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1、英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 26 及答案与解析一、翻译1 Translate the following passage into English(南开大学 2010 研,考试科目:专业英语)教育的功用就在顺应人类求知、想好、爱美的天性,使一个人在这三方面得到最大限度的调和的发展。以达到完美的生活。教育的目的在启发人性中所固有求知、想好、爱美的本能,使它们尽量伸展。中国儒家的最高的人生理想是“尽性” 。他们说:“能尽人之性则能尽物之性,能尽物之性则可以赞天地之化育。”2 Translate the following passage into English(南开大学 2009

2、研,考试科目:专业英语)东方文明的最大特色是知足。西洋近代文明的最大特色是不知足。知足的东方人自安于简陋的生活,故不求物质享受的提高;自安于愚昧,自安于“不识不知” ,故不注意真理的发现与技艺器械的发明;自安于现成的环境与命运,故不想征服自然。西方人大不然。他们说“ 不知足是神圣的 ”。物质上的不知足产生了今日钢铁世界,汽机世界,电力世界。理智上的不知足产生了今日的科学世界。社会政治制度上的不知足产生了今日的民权世界。神圣的不知足是一切革新一切进化的动力。3 Put the following into English(天津财经大学 2006 研,考试科目:现代英语)银行业面临的挑战在于如何使

3、客户乐意学习使用并信任这种新型的服务渠道。多数大银行现已能够提供完全可靠的、功能齐全的网上银行业务,不收取或只收取少许费用。随着越来越多的银行网上业务的成功,以及越来越多的客户登陆它们的网站,功能齐全的网上银行业务很可能变得像自动柜员机一样普及。网上银行拥有许多优势。不同于街头的银行,网上银行从不关门,它们每天 24小时、每周 7 天全天候营业,而且只需轻击鼠标即可完成交易。当你的财务发生问题时,而如果你又正好不在州内,甚至不在国内,你可以马上登陆到网上银行来处理你的财务。网上银行网站处理并确认交易的速度通常达到或者超过了自动柜员机的运行速度。许多网上银行网站现在还提供先进的工具,包括账目总计

4、、股票报价以及个人证券投资管理项目,以帮助你更有效地理财。4 现在,我们正迈入一个新的世纪,展现在我们面前的将是更大的进步。科学家们正在着手建立新的基因数据库,研究超容量的计算机及其他一些工具,他们正在揭开有关我们的机体是如何运转的、我们的大脑是如何储存一生的记忆等方面的奥秘。如果我是一个期望在这个新世纪做出贡献的年轻人,我将首先关注生物学。它是一个充满无数重大的、迷人的问题并需要冒险精神的竞技场。当然,与所有科学一样,它也是一个包容了整个世界而不是任何一个国家的竞技场。拥有骄人科学历史的中国,已经造就出了一批最优秀的研究者,但还有更多的潜能有待开发。世界期待着中国的年轻人用他们的智慧和热情来

5、推进科学的发展,并为我们大家把这个星球建设成更健康更美好的地方。5 推进产业结构优化升级,形成以高新技术产业为先导、基础产业和制造业为支撑、服务业全面发展的产业格局。优先发展信息产业,在经济和社会领域广泛应用信息技术。积极发展对经济增长有突破性重大带动作用的高新技术产业。用高新技术和先进适用技术改造传统产业,大力振兴装备制造业。继续加强基础设施建设。加快发展现代服务业,提高第三产业在国民经济中的比重。正确处理发展高新技术产业和传统产业、资金技术密集型产业和劳动密集型产业、虚拟经济和实体经济的关系。6 Translate the following passage into Englishwri

