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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 49 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Cancer is used generically for more than 100 different diseases, including malignant tumours of different sites, such as breast, stomach, colon/rectum, l

2、ung and, mouth. The disease arises principally as a consequence of individual exposure to the substances that cause cancer in what individuals inhale, eat and drink, or are exposed to in their personal or work environment. (1)_Many of the chronic disease risks, and the diseases themselves, overlap.

3、In developed countries, cancer is the second-biggest cause of death after cardiovascular disease (CVD), and epidemiological evidence points to this trend emerging in the less developed world. (2)_ Already more than half of all cancer cases occur in developing countries.There are approximately 20 mil

4、lion people living with cancer at the moment; by 2020 there will be an estimated 30 million. And the impact is far greater than the number of cases alone would suggest. (3)_ Cancer can also be profoundly distressing as well as economically disruptive to patients families. The clinical care of cancer

5、 patients is a costly element in public health budgets.Dietary factors are estimated to account for approximately 30% of cancers in western countries, making diet second only to tobacco as a preventable cause of cancer. This proportion is thought to be about 20 % in developing countries and is proje

6、cted to grow. As developing countries become urbanised, patterns of cancer, particularly those most strongly associated with diet and physical activity, tend to shift towards the patterns of economically developed countries. Cancer rates also change as populations move between countries and adopt di

7、fferent dietary patterns.The relative importance of cancers as a cause of death is increasing. The incidence of lung cancer and cancers of the colon and rectum, breast and prostate, generally increases in parallel with economic development, as stomach cancer declines. Cancer is also strongly associa

8、ted with social and economic status. (4)_In recent years, substantial evidence has pointed to the link from overweight and obesity, to many types of cancer such as colorectum, breast and kidney. The composition of the diet is also important since fruit and vegetables may have a protective effect by

9、decreasing the risk for some cancer types such as oral, oesophageal, gastric and colorectal cancer.Regular physical activity has also been seen to have a protective effect in reducing the risk of breast and colorectal cancer. High intake of preserved meat or red meat might be associated with increas

10、ed risk of colorectal cancer. (5)_The wealth of knowledge that already exists about cancer risk factors provides obvious and ample scope for action to reduce the cancer burden of all countries. After tobacco, overweight and obesity seems to be the most important avoidable cause of cancer. Given that

11、 poor nutrition, physical inactivity, obesity, tobacco and alcohol, are risk factors common to other chronic diseases, such as CVD, type 2 diabetes, and respiratory diseases, conducting a cancer prevention programme within the context of an integrated chronic disease prevention programme would be an

12、 effective national strategy.A This is particularly true in countries of “transition“ or middle income countries, such as in South America and Asia.B Cancer risk factors are highest in groups with the least education. In addition, patients in the lower socioeconomic classes have consistently poorer

13、survival rates than those in higher social class.C Another aspect of diet clearly related to cancer risk is the high consumption of alcoholic beverages, which convincingly increases the risk of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver and breast cancers.D Regardless of prognosis, the init

14、ial diagnosis is often perceived by patients as life-threatening, with over one-third of sufferers experiencing clinical anxiety and depression.E Personal habits, such as tobacco use, dietary and physical activity patternsas well as occupational and environmental conditionsrather than genetic factor

15、s, play the major roles in the development of cancer.F While tobacco use is the single largest causative factor-accounting for about 30% of all cancer deaths in developed countries and an increasing number in the developing worlddietary modification and regular physical activity are significant elem

16、ents in cancer prevention and control.5 A Perpetual Motion Machine is a fascinating and long-discussed topic that moves well beyond the scope of physics. In short, A perpetual motion machine can be likened to a magic cow that continues to live and breathe and yet needs no sustenance. A perpetual mot

17、ion engine installed in a car would continue to run indefinitely but would need neither gas tank nor petrol. Of course, as a perpetual motion machine is in violation of natural laws, it will likely never move out of the realm of imagination and into reality. When the phrase “perpetual motion machine

18、“ is entered into Googles search engine, 34, 400 items are returned. Of these 34, 400 items, the forty-first to the forty-fifth hold reasonable interest and will be further discussed herein.1. Myths and legendsLong before the advent of the steam engine, human beings have ruminated on the possibility

19、 of a perpetual motion machine. Throughout history, many have attempted to invent such a device, though none have thus far been successful.2. Fame and glorySome people hold that any inventor attempting to create a perpetual motion machine must only be in it for credit and accolades, wishing to be th

20、e first in his field to discover the much-coveted secret.3. Wealth and richesIt is also suspected by some that those seeking to unlock the mystery of perpetual motion machine must be motivated by the monetary rewards. If such a device were to fall into popular use, the inventor would be a wealthy ma

21、n indeed.4. Antics and capersEven some of those who are aware of the impossibility of perpetual motion machine have invented something similar under the guise of perpetual motion machine in order to tease us.5. Deception and trickerySome people, though fully aware that they are incapable of inventin

22、g a perpetual motion machine, persist in arguing that they can with the intention of scamming us.Though the perpetual motion machine is a dream long-sought after by the scientific community, it is improbable that it will ever be realized. We can, however, pour our resources into researching more pra

23、ctical energy conserving forms of power such as geothermal, hydro-electric, and solar power solutions.A In ancient China there was an extremely adroit man by the name of Zhuge Liang. It is said that he constructed a wooden horse which could walk unaided and could be used in the transportation of mil

24、itary supplies. As no records of this occurrence have been found, this tale has passed into legend.B Inventor F told me excitedly, “Some complex details are currently under discussion to unearth the key to perpetual motion. If my experiment proves to be effectual. I will become a Nobel Prize winner.

