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1、考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 30 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 On Customer Service Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) g

2、ive your comments. 2 “Secret“ Entertaining Study the drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) interpret the social phenomenon reflected by it, and 3) give your point of view. You should write 160-200 words. 3 Who Should Stay? Write an essay of 160-

3、200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. 4 The Cost of Urbanization Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explai

4、n its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. 5 What Is More Urgent? Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) interpret its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. 考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 30 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an ess

5、ay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 In this picture, two scenes are depicted. Before the sale, the customer service representative is very eager to serve the client to secure the order. After that, when the client wants to cancel the order, he puts up a “out o

6、f service“ sign. This picture satirizes the “before and after“ sales technique adopted by some customer service representatives. They would be friendly and hospitable to customers before the sale. But once the sale is made, they would pull a long face to frighten you off.In my opinion, this kind of

7、customer service attitude is very short-sighted and will lead to losing returned customers. The customer service representatives might think that they can make a profit by playing this trick on customers. However, once customers learn that the representatives sales technique is despicable, they will

8、 never patronize their products or service again. In this sense, they have lost many potential loyal customers who would be the constant source of profits.In short, to secure and retain a customer, customer service representatives must be able to deliver satisfactory service before and after sales.【

9、试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了客服在售前和售后两种截然不同的态度。售前热情好客,售后冷面相对。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,并指出图片的意图:讽刺一些客服人员售前和售后两副嘴脸的伎俩。第二段提出个人看法:这种服务态度是很短视的,难以招来回头客。做生意应当要诚实经营,售前与售后都以客为先才能赢得客户并留住客户。第三段总结全文:只有提供让人满意的售前和售后服务,才能赢得并留住客户。【知识模块】 大作文写作2 【正确答案】 In the picture, a factory site visit by governmental inspectors is feature

10、d. The footprints show that the inspectors walk through the front door, straight to the back door, without paying any visit to the factory workshops. Their destination is the grand hotel behind the back door. This picture vividly portrays those corrupt inspectors who are lavishly entertained by the

11、questionable factory and turn a blind eye to any problem of the factory in return.In my opinion, this malpractice must be tackled by some effective measures. First of all, governmental inspectors must be mandated that they could not accept any treat or entertainment from the inspected. If they accep

12、t any kind of special treatment, they would be liable for bribery prosecution. In addition, an independent third-party member could be asked to participate in the inspection. For instance, concerned citizens, news reporters, or NGO volunteers could be invited to witness the site visit. In this way,

13、inspectors and the inspected would feel the external pressure and dare not to get out of line.In conclusion, self-discipline and external supervision can help us fight against corruption and ensure that the problems of the inspected be discovered.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了检查团实地检查的情景。从脚印看出,检查团并没有对工厂厂房进行检查,而是从前门径

14、直走向大酒店享受招待。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,并指出图片的意图:一些腐败检查员接受款待,对工厂的问题置之不理。第二段提出个人看法:我们应采取有效措施遏制这种腐败行为。其一,政府检查员不得接受任何形式的特别待遇,以树正气。其二,独立的第三方机构应参与到巡查中,用外界力量实施监督。第三段总结全文:自律和外部监管双管齐下,有助于遏制腐败行为。【知识模块】 大作文写作3 【正确答案】 In the picture, an official is playing mahjong. He has discarded the tiles entitled “talen

15、ts“, “strangers“, etc. Among the remaining tiles are “wife“, “oldest son“, “son-in-law“, etc. He is thinking over who could survive and who to be ruled out. This picture, in its metaphorical way, reveals the problem of nepotism in some government departments: The appointment and promotion of a civil

16、 servant are not based on his merit, but his relationship with the leader.In my opinion, nepotism must be eliminated by some effective measures. First, the appointment avoidance policy of civil servants must be implemented, and regulations like the superior and the subordinate should not be close re

