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1、英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 29 及答案与解析英译汉1 Frankly speaking, Adam, I created Eve to tame you. Indeed she is wiser than you because she knows less but understands more. Charm is her strength just as your strength is charm. Doubtless you are active, eager, passionate, variable, progressive and original but she is p

2、assive, stable, sympathetic and faithful. In other words you are like animals which use up energy, whereas she is like the plants which store up energy. Henceforth you have got to get along with her willy-nilly in sun and rain, joys and sorrows, peace and turbulence. For you the Rubicon has been cro

3、ssed. It is up to you now to make the situation a blessing or a curse. I would refuse to entertain any more request from you to take her back.2 The first of our society is a gentleman of Worcestershire, of ancient descent, a baronet, his name Sir Roger de Coverley. His great-grandfather was inventor

4、 of that famous countrydance which is called after him. All who know that shire are very well acquainted with the parts and merits of Sir Roger. He is a gentleman that is very singular in his behaviour, but his singularities proceed from his good sense, and are contradictions to the manners of the w

5、orld only as he thinks the world is wrong. However, this humor creates him no enemies, for he does nothing with sourness or obstinacy; and his being unconfined to modes and forms makes him but the readier and more capable to please and oblige all who know him. When he is in town, he lives in Soho Sq

6、uare. It is said, he keeps himself a bachelor by reason he was crossed in love by a perverse beautiful widow of the next county to him. Before this disappointment, Sir Roger was what you call a fine gentleman, had often supped with my Lord Rochester and Sir George Etherege, fought a duel upon his fi

7、rst coming to town, and kicked bully Dawson in a public coffee-house for calling him youngster. But being ill-used by the above-mentioned widow, he was very serious for a year and a half; and though, his temper being naturally jovial, he at last got over it, he grew careless of himself, and never dr

8、essed afterward. He continues to wear a coat and doublet of the same cut that were in fashion at the time of repulse, which, in his merry humours, he tells us, has been in and out twelve times since he first wore it. It is said Sir Roger grew humble in his desires after he had forgot his cruel beaut

9、y, insomuch that it is reported he has frequently offended with beggars and gypsies; but this is looked upon, by his friends, rather as matter of raillery than truth. He is now in his fifty-sixth year, cheerful , gay and hearty; keeps a good house both in town and country; a great lover of mankind;

10、but there is such a mirthful cast in his behaviour, that he is rather beloved than esteemed.3 Honorable Your Excellencies Ministers and delegates, Honorable specially invited guests of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region governments, Ladies and gentlemen,I am honored to be present at t

11、he Cultural Asia Ministerial Forum along with ministers and delegates in charge of cultural affairs from 23 Asian countries as well as specially invited guests of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region governments. Looking all around, I see not only many acquaintances but also new faces.

12、The mutual target of achieving Asian prosperity through cultural cooperation offers us an opportunity to gather, to become acquainted and make friends. The theme of this Cultural Asia Ministerial Forum is “cultural Asia“ Culture resembles a gentle breeze and light rain that nurtures and enriches us;

13、 and it also serves as a strong tie that binds and links us.Entering the 21st century, the whole globe is carrying out discussions on preserving cultural diversity against the background of economic globalization. UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, five international network meeting

14、s on cultural policies and two Asia-Europe Culture Ministers Meetings gradually bring home to us the importance of regional cooperation to Asian development and the equal stress on politics, economy and culture. Asian countries therefore commence active explorations in regional cultural cooperation

15、based on long-term bilateral cultural exchanges. Two Meetings of the Asian Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts and the AMCA Plus Three, two Regional Expert Meetings and three Asia Cultural Cooperation Forums in Hong Kong were held in Asia. The past five year s was a development phrase of grea

16、t importance in the world and Asian history of culture and civilization, in which cultural ministers and officials present today participated to varying degrees.4 Today, on World Teachers Day, we pay homage to all teachers for their pivotal role in shaping children s lives and for their critical con

