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1、英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 20 及答案与解析一、翻译1 将下列短文译成英语。(北京外国语大学 2009 研,考试科目:英汉互译)2008 年 11 月 9 日,中国政府出台了进一步扩大内需、促进经济增长的十项措施,预计在未来两年时间内投资 4 万亿人民币。中国政府在例行的中央经济工作会议召开之前突然宣布该方案,既显示了中国政府抗击金融危机、防范经济增长下滑的信心,也反映了中国政府对国内经济增长前景的预期明显恶化。该方案刚一出台便引发世界范围内高度关注,并直接推动全球股市上涨。然而,由于中国政府并未在第一时间详细披露该方案实施细则,近日来围绕该方案的猜测与争议绵延不绝。2 将下列

2、短文译为英语。(北京外国语大学 2008 研,考试科目:英汉互译)无论如何,创造财富的物质资源,不论其初始分配如何,最终是要通过各种各样的渠道,流入到具有企业家精神的人手里,这是自由市场的一个基本趋势。这些人获得对他人的财富的支配权、使用权,以之为自己创造财富,并积累财富。这正是自由市场具有效率的根源。它可以动态地、自发地把资源从资源利用效率较低的人手里转移到资源利用效率较高的人手里。中国人讲“富不过三代” ,其中有一些无奈,但也揭示了自由市场的精髓所在:财富本身并不能充当财富的保障。因为,财富本来就不是财富创造出来的。所以,由于企业家精神积累了财富的人的后代,未必总是能够最有效地利用他们手里


4、无人能够改变。那么,对社会来说,最重要的事情是设计种种健全的制度,让那些不具有企业家精神的人可以方便地将其资源控制交给富有企业家精神的人,而企业家只要可以充分发挥其企业家精神、其财产权得到切实保障,自然可以发现、创造出这些制度来。3 Please translate the following passages into English(北京外国语大学 2008 研,考试科目:基础英语)枯叶蝴蝶峨眉山下,伏虎寺旁,有一种蝴蝶,比最美丽的蝴蝶可能还要美丽些,是峨眉山最珍贵的特产之一。当它阖起两张翅膀的时候,像生长在树枝上的一张干枯了的树叶。谁也不去注意它,谁也不会瞧它一眼。它收敛了它的花纹、图案


6、叶蝶真是因此而要绝对的绝灭了。我们既然有一对美丽的和真理的翅膀,我们永远也不愿意阖上它们。做什么要装模作样,化为一只枯叶蝶,最后还是被售,反而不如那翅膀两面都光彩夺目的蝴蝶到处飞翔,被捕捉而又生生不息。我要我的翅膀两面都光彩夺目。我愿这自然界的一切都显出它们的真相。4 Translation(北京科技大学 2008 研,考试科目:基础英语)第二天早上,天空阴暗多云,海面波涛起伏,但后来太阳出来了。风雨过后,更觉得空气清新,大海在闪闪发光。早饭后我到外面走走,经过市场,我看见售货摊上有从海里打来的鲜鱼卖。我朝着海边走去,看见在阳光下发着亮光的渔船回来了。它们满载着刚打的鱼,一条接一条地驶近岸边。

7、我在那儿站了很久,看着渔夫们把鱼搬到岸上来。突然我听见有人在清冷的空气中说话。这是个老渔夫深沉有力的嗓音。原来刚才回来的第一条渔船是他的。我们攀谈起来,他对我说:“这是一条旧船了。原是我父亲的,我父亲是这个地方最好的渔夫。我呢?除了这条船外,一无所有。哦!对了,还有这片土地,这片大海,也是我们的。”我永远忘不了他眼睛里的自豪感。5 Translate the following paragraph into English(北京科技大学 2007 研,考试科目:基础英语)科学也称为自然科学,以区别于其他知识门类。科学和自然界有关,也就是说和自然界中一切存在的事物和发生的现象的特点和过程有关。科

