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1、考研英语(一)模拟试卷 144 及答案与解析一、Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (10 points) 0 Millennials were【B1】_to be the next golden ticket for retailers. A 70 million consumers【B2 】_between the ages of 18 and 34, this w

2、as the first generation of Americans to grow up with cell phones and the Web. Marketers could【B3】_them in numerous waystweets, Facebook pagesthat were【B4】_when their boomer parents started out. “ Marketers thought, Here come the Millennials, were going to have an awesome time selling to them,“ says

3、Max Lenderman, a director at ad agency Crispin Porter changing the corporate tax code and labor market rules to stimulate investment; adopting German-style labor market practices like apprenticeship programs, wage subsidies and programs that extend benefits to the unemployed for six months as they s

4、tart small businesses.Reinvigorating the missing fifthbringing them back into the labor market and using their capabilitieswill certainly require money. If this were a smart country, we d be having a debate about how to shift money from programs that provide comfort and toward programs that spark re

5、invigoration.But, of course, that s not what is happening. Discretionary spending, which might be used to instigate dynamism, is declining. Health care spending, which mostly provides comfort to those beyond working years, is expanding. Attempts to take money from health care to open it up for other

6、 uses are being crushed. We re locking in the nation s wealth into the Medicare program and closing off any possibility that we might do something significant to reinvigorate the missing fifth. Next time you see a politician demagoguing Medicare, ask this: Should we be using our resources in the man

7、ner of a nation in decline or one still committed to stoking the energy of its people and continuing its rise?26 The loss of American dynamism concerned by the author is mainly manifested in the fact that_.(A)American young are more indolent than their counterparts in other countries(B) America suff

8、ered from a higher rate of unemployment than other countries(C) More American young are out of work than their counterparts in other countries(D)American young are obssessed with the incessant quest for material comforts27 The word assiduous is closest in meaning to_.(A)industrious(B) scholarly(C) m

9、anic(D)optimistic28 It is suggested in paragraph 3 that the dropping out of prime age labor force is partly due to_.(A)their lack of ambition(B) overstaffed government organizations(C) the changes in industry accommodating them(D)pessimistic economic outlook29 To address the unemployment problem men

10、tioned in this passage, the American government should_.(A)divert more labor force from manufacturing sectors to high-tech sectors(B) roll out more programs to enhance the competitive edge of the jobless(C) do nothing but wait for the return of business cycle(D)provide more unemployment pension to t

11、he jobless30 It can be inferred from last two paragraphs that the author doubts about_.(A)the rationality of capital allocation of government(B) the feasibility of invigorating labor market(C) the effectiveness of medicare programs(D)the possibility of reversing US downward trend30 The Belgian blue

12、is an ugly but tasty cow that has 40% more muscle than it should have. It is the product of random mutation followed by selective breedingas, indeed, are all domesticated creatures. But where an old art has led, a new one may follow. By understanding which genetic changes have been consolidated in t

13、he Belgian blue, it may be possible to design and build similar versions of other species using genetic engineering as a short-cut. And that is precisely what Terry Bradley, a fish biologist at the University of Rhode Island, is trying to do. Instead of cattle, he is doing it in trout. His is one of

14、 two projects that may soon put the first biotech animals on the dinner table. The other project is led by Aqua Bounty.It is one thing to make such fish, of course. It is quite another to get them to market. First, it is necessary to receive the approval of the regulators. In America, the relevant r

15、egulator is the Food and Drug Administration(FDA), which Aqua Bounty says it has been petitioning for more than a decade and which published guidelines for approving genetically engineered animals in 2009. Aqua Bounty has now filed its remaining studies for approval, and hopes to hear the result thi

16、s year. Dr Bradley has not yet applied for approval.The FDA is concerned mainly with the healthfulness of what people put in their mouths, and it seems unlikely that the new procedures will yield something that is unsafe to eat. But what happens if the creatures escape and start breeding in the wild

17、? For that to be a problem, the modified fish would have to be better at surviving and reproducing than those honed by millions of years of natural selection. On the face of it, this seems unlikely, because the characteristics that have been engineered into them are ones designed to make them into b