25、 You know, the ceremony is held annually in Sweden and is broadcasted live to every corner of the globe.“ It is no great wonder that Inventor F espoused enthusiasm. A functional perpetual motion machine is a wonder that would be marveled at for generations to come.C Inventor K declared, “the experim

26、ents with perpetual motion are on the verge of success. My products will soon be distributed throughout the world and used in a wide range of industrial applications. When that happens, my company will expand exponentially. Ill make a fortune!“D One of the closest things to a perpetual motion engine

27、 was the one installed on the Traveler 1 spacecraft, the first spaceship in human history to fly beyond the edges of our solar system. Though Travelers engine is able to run without maintenance for many years, it still requires energynuclear energy. So, strictly speaking, Traveler 1 does not run on

28、a perpetual motion engine, but in fact needs energy as do all other machines.E Mr. Goofy announced that he had effectively diagrammed the first perpetual motion machine. When a private corporate party purchased the patent, they found to their dismay that manufacturing it according to the design layo

29、ut was technically infeasible. Furious, they sued Mr. Goofy for fraud, but even in the courtroom, Mr. Goofy would not be shamed. He simply retorted, “Im just joking around.“F Tom, proudly proclaiming that he had invented a clock that ran on perpetual motion, and had it placed in the central square o

30、f his town. The clock, he said, would work perfectly despite a lack of springs in the internal mechanism. A scientist later ascertained the secret and revealed it to the townspeople: the clock had been cleverly devised to run on temperature differentials.10 Scientific Method is a term denoting the p

31、rinciples that guide scientific research and experimentation, and also the philosophic bases of those principles. Whereas philosophy in general is concerned with the why as well as the how of things, science occupies itself with the latter question only, but in a scrupulously rigorous manner. The er

32、a of modern science is generally considered to have begun with the Renaissance, but the rudiments of the scientific approach to knowledge can be observed throughout human history.Definitions of scientific method use such concepts as objectivity of approach to and acceptability of the results of scie

33、ntific study. Objectivity indicates the attempt to observe things as they are, without falsifying observations to accord with some preconceived worldview. Acceptability is judged in terms of the degree to which observations and experimentations can be reproduced. (1)_ By such reasoning processes, sc

34、ience attempts to develop the broad laws- such as Isaac Newtons Law of Gravitation that become part of our understanding of the natural world.Science has tremendous scope, however, and its many separate disciplines can differ greatly in terms of subject matter and the possible ways of studying that

35、subject matter. No single path to discovery exists in science, and no one clear-cut description can be given that accounts for all the ways in which scientific truth is pursued. One of the early writers on scientific method, the English philosopher and statesman Francis Bacon, wrote in the early 17t

36、h century that a tabulation of a sufficiently large number of observations of nature would lead to theories accounting for those operations the method of inductive reasoning. (2)_A closer approach to the method commonly used by physical scientists today was that followed by Galileo in his study of f

37、alling bodies. Observing that heavy objects fall with increasing speed, he formulated the hypothesis that the speed attained is directly proportional to the distance traversed. Being unable to test this directly, he deduced from his hypothesis the conclusion that objects falling unequal distances re

38、quire the same amount of elapsed time. This was a false conclusion, and hence, logically, the first hypothesis was false. Therefore Galileo framed a new hypothesis: that the speed attained is directly proportional to the time elapsed, not the distance traversed. (3)_Such agreement of a conclusion wi

39、th an actual observation does not itself prove the correctness of the hypothesis from which the conclusion is derived. It simply renders the premise that much more plausible. (4)_This inner consistency constitutes the basis for the concept of causality in science, according to which every effect is

40、assumed to be linked with a cause.Scientists, like other human beings, may individually be swayed by some prevailing worldview to look for certain experimental results rather than others, or to “intuit“ some broad theory that they then seek to prove. (5)_ In this way the scientific method prevails.A

41、 Essentially modern scientific methods and results appeared in the 17th century because of Galileos successful combination of the functions of scholar and artisan.B Scientific developments during the 18th century paved the way for the following “century of correlation, “ so called for its broad gene

42、ralizations in science.C Scientific method also involves the interplay of inductive reasoning (reasoning from specific observations and experiments to more general hypotheses and theories) and deductive reasoning (reasoning from theories to account for specific experimental results).D The scientific

43、 community as a whole, however, judges the work of its members by the objectivity and rigor with which that work has been conducted.E At about the same time, however, the French mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes was attempting to account for observed phenomena on the basis of what he call

44、ed clear and distinct ideasthe method of deductive reasoning.F The ultimate test of the validity of a scientific hypothesis is its consistency with the totality of other aspects of the scientific framework.G From this he was able to infer that the distance traversed by a falling object is proportion

45、al to the square of the time elapsed, and this hypothesis he was able to verify experimentally by rolling balls down an inclined plane.15 A The first step in preparing a marketing plan is that of producing the information necessary for decision-making. Usually, a company will have within its own adm

46、inistration and control system the raw material necessary for the plans foundations. In addition, there is plenty of published information which is made available by government departments, institutions and the press.B For a marketing-oriented activity to produce lasting results the entire operation

47、 has to be systematically planned. By producing basic information in written form and establishing aims for the future, the company is creating standards against which actual performance can be measured. Documentation of detailed policy actions then provides the basis for controlling the companys op

48、eration. Future trends may be predicted through the investigation of all factors likely to influence company results.C Companies often avoid planning marketing procedures in detail because of the effort needed to express their forward policy in a written form. Managers commonly consider that their t

49、ime is too valuable to spend on anything other than urgent operational problems. In fact, the manager who spends his time on dealing with current administrative detail is almost certain to have ignored proper planning in the past. For, if properly prepared, the marketing plan will contain sufficient details of the companys policy and operational strategy for the work to be done by an assistant. As the many alternative courses of action are programmed, the assistant takes any


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