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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 497 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 The European Union reached a preliminary deal to curb bankers compensation that would drastically limit the account that can be paid in bonuses. Britain

2、 resisted the move to cap the ratio between bankers fixed and variable pay. In a nod to opposition from the City of London the new rules treat long-term incentives linked to equities and bonds more favourably. The deal has to be agreed on by finance ministries next week.The Royal Bank of Scotland, w

3、hich is still majority owned by the British taxpayer five years after a government bail-out, reported an annual pre-tax loss of 5.2 billion, mostly because of an accounting quirk connected to the value of its own debts.RBSs loss was put in the shade, however, when Bankia later posted a net loss for

4、2012 of 19 billion. The Spanish government owns just under half the bank, but that is expected soon to rise to 70%.A report by McKinsey underlined the impact of the financial crisis on annual cross-border capital flows, which fell by 60% from 2007 to $4.6 trillion last year. The study says that fina

5、ncial globalisation has “stalled“ and that markets have reached an “inflection point“ that could lead to a “Balkanised“ structure based on local, rather than global, banking systems.Japans prime minister, Shinzo Abe, nominated Haruhiko Kuroda to become the next governor of the Bank of Japan. Mr. Kur

6、oda is the current head of the Asian Development Bank and had been a vocal critic of the BOJ. Mr. Abe has turned the central banks record into a political issue, urging it to do more to help “the real economy“.Indias government unveiled the countrys most important budget in years, as it seeks to boo

7、st output while controlling inflation. Growth has cooled rapidly to around 5%. The official forecast says that the economy will expand by up to 6.6% in 2013-2014, but the opposition is quick to point out that the estimate for this year was overly optimistic.1 What can be learned from the first parag

8、raph?(A)The EU has reached an agreement to control bankers compensation.(B) The deal would considerably increase the account paid in bonuses.(C) Britain agreed on the act to limit the ratio between bankers fixed and variable pay.(D)The deal to curb bankers compensation has been agreed on by finance

9、ministries.2 According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is true?(A)The Royal Bank of Scotland is completely possessed by the British taxpayer.(B) The Royal Bank of Scotland suffered a great loss that led to its bankruptcy.(C) The Royal Bank of Scotland suffered the loss due to an accounting qu

10、irk.(D)The Royal Bank of Scotland lost a great sum because of a financial crisis.3 The underlined phrase “put in the shade“ (Para.3, Line 1 ) is most probably equal to _.(A)put in the darkness(B) nothing big in comparison(C) more serious than others(D)the most serious of all4 McKinseys report has _.

11、(A)emphasized the influence of financial crisis(B) stressed the importance of financial globalisation(C) shown the effect exerted by the “inflection point“(D)highlighted the impact of “Balkanised“ structure5 Opponents of economic projection in India reckon that _.(A)the government will cut budget in

12、 years(B) economy will grow by 6.6% in the year to come(C) economic growth may be replaced by stagnation(D)government prediction for this year may disappoint us5 On Americas Gulf coast, massive industrial facilities stand idle. Miles of twisting stainless-steel pipes and huge storage tanks gleam use

13、lessly in the sun. They are a reminder of the hundreds of billions of dollars that America has invested in terminals for handling imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Thanks to the boom in domestic shale gas, those imports are no longer needed. America produces nearly as much gas as it consumes,

14、and will soon produce far more.So the obvious thing to do with those idle terminals is to re-engineer them to handle exports. Instead of receiving shiploads of liquefied gas and re-gasifying it, they should be taking American gas, liquefying it and loading it onto tankers. Converting these plants wi

15、ll not be cheapeach one will cost at least $5 billion. But the potential rewards are much larger.In America gas sells for around $3.40 per million British thermal units (mBTU). In Europe it costs around $12. In gas-poor Asia, spot cargoes change hands for as much as $20 per mBTU. Since it costs roug

16、hly $5 per mBTU to liquefy the stuff, ship it and turn it back into gas, America could be making a fortune from gas exports. To the extent that such exports displaced dirty coal, they would also help curb global warming.Most of Americas two dozen LNG import terminals have applied for export licences

17、. Yet only one, Sabine Pass in Louisiana, has actually started retooling its kit. Gas from there will start flowing onto global markets by the end of 2015. Why has every other terminal been so slow to seize this opportunity?Converting a plant is not easy: firms must build now upon row of expensive f

18、ridges, known as “liquefaction trains“, to get gas moving in the opposite direction. But the real hold-up is political. No LNG facility besides Sabine has yet received permission to export. American law requires the Department of Energy to determine whether gas exports are in the public interest, an

19、d President Barack Obamas administration is in no hurry to make up its mind.6 America became less dependent on imported gas due to _.(A)the use of massive industrial facilities(B) billions of dollars invested in terminals(C) the prosperity of home-produced gas(D)the less consumption of domestic gas7

20、 What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?(A)It is easy to deal with the idle terminals.(B) The government will soon convert the idle terminals.(C) The potential reward to convert the plants isnt substantial.(D)Converting the plants may be beneficial in the long term.8 America can earn a great fortune

