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1、考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷 5 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 0 Some say that one of the main differences between science and philosophy is that science makes progress while philosophers go round in circles endlessly dis

2、cussing the same questions. Im not convinced.【F1】George Sarton, a founder of the relatively new field of history of science, speaks for the many in calling science the only discipline that is “obviously and undoubtedly cumulative and progressive. “ Once upon a time, people thought that scary, unexpe

3、cted phenomena like thunder and lightning must be caused by the extreme anger of the gods. But with Greek civilization came the beginnings of real science.【F2 】Nearly two thousand years separated that golden age from the next one; but since the Scientific Revolution advances have poured forth almost

4、 without let-up. Newton united heavens and earth through gravitation; Einstein discovered e = mc2. Now physicists are in hot pursuit of a Theory of Everything, an equation for the whole universe as simple as Einsteins. The arts are not like the sciences in this way, and dont aim to be. “Beethoven di

5、d not surpass Bach,“ says Nobel biologist Francois Jacob, “in the way that Einstein surpassed Newton. “ Rather, the arts furnish a large amount of points of view, reflecting the uniqueness of their makers. Philosophy falls somewhere between the arts and sciences. On the one hand, it offers worldview

6、s that may be too disparate to compare: Hume and Husserl, for example, or Spinoza and Sartre. It is not surprising, then, that the question “Is philosophy progressive?“ is hardly ever raised.【F3】On the other hand, philosophy, like science, is a quest for truth, and it too requires that we check our

7、theories against what we observe in the external world, or the internal one(sense data, pains, etc.). A few philosophers, such as Hegel and Herbert Spencer, seem to hold that everything is progressive.【F4】But even discounting pessimists and postmodernists, who are unwilling to support the idea of pr

8、ogress at all, very few think the history of philosophy shows an overall progressive course getting better, if not day by day, at least century by century. The notion that Wittgensteins philosophy surpasses Platos seems downright silly. If what we are asking, though, is whether philosophy is ever pr

9、ogressive, 1 think the answer is clearly yes; sometimes it is even cumulatively progressive as science.【F5 】And I think we could see more progress than we do if philosophers gave more thought to whether what they are writing really moves philosophy forward, or merely adds to the accumulated jargon.1

10、 【F1】2 【F2】3 【F3】4 【F4】5 【F5】5 【F1】Medicine today focuses primarily on drugs and surgery, genes and germs, microbes and molecules , yet love and intimacy are at the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well. If a new medication had the same impact, failure to prescribe it would be malpractic

11、e. Connections with other people affect not only the quality of our lives but also our survival. Study after study find that people who feel lonely are many times more likely to get cardiovascular disease than those who have a strong sense of connection and community.【F2 】And there is no other facto

12、r in medicinenot diet, not smoking, not exercise, not genetics, not drugs, not surgerythat has a greater impact on our quality of life, incidence of illness and premature death.In part, this is because people who are lonely are more likely to engage in self-destructive behaviors. Getting through the

13、 day becomes more important than living a long life when you have no one else to live for. As one patient told me, “Ive got 20 friends in this pack of cigarettes. Theyre always there for me. You want to take away my 20 friends? What are you going to give me instead?“ Other patients take refuge in fo

14、od, alcohol or drugs: “When I feel lonely, I eat a lot of fatit coats my nerves and numbs the pain. “ But loneliness is not just a barrier to fitness; even when you eat right, exercise and avoid smoking, it increases your risk of early death.【F3】Fortunalely, love protects your heart in ways that we

15、dont completely understand. In one study at Yale, men and women who felt the most loved and supported had substantially less blockage in their coronary arteries. Similarly, researchers from Case Western Reserve University studied almost 10,000 married men and found that those who answered “yes“ to t

16、his simple question“Does your wife show you her love?“ had significantly less chest pain. In both studies, the protective effects of love were independent of other risk factors.Awareness is the first step in healing. When we understand the connection between how we live and how long we live, its eas

17、ier to make different choices.【F4】Instead of viewing the time we spend with friends and family as luxuries, we can see that these relationships are among the most powerful determinants of our well-being and survival. We are hardwired to help each other. Science is documenting the healing values of l

18、ove, intimacy, community, compassion, forgiveness, altruism and service values that are part of almost all spiritual traditions as well as many secular ones.【F5】Seen in this context, being unselfish may be the most self-serving approach to life, for it helps free both the giver and recipient from su