6、te your answers on the ANSWER SHEET阳光下的利润一次,一位很讲究策略的企业家竟然把自己企业往年的盈利情况一五一十地告诉了众人。对此,同行中人议论纷纷。“你怎么可以这么做呢 ?”有人好意劝到,“如果你盈利太多,顾客就会以为你是在谋取暴利;如果你盈利太少,他们又会对你的能力产生怀疑你这么做,简直是搬起石头砸自己的脚”“可是你有没自想过,如果我是在谋取暴利,就一定不敢公布盈利的情况 如果我盈利太少,就会羞于公布我的盈利情况。”“那你公布盈利情况的主要目的是什么?”那个人好奇地问。“获取信任。 ”这位企业家侃侃而谈, “在商就不可能不言利。在大家都羞于言利的时候,我将

7、盈利情况公之于众,既表明了我对自己的信心,又可以让大家对我产生信任。这种信任就是我获取的又一种珍贵的利润,而且这种利润又可以在将来衍生出一大笔无法估量的巨额利润。”企业家不由得笑了,“ 这种利润是我用磊落的坦诚和宽广的胸襟换来的,是阳光下的利润。”也许,在这个繁华的世界里,已经有越来越多的人开始珍视那些比金钱更重要的东西了。这种珍视,也许就是这个世界最大的利润。7 Translate the following passage into EnglishWrite your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(天津外国语大学 2012 研,考试科目:英语语言文学)我以为从人类


9、第一个必要条件即是和性情相投的人交朋友,须尽力维持这友谊,如一个下棋名手宁愿跑一千里的长途去会一个同志一般。8 Chinese-English Translation(天津外国语大学 2012 研,考试科目:英语语言文学)24 岁的龙口姑娘刁娜,前不久与丈夫在下班途中,看到一位女子被撞倒在路中央。为了不让伤者被二次碾轧,“不让小悦悦悲剧重演” ,刁娜与丈夫毫不犹豫地下车救人,一边拨打急救电话,一边护在伤者身前疏导交通。渐渐地天越来越暗,看着面前一辆辆汽车飞驰而来,刁娜心里也是害怕的。她急中生智,让丈夫去车里拿警示牌。可就在这时,意外发生了。一辆小汽车超过一辆货车,直开到刁娜眼前,刁娜被狠狠地撞

10、倒在地,右腿钻心的疼,然后疼昏了过去刁娜的善举感染了车祸中的肇事者、被救者,他们用友善、谅解和诚信,续写了一段关于良知、公德与责任的佳话在一个民族陷入集体的道德焦虑、道德追问之时,刁娜的义举,各方的人性善良,既是一抹亮色,也让我们深思。9 Translate the following passage into EnglishWrite your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(天津外国语大学 2011 研,考试科目:英语语言文学)读书是文明生活中人所共认的一种乐趣,极为无福享受此种乐趣的人所羡慕。我们如把一生爱读书的人和一生不知读书的人比较一下,便能了解这一点。凡是没


12、的功夫撇开一切俗世烦扰,而走到另一个世界去游览一番,这种幸福自然是被无形牢狱所拘囚的人们所极羡慕的。这种环境的变更,在心理的效果上,其实等于出门旅行。10 Translate the underlined sentences in the following passage into EnglishWrite your translation on the ANSWER SHEET(天津外国语大学 2011 研,考试科目:英语语言文学)农民工版春天里凭什么打动人?“如果有一天我老无所依请把我留在在那时光里如果有一天我悄然离去请把我埋在这春天里”。 在这个寒流不断侵袭的冬日,一对农民工兄弟用嘶哑

13、和苍凉的歌声,给我们带来别样的“春天” 。 两位农民工光着膀子在出租屋唱春天里的视频,迅速红遍网络。湖南省委书记周强说,“ 每看一次都感动得热泪盈眶 ”。没有华丽的舞台,没有精心的包装,打动人心的夹杂着啤酒、香烟和雄性荷尔蒙气息的男人风格,是涌动的不安和悲壮的歌词,更是困境中顽强的呐喊、艰难中无怨无悔的坚持。像成千上万涌入城市的草根一样,这两位农民工兄弟为了梦想奋斗,哪怕凄风冷雨,哪怕路人白眼!他们用青春书写着“奋斗改变命运 ”的精神,用汗水描绘中国人无怨无悔的心灵之歌。11 Translate the following passage into EnglishWrite your answ

