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1、考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 53 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. explain its intended meaning, and then3. give your c

2、omment.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)2 Study the following picture and write an essay in which you should;1. describe the picture, interpret its meaning;2. present a specified example;3. conclude the essay with your personal opinion.You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANS

3、WER SHEET 2.(20 points)3 Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should1. describe the cartoon briefly, 2. interpret its meaning and implications, and3. make your comments.You should write about 160-200 words neatly on Answer Sheet 2.(20 points)4 Write an essay of 160-2

4、00 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. support your view with examples and then3. give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 53 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on t

5、he following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 As is shown in the picture, two people are dancing happily and harmoniously. When the gentleman advances, the lady retreats. On the contrary, when the woman moves forward, the man withdraws himself. These movements make a perfect and harmonious dancing.T

6、he same can be applied to a negotiation, in which give-and-take will make a win-win situation. If we do not give up when it is necessary, we may not succeed in what we are doing. Furthermore, we will be hurt if we persist. Take myself as an example, I used to make few concessions when I argued with

7、others. Due to this bad practice, I lost one friend after another. They often criticize me as too stubborn and cold-hearted.Therefore, people should learn to give up under certain circumstances, especially when we find our goal is beyond our reach or when it becomes a mission impossible. We should k

8、now better than stick to it. Another example is that when we are talking about tastes, fashion and other subjective matters, it is much wiser to listen or to give up in time rather than argue with others and insist on own. In other words, to give up wisely may be a better choice.【知识模块】 短文写作2 【正确答案】

9、Maybe everyone has his own faith and faith plays a very important role in ones life. Without faith, life will become meaningless. It is generally accepted that faith is nearly everything spirit is about. As is symbolically shown in the picture, faith is like a lighthouse that guides ships out of dar

10、kness. What one believes can make a great difference to person and the world around him/her.Perhaps no one feels that more than people in recent years. A ready example of the great impact of faith is found in Fa Lungong practitioners. Again and again, we hear someone burnt himself/herself to death o

11、r someone killed his/her family saying they were evil spirits. It is egregious for them to get people killed, especially their family, the ones who love them most. The last straw is, in front of all these bloody scenes, they were indifferendy claiming that they were following a “faith“ and were savi

12、ng people by killing them. At this moment, we got to know their “faith“ is false, ridiculous and bloodthirsty. They are engulfed by thick darkness in their spiritual world and are in need of a lighthouse to direct them, just like whats drawn in the picture.Faith is really powerful. Distorted faith,

13、or superstition, can cause major social hazards, sometimes even disasters. Where there is right faith, there is a way. But great difficulties still get in setting peoples faith right or giving people a right one, it is urgent to take actions. The best way is to seek a scientific approach to the worl

14、d through mass education.【知识模块】 短文写作3 【正确答案】 It is widely believed that whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take small steps. This is what the picture tells us. As is shown in the picture, a full-grown and handsome horse is standing up on its hind legs, with its fore hoofs projecting forward

15、and its eyes looking straight ahead into the distance. Obviously it is ready to jump out on a long journey as the caption says, “ My 1, 000 mile journey starts from the first step“.The implications of this picture are explicit and clear; anyone who has a great ambition to realize must start from scr

16、atch. What matters for his fulfillment of this dream is the small step he takes and the persistence. For instance, to build up a large vocabulary, one needs to learn and memorize words systematically and effectively. Likewise, to modernize our country, each and every one of us must do his or her utm

17、ost and make his or her contributions. Without the real efforts on a daily basis, the ambition will become a mission impossible.As human beings, we are eager to win honor for ourselves. It is only industry as well as persistence that can help us succeed, for difficulties are unavoidable, unless we d

18、o not engage ourselves in anything at all. Even when we do well at the beginning, we may give up in the face of the difficulties.【知识模块】 短文写作4 【正确答案】 Here is a vivid and lively cartoon in which we can see two people are making efforts to move a big rounded rock up. Although both of them are working h

19、ard, they may not succeed in lifting the boulder. As the caption of the picture goes, sometimes we should do things according to our resources and-capacity. In other words, one should be sensible whether his or her goal is well founded or not, or whether it is within his or her competence.Take the “

20、 Great Leap Forward“ for an example. In 1958, the whole nation was in a passionate haste of fast development of economy. People showed extraordinary enthusiasm with great expectation of a great, speculative prosperity. As both the goal and methods were beyond our capability at that time, the irratio

21、nal efforts, unfortunately , turned out to be a nation-wide waste of resources.It is natural that everyone cherishes his ideas which are fanciful or substantial. We dreamed of becoming scientists when we were school boys and girls, now we hope for a better society and are determined to work for it. However, everything has its rule in it. Therefore, we should comply with the objective rules, and make a step-by-step approach toward our goals. Remember: more haste, less speed.【知识模块】 短文写作


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