18、etter food, rather than lean, mean breeding machines.But there is a chink in this argument. As Mark Abrahams, a biologist at Memorial University in Newfoundland, points out, it is not just the fish that have been modified by man, but also the environment in which they could escape. Many of the creat

19、ures that eat salmon and trout, such as bears and some birds, have had their ranks thinned by human activity. Dr Abrahams thinks it possible that fast-growing salmon could displace the natural sort in places where predators are rare.Aqua Bountyis addressing such concerns by subjecting developing egg

20、s to high pressures.The result, if all goes well, will be that animals follow plants down the biotech route. Whether people will actually want to buy or eat the new fish is a different matterthough they buy the meat of Belgian blue cattle at a premium. Perhaps clever marketing could make “double-mus

21、cled“ fish into a premium product, too. If people will pay extra for meat from a monstrosity like the Belgian blue, anything is possible.31 How was Belgian blue being created?(A)It was produced like all other domesticated creatures.(B) It was produced by natural breeding.(C) It was produced using ge

22、netic engineering as a short-cut.(D)It was a product of cross breeding.32 What is true according to the text?(A)FDA has not approved the selling of genetically modified food and animals until 2009.(B) Aqua Bounty is behind Terry Bradley in submitting the application for approval of their recent stud

23、ies.(C) The creation of Belgian blue has provided scientists with necessary genetic information to create double-muscled fish.(D)Consumers are so concerned with what they put into their mouth that nobody can influence their decision about what to buy.33 What is the authors attitude towards the marke

24、t prospect of double-muscled fish?(A)Confident.(B) Ambivalent.(C) Expectant.(D)Indifferent.34 What concerns Mark Abrahams most is that the modified fish will _.(A)escape into the wild to breed abundantly(B) break the rule of natural selection(C) generate unknown harm to human body(D)replace natural

25、fish as a result of less predator35 By “animals follow plants down the biotech route“ , they author means_.(A)animals lag behind plants in biotech evolution(B) animals will follow the example of plants to step on the road of genetic modification(C) as compared to plants, the biotechnology concerning

26、 genetically modified animals is still immature(D)like plants, animals can be genetically modified in large scale35 For a large number of young adults in Britain, homeownership has become increasingly difficult to achieve, viewed as a distant goal attainable only later in life, if at all.That is a s

27、ignificant shift for Britain. For years owners occupy a higher percentage of homes in Britain than in the United States, France or Germany. One reason homeownership is so attractive in Britain is because property values dropped less drastically than in the United States, in part because of a shortag

28、e in housing. Prices in some large cities, including London, have even increased recently. People still perceive a home to be a better and safer investment than a pension fund, said Andrew Hull, research fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research. “Homeownership is also culturally entrenched

29、,“ he said. “Owning a home is the main way of showing you made it. “The big shift toward homeownership came in the 1980s when Mrs. Thatcher issued right-to-buy policy, which allowed many in rented government housing to buy their homes. About two million homes were sold, earning the government tens o

30、f billions of pounds. At the same time, the rental market became increasingly unattractive. Unlike Germany and other Continental European countries, Britain s private rental market is highly fragmented, with many landlords and laws that generally favor the property owner. Most leases are for six mon

31、ths only, with landlords rarely agreeing to commit to longer terms; this makes renting highly insecure.But as the pain of government-imposed austerity sinks in, disposable income has shrunk and loan requirements have toughened, forcing more and more Britons into renting rather than buying. Over the

32、last 10 years the number of people who owned homes here dropped to 67 percent from 70 percent. Meanwhile, the number of people in private rented housing rose to 16 percent from 10 percent over the same period, according to the Office for National Statistics. Rising demand has pushed up rents by an a

33、verage of 4. 4 percent over the last year, according to LSL Property Services. In London rents increased 7.8 percent.“A growing number of young would-be buyers are preparing for lifelong rentingby necessity rather than choice,“ said Jonathan Moore, director of easyroommate. co. uk, a property Web si

