their adult children when they are in trouble30 By saying that “And aging parents.find themselves stuck with responsibilities“ (Para. 4), the author means that_(A)Parents have some financial and personal freedom(B) Children have not any finan

36、cial and personal freed6m(C) Parents have to continue supporting their children(D)Children have responsibilities to support their parents31 The history of responses to the work of the artist Sandro Botticelli (14441510) suggests that widespread appreciation by critics is a relatively recent phenomen

37、on. Writing in 1550, Vasari expressed an unease with Botticellis work, admitting that the artist fitted awkwardly into his evolutionary scheme of the history of art. Over the next two centuries, academic art historians defamed Botticelli in favor of his fellows Florentine, Michelangelo. Even when an

38、ti-academic art historians of the early nineteenth century rejected many of the standards of evaluation adopted by their predecessors, Botticellis work remained outside of accepted taste, pleasing neither amateur observers nor connoisseurs. (Many of his best paintings, however, remained hidden away

39、in obscure churches and private homes.)The primary reason for Botticellis unpopularity is not difficult to understand: most observers, up until the mid-nineteenth century, did not consider him to be noteworthy, because his work, for the most part, did not seem to these observers to exhibit the tradi

40、tional characteristics of fifteenth-century Florentine art. For example, Botticelli rarely employed the technique of strict perspective and, unlike Michelangelo, never used chiaroscuro.Another reason for Botticellis unpopularity may have been that his attitude toward the style of classical art was v

41、ery different from that of his contemporaries. Although he was thoroughly exposed to classical art, he showed little interest in borrowing from the classical style. Indeed, it is paradoxical that a painter of large-scale classical subjects adopted a style that was only slightly similar to that of cl

42、assical art.In any case, when viewers began to examine more closely the relationship of Botticellis work to the tradition of fifteenth-century Florentine art, his reputation began to grow. Analyses and assessments of Botticelli made between 1850 and 1870 by the artists of the Pre Raphaelite movement

43、, as well as by the writer Pater (although he, unfortunately, based his assessment on an incorrect analysis of Botticellis personality), inspired a new appreciation of Botticelli throughout the English-speaking world. Yet Botticellis work, especially the Sistine frescoes, did not generate worldwide

44、attention until it was finally subjected to a comprehensive and scrupulous analysis by Home in 1908. Home rightly demonstrated that the frescoes shared important features with paintings by other fifteenth-century Florentines features such as skillful representation of anatomical proportions, and of

45、the human figure in motion. However, Home argued that Botticelli did not treat these qualities as ends in themselvesrather, that he emphasized clear depletion of a story, a unique achievement and one that made the traditional Florentine qualities less central. Because of Homes emphasis crucial to an

46、y study of art, the twentieth century has come to appreciate Bottieellis achievements.31 Which of the following would be the best title for the text?(A)The Role of Standard Art Analyses and Appraisals.(B) Sandro Botticelli: From Rejection to Appreciation.(C) Causes for Botticellis Rejection in Earli

47、er Times.(D)Botticelli and Florentine: A Comparative Study.32 We can learn from the text that art critics have a history of _.(A)suppressing painters art initiatives.(B) favoring a Botticellis best paintings.(C) rejecting traditional art characteristics.(D)undervaluing Botticellis achievements.33 Th

48、e views of Vasari and Home on Botticellis products are _.(A)identical.(B) complementary.(C) opposite.(D)similar.34 The word “connoisseurs“ (Paragraph 1) most probably means _.(A)representatives in the Pre-Raphaelite Movement.(B) people who are in favor of Florentine.(C) critics who are likely to mak

49、e assessments.(D)conservatives clinging to classical art.35 What does the author think of Botticellis representation skills?(A)They are to be fully appreciated.(B) They evolve from an uncertain source.(C) They underlie his personality.(D)They conform to the classical style.36 What would happen to the U.S. economy if all its commercial banks suddenly closed their doors? Throughout most of American history,


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