1、考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 4 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Write an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your
2、 comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 2 Write an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 3 Writ
3、e an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 4 Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following drawing. In
4、 your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 5 Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. int
5、erpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 4 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 Two bowls hold respectively the water from two taps. A little curren
6、t brings more water; a strong current brings less water instead.This picture indicates that haste makes waste. This philosophy implies a deep meaningthe relationship between individuals endeavor and the final fruit. Aspiring after the victory and pursuing the fruit are no grounds for blame, while si
7、mply going for the speed and wanting instant gratification will always result in backfiring. Unfortunately, many people know this truth, but their actions run counter to it. Even the famous person in history is no exception, Su Qin, a man in the Warring States Period, was anxious for the high positi
8、on with high pay in the very year of graduation, yet nowhere did he receive much attention. Later, he repented of his actions and hit the books, finally wearing the prime ministers seals of six kingdoms. Actually, such mistakes not only appear in stories, but happen in our daily life. For example, t
9、aking time to delve into learning methods, instead of blindly reviewing, makes more sense, when the university students prepare for exams.As the saying goes, slow and steady wins the race. So is the life. Torment, frustration, torture and struggle are all the necessary processes of growth. Only when
10、 we take every step steadfastly, can we reach the paradise of success.【试题解析】 从图中物体的异同性和内在联系入手,图片的意义就会显而易见。图中左右两边各有一个打开的水龙头和接水的碗,而不同之处在于水龙头流水量的大小和碗里存水量的多少。显然,这两者之间成反比例关系。图片正是运用象征手法,即水流象征个人的努力,存水量象征取得的结果,以告诫人们欲速则不达。考生需要注意的是,图中的水龙头和碗不过是水的载体,与图片寓意的关联并不紧密,切莫将这两样事物分析得过于具体,造成偏题。第一段:描述图片。可将图中左右两部分当作两个整体分别描述
11、。分析图片时,无需一一解释水龙头、碗和水的象征意义,将水流与存水量之间的反比关系点出即可。第二段:揭示寓意,充分延展。首先可点明主题,然后联系现实,并铺以名人事例,论证观点,呼应主题。第三段:总结评论。呼吁人们脚踏实地,稳扎稳打。【知识模块】 短文写作2 【正确答案】 Two noodle shops adjacent to each other experience very different fates. Customers in the small noodle shop are few and far between, while those in the big one are n
12、umerous, which throws the chef of the small noodle shop into great confusion. After probing into the causes, he found the key is the free Wi-Fi.This picture highlights the important role Wi-Fi plays in social development. Of all the changes having taken place in China during the past quarter-century
13、, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the generalization of the Internet, especially the spread of Wi-Fi. It is widely acknowledged that the popularization of Wi-Fi can create vast material and spiritual wealth. It can maximize the value of time, thus tremendously improving productivity. For exam
14、ple, any businessman, with the aid of Wi-Fi, can collect relevant information almost anytime and anywhere, effectively raising work efficiency. Another notable and beneficial effect Wi-Fi exerts on the social development is to push life beyond the old physical barriers of time and space. Here you ca
15、n buy clothes, pay utility bills and make new friends without being restricted by traffic.The Muni Wi-Fi, the concept of making the entire city a wireless Access Zone, is being pushed forward by some foreign cities. We, in the meantime, should take a long-range view and realize that those who seize
16、the leadership of the digital revolution will gain the dominant power of the development in the next round.【试题解析】 上图中,相邻的两家面馆境遇截然不同。值得注意的是生意兴旺的面馆门上贴有醒目的提示语:本店 WiFi 开放!显而易见,这正是该店客流不断的原因。图画所反映的社会现象表明,身处互联网时代的人们不仅关心食物本身,更注重配套的网络服务带来的附加价值,换言之,无线网络影响了我们的消费行为。考生可以此为切入点来行文,当然也可从更宏观的角度论述互联网的推广以及无线网络的普及对社会和生
17、活产生的影响,如时间价值的最大化、生产率的提高等。第一段:描述图画。可对两家面馆的境遇进行对比描述,并指明造成这一局面的原因,以烘托主题。第二段:揭示寓意,深化内容。首先点明文章主旨,然后分析无线网络带来的积极影响,并结合实例加以论证。第三段:归纳总结。提出个人看法或建议,以深化主题。【知识模块】 短文写作3 【正确答案】 In front of hundreds of computers sits a man. Each computer has a big mouth open on the screen, looking like saying something to the man.