17、tribution to the social, economic and intellectual development of nations.We take this opportunity to commend the efforts of teachers, especially female teachers, who accept to serve in high risk, deprived and disadvantaged areas, reaching out to the excluded, and bringing them the prospect of a bet

18、ter life through education. Teachers are also crucial to sustainable recovery and growth in post-conflict and emergency situations. We especially honour the memory and commitment of those teachers who have lost their lives in emergency situations.Teachers provide continuity and reassurance, both dur

19、ing and after natural disasters and other crises. By giving hope for the future, they help to mitigate the effects of conflict, disaster and displacement. They provide much-needed psycho-social support to ease the trauma of children and youth who have witnessed extreme violence, or lived through the

20、 destruction of their homes and the loss of family members. Supporting teachers in post-crisis situations is an investment in peace and development. Low status, low salary and poor working conditions infringe on the rights of teachers whilst discouraging talented young people from joining and remain

21、ing in the teaching profession.The quality of teacher training is equally important. Teachers who are well-trained and adequately paid are better equipped to provide a decent education and be active promoters of the values of citizenship, peace and intercultural dialogue. Governments are therefore u

22、rged to continue investing in viable national policies and programmes for teacher training, recruitment, and incentives so that teachers remain and develop within the profession. At the same time, we urge development partners to support governments, particularly in developing countries, in their det

23、ermination to invest in well trained teachers. We also call for greater efforts and structures of social dialogue that give teachers a voice in decision-making through their democratically elected organizations.5 When the world was a simpler place, the rich were fat, the poor were thin, and right-th

24、inking people worried about how to feed the hungry. Now, in much of the world, the rich are thin, the poor are fat, and right-thinking people are worrying about obesity.Evolution is mostly to blame. It has designed mankind to cope with deprivation, not plenty. People are perfectly tuned to store ene

25、rgy in good years to see them through lean ones. But when bad times never come, they are stuck with that energy stored around their expanding bellies.Thanks to rising agricultural productivity, lean years are rarer all over the globe. Modern-day Malthusians(马尔萨斯主义者), who used to draw graphs proving

26、that the world Was shortly going to run out of food, have gone rather quietly lately. Mankind has won what was, for most of his time on this planet, his biggest battle: to ensure that he and his offspring had enough to eat. But every silver lining has a cloud, and the consequence of prosperity is a

27、new plague that brings with it a host of interesting policy dilemmas.As a scourge of the modern world, obesity has an image problem. It is easier to associate with Father Christmas than with the four horses of apocalypse(启示录), but it has a good claim to lumber along beside them, for it is the world

28、s biggest public-health issue todaythe main cause of heart disease, which kills more people these days than AIDS, malaria, war; the principal risk factor in diabetes; heavily implicated in cancer and other diseases. Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an “ epidemic“ in 2000, reports

29、on its fearful consequences have come thick and fast.With public-health warnings, combined with media pressure, persuade people to get thinner, just as they finally put them off tobacco? Possibly. In the rich world, sales of healthier foods are booming and new figures suggest that over the past year

30、 Americans got very slightly thinner for the first time in recorded history. But even if Americans are losing a few ounces, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century s dining to excess. And, everywhere else in the world, people are still piling on t

31、he pounds, that s why there is now a consensus among doctors that governments should do something to stop them.6 Laurie lay luxuriously swinging to and fro in his hammock one warm September afternoon, wondering what his neighbors were about, but too lazy to go and find out. He was in one of his mood

32、s, for the day had been both unprofitable and unsatisfactory, and he was wishing he could live it over again. The hot weather made him indolent, and he had shirked his studies, tried Mr. Brooke s patience to the utmost, displeased his grandfather by practicing half the afternoon, frightened the maid

33、servants half out of their wits by mischievously hinting that one of his dogs was going mad, and, after high words with the stableman about some fancied neglect of his horse, he had flung himself into his hammock to fume over the stupidity of the world in general, till the peace of the lovely day qu

