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1、2009 年大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)D 类决赛真题试卷(精选)(无答案)一、Part Vocabulary and Structure1 _all my efforts, I will not have the report ready by Friday.(A)Making(B) No matter(C) Considering(D)Despite2 Under the circumstances it_be best to wait for a few weeks.(A)seemed(B) ought(C) should(D)might3 Hes always been kind to

2、 meI cant just turn my_on him now that he needs my help.(A)head(B) ear(C) back(D)hand4 _arose the two great divisions of this science known as inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry.(A)It(B) Thus(C) These(D)Such5 An architect planning a new house should always_in mind his clients needs.(A)carry(B

3、) take(C) treat(D)bear6 The stubborn young man didnt follow the advice that he_on his bad behavior.(A)reflect(B) reflects(C) would reflect(D)must reflect7 You cant help_commercials; every few minutes a program is interrupted to broadcast one advertisement or another.(A)to see(B) see(C) seeing(D)with

4、 seeing8 He has been ill with a strange disease lately, _Ive never heard of before.(A)it(B) this(C) that(D)one9 He always did well at school_having his early education disrupted by illness.(A)on account of(B) in spite of(C) in addition to(D)even though10 I was so embarrassed that I couldnt do anythi

5、ng but_there when I first met my present boss.(A)to sit(B) sitting(C) sat(D)sit11 Whats the matter, Tom? You look sad. Nothing, I_about my parents back home.(A)just thought(B) just been thinking(C) was just thinking(D)have just thought12 _is that I promised to make friends with the dishonest girl.(A

6、)The only thing what I regret(B) What I regret most(C) All what I really regret most(D)That I regret most13 Before you can start a business up, you have to raise the necessary_.(A)investment(B) income(C) savings(D)capital14 Fred; Hi. _You look familiar.Amanda; Yes. We met on campus last week, and yo

7、u asked me the same question. (A)What can I help you?(B) Do you know the way to the campus?(C) Havent we met before?(D)Do you know Bob?15 Father; _Daughter; Coming. Oh, Im starving. Oh my God! Whats that?Father: Ah, now dont complain!(A)Help me, please.(B) Please do as what I do.(C) Go ahead.(D)Its

8、time to eat!二、Part Cloze15 I had a【 16】d_ time last year with my health. For several months I【17】 su _from periodic headaches and almost constant nausea (恶心). I made several visits to my doctor, who attributed my headaches to migraine (偏头疼) and【18】pro_me with medication. When this failed to work he【

9、19】f_on my nausea as the root cause of my problems, and【20】_(blame) my headaches on the nausea. I took five blood tests,【21】_of which revealed anything significant. I discussed my diet with the doctor at length, and we tried【22】elim_certain foods from my diet. He suggested, for example , I might【23】

10、_be from a low-fiber diet. But still the symptoms persisted, and I started to resign myself to【24】_(feel) ill for the rest of my life. I was understandably【25】con_about the possibility of the illness【26】_(be) something serious, even a brain tumor (肿块), but the doctor said that my anxiety was a resul

11、t【27】_nervous tension and stress. After six months I was referred to a consultant at the hospital, who【28】spe_in stomach disorders. She said that, even allowing for my age and stressful lifestyle, it was still【29】_(normal) to experience symptoms like mine for so long. She elaborated on all the possi

12、ble causes of nausea in【30】de_, and suggested that in my case the nausea night be the result of a liver disorder.Section A30 Do you ever wonder where television words come from? Many TV terms come from the combination of two words. Even the word television is made up of two words. These words are Gr

13、eek and Latin words meaning “far“ and “to see“. One kind of television program is the soap opera. The first soap operas were stories on the radio. These stories are serials. They are continuous and can go on for many years. Soap companies first advertised their products during these shows on TV. The

14、 soap companies knew lots of housewives and mothers watched them, so most of the commercials during these shows were for different kinds of soap products. People then started calling them “soap operas“. Serious TV programs are called dramas. Funny ones are called comedies. Some programs are both fun

15、ny and serious. This kind of show is called a “dramedy“ , a combination of “drama“ and “comedy“. In a similar way, sit-com is a combination of “situation“ and “comedy“. Infomercials are another kind of program on TV. An infomercial is a very long commercial. One can last three or four hours. The wor

