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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 221 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Their defenders say they are motivated, versatile workers who are just what companies need in these difficult times. To others, however, the members of

2、“Generation Y“those born in the 1980s and 1990s, otherwise known as the Net Generationare spoiled, narcissistic idlers who cannot spell and waste too much time on instant messaging and Facebook. Ah, reply the Net Geners, but all thatmessing around online proves that we are computer-literate multi-ta

3、skers who are adept users of online collaborative tools, and natural team players. And, while you are on the subject of me, I need a months vacation to reconsider my personal goals.This culture clash has been going on in many organizations and has lately seeped into management books. The Net Geners

4、have grown up with computers; they are brimming with self-confidence; and they have been encouraged to challenge received wisdom, to find their own solutions to problems and to treat work as a route to personal fulfillment rather than merely a way of putting food on the table. Not all of this makes

5、them easy to manage. Bosses complain that after a childhood of being spoiled and praised, Net Geners demand far more frequent feedback and an over-precise set of objectives on the path to promotion.In a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consultancy, 61% of chief executives say they have trou

6、ble recruiting and integrating younger employees.For those hard-to-please older managers, the current recession is the joyful equivalent of hiding an alarm clock in a sleeping teenagers bedroom. Once again, the touchy-feely management fads that always spring up in years of plenty are being ditched i

7、n favor of more brutal command-and-control methods. Having grown up in good times, Net Geners have labored under the illusion that the world owed them a living. But hopping between jobs to find one that meets your inner spiritual needs is not so easy when there are no jobs to hop to. And as for that

8、 vacation: heres a permanent one, sunshine.In fact, compromise will be necessary on both sides. Net Geners will certainly have to lower some of their expectations and take the world as it is, not as they would like it to be. But their older bosses should also be prepared to make concessions. The eco

9、nomy will eventually recover, and demographic trends in most rich countries will make clever young workers even more valuable. Besides, many of the things that keep Net Geners happy are worth doing anyway. But for the moment at least, the Facebook-ers are under heavy criticism.1 In the eyes of the c

10、ritics of the Net Generation, the Net Geners are characterized as _.(A)aimless and incompetent(B) self-isolated and arrogant(C) self-centered and indulged(D)selfish and uncooperative2 According to Paragraph 2, Net Geners are not easy to manage in that _.(A)theyve attached too much importance to the

11、personal fulfillment(B) theyve been courageous enough to challenge the authorities(C) theyve had excessive confidence in themselves(D)theyve required excessive responses and goals3 The word “touchy-feely“ (Para. 3) most probably means _.(A)caring(B) cold-blooded(C) reckless(D)interesting4 We can lea

12、rn from the last paragraph that the author believes _.(A)Net Geners should give up their expectations(B) older bosses should give the Net Geners whatever they want(C) both Net Geners and bosses should face the reality(D)both Net Geners and bosses should learn to concede5 What is the authors attitude

13、 towards Net Geners?(A)Supportive.(B) Objective.(C) Biased.(D)Pessimistic.5 Superior customer service can be an essential source of strength as companies emerge from the recession, but managers need to understand the extent to which the consumer landscape has shifted. Weakened brands, customers easy

14、 access to information about vendors, and the erosion of barriers to switching a-mong competitors have combined to create a much more challenging environmentfor service, whether its outsourced or delivered in-house. Evidence shows that customers will no longer tolerate the rushed and inconvenient se

15、rvice that has become all too common. Instead, they are looking for a satisfying experience. Companies that provide it will win their loyalty.Our recent research demonstrates that when customers contact companies for service, they care most about two things: Is the frontline employee knowledgeable?