21、by _.(A)gas imports(B) gas exports(C) imports of oil(D)exports of coal9 We can learn from Paragraph 4 that _.(A)Sabine has begun to retool its facility(B) Sabine has begun to sell gas to global markets(C) most LNG terminals have gained export licences(D)every terminal has been quick to grab the chan

22、ce10 We can judge from the last paragraph that _.(A)no LNG facility except Sabine has gained permission to export(B) gas exports in America represent the interest of the public(C) Barack Obamas government has made up its mind(D)a plant is difficult to be converted10 A mace-wielding clown lashes at a

23、 bear cub. An elephant stands on its rear legs on the point of a stun gun, electric arcs running through its body.These and dozens of other images featured at a poster exhibition in Beijing are meant to shock, so that hopefully visitors will go home with the message the organizers want them to remem

24、ber: animal performance is cruel, and people can help end it by not watching.“Not Born to Perform,“ which runs until April 15, is yet another anticruelty campaign by Animals Asia Foundation. Except this time, seeking a venue to display the posters, the animal welfare group has teamed up with an unli

25、kely partner, the citys oldest and perhaps best-known zoo.“By agreeing to host the exhibition on their premises, Beijing Zoo has set a precedent for all other zoological gardens in China,“ said Pei Xin, the senior animal welfare officer of Animals Asia. “We hope more zoos will join it in making such

26、 an outstanding commitment to ending animal performance.“The exhibition may help educate “zoo managers on why animal performances stifle the expression of normal behavior and that is just not right,“ said Zhang Jinguo, the deputy curator of the Beijing Zoo. It also tells visitors that “novelty and t

27、hrill isnt always cool,“ he said.The partnership illustrates the long way Chinese zoos have come in a continuing debate, sometimes laden with high-stake confrontations, over the welfare of wild animals in captivity. “As recently as 2010, mentioning the issue of animal performance was a sure-fire way

28、 to be excluded and ignored by zoos and animal facilities,“ Dave Neale, Animal Asias animal welfare director, said in an emailed statement.About 50 percent of urban zoos, 91 percent of the wildlife parks and 89 percent of the aquariums in China were still operating recreational animal shows, China Z

29、oo Watch, a volunteer-based group that documents alleged abuses, found in 2012, after monitoring over 40 facilities across the country.Even the Beijing Zoo, in its 107 years as a public zoo, had its share of animal abuse scandals. In July 2010, the zoo was found to have covered up the death of a pan

30、da for three weeks. Earlier the same year, news that a zoo restaurant served non-indigenous animals including hippopotamus and kangaroos subjected the zoo to public ridicule.11 The images of animal performance are exhibited to _.(A)feature a poster in Beijing(B) hope the visitors can remember them(C

31、) call on people to end animal performance by realizing its cruelty(D)forbid people to watch them12 Which of the following is not true according to Pei Xin?(A)More zoos are hoped to join the campaign to end animal performance.(B) Beijing Zoo is taking the lead to host such an exhibition.(C) He suppo

32、rts animal performance.(D)Beijing Zoo has set an example to all the other zoological gardens in China.13 According to the text, animal performance _.(A)is supported by all the people(B) is opposed by zoos and animal facilities(C) has a long way to go(D)is a welfare of wild animals in captivity14 Wha

33、t does the underlined word “non-indigenous“ mean?(A)Exotic.(B) Interesting.(C) Lovely.(D)Wild.15 According to the text, Beijing Zoo _.(A)is free from the animal abuse scandals(B) buried a dead panda in 2010(C) killed animals like hippopotamus and kangaroos(D)had a record of animal abuse15 “We will s

34、afeguard Britains credit rating with a credible plan to eliminate the bulk of the structural deficit over a parliament,“ read the 2010 Conservative manifesto. Well, so much for that. The decision by Moodys, one of the three big rating agencies, to downgrade Britain from Aaa to Aal on February 22nd w

35、as a colossal embarrassment. Moodys now ranks Britains credit lower than that of Luxembourg or the Isle of Man.Will the downgrade harm the economy? In the past countries with lower credit ratings have had to pay higher borrowing costs. But neither America, which was downgraded in 2011, or France, wh

36、ich suffered a similar fate last year, has suffered much.It is hard to spot an immediate impact in Britain, either. Investors had expected the ratings agencies to act after last years autumn statement revealed that the government was struggling to reduce its deficit on schedule. The two other big ra

37、tings agenciesFitch and Standard figures released on February 27th showed that GDP had shrunk by 0.3% in the fourth quarter of 2012 and is still 3% smaller than it was in the first quarter of 2008. Growth forecasts for the next few years were lowered in the autumn statement.16 According to the text,

38、 Moodys is _.(A)an agency that helps the parliament to deal with deficit(B) a department that supervises other government sectors(C) an agency that involves and makes decisions on credit rating(D)an organization that helps protect the countrys credit rating17 The downgrade of credit ranking will _.(

