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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 374 及答案与解析Part B (10 points) 0 You are going to read a text about the tips on work-life balance, followed by a list of evidences. Choose the best evidence from the list A-G for each numbered subheading(1-5). There are two extra examples which you do not need to use.Lisa McGonagle has a

2、husband, three kids and a public relations business in Boston.Her hectic life speaks volumes about what time management means to her. As she puts it: “Im running all the time. “The same may apply to you. And that makes time management central to the health and growth of your life, profession and bus

3、iness. Truth should be known: Not everyone has a genuine handle on the effective use of time. So youre not alone.Here are some suggestions that may help you get time on your side:【C1 】Dont overbook.This may seem unusual to people who try to crowbar as much as possible into every workday. The problem

4、 is: Things rarely go according to a prearranged agenda. That means a lot of time falling through the cracks chasing down appointments, unreturned phone calls and other items that simply arent going to happen. 【C2 】Prioritize ruthlessly.The secret to booking your time effectively boils down to knowi

5、ng what s important and what can wait. But its critical to use the sharpest knife possible in trimming the essential from the secondary.【C3 】Learn how to say no.One of the biggest land mines to effective time management is recognizing you dont have to agree to everything and with everyone. Use your

6、priority criteria to identify requests that simply arent worth your time.【C4 】Organize.Bringing your time into line isnt just a matter of scheduling. The mechanics of how you operate can be every bit as important. That means organizing most every element to allow as smooth a workflow as possible.【C5

7、 】Use technology.Although personal habits and practices can do wonders for time management, dont overlook technology as yet another weapon to make the most effective use of your workday.A“Dont try to plan on doing too many things,“ says McGonagle. “Assume that only 50% of the things you plan on doin

8、g today will actually get done. If you dont, youll just waste valuable time trying to find out why things didnt happen. “B“Be grateful for what goes right and learn from your mistakes,“ says Kurth. “Act as if they were scenes in a movie that you get to retake. “CFor instance, Microsoft Business Cont

9、act Manager lets you organize a wide array of customer and product particulars, allowing quick and easy access. “Sticky notes are one of the worst things in the world,“ says McGonagle. “You should live by your database. That way, nothing is ever forgotten. “D“Ive learned that saying no to one thing

10、opens the door to saying yes to something else,“ says Kurth. “That can mean anything from cleaning my desk to getting a good nights sleep. “EPart of effective time management is knowing when to shut things down. Turning off a cell phone or other wireless means of communication establishes boundaries

11、. In short, it helps you balance your personal and professional time.F“Learn to ask questions that help you determine the level of urgency,“ says Krista Kurth, co-author of “Running on Plenty at Work“. “Negotiate longer lead times whenever you can and dont give into the instant-and-immediate answer

12、syndrome. Treating everything as top priority is draining and depleting. “G“Everything in your business should be set up using logical systems so anyone needing anything can find it when they need it,“ says Peggy Duncan, an Atlanta-based personal productivity authority. “Eliminating clutter and the

13、chaos it causes will give you a gift of 240 to 288 hours every year. “1 【C1 】2 【C2 】3 【C3 】4 【C4 】5 【C5 】5 The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 1-5, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-G to fill in each num

14、bered box. The first and the last paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes. AFor those couples who have children, building a family and “being“ a family requires communicating well. Otherwise, they are just a group of people sharing the same residence. Many legally defined families do not or can

15、not communicate, and end up dysfunctional. Is it any wonder? No group can function effectively as a unit without its members communicating with each other. BOver ten millions Americans are addicted to alcohol. Most of them live in a constant state of severe emotional distress. Most of them are invol

16、ved in a steady uphill battle to maintain their families, friends and jobs. Most of them are destroying their minds and bodies. Most of them have children. CHowever, functional families now seem to be the exception rather than the rule. Divorce, drugs, violence or apathy tears too many families apar

17、t. In fact, some sources suggest that nearly every family has at least one dysfunction “in the closet“. The unavoidable truth, however, is that when families break up, individuals are often forced to cope with the complexities of life on their own, quickly discovering how difficult success is in lif