18、 Apparently, the artist highlights the power of the Internet public opinions.Nowadays, with the rapid development of new technologies , the Internet has become a spreading platform for public opinions, where anyone can express their views. The Internet liberates our thoughts. Meanwhile, every single
19、 one of us is building it every single day. By means of the Internet, our voices can be influential enough to facilitate solutions to certain social problems. For instance, the overwhelming attention paid to the caseSun Zhigang, a young man without any identity papers, was detained by the police and
20、 died in asylumis in favor of the victim. Unfortunately, online public o-pinions are deadly as well. The anonymity and arbitrariness have resulted in plenty of irresponsible online behaviors, such as starting and spreading rumors, viciously slandering other people and eyber-bullying among juveniles,
21、 which leave the public deeply traumatized.To make the best of the Internet, the freedom of online speech, I believe, should be handled with great care. Or, put another way, we should stay rational and critical when making comments or reading other peoples opinions, thus rooting out the cancer of th
22、e Consensus Violence in Web.【试题解析】 图中一男子置身于无数张着嘴巴的电脑中,听后者侃侃而谈。这些数量庞大的电脑你一言我一语,议论着周围世界的是是非非。它们作为公众思想宣泄的途径,无疑成为网络舆论的象征。本图旨在揭示人们与网络舆论之间的关系。作为网络舆论的载体,互联网已然成为信息传播活动不可须臾离弃的手段和方式。它给人们提供了自由发表意见的平台。然而,凡事皆有两面性,由于网络使用者众多,难免鱼龙混杂,造成网络信息良莠不齐,从而引发一些危及社会和公众的事件。因此,考生在行文时,可从网络舆论的利与弊两方面展开论述,并针对弊端提出相应的解决建议。第一段:描述图画。可在必
23、要的细节描述之后,点出“张着嘴的电脑”的象征意义,为下文做好铺垫。第二段:揭示寓意,充分延展。首先与现实相联系,点明主题;然后指出网络舆论的优点,并辅以事例为证;继而道出网络舆论的弊端,分析其对人们生活带来的负面影响。第三段:总结评论。呼吁人们理智对待网络舆论并提出可行性建议。【知识模块】 短文写作4 【正确答案】 On a big stone sit three peopleTang Priest, Bajie and Friar Sand. The latter two hold respectively the diplomas of doctor and master of catch
24、ing monsters. Tang Priest is shouting to Wukong, “You are fired owing to your low education background. “ Carrying a parcel, Wukong is leaving with a saddened mien.This picture criticizes people for their regard for educational qualifications rather than ability. This phenomenon is universal in that
25、 all applicants, reported by China Daily, are required to have a bachelor degree or above by most enterprises when recruiting new employees. If a person is judged by his educational qualification, even Bill Gates feels deeply a-shamed. Actually, ones record of formal schooling is not necessarily in
26、proportion to his ability. The former only reflects how well people get educated. The capabilities, gained from years of experience, count a lot more than educational qualification. Furthermore, as long as what a person does is beneficial to the society and the people, what does it matter even if he
27、 is ill-educated? Conversely, what good will it do if he just gets a decent education?Real capabilities come from social practice; real ability levels are proved by practice. Hence, all eyes should not be focused only on the educational qualification of the successful men. Rather, we should recogniz
28、e those who make contributions to the society, and then grant them the highest “degree“ .【试题解析】 图画中,唐僧、八戒和沙僧端坐在一个大石头上,悟空却背着包裹黯然地离开。结合图画文字可推知,唐僧解聘了悟空,原因是他的学历低于拿着捉妖博士的八戒和手持硕士学历证明的沙僧。众所周知,唐僧四师徒中,孙悟空的本领最为神通。而在本图中,他却因为学历低于其他二人而被解聘。显而易见,图片讽刺了当今社会重学历轻能力的现象。学历就等于能力吗?答案绝非简单的肯定。故考生在行文时,可以探讨学历与能力的关系。若能在论述中由学历和
29、能力延展至其他方面,如对他人和社会的奉献等,会使文章更具深意。第一段:描述图画。“拥有高学历证明的八戒和沙僧”以及“因学历低而被解雇的悟空”是两大关键信息,应重点描述,以烘托图画主题重视学历而轻视能力。第二段:揭示寓意,充分延展。首先可点明主题;然后联系实际,指出学历与能力之间的关系,必要时辅以相关调查或研究结果,以论证观点。段末可将论述内容延展至对社会的奉献,深化主题。第三段:总结评论。再次点题,呼吁人们客观看待学历与能力。【知识模块】 短文写作5 【正确答案】 In the picture stands a stall, doing a brisk trade in popcorn. Wh
30、at surprises us is that it is an undergraduate who runs the business. A lady tells two customers that college students can support themselves by selling popcorn.This picture encourages college students to change the i-deas about employment. The conventional view that the job related to ones major sh
31、ould be the highest priority for graduates is seemingly out of time. The large-scale expansion of u-niversities renders the jobs on offer often far from what ambitious twenty-somethings want. According to the survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, in 2015, 7.49 million college s
32、tudents left campus, searching for work. Apparently, the workplace is filled with more competition than ever, so college graduates should choose several alternatives to create more job opportunities for themselves. For one thing, young people could change their attitudes towards employment. For anot
33、her thing, they should seek for opportunities based on their own features and interests.Fortunately, some college students have changed their i-deas, making full use of their abilities to set up business in great vigor. Besides, the government has also issued related policies, encouraging college st
34、udents to widen their employment channels.【试题解析】 长期以来,大学生就业都是社会关注的热点话题,上图正是据此有感而作。图中出现厂一个爆米花小摊,而旁边一位女士的介绍让我们很直观地了解到摊主大学毕业后通过卖爆米花养活自己。近年来,类似这种事例也常见报端,自然使人联想到“创业”一词,由此即可确定图片主题:大学生应大胆转变就业观念,自主创业谋求发展。作文应以转变就业观念为核心,不能一味论述竞争激烈、就业难等问题。第一段:描述图片。点明摊主的大学生身份,并准确传达出旁边女士的说话内容,以烘托图片主题。第二段:揭示寓意,深入分析。可先点明主旨,接着结合现实情况分析大学生就业的现状和急需转变就业观念的原因,最后给出建议。第三段:总结评论。指出部分学生就业观念的转变和国家政策的调整,以突显自主创业及拓宽就业渠道的可行性。【知识模块】 短文写作