16、d “infomercial“ is a combination of “information“ and “commercial“. Infomercials began in the 1980s. Now you can watch hours and hours of infomercials for all kinds of products, especially on cable television. Just be careful you dont turn into a couch potato!31 What is the main idea of this passage

17、?(A)Famous television programs.(B) Meanings of words used in television.(C) What people watch on television.(D)How TV has changed the meaning of words.32 Why were some programs called serials?(A)They tried to sell soap.(B) They lasted a long time.(C) They were on the radio.(D)They came from operas.3

18、3 Why did soap companies choose to advertise during soap operas?(A)The stories were continuous.(B) The company liked the show.(C) Their viewers were interested in their products.(D)Commercials were not so expensive.34 What is an infomercial?(A)A show that is funny and serious.(B) A show with lots of

19、 commercials.(C) A very long commercial.(D)A program from the 1980s.35 Which program would probably NOT include a funny story?(A)A sit-com.(B) An infomercial.(C) A dramedy.(D)A comedy.Section B35 Often the simplest events in one culture can cause frustration when a person tries to do the same thing

20、in another culture. Mailing a letter is one example, so Id like to tell you how the postal service works in many parts of the United States. People should realize, however, that these services may differ from region to region and from city to city, depending upon the areas population, climate, and n

21、eeds. Specifically, Id like to discuss how people who live in rural areas send and receive mail. Most people in rural areas have a mailbox at the end of the garden next to the street. When they want to send a letter, they put a stamp or stamps with the correct amount of postage on the envelope, put

22、the letter in the mailbox, and raise the small red metal flag attached to it. This tells the mail carrier that there is a letter inside to be mailed. After picking up your letter, the mail carrier leaves any letters for the person inside the box and lowers the red flag. People who have a small mailb

23、ox on the wall next to the front door dont have a red flag; they stand their letters up, so the mail carrier can see them. Of course, letters can always be waited at the post office or dropped in large mailboxes usually located on street corners. Some mail carriers drive a small mail truck, especial

24、ly when the houses are far apart. In residential areas mail carriers carry a special bag and deliver the mail on foot. Finally, mailing items from home is often limited to letters and very small packages. Go directly to the post office if you have bigger items to mail because they need special handl

25、ing.36 Mail services are different depending upon_.37 The red metal flag on the mailbox is raised_.38 If the mailbox is on the wall next to the door and doesnt have a red flag, a person should _when the carrier can see them.39 Large mailboxes are usually located_.40 If a person wants to mail a large

26、 item he should_.Section C40 Apartment for RentModern studio apartment located 10 minutes from shops and subway2 bedrooms, kitchen, living/dining room, bathroom, balconyCentrally heated (gas)Suit young couple or professional personPart furnishing can be arrangedRent $ 985 a month plus utilitiesDepos

27、it + 1 months rent in advanceNo petsAvailable mid-March Contact Karim on 555 2345 Email; Karim98s_To: Karim98s_From; Kelvin Adams (kelheart2 s_mail. com)I saw your advertisement in the local newspaper. I m very interested in the apartment, for myself and my fianc6. We are currently living in Westsid

28、e, but are looking for something closer to the town center, and I think your place would be ideal. I was hoping to be able to arrange a visit sometime next week. Monday would be the best day for us, but we can be flexible.In the advertisement, you mention that the place could be partly furnished. We

29、 have a little furniture ourselves, but probably not enough for a two-bedroom place. Could you possibly tell us what inventory is likely to be included with the apartment?I would also really appreciate it if you could send us a couple of pictures of thee bedroom and living/dining room, as well as so

30、me directions as to how to get there. Thank you very much in advance.Yours, Kelvin Adams41 How much is the rent for the apartment?42 Why does Kelvin want to move to a new apartment?43 How many rooms are there in the apartment?44 When is the earliest Kelvin and his fianc6 can move in?45 What does Kel

31、vin ask for?Section D45 Have you ever thought about inventing something? Were you worried that your idea was too strange or unrealistic? Well, maybe you should think again.Strange and unrealistic ideas never stopped Arthur Pedrick. Pedrick was a British inventor. Originally a government clerk, he sp

