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1、考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷 1 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 0 【F1】The only thing most teachers and students of the humanities agree on, it often seems, is that these are troubled times for their field. For a whole vari

2、ety of reasonssocial, intellectual, and technological the humanities have been losing their confident position at the core of the universitys mission. This represents an important turning point, not just for education, but for our culture as a whole. Ever since the Renaissance, the humanities have d

3、efined what it means to be an educated person.【F2】The very word comes from the Latin name of the first modern curriculum, the study of humanity, invented in fourteenth-century Italy as a rival to traditional university subjects like medicine and law.According to Princeton historian Anthony Grafton,

4、“the study of humanity included quite a specific range of subjects: grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic, the arts that gave a command of Latin, the language of learning, and oratory, history, poetry, and moral philosophy. “ For centuries after, these disciplines were considered indispensable for any we

5、ll-educated person. Still more important, they helped to define an ethical ideal; they were “forms of thought and writing,“ Grafton explains, “that improved the character of the student. “【F3 】To study the humanities was to grow more independent and brave, both intellectually and morally and it was

6、the royal road to becoming a complete human being. In the words of the critic George Steiner, modern education has been defined by the principle “that the humanities humanize. “ Even today, most members of institutions like Harvard would instinctively approve, in some form, the proposition advanced

7、six centuries ago by the Italian Renaissance humanist Pier Paolo Vergerio: “We call those studies liberal, then, which are worthy of a free mart: they are those through which virtue and wisdom are either practiced or sought, and by which the body or mind is inclined towards all the best things. “ Bu

8、t today, every part of Vergerios belief is coming under increased attack.【F4】For one thing, “liberal studies“ can appear less useful, to the student and to society as a whole, than concrete scientific and technical knowledge. Better to emerge from college as a budding biologist or financier, our pra

9、ctical-minded culture incessantly tells us, than as a mere reader of books.【F5】Meanwhile, the humanities themselves have become infinitely more self-critical in recent decades, so that “virtue“ and “wisdom,“ unquestionable terms for Vergerio, are now contested battlegrounds. Reading canonical texts,

10、 many people now believe, is not the road to freedom, but a subtle kind of indoctrination.1 【F1】2 【F2】3 【F3】4 【F4】5 【F5】5 A poem or movie may be described as “sentimental“ if it is appealing too directly to the feelings of the audience. The poets of all cultures have frequently embodies the original

11、 meaning of sentimentality. But to modern sentimentality, their most substantial contribution has come through the removal of their poems, from their intellectual context.【F1】What people have too often taken, second-hand, from poetry is not the totality of a poetic vision but a few digestible associ

12、ations and assumptions. When we refer to our “heart“ today, we usually simply mean the more immovable aspects of our mind. Described almost as a moral necessity nowadays, possessing “a dream“ is usually, in fact, to possess greedy, unimaginative ambition. Yet the near-sacred modern status of “love“

13、involves holding it high above any object of love. In pursuing this “needed“, “deserved“ and “self improving“ emotional commodity, we often overlook basic human empathy.【F2】Sentimentality is dangerous because it simplifies our understanding of life such that we are confused and even ashamed by genui

14、ne emotional complexity. Sentimentality is dangerous because it forgives micro-morality. In watching a film, we are forced to accept that the character with whom we spend the most time is the character most worthy of our support. This self-satisfaction follows us out of the cinema.【F3】Sentimentality

15、 is dangerous because, indulging in it, one feels virtuous in transcending “the survival of the fittest“, forgetting that one is reinforcing an equally exclusive “survival of the cutest“. More worryingly, there are those for whom the shedding of tears is felt as a virtue in itself.【F4】Feeling emotio

16、nally exhausted after getting through a film or a book, or even in simply speaking earnestly, one might assume that one has already fulfilled a moral duty to humanity.Sentimentality either softens people excessively or it hardens them. Raised on sentimental culture, the weaker-minded are overcome wi

17、th emotion at the slightest trigger, unable to reason their way out of it. A more intelligent audience may, of course, numb themselves to it. But in blocking out such devices, one risks blocking out all consideration of, and sensitivity to, the real sentiments that sentimentality implies.【F5】By cons

