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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 350 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 0 【F1】Internet users used to comfort themselves by thinking that to become victims of the pirates of the Web, they had to frequent the online porn circuit o

2、r respond to an e-mail from the widowed wife of the former central bank governor of Nigeria. The idea was that one had to do something naughty to get caught in the wrongdoers net, or at least go for a late-night stroll in the rough end of town.But the conceit has become untenable. Two years ago, eng

3、ineers at Google reported that about 10 percent of millions of Web pages they analyzed engaged in “drive-by downloads“ of malware. Google today has about 330,000 Web sites listed as malicious, up from about 150,000 a year ago.【F2】Earlier this month, the Justice Department charged a 28-year-old from

4、Miami and a couple of Russians with stealing 130 million credit card numbers from one of the largest payment processing companies in the world, which should know how to protect its computers from hackers. And last week, McAfee, the maker of antivirus software, reported that fans searching for Hollyw

5、ood gossip and memorabilia faced a high risk of getting caught up by online bad guys.【F3】Searching for the actress Jessica Biel, who won an achievement award at the Newport Beach Film Festival in 2006 and ranked in third place on Maxim magazines Hot 100 list last year, is most dangerous, with a 1 in

6、 5 chance of landing at a Web site that tested positive for spyware, adware, spam, phishing, viruses or other noxious stuff.【F4】Perhaps cybercops will respond more aggressively to Internet threats as they spread to the more wholesome parts of the Web, like police forces that leave crime alone in the

7、 poor parts of town but snap into action when it seeps into middle-class neighborhoods. McAfee, to no ones surprise, suggests that we buy McAfee software.But with more and more information about peoples credit cards, browsing histories and identities sloshing around online, I wonder whether this wil

8、l do. A few months ago, I nervously created my first Facebook page with the minimum necessary information to view pictures posted by old friends.I returned to the page a few days later to discover that somehow it had found out both the name of my college and my graduation class, displaying them unde

9、r my name. I have not returned since.【F5 】In the back of my mind, I fear a 28-year-old hacker and a couple of Russians have gathered two more facts about me that 1 would rather they didnt have. And its way too late to take my life offline.1 【F1】2 【F2】3 【F3】4 【F4】5 【F5】5 Beside the 580 Freeway east o

10、f the San Francisco Ray, the hills are alive with the sound of whooshing. Wind turbines cover the hills for miles around, some like giant eggbeaters but most looking like big airplane propellers on poles, spinning in the near-constant breeze through Altamont Pass. When it was built starting in 1981,

11、 this was the largest wind farm in the world, and it cemented Californias place as a pioneer in alternative energy.【F1】Now its an outdated relic, relying on old-fashioned technology that produces less power and kills more birds than modern equipment.Wind turbines, especially the older devices in Cal

12、ifornia, can be buzz saws for birds and bats, though newer, taller turbines seem less deadly. In any case, a study by the National Academy of Sciences found no evidence that wind farms are decreasing bird populations; global warming is a much bigger threat to birds and bats than wind blades.【F2 】Ren

13、ewable power is too important lo allow such projects to be derailed by narrow interest groups, which is why California and other states should take steps to streamline the approval process.Resides community opposition, a key roadblock is the lack of transmission lines.【F3】Wind power has a classic ch

14、icken-and-egg problem: Investors dont want to build wind farms unless lines already exist to connect them to urban centers, and utilities dont want to add lines until the turbines are spinning. California, Texas and two other states have come up with a solution. In April, the Federal Energy Regulato

15、ry Commission signed off on a plan to shift part of the cost of power lines to California consumers.【F4】Utilities can charge higher rates to pay for building lines to high-wind areas; once generators connect to the lines, the cost will be recovered via access charges paid by the wind farms. This sho

16、uld become a national model.【F5】The first to benefit from the new regulation will probably be a transmission project from Southern California Edison that is eventually expected to carry 4 ,500 megawatts from wind farms planned in Tehachapithats the equivalent of two nuclear power plants the size of