18、e without the stable foundation of a family. DDespite all its power and strength, the family unit remains one of the most vulnerable human connections. In America, where over 50% of marriages with children end in divorce, where threats to human safety such as drugs and gangs seem to be everywhere, t

19、he family is struggling to function as a refuge. It is quite literally under attack by a society that seems to tempt members of the family to go down other paths. “Family values“ is not just another slogan. It is probably the major concern of American society. EThe idea is not new, but it deserves r

20、epeating: “Families are the building blocks of society.“ It would therefore come as no surprise when political, civic and religious leaders adamantly promote “family values. “ They know that families who stick together and function as a unit form the foundation of the larger community. They also rea

21、lize that productive members of society tend to come from strong, intact, “functional“ families. Moreover, we all know the important role family plays in building strength, confidence and stability in each of its members. FImproving communications within the family is the best way to turn around pro

22、blems. Building family communications is the classic “win/win“ situation: every member of the family is more secure with one another and ready to deal with the world outside. In addition, society itself improves with more family units achieving stability. GPerhaps the greatest problem leading to fam

23、ily dysfunction and marital break-up involves communicating honestly, openly and lovingly before having children. The couple gets to know one another better and establishes a mature, trusting relationship that will improve after children are born. However, this is a rare case. Most often, partners w

24、ithhold vital information(fail to reveal feelings about certain issues or matters, for example)and are virtual strangers to each other. Of course, this is a most unpromising start to communication within the family. Common knowledge argues that couples should never stay together “for the sake of the

25、 children“, but a communicationally dysfunctional couple should not even consider having children! Order: 10 The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 1-5, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-G to fill in each n

26、umbered box. The first and the last paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes. AThe problems faced by missing and runaway children and their families have received national attention, resulting in a network of programs and services. Police offer the primary service in the recovery of children. Pa

27、rents or other family members should report all children believed missing or runaway immediately to police. Swift action is important to a childs safety and recovery. BRunaways usually leave home voluntarily and tend to be teenagers. There are many reasons why children run away from home. Most runaw

28、ays feel misunderstood, unloved or angry with their parents. They find life at home unbearable and believe that living elsewhere will be better. Some runaways actually are “thrown out“ of their homes. Parents of these “throw away“ children often do not want the financial burden of childrearing or ca

29、nnot handle difficult adolescent behaviors. CFamilies of missing and runaway children face many problems. Parents of missing children feel guilty or responsible for their childs abduction. They also can suffer from fear and anxiety about what may happen to their missing child. Parents of runaway chi

30、ldren also may experience the same or similar concerns. Not knowing the whereabouts or condition of a child can create stress for all family members. DPrevention is the best strategy for keeping children from the ranks of the missing and runaway. Understanding what to do to recover missing and runaw

31、ay children also is essential. EOther programs and services also are available. Many businesses and organizations display pictures of missing children. “ Hotlines“ provide a means for runaway children to communicate with their families. “Safe houses“ and shelters are available to runaways. Several p

32、rograms provide free rides to runaways who wish to return home. The growing national concern about missing and runaway children mirrors the seriousness of the problem. Unfortunately, however, the number of missing and runaway children continues to rise. FBetween two and three million American childr

33、en are missing or run away each year. Around three-quarters of a million are classified “missing children“ and about two million are “runaways“. The precise number of American children in these two categories is unknown. Some missing children turn out to be runaways and some runaways are missing chi

34、ldren. Parents do not always report their runaway children. GMissing children are lost or victims of abduction. They tend to be younger than runaways, usually under 14 years of age. Strangers kidnap less than 20% of these children. Family members, most often the non-custodial parent, abduct the majo

35、rity of missing children. Separated or divorced parents who do not have legal custody may “steal“ their own children. Children who are the victims of abduction, either by strangers or by family members, are likely to suffer emotional damage because of the experience. Order: 15 You are going to read

36、a list of headings and a text about some tips for getting work/life in balance. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph(1-5). There are two extra headings which you do not need to use.ALearn to Better Manage Your TimeBFind a New JobCShare the LoadDSet Prioritie

37、sENegotiate a Change with Your Current EmployerFDont Sweat the Small StuffGSlow DownHere are some tips to help you achieve a better balance in your life. Take a moment to read and reflect on these tipsand then get your life in balance! 【C1 】_Progressive employers recognize the value of good employee