14、ers on the ANSWER SHEET(天津外国语大学 2010 研,考试科目:英语语言文学)要一个人独自进食,即使不算重罚,在中国文化中通常也被视为不幸,一种不无悲凉的境地。汉语对吃独食的描述,大都乏善可陈,一句“胡乱吃了些” 搪塞过去。中国人的社会生活中,人必须借饮食与他人沟通,与社会上的人形成生命共同体之感受。饮食不只是手段、工具或过程,它就是社会。中式饮食有整套的仪式。一顿完整的晚饭,须得有汤有菜有米饭;最重要的,还得有人。许多人从美国回来后都有不同程度的增磅,倒也并非月是美国圆而导致人月两圆。美式餐饮就是那么一大盘,自始至终以一盘贯之。中式的肚子饱了,而中式的情感却仍然饥饿,

15、因为这实在不像是“在吃饭” 。回到住处,免不了另起炉灶,依照原有的口味私自加餐。除了社交功能,就饮食本身而言,聚食的好处也多。例如,可以更充分地享受到菜肴的多样性,避免浪费,避免不利健康的进食速度过快,等等。每个家庭主妇都懂得,备三至四人的晚饭其实比做一至二人的效益更彰。开饭时有客不速,口口声声的“不就是多摆一副筷子吗” 也并不就是一句客套。12 Translate the following passage into EnglishWrite your translation on the ANSWER SHEET( 天津外国语大学 2010 研,考试科目:英语语言文学)“中国航天之父 ”钱

16、学森和中国 “欧洲古典艺术歌曲权威”蒋英的结合堪称科学和艺术的完美联姻。因为父辈为世交,钱学森和蒋英自幼青梅竹马,都受到很好的家庭教育。1947年,他们在上海喜结良缘,而他们的结婚“信物” 黑色三角钢琴,也一直伴随他们。回国后 40 多年里,每当蒋英登台演出或指挥学生毕业演出时,她总要请钱学森去听、去评论。谈到文艺对科学思维的启示和开拓时,钱学森说:“在我对一件工作遇到困难而百思不得其解的时候,往往是蒋英的歌声使我豁然开朗,得到启示。”每当听到蒋英的歌声时,钱学森总是自豪地说:我是多么有福气啊!1991 年 10 月 16 日,钱老在人民大会堂“国家杰出贡献科学家” 授奖仪式上即兴演讲时说:“

17、44 年来,蒋英给我介绍了音乐艺术,这些艺术里所包含的诗情画意和对人生的深刻的理解,使我丰富了对世界的认识,学会了艺术的广阔思维方法。或者说,正因为我受到这些艺术方面的熏陶,所以我才能够避免死心眼,避免机械唯物论,想问题能够更宽一点、活一点。”13 TANSLATE THE FOLLOWING INTO ENGLISH(天津师范大学 2006 研,考试科目:英美文化文学与英汉互译)全球的主要城市都拥有著名的地标做代表。但要感受上海风情,只消到外滩(the Bund)走一趟。坐落在滚滚黄浦江旁,两公里长的黄浦滩,是观光客与游人的必然首选。外滩这个国家级保护地标,现正踏进复兴新时代。14 Tran

18、slating the following part of the Chinese novel A Dream of Red Mansions into English( 浙江大学 2008 研,考试科目:英语翻译与写作)原来那黛玉虽则病势沉重,心里却还明白。起先两个侍女说话时,他也模糊听见了一半句,却只作不知,也因实无精神答理。及听了雪雁对待书说的话,才明白过前头的事情原是议而未成的,又兼待书说是凤姐说的,老太太的主意,亲上作亲,又是园中住着的,非自己而谁?因此一想,阴极阳生,心神顿觉清爽许多。正是:心病终须心药治,解铃还是系铃人。不言黛玉病渐减退。且说雪雁紫鹃背地里都念佛。雪雁向紫鹃说道:

