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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 379 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 0 A number of ethical questions cluster around both ends of the human life span. Whether abortion is morally justifiable has popularly been seen as dependin

2、g on our answer to the question “When does a human life begin?“ Many philosophers believe this to be the wrong question to ask because it suggests that there might be a factual answer that we can somehow discover through advances in science.【F1】Instead, these philosophers think we need to ask what i

3、t is that makes killing a human being wrong and then consider whether these characteristics, whatever they might be, apply to the fetus in an abortion. There is no generally agreed upon answer, yet some philosophers have presented surprisingly strong arguments to the effect that not only the fetus b

4、ut even the newborn infant has no right to life.Such views have been hotly contested, especially by those who claim that all human life, irrespective of its characteristics, must be regarded as sacrosanct. The task for those who defend the sanctity of human life is to explain why human life, no matt

5、er what its characteristics, is specially worthy of protection.【F2】Explanation could no doubt be provided in terms of such traditional Christian doctrines as that all humans are made in the image of God or that all humans have an immortal soul. In the current debate, however, the opponents of aborti

6、on have eschewed religious arguments of this kind without finding a convincing secular alternative.Somewhat similar issues are raised by euthanasia when it is non-voluntary, as, for example, in the case of severely disabled newborn infants.【F3】Euthanasia, however, can be voluntary, and this has brou

7、ght it support from some who hold that the state should not interfere with the free, informed choices of its citizens in matters that do not cause others harm.【F4 】Opposition to voluntary euthanasia has centred on practical matters such as the difficulty of adequate safeguards and on the argument th

8、at it would lead to a “slippery slope“ that would take us to non-voluntary euthanasia and eventually to the compulsory involuntary killing of those the state considers to be socially undesirable.【F5】Philosophers have also canvassed the moral significance of the distinction between killing and allowi

9、ng to die, which is reflected in the fact that many physicians will allow a patient with an incurable condition to die when life could still be prolonged, but they will not take active steps to end the patients life.1 【F1】2 【F2】3 【F3】4 【F4】5 【F5】5 A second conclusion to be drawn from experience is t

10、he close connection between export expansion and economic development. The high-growth countries were characterized by rapid expansion in exports. Here again it is important to note that export expansion was not confined to those countries fortunate in their natural resources, such as the oil-export

11、ing countries.【F1】Some of the developing countries were able to expand their exports in spite of limitations in natural resources by initiating economic policies that shifted resources from inefficient domestic manufacturing industries to export production. Nor was export expansion from the developi

12、ng countries confined to primary products. There was very rapid expansion of exports of labour-intensive manufactured goods. Countries that adopted export-oriented development strategies experienced extremely high rates of growth that were regarded as unattainable in the 1950s and 1960s. They were a

13、lso able to maintain their growth momentum during periods of worldwide recession better than were the countries that maintained their import substitution policies.Analysts have pointed to a number of reasons why the export-oriented growth strategy seems to deliver more rapid economic development tha

14、n the import substitution strategy.【F2】First, a developing country able to specialize in producing labour-intensive commodities uses its comparative advantage in the international market and is also better able to use its most abundant resourceunskilled labour. The experience of export-oriented coun

15、tries has been that there is little or no disguised unemployment once labour-market regulations are dismantled and incentives are created for individual firms to sell in the export market. Second, most developing countries have such small domestic markets that efforts to grow by starting industries

16、that rely on domestic demand result in uneconomically small, inefficient enterprises. Moreover, those enterprises will typically be protected from international competition and the incentives it provides for efficient production techniques.【F3】Third, an export-oriented strategy is inconsistent with

17、the impulse to impose detailed economic controls; the absence of such controls, and their replacement by incentives, provides a great stimulus to increases in output and to the efficiency with which resources are employed.【F4】The increasing capacity of a developing countrys entrepreneurs to adapt th

18、eir resources and internal economic organization to the pressures of world-market demand and international competition is a very important connecting link between export expansion and economic development.【F5】It is important in this connection to stress the educative effect of freer international tr

19、ade in creating an environment conducive to the acceptance of new ideas, new wants, and new techniques of production and methods of organization from abroad.6 【F1】7 【F2】8 【F3】9 【F4】10 【F5】10 It is difficult to see how one can teach if one is not learning. But there are some distinctions to be made h

20、ere. To rely on last years notes, oreven worseones last years memory, as if that would always be an adequate basis for passing on knowledge, is to mistake what human knowledge is.【F1】And so the assimilation of books, the reading of articles, the pursuit of matters of concern will be crucial to ones

21、ability to introduce and develop a students ability to participate in a specific universe of discourse.Research might be thought to be another matter especially if it is defined as adding to the sum total of human knowledge.【F2】The expansion of higher education which has taken place, and more partic