34、te. Charlotte Ashton, 30, has lived in rented accommodations ever since she left her parent s home to attend university. She said she was saving for a down payment to buy her own home. “I do believe in the fundamentals of owning bricks and mortar as security for the future, more than leaving my mone

35、y in the banks at a low interest rate,“ said Ms. Ashton, who works in public relations. “But now it seems unless you have a very well paid job and are willing to save every penny, it s unfeasible to buy without the help of the bank of Mum and Dad. “Some economists are concerned that as more people a

36、re forced to wait to buy a home, it could open up a widening of the wealth gap that already exists between homeowners and non homeowners, endangering the retirement prospects for a swelling group of young adults they call “generation rent. “ It could also have implications for the cohesion of neighb

37、orhoods, Alison Blackwell, a research director at the National Center for Social Research and author of the Halifax report said. Renters tend to be less involved in local communities because they are forced to move more often. And the economy as a whole may suffer because renters tend to curb spendi

38、ng to save for a deposit.36 For British people, buying home is_.(A)a distant goal(B) a symbol of success(C) a compulsory choice(D)nothing but an investment37 Mrs. Thatcher s right-to-buy policy has lead to_.(A)the homeownership bust(B) the economic recovery(C) the homeownership boom(D)the economic r

39、ecession38 Which of the following statements about Generation Rent is true?(A)They consider renting as a lifelong plan rather than a temporary choice.(B) They are in face of economic downturn and a risk of early retirement.(C) They despise the idea of asking parents for money to buy house.(D)They st

40、ill believe in the blessing of house just like their previous generation.39 It can be inferred from the passage that_.(A)the rental market and the buying market always develop in reverse direction(B) it is impossible for the first-time buyers to get a mortgage under current economic situation(C) Buy

41、ing home is a more profitable investment than buying fund under current economic situation(D)Britain s real estate market is less volatile than that of other Continental European countries40 More people s inclination to rent rather than buy a house will not_.(A)enlarge the wealth disparity between t

42、he haves and have-nots(B) reduce the renter s commitment to the community(C) slow the recovery of economy(D)curb social mobilityPart B (10 points) 40 AShare the ResponsibilityBKeep Your ReceiptsCCut Bad HabitsDBalance Your CheckbookERemain FlexibleFPay Down DebtGFocus on SavingsYou have a big expens

43、e coming up. You need a better car,or a bigger home,or you want to go back to college. What do you do? Borrow,borrow,borrowright? Well,maybe not. If youve created a budget, you know exactly how much money you have coming in, and how much is going out. You can make some plans concerning that big expe

44、nse. But if you dont have a budget plan, you probably dont have a very good picture of your finances, and you may be tempted to borrow more money rather than squeezing all you can from your income. Its definitely better in the long runfor you and for your moneyto have a budget.【C1】 _By now,youve set

45、 up your budget. You know how much money you have. But you could still use some help staying on budget. Here are some tips that can help you stick to your budget and get ahead on that major purchase: Determine the amount of your budget that you can afford to save each month. Have it direct-deposited

46、 to your savings account, or to your mutual fund. Wherever you decide to keep your savings, make sure you put money into it every month. That savings will make a big difference for you later.【C2】 _Whether its alcohol or tobacco,if you use much of either,you know how expensive bad habits can be. Stop

47、 smoking and drinking,and put the beer/cigarette money toward your other expenses. Youll see your bills come downand feel your health improvein no time. Youll also save on health care expenses down the road, and you may become eligible for lower insurance premiums.【C3】 _Make sure youre not the only

48、member of your household concerned about your budget. If youre working hard to save money, but your spouse is out spending you into debt, youre fighting a losing battle. Sit down together and make a plan to determine how much spending money you should each have. Then,check in every week to see how w

49、ell youre doing. If the entire family shares the responsibility for the budget, everyone can cut back just a little and make a big difference. One person shouldnt have to shoulder the entire burden alone.【C4】 _If you have credit card debt, you may feel like its going to take forever to pay it off. But you can get ahead by choosing one cardideally,the one with the highest interest rateand paying as much as you can on it every month. If

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