19、“亏他好了!只是病的奇怪,好的也奇怪。”紫鹃道:“ 病的倒不怪,就只好的奇怪,想来宝玉和姑娘必是姻缘。人家说的好事多磨。” 又说道:“ 是姻缘棒打不回。这么看起来,人心天意,他们两个竟是天配的了。再者,你想那一年,我说了林姑娘要回南去,把宝玉没急死了,闹得家翻宅乱;如今一句话又把这一个弄的死去活来;可不说的三生石上 百年前结下的么?” 说着,两个悄悄地抿着嘴笑了一回。雪雁又道: “幸亏好了!咱们明儿再别说了,就是宝玉娶了别的人家儿的姑娘,我亲见他在那里结亲,我也再不露一句话了。” 紫鹃笑道: “这就是了。”15 Translate the following part of the Chine

20、se essay into English,paying attention to the STYLE, COHESION and COHERENCE in the target text“串姑娘”景颇山的夜晚特别迷人。朦胧的月光下,聚集着一群景颇族男女青年,他们或吹箫或唱歌,情绵意笃,这种热闹场面,当地人叫“串姑娘”( 一种求爱方式)。其实,“串姑娘”是景颇族青年一种极好的自由恋爱方式。青年到了一定年龄,利用节假日,走亲访友,劳动社交场合,都可以沟通心灵,表达自己的爱慕之情。“串姑娘” 到一定阶段,男方便请“ 勒脚”(男方媒人)到女方家提亲,一旦女家同意这门亲事,双方便选定良辰吉日,举行婚礼

21、。景颇族婚礼,有的在下午举行。枪鸣三声,迎亲的队伍回来了。走在队伍前面的勒脚肩扛一只红木箱,另一个是“长统”( 女方媒人) 用背篓背着新被褥,中间是伴娘们簇拥着新娘。新娘上身穿无领黑色斜襟短衣,浮面套着银泡闪亮的大披肩。下围红底绣花筒裙,脚穿皮鞋。羞羞答答,不言不语,来到了一道路障前。原来景颇族举行婚礼,有个传统习俗。新娘在将到新郎家前的路上,要越三道路障。在喧闹声中,新郎拉着新娘的手,通过香蕉和甘蔗林、喜字桥进入洞房。16 Translate the Following into English(浙江工商大学 2009 研,考试科目:翻译与写作)我觉得时辰钟是人生最好的象征了。时辰钟的针,平

22、常一看总觉得是“不动” 的,其实人造物中最常动的无过于时辰钟的针了。日常生活中的人生也如此,刻刻觉得我是我。似乎这“ 我” 永远不变,实则与时辰钟的针一样地无常!一息尚存,总觉得我还是我,我没有变,还是留连着我的生,可怜受尽“渐” 的欺骗。“渐”的本质是“时间”,一般人对于时间的悟性,似乎只够支配搭船、乘车的短时间;对于百年的长时间的寿命,他们不能胜任,往往迷于局部而不能顾及全体。17 Please Translate the Following Chinese into English(浙江工商大学 2009 研,考试科目:翻译与写作)中国认真履行加入世贸组织的各项承诺,对外开放不断扩大。同

23、时积极参加世贸组织新一轮谈判,为完善多边贸易体制发挥了建设性作用。近期以来,已有新西兰、南非等 9 个国家正式宣布承认中国的完全市场经济地位,为中国与这些国家经贸合作的开展创造了更为有利的条件。中国积极参与区域经济合作。中国与东盟就建立自由贸易区的谈判取得新进展;中国同南部非洲关税同盟、海湾合作委员会已启动建立自贸区的谈判;同新西兰、智利等国关于商签自贸协定的可行性研究也在稳步推进。18 Translate the following passage into English(南京大学 2012 研,考试科目:基础英语)作为中国重要的科教中心城市之一,南京每万人拥有大学生、研究生数量居中国同类