22、ularly the expansion which is likely to take place, simply makes it unlikely that all those who are legitimately involved in the teaching and who fulfill their responsibilities utterly in that regard, are themselves all capable of adding anything worth having to the sum total of human knowledge. It

23、seems best, therefore, not to assume it, and not to presume what in principle is undeliverable. On the other hand, an institution of higher education which is not committed as a community to research will be defective.【F3 】The limit of what we know must be apparent, the means and opportunities of in

24、quiry must be understood, the value of research shared, even if it is only some members of a department, a faculty or an institution who are actually engaged in it. Scholarship is for all; research for those who are most adept.【F4】Of course, a proper celebration of the role of teaching and the art o

25、f the teacher will help to put right the very serious disparity of esteem which is affecting our judgment in this area.But all this has implications for staff development. The distribution of resources by the institution will be a judgment on its moral perspective. So the identification and support

26、of ways in which teaching can be improved, will be as important as the development of research in the life of an academic community.【F5 】 Something significant is done by the support of scholarship, by financing attendance at conferences; but attention to teaching styles and learning strategies thro

27、ugh courses, discussion, visiting lectures, schools, may all be as important.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 For man and women under 30, smoking does not prevent typical age-related weight gain, according to a study of nearly 4,000 white and black young adults ages 18 to 30.【F1】The tobacco ind

28、ustry has named cigarettes “thins“ and “slims“ in an attempt to appeal to weight-conscious young women who think that smoking will help them control their weight, but this study indicates that smoking has a negligible effect on body weight.The researchers classified participants into six groups base

29、d on self-reported smoking status. Participants self-reported smoking status and body weight were reassessed at two-, five-, and seven-year follow-ups. The researchers found minimal evidence of any weight control benefit from smoking. Those who smoked, or who began smoking, did not lose weight.【F2】W

30、hile smoking was associated with an attenuation of weight gain among black adults, no such effect occurred among white men or women, the latter being the group most likely to smoke “to control body weight“.【F3】The finding of little immediate or even long-term(seven years)weight-control benefit from

31、smoking among young adults goes against the beliefs of both smokers and nonsmokers that smoking helps to control or to limit weight gain. Any weight control benefit derived from smoking is likely to take many years, according to the researchers.The researchers also found that individuals who quit sm

32、oking experienced greater weight gain than individuals who continued smoking or never smoked at all. While smoking is not a successful mechanism for weight control, smoking cessation does have serious long-term consequences for body weight.“These findings have important public health implications, s

33、ince the perception that smoking controls body weight is widespread, particularly among youth,“ said Dr. Klesges, lead author of the study.【F4】“Every day, many young Americans begin smoking believing that it will help them lose weight,“ but these results demonstrate that smoking does not help contro

34、l weight, and only after decades of smoking do we see a difference in body weights of smokers and non-smokers.“If young people throughout the nation can learn that smoking has no effect on body weight, it is likely that a significant reduction among smoking in youth would be observed. “【F5】The autho

35、rs suggest that future research should look at the effects of smoking on body weight among younger participants, since the pre-teen and teenage years are when individuals typically start smoking. While this research focused on smoking and weight gain among whites and blacks, future studies should al

36、so gauge whether these findings apply to other ethnic groups.16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】20 Since much of the early impetus for applied ethics came from the U. S. civil rights movement, such topics as equality, human rights, and justice have been prominent. 【F1】We often make statements such a

37、s “All humans are equal“ without thinking too deeply about the justification for the claims. Since the mid-1960s much has been written about how they can be justified. Discussions of this sort have led in several directions, often following social and political movements. The initial focus, especial

38、ly in the United States, was on racial equality, and here, for once, there was a general consensus among philosophers on the unacceptability of discrimination against blacks.【F2 】With so little disagreement about racial discrimination itself, the centre of attention soon moved to reverse discriminat

39、ion: Is it acceptable to favour blacks for jobs and enrollment in universities and colleges because they had been discriminated against in the past and were generally so much worse off than whites? Or is this, too, a form of racial discrimination and unacceptable for that reason?Inequality between t

40、he sexes has been another focus of discussion. Does equality here mean ending as far as possible all differences in the sex roles, or could we have equal status for different roles?【F3】There has been a lively debateboth between feminists and their opponents and, on a different level, among feminists

41、 themselves-about what a society without sexual inequality would be like. Here, too, the legitimacy of reverse discrimination has been a contentious issue. Feminist philosophers have also been involved in debates over abortion and new methods of reproduction. These topics will be covered separately

42、below.Many discussions of justice and equality are limited in scope to a single society.【F4】Even Rawls s theory of justice, for example, has nothing to say about the distribution of wealth between societies, a subject that could make acceptance of his maximin principle much more onerous. But philoso