8、学包括整个自然界,它精辟地阐述了人类关于各种自然现象是如何彼此联系并如何构成我们所说的宇宙的种种概念的。科学有许多特性,要了解科学是什么,就得详细地考察一下这些性能和特点。有一些作者断言说科学实际上只是一种方法科学的方法。这样的定义是过于简单化了。但是科学方法在决定科学知识的性质方面肯定起着重要的作用。6 Translate the following paragraph into English(北京科技大学 2006 研,考试科目:基础英语)矛盾的焦点,在于来日苦短,精神体力日见不济,世故困人,而又不能抽刀断水,毅然割弃文字因缘,顾此失彼,难以周全。在人际关系中,久已无力做到有信必复,有求

9、必应,一面又不能释然于怀,洒脱得无牵无挂。岁尾年头,向亲朋好友发个贺年片,兼代通候,原是一件使人感到温暖和愉快的事,也渐觉力不从心。因为一来一往,为数可观,操作需时,不免手忙脚乱。暮年行动不便,购卡,投邮,又须求人代劳。市上行销的时髦贺卡,多是金碧辉煌的豪华版,代价不菲,姑置不论,流行歌曲式的新潮贺词,也很不合老人身份。诸多烦扰,不一而足。曾经几次自己设计,印制一些朴素大方,既能表情达意,又可供欣赏的贺卡,也难以实现。不得已狠一狠心,向贺年片挥手告别,从此不再发寄,也不再裁答。失礼之处,只好请求多多体谅了。7 Translate the following sentences into Eng

10、lishWrite your answers on the ANSWER SHEET五年来,中国的综合国力大幅提升。创新型国家建设成效显著,载人航天、探月工程、载人深潜、超级计算机、高速铁路等实现重大突破。8 一个国家、一个民族,只要不是由于主观和客观的种种原因而长期处于孤立、闭塞的状态之中,或多或少都可以从交流中得到好处。9 居庙堂之高,则忧其民;处江湖之远,则忧其君然则何时而乐耶?其必日:“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐” 欤!10 中国顺应时代发展的潮流,维护联合国的权威,倡导多边主义,主张不同文明对话,推动国际关系民主化,参与国际及区域合作,为维护世界和平做出了积极贡献。11 Tran

11、slate the following sentences into EnglishWrite your answers on the ANSWER SHEET基于国际力量对比的现实,着眼于在未来世界中占据有利地位,各大国均从实际出发,加强对话与合作,寻求共同利益的汇合点。12 子曰:“君子不重则不威,学则不固。主忠信。无友不如己者。过则勿惮改。”13 根据联合国对未来 50 年气候变化对贫穷国家可能带来的影响的预测,贫穷国家将面临更多的困难,诸如愈演愈烈的洪灾,不断减少的粮食生产,疾病的威胁以及整个生态系统的退化乃至消失,而这正是世界上许多最穷苦的人们赖以生存的环境。14 联合国秘书长意识到

12、自己仍能得到冲突双方的信赖,从而奋不顾身地飞往战火纷飞的海湾地区。15 Translate the following sentences into EnglishWrite your answers on the ANSWER SHEET( 首都师范大学 2011 研,考试科目:英语综合水平)要和平不要战争,要发展不要贫穷,要合作不要对抗,已经成为世界各国人民的强烈呼声。16 古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动、多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。17 青岛,占地一万零六百五十四平方公里,人口六百四十九万,是中国沿海开放城市之一。青岛市

13、 2009 年的出口额为 26922 亿美元。18 孔子曰:三人行,则必有我师,是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子(韩愈师说)。19 Translate the following sentences into EnglishWrite your answers on the ANSWER SHEET( 首都师范大学 2010 研,考试科目:英语综合水平)二战以来,中东战火不断。严酷的事实表明,冤冤相报只能加深仇恨。20 我们应该牢牢把握中美关系的大局,妥善解决分歧,不断增进了解,扩大共识,发展合作,共创未来。英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 20 答案与解析一、翻译1 【正确答案】

14、On November 9th, 2008, the Chinese government put forward ten measures to further drive up domestic demand and promote economic growth. An investment of RMB 4 trillion is expected to be earmarked in the following two years. Chinese governments unexpected announcement of this incentive package prior

15、to the routine Central Economic Working Conference suggested not only the governments confidence in fighting against the global financial crisis and preventing the economic downturn, but also its prudence in estimating the domestic growth in economy. Right after its announcement, this package drew t