24、城市第一,145 万青少年学生活跃在全市 670 多所大中小学。雄厚的科教资源推动了经济迅速发展,以信息技术为代表的高新技术产业和现代服务业成为南京经济发展的重要引擎。作为长江三角洲地区的经济中心城市,进人 21 世纪以来,即便是在国际金融危机的影响下,我们始终保持了两位数的经济增长,具有雄厚的经济实力。19 Translate the following passage into English(南京大学 2011 研,考试科目:基础英语)老山地处南京西北郊,气候温和,雨量充沛,土壤肥沃,动植物资源种类繁多。老山国家森林公园距南京市中心 37 公里,有 4 条道路与城市道路网相接,总面积80

25、 平方公里,森林覆盖率高达 80。作为南京唯一的国家级森林公园,老山是森林旅游观光的首选地。青奥会期间,老山国家森林公园是文化教育活动和体育竞赛的主要场地之一。青奥会之后,该公园将被打造成青年奥林匹克主题公园,集文化教育和体育旅游功能为一体,吸引世界各地青年参加活动。(注释:青奥会 YOG)20 Translate the following passage into English(南京大学 2010 研,考试科目:基础英语)建城近 2,500 年来,南京一直是中国多元文化交融共进的中心城市之一。先后六个朝代定都南京,让这座城市成为悠远的中国故事最精彩的浓缩。从古老的明城墙到世界非物质文化遗

26、产南京云锦,从秦淮河畔的孔夫子庙到享誉世界的名曲茉莉花,无不浸润着东方文化的神韵。如今,伴随着城市迅速发展,南京数千年深厚的历史文化禀赋焕发出现代气息和融入全球的生机活力,南京与世界的联系交往更紧密和频繁,区域之间、国家之间的跨文化交流已成为南京进步发展新的动力。英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 26 答案与解析一、翻译1 【正确答案】 The function of education should comply with the human nature, e. g. the pursuit for knowledge, the wish for better life and t

27、he love for beauty, in which one can get maximum development so as to achieve the perfect life. The purpose of education is to inspire and to give full play to the inherent natures of human beings. The Confucian ideal of life is to “ get to the bottom of the laws“. It is said that: “ He, who is able

28、 to get to the bottom of the laws of being of men, will be able to get to the bottom of the laws of physical nature. He, who is able to get to the bottom of the laws of the physical nature, will be able to influence the forces of creation of the Universe. “2 【正确答案】 The most significant feature of ea

29、stern civilization is contentment, while the modern western civilization is discontent. It is Orientals, who are content with their simple life, not pursuing the improvement of material life: who are satisfied with ignorance, paying no attention to the discovery of truth and the invention of equipme

30、nts: who are self-content with their existing environment and destiny, having no desire to conquer the nature. Westerners are quite different. They say “ Divine discontent“. Material discontent leads to todays world of steel, of automobile and of e-lectricity. Mental discontent contributes to todays

31、 world of science. Socio-political discontent gives rise to todays world of public rights. Divine discontent is the driver of all renovation and evolution.3 【正确答案】 The challenge that the bank industry is confronted with lies in how to get customers willing to learn to use and trust this new-style se

32、rvice channel. The majority of banks are capable of providing completely reliable and multiple functional online banking service, free of charge or little charge. With an increasing number of successful online banking businesses and more logins of online customers, multiple functional online banking

33、 service could probably become as widespread as ATM machine.Advantages of online banking are abundant. Unlike the banks in the street, online banks never close doors. Instead, they are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Only a click of the mouse can help you to complete the deal. Once there is