17、San Onofre, or enough to power 2. 9 million homes.6 【F1】7 【F2】8 【F3】9 【F4】10 【F5】10 By far the biggest hurdle to expansion of solar power is cost. Solar panels are usually made of silicon, and the world is running out of it. Yet the economics of solar may be about to change.【F1】Aided by hefty infusi

18、ons of venture capital in recent years, solar companies are on the cusp of developing new technologies that generate more power using less silicon, prompting predictions that costs for solar systems could be cut in half within the next three years.That process might be accelerated with a little more

19、 nurturing from the federal government.【F2 】This year, the Energy Department will spend $ 303 million on research and development for nuclear power and $427 million on coal, while forking out a paltry $159 million on solar. That may be because the country gets less than 0. 01% of its electricity fro

20、m the sun, but it doesnt reflect solar powers potential.Enough solar energy hits the Earth in an hour to supply all the worlds electricity needs for a year. A 100-square-mile area of Nevada, if equipped with solar devices, could supply the U. S. with all the power it needs, according to the Energy D

21、epartment. Again, such pronouncements dont address the real-world practicalities.【F3】But given that neither coal nor nuclear power is a practical solution to global warming, U. S. research priorities are badly skewed.If roof-mounted solar panels arent quite ready for prime time, concentrated solar p

22、ower systems might soon become a hit.【F4】These are usually arrays of reflectors installed in sunny areas like the Mojave Desert, where they concentrate sunlight to heat a liquid that turns to steam and powers a turbine.【F5 】The Solar Energy Generating Systems, an installation of nine solar arrays in

23、 the Mojave that puts out 354 megawatts, has been considered the biggest such plant in the world, but it wont be for long. Five more Mojave plants are scheduled to come on line in the next few years; together they will generate more than 1 , 000 megawatts. These projects have to jump many of the sam

24、e transmission hurdles as wind farms.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 Economists used to think wealth came from a combination of man-made resources(roads, factories, telephone systems), human resources(hard work and education), and technological resources(technical know how, or simply high-tech

25、 machinery).【F1】Obviously, poor countries grew into rich countries by investing money in physical resources and by improving human and technological resources with education and technology transfer programs.Nothing is wrong with this picture as far as it goes. Education, factories, infrastructure, a

26、nd technical know-how are indeed abundant in rich countries and lacking in poor ones. But the picture is incomplete, a puzzle with the most important piece missing.【F2】The first clue that something is amiss with the traditional story is its implication that poor countries should have been catching u

27、p with rich ones for the last century or soand that the farther behind they are, the faster the catch-up should be. In a country that has very little in the way of infrastructure or education, new investments have the biggest rewards.In a world of diminishing returns, the poorest countries gain the

28、most from new technology, infrastructure, and education. South Korea, for example, acquired technology by encouraging foreign companies to invest or by paying licensing fees. In addition to the fees, the investing companies sent profits back home. But the gains to Korean workers and investors, in th

29、e form of economic growth, were 50 times greater than the fees and profits that left the country.【F3】As for education and infrastructure, since the returns seem to be so high, there should be no shortage of investors willing to fund infrastructure projects or lend money to students(or to governments

30、 that provide education). Banks, domestic and foreign, should be lining up to lend people the money to get through school or to build a new road or a new power plant.【F4】In turn, poor people, or poor countries, should be very happy to take out such loans, confident that investment returns are so hig

31、h that the repayments will not be difficult. Even if, for some reason, that didnt happen, the World Bank, established after World War 11 with the express aim of providing loans to countries for reconstruction and development, lends billions of dollars a year to developing countries.【F5 】 Investment

32、money is clearly not the issue; either the investments are not being made, or they are not delivering the returns the traditional model predicts.16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 350 答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments int

33、o Chinese. (10 points) 【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 互联网用户过去常常安慰自己,认为只有经常光顾色情网站或者回复所谓的尼日利亚中央银行前行长遗孀发来的电子邮件才可能成为网络盗版的受害者。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 本月初,司法部对一个 28 岁的迈阿密人和一对俄罗斯夫妇提起了诉讼,指控他们从一家全球最大的支付公司窃取了 1 亿 3 千万个信用卡号码。这家公司本应该知道如何保护其计算机不被黑客入侵。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 女演员杰西卡贝尔在 2006 年纽波特比奇电影节上荣获成就奖,在去年马克西姆杂志评选的 100 名最热辣女郎中名列

