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1、考研英语(一)模拟试卷 34 及答案与解析一、Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (10 points) 0 Until recently, most population growth has occurred in relatively dense urban environments. In【C1】_words, even if we were witnessin

2、g rapid population growth, that would not mean that the【C2】_were filling in with people.【C3 】 _, the urban areas would tend to become more crowded.Historically, we find that people have moved to【C4 】_the jobs were. Jobs were usually in ports or locations with many natural【 C5】_. After transportation

3、 became relatively cheap, other geographical locations became【C6】_of economic activity. One factor that determines where people will move to, even when transportation becomes cheap, is【C7 】_. And individuals working in cities【 C8】_higher incomes than those working in【C9】_areas. Hence, population has

4、 tended until the 1970s to【C10】_in our major urban centers. Recently population has【C11】_out of the Northeast to the South and to the West for the more pleasant climates. If people did not【C12】_from living in large cities, there would likely be a much more even population distribution【C13】_our entir

5、e land area.Probably, if this【C14】_the case , there would be less concern over population 【C15 】_Indeed, one need only【C16】_a cross-country drive or plane trip to realize how【C17】_sparsely populated these United States really are. This is not to say that we should or should not do something about【C1

6、8】_growth. The shortage of people in certain areas merely demonstrates that overpopulation in the United States is really only a problem in【C19】_urban environments. And this problem may be slowly correcting【C20】_.1 【C1 】(A)other(B) another(C) one another(D)those2 【C2 】(A)towns(B) countryside(C) citi

7、es(D)farms3 【C3 】(A)Therefore(B) Moreover(C) Rather(D)Otherwise4 【C4 】(A)where(B) there(C) what(D)how5 【C5 】(A)resources(B) sources(C) means(D)wealth6 【C6 】(A)channels(B) routes(C) sources(D)centers7 【C7 】(A)profit(B) expense(C) income(D)deposit8 【C8 】(A)earn(B) gain(C) win(D)obtain9 【C9 】(A)dense(B

8、) desert(C) urban(D)rural10 【C10 】(A)enrich(B) increase(C) decrease(D)enlarge11 【C11 】(A)vanished(B) drifted(C) shifted(D)escaped12 【C12 】(A)withdraw(B) derive(C) develop(D)benefit13 【C13 】(A)throughout(B) beyond(C) from(D)into14 【C14 】(A)was(B) were(C) wasnt(D)werent15 【C15 】(A)quality(B) reduction

9、(C) explosion(D)structure16 【C16 】(A)take(B) start(C) engage(D)arrange17 【C17 】(A)sparsely(B) densely(C) scarcely(D)meagerly18 【C18 】(A)population(B) education(C) people(D)culture19 【C19 】(A)underpopulated(B) overcrowded(C) polluted(D)inhabited20 【C20 】(A)itself(B) it(C) themselves(D)himselfPart ADi

10、rections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)21 One of the odd things about some business organizations is that they spend so much money to lure new customers and spend so little to keep them after theyve been landed. It just does

11、nt make sense. Taking customers for granted is routine in some larger organizations, where mere bigness generates an attitude of indifference.Loyal customers are an organizations only protection against bankruptcy, and losing them because of neglect or indifference is downright sinful. Not only do s

12、atisfied customers continue to fatten the till, they often encourage others to buy. This is advertising that doesnt cost a penny. And although there are always problems in giving good service to customers, maintaining their patronage(光顾) isnt all that difficult. Its a matter of attitude, of believin

13、g that everyone who buys from you is entitled to the best treatment you can deliver. Plus giving just a little more than you have to.We said there are always problems in giving good service to customers. The reason, of course, is that no organization is perfect, and theres many a slip: unreasonable

14、delays in filling orders, shipping the wrong merchandise, failing to answer letters promptly, and so on.Sometimes these errors or failures cant be helped. For example, if you cant get parts because of material shortages or a transportation strike, customers may be denied the goods theyve ordered. An

15、d not infrequently the customer is to blamefor example, failing to clearly identify the article or service required.Yet no matter who is at fault, customers whom you value highly should generally be given the benefit of the doubt. Note that we said “customers whom you value highly.“ The old saying(格

