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1、考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 10 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your example (s).You

2、 should write about 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)2 Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your example (s).You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET

3、2. (20 points)3 Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain the purpose of its painter, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)4 Study the following drawing carefully

4、and write an essay in which you should1) describe the drawing,2) interpret its meaning, and3) suggest counter-measures.You should write about 160 -200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)5 Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the drawing,2) i

5、nterpret its meaning, and3) state your suggestion.You should write about 160 -200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 10 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 What an interesting and thought-provoking draw

6、ing it is! As is vividly revealed in the drawing above, a man is running forward with vigorous strides. Apparently he is approaching success with the help of a compass in his hand. What the drawing intends to convey is most instructive to us, especially young people.The implication of the drawing ca

7、n be interpreted in terms of success, accumulation, rationality and details. First of all, Rome was not built in one day. All people long for success. However, to realize our dream needs a process and accumulation. And nothing could be achieved overnight. Stories of many famous scientists prove that

8、 step by step is the only way to success. In addition, every correct and rational step is of importance. As a saying goes “Life is long but its critical point just depends on a few steps“. Thus, details of our daily conducts must not be neglected. Whenever a decision needs to be made, we must think

9、before leap. We should make sensible decisions so as to ensure our success. In short, accumulation and rationality should be stressed on our way to success.Take Deng Yaping for example. She used to be a celebrated table-tennis player. It is her accumulation of relevant skills that has made her reali

10、ze her Olympic dream. And after she retired, she made a right choiceto learn English in Tsinghua University. It is her practical decision that made her work for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games successful. (247 words)【试题解析】 本文第二段的相关论述用词准确,其中的谚语可谓妙笔生花。【知识模块】 短文写作2 【正确答案】 As is symbolically portrayed in

11、 the drawing, the morning glory in one pot is turning to the sign of RMB in the other pot and tightly holding it. What is indicated in the picture is both humorous and thought-provoking.The implication of the drawing can be analyzed with respect to money and our social values. Money is neither all g

12、ood nor is it all so bad. If you make money or get money in a dishonest way, that s not good. If you take advantage of money and do harm to others, that s even worse. Accept it or not, money is a necessary part of our life. But what we should always bear in mind is that we have to make and spend mon

13、ey appropriately. Many people do not seem to know what money is for. They want it above all things. The Bible says that “the love of money is the root of all evil“. This is the best reason for avoiding the love of money.Take doctors for example. They like fees no doubt; yet if they are well-educated

14、, the entire object of their lives is not fees. They, on the whole, desire to cure the sick, andif they are good doctorswould rather cure their patient and lose their fee than kill him and get it. The main object of their lives is not money; it is something better than money. (234 words)【试题解析】 本文尾段有

15、关金钱与医生相互关系的事例十分准确清晰,成为本文的得分点。【知识模块】 短文写作3 【正确答案】 As is realistically revealed in the drawing above, a young lady is going for plastic surgery with a guidebook on life in her hand. What is indicated in the drawing should make us reflect upon our thoughts and conducts.The intention of its painter can

16、be elaborated in terms of appearance and life. Life is not about how beautiful or ugly you are. Its not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, brown, or green, or if your skin is too light or too dark. But life is about whom you love and whom you hurt. Its about who you make happy or unhappy purp

17、osefully. Its about keeping or betraying trust. Its about friendship, used as sanctity, or as a weapon. Its about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening. Its about what judgments you pass and why. But most of all, its about using your life to touch or poison other peoples hearts.I am

18、 against plastic surgery because you are changing the way God created you. I think you should only have a plastic surgery if you get into an accident and your face gets messed up. If you are perfectly fine, then you shouldnt have one. Plastic surgery is for temporary satisfaction. And wise people ne

19、ver judge a book by its cover. (218 words)【试题解析】 本文第二段“be about”这一句子结构的叠用简洁且有力度,成为本文的得分点。【知识模块】 短文写作4 【正确答案】 As is vividly betrayed in the drawing above, a huge modern high-rise building is contesting with a small and ancient pavilion, which mirrors a common social phenomenon that our ancient and tr

20、aditional architectures are gradually replaced with high-rise architectures made of steel and cement. In a country of over-5 000-year history, the current situation is indeed thought-provoking.The implication of the drawing above can be illustrated as follows. To begin with, the protection of ancien

21、t and traditional architectures should not be neglected in the development of our modern society. In the evolution of a society, the construction of high-rise buildings are necessary, but only rational construction of new buildings and discreet protection of ancient and traditional architectures can

22、 make a city preserve its vitality. In one word, a city which is of both unique traditional characteristics and modern features can finally survive and be inviting in the world. What s more, to protect the ancient and traditional architectures means that we show respect to our culture and history. A

23、s Chinese, we should have a better understanding of the importance of culture, history and tradition. In the development of our society, we should also take into consideration how to hand down our cultural heritages to our next generations. Otherwise, we will commit historical mistakes.Counter-measu

24、res must be taken immediately so as to curb the destruction of valuable ancient and traditional architectures. More importantly, relevant laws and regulations must be established to protect the valuable architectures. Besides, we must spare no efforts to popularize the importance of the protection w

25、ork. (269 words)【试题解析】 本文抓住了图中所要表达的主题保护有价值的传统古建筑,并且在论述中用词生动贴切。【知识模块】 短文写作5 【正确答案】 As is vividly revealed in the drawing above, network language has been coined with the emergence of computer and some people are holding negative attitude towards network language. At present, network language has beco

26、me a social issue and is indeed worth discussing among the general public.The implication of the drawing can be briefly stated as follows. To begin with, it is high time that we took into account network language. Over the past years, with the popularity of computers and the availability of internet

27、, network language has undergone a robust development and as a result network language has become a vogue among young people. At present, due attention should be paid to the increasing popularity of network language. Whats more, it is necessary for us to avoid the use of some network language. For t

28、he time being, some network language are ridiculous and far-fetched. For instance, “ 886“ is employed to express “Bye Bye“ and “3Q“ to express “Thank you“. The existence of such network language is bound to spoil both Chinese and English. Therefore, we had better forbid network language of the kind.

29、 In sum, the issue of network language should be put on the top of our agenda.In my view, some necessary measures should be taken to ensure a healthy development of network language. On the one hand, people should maintain an objective attitude towards the emergence of network language. On the other hand, netizens had better stop creating ridiculous and far-fetched network words and phrases. Only in these ways can we have a harmonious network environment and charming languages. (265 words)【试题解析】 本文围绕关注网络语言和对网络语言应持有客观态度两个方面对一个比较热门的话题进行了明确的论述,并且用词十分准确。【知识模块】 短文写作


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