19、ffering, disease and premature death. Rediscovering the wisdom of love and compassion may help us survive at a time when an increasingly balkanized world so badly needs it.6 【F1】7 【F2】8 【F3】9 【F4】10 【F5】10 Political scientists, it is true, have sought to construct models of political change. And thi

20、s book owes almost as much to their work as to the work of economists. In the historians mind, however, the attempt to construct and test equations to explain(for example)the incidence of war, the spread of democracy or the outcomes of elections inspires almost as much skepticism as admiration.【F1】N

21、othing can be said against the method which constructs formal hypotheses and then tests them against empirical evidence; it is the best way of disproving would-be “laws“ of human behavior. But we must be deeply suspicious of any equation that seems to pass the empirical test . For human beings are n

22、ot atoms . They have consciousness, and that consciousness is not always rational.【F2】You seem certain that man himself will give up erring of his own free will because there are natural laws in the universe, and whatever happens to him happens outside his will. All human acts will be listed in some

23、thing like logarithm tables and transferred to a timetable. They will carry detailed calculations and exact forecasts of everything to come. But then one might do anything out of boredom because man prefers to act in the way he feels like acting and not in the way his reason and interest tell him.【F

24、3】Ones own free, unstrained choice, ones own whim, be it the widest, ones own fancy sometimes worked up to a frenzythat is the most advantageous advantage that cannot be fitted into any table. A man can wish upon himself, in full awareness, something harmful, stupid and even completely idiotic in or

25、der to establish his right to wish for the most idiotic things.History may be “grand“ and “colorful“, but for Dostoevsky its defining characteristic is irrational violence:“ They fight and fight and fight; they are fighting now, they fought before, and theyll fight in the future. So you see, you can

26、 say anything about world history except one thing, that is, it cannot be said that world history is reasonable. “【F4】The books central conclusion is that money does not make the world go round, any more than the characters in Crime and Punishment act according to tables. Rather, it has been politic

27、al events a hove all, wars that have shaped the institutions of modern economic life: tax collecting bureaucracies, central banks, bond markets, stock exchanges.【F5】Moreover, it has been domestic political conflicts not only over expenditure, taxation and borrowing, but also over non-economic issues

28、 like religion and national identity that have driven the evolution of modern political institutions: above all, parliaments and parties. Though economic growth may promote the spread of democratic institutions, there is ample historical evidence that democracy is capable of generating economically

29、false policies! and that limes of economic crisis(such as those caused by war)may be equally conducive to democratization.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 Many signs point to a growing historical consciousness among the American people. 1 trust that this is so. It is useful to remember that his

30、tory is to the nation as memory is to the individual.【F1 】As persons deprived of memory become disoriented and lost, not knowing where they have been and where they are going, so a nation denied a conception of the past will be disabled in dealing with its present and its future. “The longer you loo

31、k back,“ said Winston Churchill, “the farther you can look forward. “Conceptions of the past are far from stable. They are continuously revised by the urgencies of the present.【F2】When new urgencies arise in our own times and lives, the historians spotlight shifts, probing at last into the darkness,

32、 throwing into sharp relief things that were always there but that earlier historians had carelessly erased from the collective memory. New voices ring out of the historical dark and demand to be heard.【 F3】One has only to note how in the last half-century the movements for womens rights and civil r

33、ights have reformulated and renewed American history. Thus the present endlessly reinvents the past. It is these adjustments of consciousness that make history so endlessly fascinating an intellectual adventure. “The one duty we owe to history,“ said Oscar Wilde, “is to rewrite it. “【F4】We are the w

34、orlds dominant military power, and I believe a consciousness of history is a moral necessity for a nation possessed of overwhelming power. History verifies John F. Kennedys proposition, stated in the first year of his thousand days: “We must face the fact that we are only 6 percent of the worlds pop

35、ulation; that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94 percent of mankind; that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity; and therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem. “History is the best cure for illusions.【F5】Self-knowledge is the indispensable beginni

36、ng of self-control, for the nation as well as for the individual, and history should forever remind us of the limits of our passing perspectives. History is a doomed enterprise that we happily pursue because of the thrill of the hunt, because exploring the past is such fun, because of the intellectu