32、ent his retirement in the 1960s and 1970s developing new and unusual ideas. Some of these ideas contradicted basic physics, but that didnt stop Pedrick. One of his strangest ideas was a plan to connect Australia and Antarctica using large tubes, a distance of 10, 000 km! These tubes were designed to

33、 carry giant ice balls from Antarctica to Australia. The ice would then melt in the Australian desert, and the water would be used for irrigation. Another of Pedricks inventions was a radio-controlled golf ball. A golfer could change the speed and direction of the golf ball using small flaps attache

34、d to the ball, which could be controlled by computer chips. Using radio waves, golfers could also find their lost golf balls. Arthur Pedrick had thousands of bizarre ideas for inventions, most of which were never constructed.Though many of Pedricks inventions were never developed, a lot of other str

35、ange ideas have been. In 1989, a company designed and sold a theft-prevention device for expensive cars. As part of this device, several tubes were attached to the bottom of a car. If someone tried to steal the car, super hot flames were emitted from the tubes and burned the car thief. Some people w

36、ho were not thieves, however, were seriously injured by this device which they accidentally set off by walking past the car.Other strange inventions include underwear for dogs and pens with drinkable ink. The underwear keeps dogs from making a mess when they go out for a walk. Also if you were ever

37、thirsty during a test, a pen with drinkable ink would be very handy!If you have an idea that seems a little out in left field, dont let that stop you from trying it. You 11 be in good company. Summary:Most inventions are for useful things that help people in everyday life. Some inventions, however ,

38、 are just【46】Some of the worlds weirdest ideas for inventions came from a man named Arthur Pedrick. Pedricks inventions included irrigation【47】that would carry ice from Antarctica to Australia and【48】golf balls. Not all weird inventions came from Pedrick, however. Every year many people【49】products

39、that could be【50】unusual. Things like underwear for dogs and pens with drinkable ink are good examples.Section A50 According to a new school of scientists, technology has been overlooked as a force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge.【51】Science moves forward, they say, not so much thr

40、ough the insights of great men of genius but by more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.【 52】“ In short, “ a leader of the new school contends “the scientific revolution, as we call it, has been largely caused by the improvement, invention and use of a series of instruments that have

41、 expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions. 【53】Over the years, tools, and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. The modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as Galileo, Newto

42、n, Maxwell, and Einstein, and inventors such as Edison, attached great importance to and derived great benefit from, crafty information and technological devices of different kinds that were used in scientific experiments. The centerpiece of the argument for technology was an analysis of Galileos ro

43、le at the start of the scientific revolution. The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motion.【54】Galileos greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly i

44、nvented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth. But the real hero of the story, according to the new school of scientists, were improvements in the machinery used for making eye-glasses. Federal policy is necessarily involved in the tec

45、hnology vs. genius dispute.【55】Whether governments should increase financing for pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which of the two is seen as the driving force.Section B56 尤其是我们不要以外表来判断人。(above all)57 换句话说,书籍既是我们的良师也是我们的益友。(as well as)58 一座八层的实验楼矗

46、立在校园中央,里面有很多先进设备。(there stand)59 毕竟世上有这样一些人,他们渴望和平、安宁的生活。(eager for)60 花一周时间参加这样的会议将会是浪费时间。(a waste of)三、Part IQ Test61 Change one letter in each of the following two words to produce a well-known phrase. ALTER ALE62 ABCDEFGH Which letter is immediately to the left of the letter three to the right o

47、f the letter immediately to the left of the letter four to the left of the letter G?63 Which number should replace the question mark?64 What item of clothing is suggested by the following?65 Which of these weights is required to balance the scales, 90 kg, 128 kg or 160 kg?Task 66 You are required to

48、 write a letter to establish a business relationship with a garment company according to the following information given in Chinese.1自我介绍(一家连锁百货商店,经营男女服装、内衣等);2写信的意图;3希望得到回复。 The letter should be no fewer than 80 words. Now write the letter on the answer sheetTask 67 The extract below comes from an

49、article which appeared in a magazine called Society Today. You read the extract and have strong feelings about its contents, and decide to write an article, in which you respond to the points made and express your own views.Popular Culturewhich includes the media, sport and the fashion industryplaces great emphasis on the importance of image and appeara

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