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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 83 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For questions 1 5, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosi

2、ng from the list A-G to fill in each numbered box. The first and the fifth paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes.AJust as book superstores forced out many independents, so supermarkets and other mass retailers have since crowded the book chains. In Britain, when price regulation was disbanded

3、 in 1997, supermarkets rushed in and now sell a quarter of all books, according to the way that Nielsen, a market-research outfit, calculates it. Belgium and Finland mimicked this trend.BHigher turnover should also be positive for publishers. But mass retailers demand discounts of up to 60% for bulk

4、 orders, shrinking margins. All sides prosper when books sell quickly. But, unlike groceries, if books dont sell, retailers return them to the publisherand do not pay. So, when a book with a large print run flops, publishers end up with an expensive pile of recycling. That is why some publishers hav

5、e stopped doing new deals with the likes of Costco, an American warehouse retailer, which likes to order very large print runs.CAt first sight there is no reason for concern. New works are abundant40% more titles came out in Britain in 2010 than in 2001. But this obscures a grimmer trend: “mid-list“

6、 titles are selling in smaller numbers in America and Britain. This matters for cultural life, because most literary fiction and serious non-fiction falls into that bracket and much of it could become uneconomical to publish.DFashionable technology is a twist in a narrative already several chapters

7、long. Mass-market retailing has changed the publishing industry: these days books are as likely to be found beside steaks and saucepans as they are to be bought in specialist stores. The story turns on whether broader changes in bookselling will stifle literature. Dan Brown will survive. Would Dante

8、?EFew people will mourn publishers losses from increased price competition and new technology like e-readers. The question is whether these trends undermine the quality of books which are being published, by breaking a business model that has let firms focus on variety and range. Publishers have goo

9、d reason to shiver at the decline of traditional bookshops. To fund the discovery and promotion of new authors, they have relied on books that sell steadily over a number of years. Yet mass retailers stock a few hundred new blockbusters.FFor most of the past century, governments across Europe protec

10、ted book prices; many still do. Even in America, apart from dime-store romances, few titles were sold outside bookshops. But in the 1970s stores like Borders and Barnes what matters is who you are, not when you do it.EThat doesnt mean you can ignore the economy. Both customers and investors will be

11、feeling pinched. Its not necessarily a problem if customers feel pinched: you may even be able to benefit from it, by making things that save money. Startups often make things cheaper, so in that respect theyre better positioned to prosper in a recession than big companies.FSo maybe a recession is a

12、 good time to start a startup. Its hard to say whether advantages like lack of competition outweigh disadvantages like reluctant investors. But it doesnt matter much either way. Its the people that matter. And for a given set of people working on a given technology, the time to act is always now.GAn

13、other advantage of bad times is that theres less competition. Technology trains leave the station at regular intervals. If everyone else is cowering in a corner, you may have a whole car to yourself. Youre an investor too. As a founder, youre buying stock with work: the reason Larry and Sergey are s

14、o rich is not so much that theyve done work worth tens of billions of dollars, but that they were the first investors in Google. And like any investor you should buy when times are bad.HSo just as investors in 1999 were tripping over one another trying to buy into unpromising startups, investors in

15、2009 will presumably be reluctant to invest even in good ones. Youll have to adapt to this. But thats nothing new: startups always have to adapt to the impulses of investors. Ask any founder in any economy if theyd describe investors as changeable, and watch the face they make. Last year you had to

16、be prepared to explain how your startup was viral. Next year youll have to explain how its recession-proof.考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 83 答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)【知识模块】 阅读1 【正确答案】 F【知识模块】 阅读2 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 阅读3

17、【正确答案】 G【知识模块】 阅读4 【正确答案】 E【知识模块】 阅读5 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读6 【正确答案】 G【知识模块】 阅读7 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读8 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读9 【正确答案】 E【知识模块】 阅读10 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读11 【正确答案】 E【知识模块】 阅读12 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 阅读13 【正确答案】 F【知识模块】 阅读14 【正确答案】 G【知识模块】 阅读15 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读16 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读17 【正确答案】 E【知识模块】 阅读18 【正确答案】 H【知识模块】 阅读19 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 阅读20 【正确答案】 G【知识模块】 阅读


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