43、phers have now begun to think about the moral implications of the inequality in wealth between the affluent nations(and their citizens)and those living in countries subject to famine. What are the obligations of those who have plenty when others are starving?【F5】It has not proved difficult to make a

44、 strong case for the view that affluent nations, as well as affluent individuals, ought to be doing much more to help the poor than they are generally now doing.21 【F1】22 【F2】23 【F3】24 【F4】25 【F5】考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 379 答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underli

45、ned segments into Chinese. (10 points) 【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 实际上,这些哲学家认为,我们需要问一问究竟因为什么不能杀人,进而需要思考的是,这些原因所涉及的因素是否符合流产胎儿的情况,无论这些因素是什么。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 无疑,对此问题的解释,可以求助于传统基督教义,诸如:人都是按上帝的形象创造的,人都有不朽的灵魂。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 然而,安乐死有可能出于自愿。一些人正是根据这一点赞同实行安乐死。他们认为,在一些不会对他人造成伤害的事情上,国家不应该干涉公民基于了解情况所作出的自由选择。【知识模

46、块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 反对实行安乐死关注两方面问题。一方面涉及一些实际问题,诸如采取适当安全措施存在具体困难;另一方面是有一种论断认为,实行自愿安乐死将可能导致出现一种难以控制的“道德滑坡” ,这种 “道德滑坡”将来可能把我们引向实行不自愿安乐死,最后会强迫杀死那些本人不想死,而国家认为社会不愿要的人。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 哲学家还仔细分析了杀人和允许人死亡之间的区别在道德上的意义。许多大夫,对于得了不治之症的病人,在病人生命依然还可以延长时,允许其死掉;但是,他们却不会主动采取措施结束病人的生命。这个事实就反映了杀人和允许人死亡之间的区别。【知识模块】 阅读理解【

47、知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 有一发展中国家尽管自然资源有限,但是也能扩大出口。这国家靠的是采取新经济政策,把资源由低效的国内生产转向出口生产。【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 首先,一个发展中国家若能专门生产劳动密集型产品,在国际市场则可以发挥其相对优势,同时也能更有效地利用其最丰富的资源不熟练劳动力。【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 第三,出口导向的经济策略与实行严格经济控制的欲望背道而驰。取消这种控制,代之以刺激机制,就会大大刺激产量提高,并且极大刺激资源利用率的提高。【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 发展中国家的企业家使其资源和内部经济结构适应国际市场需求以及

48、国际竞争的压力的能力不断提高。这是扩大出口与发展经济之间的重要纽带。【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 应该创建一个新环境,有益于接受国外传来的新观念、新需求、新生产技术和新组织方法。强调国际贸易进一步自由化对创建这种新环境所起的教育影响,这是这个纽带起的重要作用。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解11 【正确答案】 教师应能引导学生并培养学生参加一个专门领域研讨的能力。所以,研究课本、阅读文章、寻找值得关注的问题对教师的这种能力相当重要。【知识模块】 阅读理解12 【正确答案】 高等教育已经有所发展,特别是还要进一步发展。仅此并不大可能使所有那些有教学资格的人以及完全从事教学

49、的人,自身就有能力为人类的知识总和添砖加瓦。【知识模块】 阅读理解13 【正确答案】 我们所知道的东西显然有限;必须要了解研究的手段和机会,必须了解研究的价值。即使只是一个系、一个学院或一个机构中仅有一部分人真正从事研究工作,也应如此。【知识模块】 阅读理解14 【正确答案】 当然,如果能够恰当评价教学的作用和教师的教学艺术,将有助于纠正对教学和教师尊重程度上的严重偏差,而这种偏差影响我们对这个领域的判断。【知识模块】 阅读理解15 【正确答案】 正在采取一些重要措施,如发放奖学金、资助出席研讨会。但是,通过听课、讨论、听演讲、参观学校等途径对教学方式和学习方法给予关注同样重要。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解16 【正确答案】 烟草行业把香烟说成是“减肥灵”或“瘦身佳品”,目的在于迎合那些关注体重的年轻女性。她们认为,吸烟有助于控制体重。但是,这项研究表明,吸烟对体重的影响微乎其微。【知识模块】 阅读理解17 【正确答案】 黑人成年人吸烟对减缓体重的增加速度起一定作用。然而,在白人男性或女性中,并没有发现吸烟的这种作用。白人却是最可能打算依靠吸烟“来控制体重”的群体。【知识模块】 阅读理解18 【正确答案】 吸烟和不吸烟的人都相信,吸烟有助于控制体重或限制体重的增加,研究发现,吸烟对青年人控制体重不会马上起作用,甚至长


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