18、ciously practicing sentimentalityby creating an unmentioned separation between an i-dealized dream-world and ones own special understanding of this world, one undermines ones language and ones honesty.6 【F1】7 【F2】8 【F3】9 【F4】10 【F5】10 The word Renaissance has of late years received a more extended s

19、ignificance than that which is implied in our English equivalentthe Revival of Learning. We use it to denote the whole transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern World.【F1 】Though it is possible to assign certain limits to the period during which this transition took place, we cannot fix on any d

20、ates so positively as to say between this year and that the movement was accomplished. To do so would be like trying to name the days on which spring in any particular season began and ended. The truth is. the evolution has not been completed.In like manner we cannot refer the whole phenomena of the

21、 Renaissance to any one cause or circumstance, or limit them within the field of any one department of human knowledge.【F2 】Students of literature and philosophy see in the Renaissance that discovery of manuscripts, that progress in philology and criticism, which led to a correct knowledge of the cl

22、assics, to a fresh taste in poetry, to new systems of thought, to more accurate analysis, and finally to the emancipation(解放 )of the conscience. Men of science will discourse about the discovery of the solar system by Copernicus and Galileo, the anatomy of Ve-salius. Men whose attention has been tur

23、ned to the history of discoveries and inventions will point to the benefits conferred upon the world by the arts of printing and engraving, by the compass and the telescope.【F3】They will insist that at the moment of the Renaissance all the instruments of mechanical utility started into existence, to

24、 aid the dissolution of what was rotten and must perish, to strengthen and perpetuate the new and useful and life-giving.Yet neither any one of these answers, taken separately, nor indeed all of them together, will offer a solution of the problem.【F4】By the term “renaissance,“ or new birth, is indic

25、ated a natural movement, not to be explained by this or that characteristic, but to be accepted as an effort of humanity in the onward progress in which we still participate. The history of the Renaissance is not the history of arts or of sciences or of literature or even of nations.【F5 】It is the h

26、istory of the attainment of self-conscious freedom by the human spirit manifested in the European races.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 The challenges facing business schools and companies arc closely linked. Both need to be agile, adapt quickly and avoid being vain in what is a changed econom

27、ic landscape.【F1】Nevertheless it is apparent to me that a number of the big schools are struggling to implement change because they have complex structures and personal interests. There may also be a cultural impediment to change. Some business schools will be more flexible in their thinking.【F2】It

28、is these that will be able to provide a more relevant curriculum, an improved student experience and, importantly, more relevance in their research.For the MBA to remain relevant there needs to be an acknowledgement that business is not just a-bout profit and the interests of shareholders, and that

29、the wishes of executives cannot be placed above those of all other stakeholders.【F3 】Nowhere was this more apparent than the BP(英国石油公司)oil spill where the suspicion was that protecting the dividend and shareholder value were placed above public interest. In todays business climate, organisations nee

30、d well-rounded executives with strong leadership skills and the ability to integrate ethical, sustainable and stakeholder thinking into their management decisions.This move away from a shareholder, value-dominated perspective of business towards broader responsibility needs to be reflected in the MB

31、A curriculum. Business schools need to focus on wider skills and develop integrated curricula with more prominence given to ethics, risk management and sustainable business practices. Encouragingly, research at Durham Business School, undertaken with the Association of MBAs shows that a significant

32、number of business schools are already embracing a new approach to the curriculum.【F4 】The 100 business schools that took part in our survey were clear that the MBA should adopt more of a stakeholder(rather than a shareholder)focus, and that corporate social responsibility should guide the actions o

33、f organisations.These views are being matched by action. The vast majority had undertaken a full redesign of their curriculum within the previous five years and two-thirds had done so in the past two years. Among those schools that had redesigned their curriculum within six months of the survey, cov

34、erage of business ethics and sustainability has increased substantially.【F5】However, this research does suggest that schools still need to put more of a focus on the complex issue of risk, and they acknowledge that both risk management and strategic risk are the top two topics where there is the wid