16、And is the problem resolved on the first call? Yet those factors often arent even on customer-service managers dashboards. Most service centers continue to measure time on hold and minutes per call, as they have for decades. Such metrics encourage agents to hurry through callsresulting in just the k

17、ind of experience customers dislike. More than half of the customers we surveyed across industries say theyve had a bad service experience, and nearly the same fraction think many of the companies they interact with dont understand or care about them. On average, 40% of customers who suffer through

18、bad experiences stop doing business with the offending company.To get a better understanding of what customers experience, managers should draw on a variety of information sources, including customer satisfaction surveys, behavioral data collected through self-service channels, and recorded customer

19、-agent conversations. In addition, companies must revise processes to give agents the leeway and authority to meet individual customers needs and provide positive, satisfying experiences.In evaluating service, managers should measure across all channels the percentage of customer problems resolved w

20、ithin the first contact, determine what is at the root of problems that arent settled in one call, and make any necessary changes. They should also aim to have consistently high-quality interactions between customers and frontline employees. That may sound costly, but knowledge-management systems, s

21、peech recognition for automated calls, and other technologies can help to substantially offset the expense.Some executives believe that irritated customers will forgive vendors and come back for more. Our research indicates that, on the contrary, alienated customers often disappear without the sligh

22、test warning. And as companies rebuild themselves after the recession, this silent attrition represents a host of lost opportunities for future sales and positive word of mouth.6 Providing superior customer service now is more challenging mainly because _.(A)companies have just recovered from the ec

23、onomic recession(B) consumers can easily change vendors thanks to the Internet(C) customers prefer services delivered in-house to outsourced ones(D)consumers have come to demand satisfying customer services7 It is indicated in Paragraph 2 that _.(A)customers today are demanding and hasty(B) most cus

24、tomer-service managers are lazy(C) customer service needs to change with the times(D)customers surveyed dont care about the service8 We can infer from Paragraph 3 that companies _.(A)did not understand what customers experienced(B) did not record customer-agent conversations(C) did not allow agents

25、to provide individualized service(D)did not have enough money to collect information9 High-quality interactions between customers and frontline employees _.(A)can settle the problems at the first shot(B) call for a radical change within the company(C) should be one of managers consistent pursuits(D)

26、are too expensive for a company to implement10 According to the author, offended customers are most likely to _.(A)tolerate the vendors bad service(B) continue business with the vendors(C) warn and accuse the vendors(D)leave and switch to another vendor10 Athletes who cheat by injecting themselves w

27、ith stored supplies of their own blood might soon be caught out.A revealing trail of debris could give the game away.Most “blood dopers“ cheat by injecting themselves with the blood-boosting hormone erythropoietin (EPO), but there have been tests to detect EPO since2000. Another way to dope blood is

28、 to periodically extract some of your own, store it and reinject it before competitions. Some professional cyclists are alleged to have done this as part of a doping scandal that emerged in Spain in 2006, called Operation Puerto. At least one cyclist is still fighting to clear his name.Re-injecting

29、stored blood boosts the oxygen supply to muscles. The practice has so far eluded detection but now there might be a way catch out the cheats.During storage, red blood cells start to fall apart, generating debris such as the fragments of cell membranes (a cell membrane is the outside envelop of a liv

30、ing cell). Olaf Schumacher of the University of Freiburg in Germany and his colleagues have shown that when stored blood is re-injected, the recipients white blood cells prepare to get rid of this sudden tide of debris. They say that these changes on blood cell debris could betray sportsmen and make

31、 cheats detectable. “Its like someone dumping rubbish in your blood,“ he says. “When all the rubbish comes at once, theres lots of activity.“Schumachers team took blood from six non-athletes, stored it for 35 days then re-infused it, taking further blood samples three and four days afterwards. When

32、they analyzed the white blood cells in these samples, genes needed for identifying and disposing of ailing and damaged cells were much more active than usual.The gene changes led to the appearance of new proteins on the surface of the white blood cells which could potentially be picked up by antibod

33、ies, Schumacher says. He also suggests that antibodies could be created to detect the changes to the surface of red blood cells as well. Schumacher couldnt say whether such tests would be ready in time for the 2012 Olympics in London. David Cowan, director of the UK Drug Control Centre at Kings Coll

34、ege London, says: “The paper is promising, but more work is needed to establish a test that meets the rigorous standards required by sport so as not to falsely accuse an athlete.“ Schumacher says that one key goal is to make sure these changes only occur due to doping, rather than illness, for examp