34、ieted him in spite of himself. Staring up into the green gloom of the horse-chestnut trees above him, he dreamed dreams of all sorts, and was just imagining himself tossing on the o-cean in a voyage round the world, when the sound of voices brought him ashore in a flash. Peeping through the meshes o

35、f the hammock, he saw the Marches coming out, as if bound on some expedition. “What in the world are those girls about now?“ thought Laurie, opening his sleepy eyes to take a good look, for there was something rather peculiar in the appearance of his neighbors.汉译英7 在人类历史的长河中,美术不仅给人民大众带来了美的享受,更是记载着一个

36、国家、一个民族生生不息、延绵不绝的历史。我国的艺术市场要在国际市场中占有一席之地,首先要有高质量的产品,其次要有良好的信誉,第三要有善于营销的经营主体和人才。中国有着五千年的深厚文化底蕴,有着数百万计的艺术家队伍,有着旺盛的艺术创造力,也有着让世人瞩目的许许多多的艺术奇珍。但是多年来,由于我们缺乏国际市场运作经验,缺少高素质的艺术经纪人队伍,因此,中国艺术家的优秀作品在国际市场上还没有实现艺术价值和商品价格的统一。随着国际交流活动日益增多,我们要抓住当前的大好机遇,努力打造一个讲诚信、重艺术的中国品牌,共同迎接艺术产业活跃繁荣的春天。8 近年来,中国政府采取了一系列促进经济增长、改善民生的政策

37、措施。 我们千方百计促进就业,实行更加积极的就业政策,把促进高校毕业生就业放在突出位置,广开农民工就业门路和稳定现有就业岗位;帮助城镇就业困难人员、零就业家庭和灾区劳动力就业;大力支持自主创业、自谋职业,促进以创业带动就业;进一步改善针对就业的公共服务。 我们正式全面启动深化医疗卫生体制改革,包括加快推进基本医疗保障制度建设,建立国家基本药物制度,健全基层医疗卫生服务体系,促进基本公共卫生服务逐步均等化,争取 2020 年实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务的目标。(252 字)9 网球是展示生命激情与活力的“运动芭蕾” ,广东网球中心的建筑本身是展示力与美的动感舞台,既优雅又富含现代元素。网球中心是

38、集竞技、休闲于一体的立体体育文化公园。两个网球场错落有致,形成富有张力的线条轮廓,契合体育运动所带来的动态之美。10 漓江是数千年来无数文人志士获得灵感的地方。两岸是连绵的山峰,平静的河水倒映出魔幻般的美景,宛如童话一般。山峰在薄雾笼罩下时隐时现,令人陶醉。泛舟漓江,每个转弯处都能找到新奇,或见懒洋洋的水牛拉着大车,或见渔民在狭窄的竹筏上悠然自得。11 陕西榆林红石峡“来我们榆林,第一要看镇北台,第二要看红石峡。那红石峡都出了名了,专有摄制组上这几拍电影哩!”在前往榆林的长途汽车上,两个当地人这么跟我们说。既然如此,当然要去。不过,对当地人的“老王卖瓜” 也做了一些思想准备。却不料,红石峡果真

39、是个了不得的去处!它竟然是陕西省内最大一处摩崖石窟群。但见峡谷两侧赭红色的岩壁上惊人地布满大大小小的石刻和洞窟,一条湍急的清流则在谷底刷刷地流淌。静静往那儿一站,立刻就被中华大地那千古的历史、文化以及大自然的熏风吹醉了!12 在这个社交网站盛行的时代,按理说我们每人都应该有数百位朋友。但研究表明,我们中的大多数人事实上只有两个亲密的朋友,而 25 年前人均好友数量为三个。研究人员认为并不需要为此担心。他们指出,尽管我们当中有一部分人可能会变得“更脆弱”,但很多人只是更善于判定谁才是自己能够信任的知己密友罢了。13 国际空间站的设计初衷是作为一个向其他星球发送航天器的平台。不过,这一使命后来转变