16、he eyes worldwide, and spurred the global stock markets. However, lasting doubts and disputes have risen recently, as the government failed to disclose the relevant details at the first time.2 【正确答案】 No matter how they are allocated in the first place, the material resources which can create fortune

17、 will flow into entrepreneurs hands eventually through various channels. It is the basic tendency of free market. Those people acquire the right of disposal and the right of use of other peoples wealth to create and accumulate wealth for them. This is the very source of efficiency of free market. It

18、 can dynamically and spontaneously transfers the resources from the people who are inefficient in resources use to the people who are efficient in resources use. There is a Chinese saying that “the rich can not last three generations“. It has no alternative but also reveals some pith and marrow of t

19、he free market:the fortune itself can not be the guarantee of the fortune, because the fortune is not created by fortune. So the descendants of the entrepreneurs who have collected the fortune are not necessarily the people who can use their resources most efficiently. If it was in the ranking socie

20、ty, it will impair the efficiency of resources use in the whole society. While the free market provides sufficient system arrangements to those families and let them naturally hand their resources to the people with the spirit of entrepreneur. If they are not willing to do it, the market will elimin

21、ate them mercilessly and force them to hand out the control over resources by means of bankruptcy. The market is always stubborn to transfer the resources to the most capable entrepreneurs. The society whose power controls the economy, the ranking society and the state-owned enterprise system, none

22、of them can do that, so the whole economy efficiency of those systems has much lower efficiency than the society which market allocates the resources. Therefore, if people expect that the market makes full use of the resources, then it is not necessary to worry about how the enterprises future is af

23、ter the retirement of the successful entrepreneurs at all. Anyhow the fortune and resources will flow to the hands of entrepreneurs. And as long as the market is free, nobody can change that tendency. So to the society, the most important thing is to design various sound systems which all let the pe

24、ople without the spirit of entrepreneur hand the resources to the entrepreneurs conveniently, while if the entrepreneurs fully develop their spirit with the good protection of their property right, then those systems will naturally be discovered and created.3 【正确答案】 Lappet ButterflyAt the foot of Em

25、ei Mountain, nearby Crouching Tiger Temple, there lives a kind of butterfly. Being one of the Emei Mountains most precious specialities, it is probably even more beautiful than the most beautiful butterflies in the world.When its two wings are closed, it looks like a withered leaf on the tree branch

26、. No one will notice its existence, nor will have a look at it.Having got away from the flower clumps and stopped flying, with its markings and patterns folded, its powder and color hidden, it turns into a die-away, dried, withered yellow, rather than turning-yellow leaf, like dying embers.It camouf

27、lages in this way to protect itself. However, it still can not escape the fate of being captured, not merely because of its beauty but more because of its wilt and haggardness which are used to conceal its beauty.It takes this disguise as a protection for itself, without knowing that by doing this i

28、t makes people more likely to search and catch it. There is another creaturehuman being, who is smarter than this butterfly and specially adept at pretending and forging, thus no masquerading whatsoever can slide by under his nose.People catch them and make them into specimens that are sold as produ

29、cts priced higher and higher. Hardly have any lappet butterflies been found in the end, and the species is on the edge of extinction.Only by this time, the nation gives orders to forbid capturing lappet butterflies. But, its too late. The forbiddance even more boosts its price. Lappet butterflies ar

30、e actually doomed to be extinct owing to this forbiddance.Now that we have a pair of beautiful and truthful wings, we will never be willing to close them. Having turned into a lappet butterfly, why should we camouflage and be sold out eventually? We are not as fortune as other butterflies flying all

31、 around with flashing and colorful wings who are captured but never run out of vitality.Id like both sides of my wings to shine brightly.I wish everything in nature showed their truth.4 【正确答案】 The next morning, the sky was dark and cloudy, the sea waves rose and fell, but later the sun was coming ou

32、t. After the storm, the air was fresher and the sea was shining. After breakfast I took a walk outside by way of the market, and I saw there were fresh fish caught from the sea and sold on the booth. I walked towards the seashore and saw that the shining fishing boats were coming back in the sunshin