38、s, and many are willing to find ways to help current employees deal with short-term or permanent changes caused by family situations. The changes can include flextime, job-sharing, telecommuting, or part-time employment. Your first step is to research your employers policies and methods of handling

39、previous requests. Then go to your boss armed with information and a plan that shows how you will be an even more valuable and productive employee if you can modify your current work situation. Find a New Career.Some careers are simply more stressful and time-consuming than others. If you need more

40、time for yourself or your family, now may be the time to explore careers that are less stressful and more flexible.【C2 】_Rather than a career change, perhaps you simply need to take a less stressful job within your chosen career. This change may involve working with your current employer to identify

41、 a new position, it may involve a full job-search, or it may involve temping or becoming a consultant or starting a freelancing or other home-based business. 【C3 】_Life is simply too short, so dont let things pass you in a blur. Take steps to stop and enjoy the things and people around you. Schedule

42、 more time between meetings; dont make plans for every evening or weekend, and find some ways to distance yourself from the things that are causing you the most stress.【C4 】_Even though we may sometimes feel were the only ones capable of doing something, its usually not the case. Get your partner or

43、 other family members to help you with all your personal/family responsibilities. Taking care of the household, children, or parents should not be the responsibility of just one person.【C5 】_Its simpler said than done, but learn to let things go once in a while. So what if the dishes dont get washed

44、 everyday or that the house doesnt get vacuumed every week. Learn to recognize the things that dont really have much impact in your life and allow yourself to let them goand then not beat yourself up for doing so.Explore Your Options. Get Help.If you are feeling overwhelmed with your family responsi

45、bilities, please get help if you can afford it. Find a sitter for your children, explore options for aging parents, and seek counseling for yourself. In many cases, you have options, but you need to take the time to find them.Simplify.It seems human nature for just about everyone to take on too many

46、 tasks and responsibilities, to try to do too much, and to own too much. Find a way to simplify your life. Change your lifestyle. Learn to say no to requests for help. Get rid of the clutter and baggage in your houseand your life.In the end, the key word is balance. You need to find the right balanc

47、e that works for you. Celebrate your successes and dont dwell on your failures. Life is a process, and so is striving for balance in your life.16 【C1 】17 【C2 】18 【C3 】19 【C4 】20 【C5 】考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 374 答案与解析Part B (10 points) 【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本段的主旨是计划好的事情会因为各种情况而无法完成,因此人们应该量力而行,根据自己的时间来制定计划

48、。通读各个选项,选项 A,McGonagle的话的意思是不要安排太多计划,否则就会浪费更多的时间来思考没完成事情的原因,是从反面论述了根据时间制定计划的重要性。故 A 为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 F【试题解析】 本段的主要内容是介绍有效利用时间的秘诀:按照事情的重要程度进行安排,学会分清主次。本题的关键词是“重要性”。选项 F 的意思是提问有助于判断事情的重要程度,如果把每件事都作为最重要的任务来完成就会让人身心疲惫。与前文的“重要性”相呼应,故为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 本段的主旨是要根据重要程度对需要做的事情进行安排,对无关紧

49、要的事情学会说“不”。本题的关键词是“拒绝”。选项 D 则指出拒绝一方就等于同意另一方,在面对不同的选择时要学会拒绝。与前文相呼应,故为正确选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 G【试题解析】 本段的主旨是统筹规划,即安排事情不仅要进行时间安排,而且还要进行统筹规划,使每件事情衔接得当。选项 G 的大意是如果能合理安排一切事务,就可以最大限度地利用时间,节约时间,取得良好的工作效果。即统筹安排好工作,才能减少由于安排不当而浪费的时间。与段落主旨相符,故为正确选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 本段主要阐述了科学技术在提高工作效率上的作用。关键词为“科学技术”。选项 C 则通过微软的例子指出运用数据库技术可以防止遗忘,有效提高工作效率,与段落内容相符,为正确选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 本题应从上文获取线索。上文指出家庭在社会建设中的基础作用,并且健康、完整、功能良好的家庭有助于人的成功。通读选项,选项 C 的“然而”与前文形成转折关系,并且“如今维系得很好的家


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