40、成了一个绕地球运行的实验室,对人类和其他生物体在太空环境下的表现进行试验,希望藉此对基本生命功能有更多的了解、发现新的医疗方法。在很多试验中,需要有人类进行或参与。14 “给力”是当前在中国极为流行的网络热词,它的字面意思是“给予力量”。最早在网络上流行起来的是“给力” 的反义词。“给力”现在被广泛用做形容词,描述某事物很“酷”、“牛”、“ 带劲儿” 。后来,“给力 ”一词逐渐演化,发展出按照汉语音译的英文版本和法文版本。2010年 11 月 10 日,“ 给力” 一词出现在当天 人民日报 头版头条的标题中。一个网络热词竟然登上了相对比较保守的党报,这件事让千百万网民们又惊又喜。15 2010

41、 年 12 月,为了向年轻一代普及航天科学教育,海南省开始在文昌市建设航天主题公园。公园占地 1 800 亩,紧邻文昌卫星发射中心。工程预计花费 30亿元,在 2013 年完工。这个航天主题公园将分四个展览区,包括地球、月球、火星和太阳。游客甚至可以进入发射台,实地观看火箭发射。16 1957 年 10 月苏联成功发射第一颗人造卫星,揭开了人类历史由地球迈向太空的第一页。此后短短半个世纪里,人类的外空探索活动突飞猛进,取得了辉煌的成就。人类不仅成功登陆月球,而且还将研究的触手伸向火星等更为遥远的星球。截止到 2006 年底,环绕地球飞行的各类人造物体,包括人造卫星、航天飞机、国际空间站、空间实

42、验室等接近 6000 个。17 博鳌论坛的经历给了刘晓宁不小的打击,生活上的拮据让她开始反思自己做公务员两年多的经历。都说公务员舒服,但刘晓宁每天的工作时间都在 10 小时以上,加班到晚上八九点钟,是很正常的事。如果有活动,赶工到夜里 12 点,也是家常便饭。18 总经理、总裁、首席执行官这样的头衔在现代商业中屡见不鲜。这些企业老总的头衔意味着什么? 有人说意味着位高权重、腰缠万贯、交游广阔、傲慢自大甚至颐指气使。我虽然当总裁的时间不长,感受还不够深刻,但比隔岸观火要好很多。在我看来,成功的企业老总主要具备以下几种品质:首先,要有思想,有对如何发展企业的战略思想和理念。这事听起来简单,做起来还


44、业一定是经得起磨砺,具有百折不挠的精神。综上所述,老总是企业的领袖,是灵魂。我将为之努力,做一个有思想、有坚定意志并能果断决策的企业领导人。19 申美航空运输市场开放,距离真正意义上的双方机会均等、互利共赢,还有一段距离。扩大中美航空运输市场开放力度,将对中国航空企业带来新的压力。在中美航空客运市场上,受市场需求、运力投放、运营管理等因素影响,中国航空企业一直处于劣势,整体上一直处于亏损状态,而美国航空企业则一直回报丰厚。中国航空货运企业发展刚刚起步,而国运业务是美国航空业目前发展最快的业务。美国方面对新航权的强劲需求和中国的相对过剩形成对比,开放领域加大,势必使这种差距也随之加大。航空市场开

45、放力度加大,并非绝对利空。目前,虽然中关航线整体竞争力不强,但部分大型航空公司可以提前布局,以当前的亏损换取未来的繁荣。此外,开放力度的加大,会进一步促进中国民航业的改革,加速行业的整合,加快各运营公司改善自身状况,有利于整个行业的良性发展。20 近年来,许多中国出口厂商受到了金融危机的冲击,我们必须采取有效措施来对付这种出口低迷的局面,全方位地开拓国际市场。俗话说:“不能在一棵树上吊死。”在选择新市场时要权衡其风险与机会,并且要反映迅速;要随时跟踪市场变化情况,以便选择有利时机和地点抓紧出口。只有那些富有活力、洞察力和应变力的企业才能在市场景气时大显身手,而在市场萧条时也能站稳脚艰。当某些市