16、言) goes that all customers should be treated alike is a myth. Customers who repeatedly place large orders and pay for them will naturally, get more attention than those who buy infrequently and have to be badgered to pay what they owe. However, you have to make the assumption that all customers are

17、good unless proved otherwise.21 The main idea of the passage is best expressed by which of the following? _(A)Business organizations should not spend so much money to attract new customers(B) Maintaining customers patronage is the most important to business organizations(C) Customers are kings(D)Org

18、anizations should pay more attention to the benefit of their customers22 Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the second paragraph? _(A)Customers should always be well serviced(B) Without loyal customers an organization might go bankrupt(C) Companies can employ custofners to advertis

19、e their products(D)It is difficult for large organizations to provide their customers with good service23 The author might probably disagree with which of the following statements?_(A)Some errors and failures are unavoidable(B) Both an organization and their customer are responsible for certain erro

20、r(C) An attitude of indifference towards their customers might result in a heavy loss of profit(D)Only regular customers deserve good treatment24 What does the author imply in the sentence “The old saw that all customers should be treated alike is a myth“?_(A)Its not real that customers should be tr

21、eated equal(B) Its not true that all customers are treated equal(C) Customers received equal treatment in the past(D)Its an old story that customers were treated equal25 The word “identify“ in the fourth paragraph is the same as _(A)notice(B) distinguish(C) describe(D)recognize25 Jim Boon is a hybri

22、d kind of guy. He drives a Toyota hybrid to work, a Honda hybrid on weekends and, as a manager for Seattle public transit he recently placed the worlds largest order for hybrid electric buses. Now, with the biggest hybrid-bus fleet in the world, Seattle has become the main testing ground for a techn

23、ology that claims it can drastically cut air pollution and fuel consumption. In the 1990s, demo fleets of 35 buses or fewer started cropping up in cities such as Tempe, Ariz. Sixteen of these early hybrids still service Genoa, Italy, where drivers switch from diesel to electric power when passing th

24、e citys downtown architectural treasures. But no city has gone as far as Seattle, which last year bought 235 GM hybrid buses at $ 645,000 a pop. When the final one rolls out this December, the regions bus system will be 15 percent hybrid. But why Seattle, and why now? The Pacific Northwest has long

25、been a hotbed of both Green politics and cutting-edge technology. Fourteen years ago the Seattle area bought 236 Italian-made Breda buses to service a mile-long downtown tunnel. They were supposed to operate as clean electric trolleys underground, but the switching mechanism often failed and “the bu

26、s drove through the tunnel as a diesel,“ says Boon. “It was pretty loud and smoky. “ When the Bredas hit retirement age in 2002, Boon went shopping. He chose the GM buses because they use an automatic transmission and diesel boosters that provide power to scale inclines without strain. In hilly Seat

27、tle, the prospect of a hybrid that could climb like a diesel but accelerate without belching black fumes helped justify a price $ 200,000 higher than that of a regular bus. “The days of seeing a diesel pull away and pour out smoke are over,“ says Boon. “After we drove these hybrid buses across the c

28、ountry, I wiped a handkerchief inside the tailpipe. It came out spotless. “ Experts say buses are critical to realizing the hybrid dream of greater efficiency and cleaner air. It would take thousands of hybrid cars to save as many gallons of gas (750,000) as Boon expects his buses to save Seattle ea

29、ch year. GM claims that compared with conventional diesels, its new buses also churn out 90 percent less particulate mattera known carcinogen. “Buses are a major source of pollution in any city,“ says Dave Kircher of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. “They operate where people are breathing this exh

30、aust, so this is a major step forward in terms of emissions. “ And a major step forward in the marketplace: Philadelphia, Honolulu, Long Beach, Calif., and Albuquerque, N. M. , have all bought the GM buses in recent months. GM is now touting itself in ads as the top hybrid-bus innovator, but Siemens

31、 is among the global giants dueling GM for new business, and New York plans to deploy 325 BAE Systems hybrids by 2006. “Theres room for competition,“ says James Cannon, editor of Hybrid Vehicles newsletter. Seems Seattle isnt the only city trying to leave grunge behind.26 How does Genoa protect its