17、latives must be strictly observed. Second, whenever a decision about appointment or promotion is made, opinions and comments should be solicited internally and externally. For example, biography and merits of the candidates should be released for public scrutiny and any one in doubt shall have the a

18、ccess to air his opinion, which will be taken into consideration in the final decision.In conclusion, a check and balance rule and a transparent procedure for appointment and promotion of a civil servant could help to solve the problem of nepotism.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了一名官员打麻将的情景。从台上的牌来看,他在人事任用上任人唯亲。根据这一思路,

19、并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,指出图片的意图:揭露一些政府部门任人唯亲。第二段提出个人看法:应采取有效措施根除任人唯亲的现象。其一,必须执行公务员任职回避政策,规定近亲不得成为直接上下级等。其二,人事任命和晋升时,应在内部和外部公开征询意见。第三段总结全文:严谨的规定和透明的制度可避免任人唯亲。【知识模块】 大作文写作4 【正确答案】 In the picture, a group of people are rushing to the little space between high-rise buildings. They are not attracted by

20、the skyscrapers, but the sun emerging behind the buildings. The message implied in this picture is that we are losing the natural elements of life when we are in pursuit of urbanization. The once familiar sunshine is now turned into a luxury that few people can enjoy.In my opinion, we need to strike

21、 a balance between urbanizing and keeping natural elements. Without doubt, urbanization brings us convenience and a strong momentum of economic growth. In the meantime, however, we are being deprived of the joy and privilege of enjoying nature. For instance, it is rare to see fireflies in modern Chi

22、nese cities; gone are also the memories of hearing frog croaking in summer and chasing butterflies at weekends. Therefore, I think the government should reserve a certain proportion of lands as public places and green places, such as botanical gardens, parks and local habitats.In conclusion, the cos

23、t of urbanization is apparently enormous; however, measures could be taken to ensure the pleasure brought by both nature and the urban comforts.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画的是:在高楼大厦建筑群中,太阳露出了一小半,人们争先恐后地去观看这一“奇观”。该图可引发我们思考如何在城市发展与自然环境中取得平衡。根据这一思路,文章内容可以安排如下:第一段简要描绘图片,指出城市化使人们远离自然环境,熟悉的阳光居然成了难以享受的奢侈品。第二段提出个人看法:我们应该在城

24、市化建设和保持自然元素之间取得平衡。城市化给我们带来了便利,但也拉远了我们与自然的距离,举萤火虫、蛙鸣、追蝴蝶为例。第三段总结全文,发出呼吁。【知识模块】 大作文写作5 【正确答案】 In the picture, someone is drowning, extending a hand out of the water to seek for help. At the riverside, a group of people are gathered. Instead of trying to help, they all take out their cell phones to tak

25、e pictures, which are meant to be put on their Microblogs. This appalling picture is a wake-up call for people whose conscience might have given way to their enthusiasm to social media Which is more urgent, to capture the moment and flaunt it on the Microblog or to rescue the drowning man?I believe

26、the answer is quite evident: a persons life should come first. Sadly, some people, in order to attract attention in the virtual world, ignore the moral and reasonable choice. From a car accident to a drowning person, from a robbery to an abandoned baby in rain, they take photos first of whatever the

27、y see to put on their Microblogs instead of helping the person in danger. What would these indifferent people think if they were the ones in danger?In short, nothing is as important as rescuing a persons life. Thus, we should try hard to help others as soon as we find them in danger.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了一群人拿着手机去拍落水者的情景。该图在谴责现代人在别人遇到危难时,首先采取的行动不是救人,而是拍照发微博。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,指出图片的意图:引起我们反思救人与拍照发微博,哪个更紧急?第二段提出个人看法:人的生命重于名利;批判一些人为了能在虚拟世界中吸引别人的注意,遇事先想到的却是发微博而不是救人。第三段总结全文:没有什么事情比挽救一个人的生命重要,应第一时间去帮助那些处在危难之中的人。【知识模块】 大作文写作


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