33、e. They were fully loaded of the fish and driving closely to the shore one by one. I stood there for a long time and watched the fishermen carrying the fish to the shore. Suddenly I heard someone speaking in the cold air. This was a deep and powerful voice of an old fisherman. It turned out that the

34、 first fishing boat coming back was his. We had a talk. He said, “this is an old boat. It originally belonged to my father and he was the best fisherman in this place. But for me, I have nothing except this fishing boat. oh, well, this land and the sea are also ours. “I never forgot the sense of pri

35、de in his eyes.5 【正确答案】 Science is also called the natural science to distinguish it from other disciplines. Science is related to the nature, that is to say, it is related to all the existing things and to the characteristics and process of the phenomena happening in nature. Science contains the wh

36、ole nature, which develops various penetrating views about human beings conceptions that how various natural phenomena are related together and how they constitute our so-called universe.Science has many characteristics. We have to inspect those functions and characteristics in detail if we want to

37、know what the science is. Some authors assert that science in fact is a kind of methodscientific method. This definition is over simplified. But obviously the scientific method plays an important role in deciding the nature of the scientific knowledge.6 【正确答案】 The focus of the contradiction is that

38、I am lacking in strength mentally and physically when I become aging. I am trapped by the earthly matters and I cant quit writing without hesitation. So I am unable to attend to everything at once. It is too hard for me to make it better. For interpersonal relation, it has been long time that I can

39、not reply to every letter and grant every request: on the other hand, I can not be easy and relax with any entanglement. At the end of the year, I send friends and relatives New Year cards and greetings which should be warm and pleasant, but it gradually becomes too much burden for me. Because there

40、 are many sending and receiving letters, I am at a loss when I deal with them. And I am inconvenient due to my aging, I need to ask someone for me to buy cards and post them. Furthermore, most of the fashionable greeting cards on sale in the market are the splendid luxury versions. Apart from their

41、expensiveness, the greeting words of the pop song style are not suitable for the senior. There are too many worries to make a list. Several times I wanted to design and print some simple and easy cards by myself, but it was hard to realize making the cards which could be the expression of greetings

42、and the appreciation. Therefore, I had to make up my mind to say goodbye to New Year cards, not sending and replying to them any longer from then on. Please forgive me for being impolite.7 【正确答案】 Over the past five years, with the considerable upgrade of its overall national strength, China has made

43、 remarkable progress in building an innovation-oriented country, and major breakthroughs have been achieved in fields including manned spaceship, moon exploration project, manned deep-sea submersible project, super computer and high-speed railways.8 【正确答案】 A country or a nation can more or less bene

44、fit from communications as long as it is not isolated from the outer world for a long time due to any reasonbe it objective or subjective.9 【正确答案】 When one is in power, he would concern about his people: when one lacks the power, he would concern a-bout the monarch. Then when does one enjoy himself?

45、 I would say:“Worry before common people worries, and enjoy only after they can enjoy. “10 【正确答案】 Conforming to the trend of the times and upholding the authority of the United Nations, China advocates multilateralism and the talk between cultures, promotes the democratization of international relat

46、ionship, and vigorously takes part in the international and regional cooperation to make contribution to the maintenance of world peace.11 【正确答案】 Based on the contrast of international powers, the major powers proceed from realities, strengthen dialogue and cooperation and seek the convergence of co

47、mmon interests, in order to occupy a favorable position in the future world.12 【正确答案】 The Master said, “ If the scholar is not self-respecting, then he will not inspire awe in others. Though having learned, he will not be on firm ground. One should hold loyalty and good faith as first principles, an

48、d make no friends who are not of equal moral caliber. When you make a mistake, do not hesitate to correct it. “13 【正确答案】 According to the UN predictions of the impacts of climate change on poor countries over the next 50 years, poor countries will experience more difficulties, such as the increasing

49、ly severe flood, the declining food production, the threat of diseases and the deterioration or even extinction of the entire ecosystem on which many of the worlds poorest people depend.14 【正确答案】 Realizing that he was still trusted by the two conflicting parties, the UN Secretary-General headed fearlessly for the war-torn Gulf region.15 【正确答案】 People all over the world are raising their voice in favor of peace, development and cooperation and against war, poverty and confrontation.16 【正确答案】 Throughout the ages, all people of accomplishment take their lives


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