46、场疲软时,总还有另一些市场坚挺,所以能够做到“东方不亮西方亮” 。出口商品必须有一流的品质、款式和包装,但行之有效的广告宣传和促销活动也很重要,尤其要提高用外语针对国外市场进行宣传的能力。赴国外参展、派人员出国推销、在国外建立生产或销售点等等,一定要讲求实效。21 中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路。我们立足于自身发展,不搞侵略扩张,不搞以邻为壑,更不会走“ 国强必霸 ”的传统大国崛起的老路,而是真诚希望与世界各国和平共处,共同发展。我们不追求自己的利益最大化,而将认真实行互利共赢的开放战略。我们将继续为发展中国家提供力所能及的帮助,在平等互利的基础上与发达国家发展合作。当前,西方国家遇到一些困难,

47、我们没有袖手旁观,而是尽可能提供支持,因为在全球化的时代,帮助别人就是帮助自己,合作是我们的唯一选择。22 广交会品牌展区是鼓励和引导企业转变外贸发展方式的重要示范平台。为进一步优化出口产品结构,推动外贸企业转型,本届广交会重新开展了品牌展区企业评审和品牌展位安排工作,并对品牌展区作适度扩容,设展位数 10447 个,占总展位数的 186。共有 1442 家企业进入品牌展区,比上一届增加 77 家。此外,本届还在细化优化展览现场服务、完善参展商和采购商个性化服务、提升餐饮服务水平、强化对特装布展施工单位的资质认证及现场管理等方面做了改进和完善。来自法国、美国、丹麦、芬兰、日本、新西兰等 6 个

48、国家的 11 家跨国企业将进驻广交会跨国采购服务区。23 制药行业的全球化与人们的日常生活密切相关,在改善人类健康和与疾病的斗争中,也扮演着不可替代的角色。AAA 公司就是该行业的一个典范,它是全世界最具声望的公司之一。我认为,AAA 公司之所以如此令人瞩目和受人尊敬,原因是多方面的,其中固然包括它卓越的科研成就和出色的业务表现。然而,AAA胜人一筹、脱颖而出的真正原因在于该公司多年来一直非常重视社会责任和环境保护,并在这方面投入了大量的人力物力。24 创新是欢乐谷成功的秘诀,发展的灵魂。结合欢乐谷自身的特性,以及未来全球化竞争的发展趋势,欢乐谷人强烈地意识到,引领企业长足发展的战略观就是核心

49、竞争力的持续培养。因此,企业文化倡导的“领导力” 、“品牌创新力”和“ 特色服务力”这三大核心竞争力成为企业的经营之道。2003 年,欢乐谷实施了第一个“三年形象工程 ”,将“对外树立品牌,对内提升服务”作为年度工作重点,并以此达到不断提升欢乐谷核心竞争力的目的。25 1915 年张裕带四款产品代表中国葡萄酒业参加了世博会。1931 年张裕酿出了中国人自己的干红葡萄酒。如今,张裕在中国六大优质葡萄产区拥有 17000 公顷的葡萄园,提供新鲜、天然、成熟的葡萄。张裕拥有全球最先进的酿酒设备和技术,在国内六大酒庄拥有世界一流的酿酒师团队。融合国际资本和技术,张裕还在法国、意大利和新西兰与当地酒庄组成国际酒庄联盟。26 我今天的发言题目是:“基督教在西方民主政治发展中的作用” 。我认为:西方民主政治是在自身文化的历史进程中形成和发展的,其中宗教,特别是基督教始终起着独特的复杂的作用。作为官方意识形态的基督教教义,整体上并不是革命的,但这并不排斥其关于平等和法治的一些教义曾经起到的积极作用。它在经过民主革命者改造和利用以后,有利于鼓舞人们推翻封建专制的暴政,捍卫人民的自由权利。而且,在现代推进民主事业的过程中,基督教的不同派别,包括天主教、东正教和新教所起的作用并不相同。西方国

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