35、est disconnect between what they ought to offer and what they currently do.16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷 1 答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 【知识模块】 翻译1 【正确答案】 似乎总是如此:唯一一件能让大多数人文学科师生达成一致意见的事情

36、是,如今是他们领域的多事之秋。【知识模块】 翻译2 【正确答案】 该词源自首门现代课程“人文研究” 的拉丁语名称。作为医学和法学等传统大学科目的竞争者。这一课程创设于十四世纪的意大利。【知识模块】 翻译3 【正确答案】 学习人文学科意味着心智和道德都变得更加独立、更加勇敢是通向成为“完整的人 ”的坦途。【知识模块】 翻译4 【正确答案】 一方面对学生以及对整个社会而言,“文科教育” 可能显得不如具体的科学技术知识有用。【知识模块】 翻译5 【正确答案】 同时,在最近几十年间,人文学科自身也日益变得更加具有自我批判性以至于对弗吉里奥来说毫无疑义的“美德” 和“智慧”等术语,如今却成为激烈争夺的战

37、场。【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译6 【正确答案】 人们通过二手的方式从诗作中领会到的往往并非诗歌的整体意象,而是一些易于理解的联想和假设。【知识模块】 翻译7 【正确答案】 煽情主义的危险在于,它简化了我们对生活的理解。致使我们对真实的复杂情感感到困惑。甚至羞愧。【知识模块】 翻译8 【正确答案】 煽情主义的危险在于沉迷于煽情主义的人会自以为超越了“适者生存”的法则而自命清高。却没有意识到他自己强调的是同样独断的“ 可爱者生存”观念。【知识模块】 翻译9 【正确答案】 有人在看完一部电影或一本书后甚至仅仅在坦诚的谈话中,都会感觉情感已透支,他就会认为自己已经完成了一项对人性的道德义务。

38、【知识模块】 翻译10 【正确答案】 当有人虽未言明、却在心里将一个理想化的梦幻世界同他自己对这个世界的特别理解割裂开来,从而有意地实践煽情主义时,他就是在削弱自己的语言和诚实。【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译11 【正确答案】 虽然我们可以确定这一过渡阶段的某些时间界限但却无法断然确定其具体的日期。指出该运动始于某年止于某年。【知识模块】 翻译12 【正确答案】 学习文学和哲学的学生所理解的“文艺复兴” 是:手抄本的发现、语言学和文艺批评的进步而这一切带来了对古典文化的正确认识、诗歌的新趣味、新的思想体系和更精确的分析,最终则是良知的解放。【知识模块】 翻译13 【正确答案】 他们还会强

39、调,在“文艺复兴” 的时刻所有这些实用的机械工具都开始出现,它们促使那些业已腐朽和行将灭亡的事物崩塌,并巩固和延续了新生的、有益的和活力盎然的一切。【知识模块】 翻译14 【正确答案】 所谓“ 文艺复兴 ”或曰“新生”,只是用以表明一种自然的运动,它不能用这样或那样的特征来解释,而应被看作在一个不断向前发展的过程中人性的努力,而我们仍在参与这一过程。【知识模块】 翻译15 【正确答案】 它是通过欧洲各种族表现出来的人文精神,达到自觉的自由境界的历史。【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译16 【正确答案】 然而在我看来。显然一些大型商学院正在艰难地进行变革。因为它们有着复杂的组织结构和个人利益。

40、【知识模块】 翻译17 【正确答案】 正是这样的学校才能开设更有意义的课程、改善学员体验,更重要的是,其研究更具价值。【知识模块】 翻译18 【正确答案】 没有比英国石油公司的漏油事故更明显的例子。在此事件中保护股东分红权利和股东价值有被置于公共利益之上的嫌疑。【知识模块】 翻译19 【正确答案】 100 家参与此次调查的商学院都很清楚,MBA 应当关注利益相关者(而非股东) 。企业的社会责任应作为企业行动的指导原则。【知识模块】 翻译20 【正确答案】 然而,这次调查确实也表明,学校仍需更多关注风险方面的复杂问题。学校承认,风险管理和战略风险是两个首要问题,学校在这两个问题上的期望目标和实际结果之间存在最严重的脱节。【知识模块】 翻译

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