39、A)force a country to pay higher tax(B) safeguard a countrys benefits(C) lead to bankruptcy of a country(D)do harm to a countrys economy18 Britain has subjected to the situation that _.(A)its currency value has declined against dollar and euro(B) its government was struggling to reduce its foreign de

40、bt(C) ratings agencies have taken action to lower its credit ratings(D)Fitch and Standard & Poors have watched Britain since 201119 We can infer from the last two paragraphs that _.(A)yen has been the weakest currency of 2013(B) investors are now careful about Britains assets(C) Fitch noted that Bri

41、tains economic performance was poor(D)statistics released on Feb 27th showed that GDP had grown20 The best title for the text is _.(A)The Decline of Economy(B) The Credit Rating by Moodys(C) Britains Downgrade and Its Impact(D)Britains Deficit and Its Solutions考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 497 答案与解析Part ADirections:

42、 Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 根据选项 A 中的关键词“the EU”定位到第一段的首句,其中“the EU”=“the European Union”;“reached an agreement”=“reached a deal”;“curb bankers compensation”=“control bankers compensation”,故选项 A 是原文首句的同义转换

43、,故为答案。根据选项 B 中的“bonuses”定位到该段首句,其中选项中的“considerably”对应原文的“drastically”;其余部分保持不变。但是原文关键词“limit”,被替换成选项中的“increase”,故该项错误。根据选项 C 中的“Britain”定位到该段第二句,原文说的是 Britain 拒绝,而选项说的是同意,而选项后面内容和原文是一致的,故该选项是错的。根据选项 D 定位到该段最后一句: The deal has to be agreed on by finance ministries next week说明这个协议还未被通过,而选项说的是“The dea

44、l has been agreed on by finance ministries”故错误。2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 该题四个选项的主语都是“the Royal Bank of Scotland”,而问题已经锁定在了第二自然段,我们来一一分析。选项 A 中提到“completely possessed by the British taxpayer(被英国纳税人完全占有 )”;而原文说的是“still majority owned by the British taxpayer(大部分仍然被英国纳税人拥有)”,故选项 A 错误。选项 B对应该段中间部分:.reported an an

45、nual pre-tax loss of 5.2 billion原文提及苏格兰皇家银行亏损很大,并未提到 bankruptcy 这样的字眼,故选项 B 错误。原文提到“RBS reposed an annual pre-tax loss of 5.2 billion,mostly because of an accounting quirk”,而选项 C 说的是“suffered the loss due to an accounting quirk”,即使不认识 quirk 这个词,至少我们知道选项 C 和原文几乎是原词复现,故为答案。选项 D 中出现的“financial crisis”在

46、该段并未涉及,故属于无中生有。3 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 语义题需要在文章上下文寻找同义替换信息,而且一般过于表面的选项往往不太可能是答案。选项 A,put in the darkness 和原文“put in the shade”几乎是一样的,并非文章所表达的意思。剩下的三项中,选项 B 表达的意思是“相比之下没什么大不了的”,即没那么严重;选项 C 表达的意思是“更严重”;选项 D表达的意思是“最严重”。而原文提到 RBS 损失了 52 亿英镑,而 Bankia 的损失是190 亿英镑,因此相比而言 RBS 的损失没那么严重,故答案为选项 B。短语 put in the shade

47、在此处可以理解为“相形见绌”。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 根据大写的“McKinsey”可以定位到第四段。选项 A 对应该段首句:A report by McKinsey underlined the impact of the financial crisis而选项 A 说:McKinseys report has emphasized the influence of financial crisis其中“underlined”=“emphasized”:“impact”=“influence”。故选项 A 和原文是同义替换。选项 B 对应该段第二行:原文提及 financial g

48、loablisation 这一词,但并未提到该选项中的“stress the importance”,故选项 B 是错误的。选项 C 关键词是“inflection point”,在该段的第三行我们可以找到这个词,但原文还是未提到它的影响。故选项 C 也是错误的。选项 D 中的关键词“Balkanisedstructure”非常容易定位。该题的 B、 C 和 D 三个选项都提及原文涉及的三个不同概念的词,但是均未提及它们的影响,该项中的“impact”一词是无中生有。故我们可以再次确认 B、C 和 D 都不是答案,答案为选项 A。5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 根据题干中的“India”一词

49、可定位到最后一段。题干中的“opponents”对应最后一句中的“the opposition”;“economic projection”对应“official forecast says that the economy”故将答案锁定到最后一句。该句指出:.but the opposition is quick to point out that the estimate for this year was overly optimistic. 大意为:但是反对者指出,今年的预测太过于乐观。与该句话表述一致的是选项 D,government prediction for this year may disappoint us(今年政府的预测可能会令人失望)。其中“government prediction”=“official forecast” ;“may disappoint us”对应“overly optimistic”。故该题答案为选项 D。6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 该题是第一题,一般设置在首段,


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