37、al challenges involved, because a nation needs to know its own history. Or so we historians insist. Because in the end, a nations history must be both the guide and the domain not so much of its historians as of its citizens.16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷 5 答案与解析Part CDirections: Re

38、ad the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 【知识模块】 翻译1 【正确答案】 “ 科学史 ”这一较新领域的创始人乔治 萨尔顿说科学是“显而易见、毫无疑问地不断积累和取得进步的”唯一学科,这代表了许多人的看法。【知识模块】 翻译2 【正确答案】 这个黄金时代与下个黄金时代之间隔了近两千年;但是自从这次科学革命以后,(科学) 进步喷涌而出,几乎不曾停歇。【知识模块】 翻译3 【正确答案】 但是另一方面,哲学像科学一样是追求真理的,它同样要求

39、我们根据我们在外部世界或内部世界(感觉资料、痛苦等)中观察到的事物来检验我们的理论。【知识模块】 翻译4 【正确答案】 然而,就连采取怀疑态度、根本不愿支持“进步” 这一观念的悲观主义者和后现代主义者中,也很少有人认为哲学史显示出了总体上不断前进的过程就算不是今天比昨天进步,至少是这个世纪比上个世纪进步。【知识模块】 翻译5 【正确答案】 我认为,如果哲学家更多思考其著作是真正推动了哲学向前发展、还是仅仅增加了术语的积累,我们就能看到比现在取得的更多的进步。【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译6 【正确答案】 如今,医学主要致力于药物与手术治疗,基因与病菌以及微生物与分子的研究,然而,在所有决

40、定我们健康与否的因素中,“爱” 与“亲密关系”才是最根本的。【知识模块】 翻译7 【正确答案】 而且在医学上,其他任何因素,如饮食、吸烟、锻炼、遗传、药物、手术等都不能超过依附与归属感对我们生活质量、疾病发生率、英年早逝等问题的影响。【知识模块】 翻译8 【正确答案】 幸运的是,爱可以呵护我们的心脏,尽管我们还无法完全理解这其中的玄妙。【知识模块】 翻译9 【正确答案】 不再认为陪朋友与家人的时光是极大的奢侈,我们看到友情、亲情这些关系直接决定了我们的健康与生存状况。【知识模块】 翻译10 【正确答案】 在这种情境下看来,无私或许是对待生命的最“利己” 的途径,因为它帮助给予者和接受者远离悲苦

41、、疾病和早逝的厄运。【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译11 【正确答案】 提出合乎情理的假说,然后用经验证据加以检验,人们对这种方法说不出反对意见;这是揭露所谓的人类行为“定律” 的最好方法。【知识模块】 翻译12 【正确答案】 你们似乎确信人不再会因自己的自由意志而犯错,因为宇宙中存在自然法则,人的所有际遇都不以他的意志为转移。【知识模块】 翻译13 【正确答案】 个人信马由缰的选择,荒唐透顶的闪念,亦近疯狂的奇想这正是无法被表格包纳的最大优势所在。【知识模块】 翻译14 【正确答案】 本书得出的中心结论就是,金钱不会推动世界运转。就像罪与罚中的人物不会依照表格行事一样。【知识模块】 翻译

42、15 【正确答案】 此外,是国内政治冲突不仅是开支、税收和借贷,还涉及诸如宗教和民族身份等非经济问题推动了现代政治制度,尤其是议会和政党的演变。【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译16 【正确答案】 如同失去记忆的个人会失去方向、迷失自我、不知道自己身在何地要去何方一样,一个拒绝认识过去的国家将会丧失处理当前及未来事务的能力。【知识模块】 翻译17 【正确答案】 当我们自身所处的时代和生活中有新的紧迫情况发生时,历史学家的关注点就会随之转移,最终探测到黑暗之处,使那些始终存在却被早期历史学家粗心地从集体记忆中删掉的事件突显出来。【知识模块】 翻译18 【正确答案】 人们只需留意过去半个世纪里女权运动和民权运动是如何重新阐释并更新了美国的历史,便会理解这一点。【知识模块】 翻译19 【正确答案】 我们拥有世界上最强大的军事力量,而我认为,对于一个力量过于强大的国家而言,历史意识是我们必须具有的道德责任。【知识模块】 翻译20 【正确答案】 对国家也好对个人也好,自知都是自控必不可少的前提,而历史应该始终提醒我们认识到自身当前种种观点的局限性。【知识模块】 翻译


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