34、something wrong with your finance and you are out of the state or out of the country, you may log in to the website of the bank to take care of it at once. Online banking website can handle and confirm the deal as fast as or even faster than the ATM. Many online banking webs also offer such advanced

35、 tools as account aggregation, stock quotes and portfolio management programs to help you to manage your financing more effectively.4 【正确答案】 Now we are marching into a new century, with greater advancement ahead waiting for us. Scientists set about establishing a new genome database, studying comput

36、ers with exceeding capacity as well as other tools, and trying to disclose such mysteries as how our human body operates and how the brain stores the memory of a lifetime. If I were a young man planning to make outstanding contribution in this new century, I would give priority to biology, which is

37、an arena filled with countless significant and fascinating questions and requires the spirit of adventure. Of course, similar to all sciences, it is the arena taking the whole world instead of any separate country into account. China, with an outstanding scientific history, has brought up a large nu

38、mber of excellent researchers, yet there is still more potential to exploit. The world is waiting for the youth in China to promote scientific development with wisdom and passion and make this planet be a healthier and more beautiful place to live in.5 【正确答案】 We should promote the optimization and u

39、pgrading of industrial structure to form the industrial pattern that is led by new high-tech industries, supported by basic and manufacturing industries, combined with the all-round development of service industry. We must give priority to the development of information industry, applying informatio

40、n technology widely in economic and social areas. We should promote the development of new high-tech industry which plays a leading role and brings breakthroughs in economic growth. We must rebuild conventional industries with new and high technology as well as advanced appropriate technology and in

41、vigorate the equipment manufacturing industry. We should continue to strengthen the infrastructure. We should speed up the development of modern service industry, raising the proportion of tertiary industry in the national economy. We must handle such relationships as the development between new hig

42、h-tech industries and traditional industries, between capital-and-technology-intensive industries and labor-intensive industries, and between virtual economy and real economy.6 【正确答案】 Profit in the DaylightOnce, a tactful entrepreneur quite unexpectedly told everybody his profit in detail during his

43、 previous years. His exposure has given rise to much discussion among his peers.“How can you do that?“Someone advised out of good intention. “If you profit too much, the customers would think that you are making exorbitant profits: if you profit too little, they will lose faith in your competenceyou

44、 are actually lifting a rock to drop it on your own feet by doing so!“ Has it ever occurred to you, that I would not dare make public my profits if Im making too much money? Likewise , if Im making too little money, I would be ashamed to make known my financial gain. “So whats it for then?“The man a

45、sked in curiosity.“To obtain trust“ , answered the entrepreneur with confidence and fluency. “When doing business, there is impossibility of not getting round profits. When others are ashamed to talk about profits, my exposure both demonstrates my confidence and wins peoples trust. The trust is anot

46、her kind of fortune I get, and it in turn can derive a huge amount of profit beyond estimation. “ The entrepreneur smiled instinctively. He said, “ This profit is obtained through my frank honesty and the generous mind. It is the profit in the daylight. “Maybe in this world of prosperity, an increas

47、ing number of people have begun to cherish the things more important than money.That cherishment may be the best profit in the world.7 【正确答案】 From the point of view of human culture and happiness, I think, among all the significant inventions in the history of mankind, nothing could help us more vit

48、ally important and more directly to enjoy leisure, friendship, social intercourse and conversation than smoking, drinking and tea.The proper enjoyment of tobacco, wine and tea can only be developed in an atmosphere of leisure, friendship and entertainment. For it is only men who are friendly, extrem

49、ely cautious in choosing friends and endowed with natural love of the leisure life, that can fully enjoy tobacco and drink and tea. To enjoy these things, like enjoying the moon, snow, flowers, and grass, a man must be with a proper company, which is insisted by Chinese artists of life most frequentlyits better to be with certain company to admire flowers and beautiful scenery and its better to listen to the sound of raindrops, if it is to be enjoyed fully, lying on a bamboo bed of a temple deep in mountain on a summer day. In sh

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