34、第三。上网搜索杰西卡贝尔的信息最为危险,有五分之一的可能性会登录到一家含间谍软件、恶意广告软件、垃圾邮件、网络钓鱼、病毒或其他有害软件的网站。【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 当网络威胁侵犯到网络更为健全的部分时,网络警察或许会更加积极地去应对这类问题。网络警察和警察部队相似,他们对城市贫穷地区的犯罪不闻不问;可是一旦犯罪渗入中产阶级居住区,他们则会马上采取行动。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 在内心深处我担心,一个 28 岁的黑客和一对俄罗斯夫妇又窃取了两条关于我的信息。这些信息是我不愿意让他们掌握的。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 这些设施使用的

35、技术很落后,现已过时,成了无用的遗迹。和现代设施相比,落后的技术不仅发电少,而且还使很多鸟死于非命。【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 可再生能源极其重要,绝对不能允许狭隘利益集团阻挠这些项目的发展。这就是为什么加利福尼亚和其他州应该采取措施简化批准程序的原因。【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 风力发电是个典型的先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题:投资者不愿意建设风力发电场,除非可通到城市中心电线已经架好了;供电局不愿意架设电线,除非发电厂已经开始运行。【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 供电局通过提高电费,来筹措通往多风地区的架线经费。一旦发电机接通电网,则可用风力发电场支付的入网费来冲抵

36、架线所花费用。【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 从这项新规定最先获益的很可能是连通南加州爱迪生的电力传输工程。预期该工程最终可从计划在特哈查皮建设的风力发电场传输 4500 兆瓦电力。这相当于两个圣安福核电厂的发电能力,足够供 290 万个家庭用电。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解11 【正确答案】 最近几年,借助巨额风险资本的投入,太阳能公司正在研发新的技术,即使用更少的硅发更多的电。这种技术的诞生使得有人预言,在今后三年内,太阳能系统的成本可以降低一半。【知识模块】 阅读理解12 【正确答案】 今年,能源部将在核能的研究和开发上投入 303 亿美元;在煤炭上投入 427

37、 亿美元;而在太阳能上仅投入区区 159 亿美元。【知识模块】 阅读理解13 【正确答案】 但是,如果煤炭和核能都不是解决全球变暖问题的有效途径,那么美国科研的重点就出现了严重错位。【知识模块】 阅读理解14 【正确答案】 通常在阳光充足地区,比如莫哈韦沙漠,安装大量阳光反射板,聚焦阳光加热液体,使其变成蒸汽,推动涡轮。【知识模块】 阅读理解15 【正确答案】 在莫哈韦沙漠安装的 9 组太阳能反射板构成的太阳能发电系统可发电 354 兆瓦。这被看做是目前世界上最大的太阳能发电系统,但过不了多久就会落伍。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解16 【正确答案】 显然,贫穷国家转变成富有国家

38、靠的是投资开发自然资源,并借助教育和技术转让项目提高人力资源和技术资源。【知识模块】 阅读理解17 【正确答案】 传统看法肯定有误,首先从传统意味上说,贫穷国家上世纪左右就应该追赶富裕国家了;越落后,追赶得应该越快。【知识模块】 阅读理解18 【正确答案】 至于教育和基础设施,由于其收益可能极高,所以不会缺少愿意投资基础设施建设项目或是愿意给学生贷款(或给政府教育部门贷款)的投资人。【知识模块】 阅读理解19 【正确答案】 而穷人或穷国应该非常乐于接受这种贷款,因为他们相信投资收益很高,不难偿还贷款。【知识模块】 阅读理解20 【正确答案】 显然,问题不是没钱投资;不去投资,或投资没有带来传统模式所预期的收益才是问题。【知识模块】 阅读理解


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