35、le.11 The sentence “A revealing trail of debris could give the game away“ (Para. 1) shows that _.(A)the athletes who cheat will lose the game because of a trail of debris(B) the athletes who cheat have to give up the game because of a trail of debris(C) a trail of debris will help catch out the athl

36、etes who cheat(D)a trail of debris will help the athletes avoid the game12 Which kind of “blood dopers“ is least likely to be detected in the past?(A)People who inject themselves with EPO.(B) People who extract and re-inject some of their own blood.(C) People who took part in cycling competition in

37、Spain in 2006.(D)People who are careful enough to avoid detection.13 According to Paragraph 4, which of the following is true about the debris?(A)The white blood cells are ready to get rid of it all the time.(B) It is the product of red blood cells during blood storage.(C) It could help sports cheat

38、s avoid detection.(D)It is fragments of cell membranes.14 What do we learn about this test from David Cowans comment?(A)The test is promising and could be adopted right away.(B) The test is far from meeting the rigorous standards required by sport.(C) The test needs to be improved in the hope of not

39、 wronging an athlete.(D)The 2012 Olympics in London will adopt such anti-doping test.15 What would be the best title for the text?(A)Blood Cell “Debris“ could Snare Sports Cheats(B) A New Type of Blood Doping(C) Several Measures Taken to Detect Blood Dopers(D)Antibodies are Created to Detect Blood D

40、opers15 I came to feminism the way some people come to social movements in their early years: out of self-interest. I got on the equality bandwagon because I was a young woman with a streak of ambition a mile wide, and without a change in the atmosphere I thought I was going to wind up living a life

41、 that would make me crazy. As my father said not long ago, “Can you imagine what it would havebeen like if you had been born 50 years earlier? Your life would have been miserable.“The great thing was that it was possible to do good for all while you were doing well for yourself. Each of us rose on t

42、he shoulders of women who had come before us. Move up, reach down: that was the motto of those who were worth knowing. But it was not just other women we elevated, but entire enterprises. More women on the staffs and the mastheads of the countrys largest publications changed them. It resulted in new

43、spapers and magazines that covered women as more than a mixture of recipes and fashion collections.But theres one question that always lurks around the margins of the battle for equal rights: how will we know when weve won? Sometimes it seems like a classic dance of two steps forward, one back. Indr

44、a Nooyi, an Indian-born number cruncher, was recently named CEO of Pepsi. But that makes her one of only 11 women now running a Fortune 500 company, which works out to slightly more than 2 percent. And Forbes magazine just published an essay titled “Dont Marry Career Women“ by a male writer who coul

45、dnt see the advantages of a wife who could pay the mortgage and support the children even if her husband lost his job or suffered a massive coronary.That kind of nonsense takes you back in time, to the early days when women dumped babies on the desk of the mayor of Syracuse to protest the lack of ch

46、ild care. Maybe it was the classic protest slogan “Dont cook dinnerstarve a rat today,“ but the perception was that the fight for equality was a war against men. But the battle was really against the waste of talent, the waste to society, the waste of women who had certain gifts and goals and had to

47、 suppress both. The point was not to take over male terrain but to change it because it badly needed changing. The depth and breadth of that transformation is what reflects the success of the movement, and by that measure, women are doing well. And so is everyone else.16 The author came to women mov

48、ement owing to _.(A)her interest in it(B) her father(C) her ambitions(D)her miserable life17 The best reason for womens rise is that_.(A)women helped each other in social life(B) more women were employed and achieved success(C) more women succeeded in food and fashion industries(D)a valuable motto e

49、ncouraged women to strive18 According to Paragraph 3, womens fight for equality is troubled by the problem that _.(A)there are fewer women executives in business world(B) it is difficult to define the success of feminist movement(C) women can not prove themselves on job(D)men do not want to marry career women19 The example of Indra Nooyi is cited to show that _.(A)women are still the disadvantaged group in the society(B) like men, women can also achieved great success(C) men are still unwi

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