32、architectural treasures?(A)Following Seattles steps to reduce pollution.(B) Using electric power of the car.(C) Shifting the power of the hybrids to electric one when crossing.(D)Reducing the number of the buses crossing there.27 Which of the following can be the main advantage of hybrid bus?(A)Cutt

33、ing air pollution and fuel consumption.(B) Producing less smoke and noise.(C) Owning strong switching mechanism.(D)Producing less dangerous matter.28 The expression “churn out“ (Line 4, Paragraph 5) most probably means_.(A)increase(B) destroy(C) reduce(D)produce29 Why are buses critical to realizing

34、 the hybrid dream of higher efficiency?(A)Buses are a major source of pollution.(B) A single bus saves much more gas than a single car.(C) Buses carry more passengers.(D)New buses produce less harmful material.30 Which of the following is true according to the text?(A)Many cities plan to buy GM buse

35、s.(B) GM buses have the incomparable advantages over other buses.(C) There is severe competition in the field of hybrid vehicles.(D)The best way to keep the city clean is to buy hybrid buses.30 There were two widely divergent influences on the early development of statistical methods. Statistics had

36、 a mother who was dedicated to keeping orderly records of governmental units (state and statistics come from the same Latin root, status) and a gentlemanly gambling father who relied on mathematics to increase his skill at playing the odds in games of chance. The influence of the mother on the offsp

37、ring, statistics, is represented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, ordering, and the taking of censusesall of which led to modem descriptive statistics. From the influence of the father came modem inferentical statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability.Descriptive s

38、tatistics involves tabulating, depicting, and describing collections of data. These data may be either quantitative, such as measures of height, intelligence, or grade levelvariables that are characterized by an underlying continuum or the data may represent qualitative variable, such as sex, colleg

39、e major, or personality type.Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible. Descriptive statistics is tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data.Infere

40、ntial statistics is a formalized body of methods for solving another class of problems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. This general class of problems characteristically involves attempts to make predictions using a sample of observations. For example, a school superintend

41、ent wishes to determine the proportion of children in a large school system who come to school without breakfast, have been vaccinated for flu, or whatever. Having a little knowledge of statistics, the superintendent would know that it is unnecessary and inefficient to question each child; the propo

42、rtion for the entire district could be estimated fairly accurately from a sample of as few as 100 children. Thus, the purpose of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics of a population from knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population. 31 Which of the

43、following are counting and describing associated with?(A)Descriptive statistics(B) Unknown variables(C) Qualitative changes(D)Inferential statistics 32 Why does the author mention the “mother“ and “father“ in the first paragraph?(A)To present the background of statistics in a humorous and understand

44、able way(B) To point out that parents can teach their children statistics(C) To explain that there are different kinds of variables(D)To introduce inferentical statistics 33 Which of the following is true of descriptive statistics?(A)It leads to increased variability(B) It solves all numerical probl

45、ems(C) It simplifies unwieldy masses of data(D)It changes qualitative variables to quantitative variables 34 What is the purpose of examining a sample of a population?(A)To tabulate collections of data(B) To compare different groups(C) To consider all the quantitative variables(D)To predict characte

46、ristics of the entire population 35 Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?(A)How to Use Descriptive Statistics(B) Applications of Inferential Statistics(C) The Development and Use of Statistics(D)The Drawbacks of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics 36 Some drug makers pa

47、y key leaders in a field of medicine, such as chairs of departments in medical schools, tens of thousands of dollars if they are saying the right things about their product. They manipulate medical education sessions, lectures, articles in medical journals, research studies, even personal conversati

48、ons between physicians to get their product message across.Now a huge collection of drug company internal documentsrevealed as part of a lawsuitoffers a wealth of detail. In 1996, Dr. David Franklin, an employee of the drug company Parke-Davis, filed the lawsuit under federal whistleblower statutes

49、alleging that the company was illegally promoting a drug called Neurontin for so called “off-label uses. Under federal law, once the FDA approves a drug, a doctor can prescribe it for anything. But the law specifically prohibits the drug company from promoting the drug for any unapproved uses. In 2004, the company, by then a division of Pfizer admitted guilt and agreed to pay $430 million in criminal and civil liability relat


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