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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 563(无答案)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREDirections: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. Wh

2、en the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.0 Note-TakingI. Why to take notes?Notes are an aid to memory. There are system of(1)_and recalling the informat

3、ion you willneed when you write an essay.Notes provide the raw material of your set essay topic. The process of taking notes helps you to (2)_ideas and arguments,select relevant points.II. When to take notes?In the early stages of reading,you may make notes on the important points or sections after

4、first skimming.At a later stage, you will underline key points of essential(3)_materials or texts.III. What and how much to note?You should know the writers (4)_ in thepassage. It will not be precisely the same with your essay topic.When you are working in history or literature, youwill have to incl

5、ude many direct (5)_in yournotes.You should keep your purpose clear, so that you can select and record relevant material in as much (6)_as you want.IV. How to take notes?For clear identification,your notes must be headedclearly with all the (7)_ facts. You mustrecord the author, title, place of (8)_

6、, publisher and edition,and date.You should set up flexible system so that you can(9)_your notes easily.You should leave enough space for comment, so(10)_are useful.SECTION B INTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that

7、follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.11 Carol Wilson _.(A)is an advocate of grouping students of different grades together whenever possible(B) enjoys br

8、inging together students when theres no particular project for a certain grade(C) thinks that in most cases its easier working with groups that are closer in age(D)finds that when grouped together, younger students are less confident and shy to ask questions 12 Which of the following statements abou

9、t technology is NOT mentioned by Carol Wilson?(A)Technology was not as prevalent in the classroom ten years ago as it is now.(B) Technology must be integrated into teaching and learning.(C) Its not necessary to use technology unless it is appropriate.(D)It s important that the classroom be equipped

10、with upgradeable devices. 13 Which of the following does Carol Wilson NOT use technology to do with her students?(A)To enrich hex curriculum.(B) To publish the students research on the Internet.(C) As a student presentation tool.(D)To access information. 14 With technology integrated into the classr

11、oom, the students do NOT _.(A)find learning more interesting(B) become more involved in what they are learning(C) can be evaluated with their photo journals(D)grow to be experts in digital technology 15 Junior Toastmasters project aims at helping students to learn _.(A)public speaking(B) how to acce

12、ss information on the Internet(C) computer technology(D)digital photography SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the que

13、stions.16 A _rise of industrial output had been expected of the second quarter.(A)8%(B) 9%(C) 9.3%(D)9.5% 17 According to the news item, _was the main driving force for the high rate of industrial output in the second quarter.(A)robust investment(B) rapid export increase(C) the yuans peg of 8.28 to

14、the dollar(D)falling oil demand and lower steel and property prices 17 The Cultural Revival in the Byzantine EmpireBetween the eighth and eleventh centuries A. D. , the Byzantine Empire staged an almost unparalleled economic and cultural revival, a recovery that is all the more striking because it f

15、ollowed a long period of severe internal decline. By the early eighth century, the empire had lost roughly two - thirds of the territory it had possessed in the year 600, and its remaining area was being raided by Arabs and Bulgarians, who at times threatened to take Constantinople and extinguished

16、the empire altogether. The wealth of the state and its subjects was greatly diminished, and artistic and literary production had virtually ceased. By the early eleventh century, however the empire had regained almost half of its lost possessions, its new frontiers were secure, and its influence exte

17、nded far beyond its borders. The economy had recovered, the treasury was full, and art and scholarship had advanced.To consider the Byzantine military, cultural, and economic advances as differentiated aspects of a single phenomenon is reasonable. After all, these three forms of progress have gone t

18、ogether in a number of states and civilizations. Rome under Augustus and fifth - century Athens provide the most obvious examples in antiquity. Moreover, an examination of the apparent sequential connections among military, economic, and cultural forms of progress might help explain the dynamics of

19、historical change.The common explanation of these apparent connections in the case of Byzantine would run like this: when the empire had turned back enemy raids on its own territory and had begun to raid and conquer enemy territory, Byzantine resources naturally expanded and more money became availa

20、ble to patronize art and literature. Therefore, Byzantine resources naturally expanded and more money became available to patronize art and literature. Therefore, Byzantine military achievements led to economic advances, which in turn led to cultural revival.No doubt this hypothetical pattern did ap

21、ply at times during the course of the recovery. Yet it is not clear that military advances invariably came first. Economic advances second, and intellectual advances third. In the 860s the Byzantine Empire began to recover from Arab incursions so that by 872 the military balance with the Abbasid Cal

22、iphate had been permanently altered in the empires favor. The beginning of the empires economic revival, however, can be placed between 810 and 830. Finally, the Byzantine revival of learning appears to have begun even earlier. A number of notable scholars and writers appeared by 788 and, by the las

23、t decade of the eighth century, a cultural revival was in full bloom, a revival that lasted until the fall of constantinople in 1453. Thus the commonly expected order of military revival followed by economic and then by cultural recovery was reversed in Byzantium. In fact, the revival of Byzantine l

24、earning may itself have influenced the subsequent economic and military expansion.18 Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?(A)The Byzantine Empire was a unique case in which the usual order of military and economic revival preceding cultural revival was reversed.(B) The

25、economic, cultural, and military revival in the Byzantine Empire between the eighth and eleventh centuries was similar in its order to the sequence of revivals in August Rome and fifth - century Athens.(C) The revival of the Byzantine Empire between the eighth and eleventh centuries shows cultural r

26、ebirth preceding economic and military revival, the reverse of the commonly accepted order of progress.(D)The eighth -century revival of Byzantine learning is an inexplic, ie phenomenon, and its economic and military precursors have yet to be discovered.19 Which of the following does the author ment

27、ion as crucial evidence concerning the manner in which the Byzantine revival began?(A)The Byzantine military revival of the 860 s led to economic and cultural advances,(B) The Byzantine cultural revival lasted until 1453.(C) The Byzantine economic recovery began in the 900 s.(D)The revival of Byzant

28、ine learning began toward the end of the eighty century.20 According to the author, “The common explanation“ (first sentence in third paragraph) of connections between economic, military, and cultural development is _.(A)revolutionary and too new to have been applied to the history of the Byzantine

29、Empire(B) reasonable, but an antiquated theory of the nature of progress(C) not applicable to the Byzantine revival as a whole, but does perhaps accurately describe limited periods during the revival(D)essentially not helpful, because military, economic, and cultural advances are part of a single ph

30、enomenon一、PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.21 The character of Scots is_.(A)serious and cautious(B) cautious and thrifty(C) hospitable and generous(D)emotional and cheerful22 _is free and c

31、ompulsory in the United States.(A)Elementary, secondary and higher education(B) Elementary and secondary education(C) Secondary and higher education(D)Adult education23 The Raven is a poem by(A)Edgar Allan Poe.(B) Walt Whitman.(C) Ralph Waldo Emerson.(D)Henry David Thoreau.24 According to Chomsky, t

32、he Universal Grammar is(A)gained specifically for each language.(B) acquired through the interaction with the environment.(C) got through imitation and practice.(D)pre-equipped in childrens brains.25 The Great Barrier Reef lies off_coast of Australia.(A)the southeast(B) the southwest(C) the northeas

33、t(D)the northwest26 Australia is the worlds largest exporter of(A)wheat.(B) wool.(C) meat.(D)dairy products.27 The word “aconic“ is_.(A)onomatopoeically motivated(B) morphologically motivated(C) semantically motivated(D)etymologically motivated 28 _ was considered to be the greatest dramatist in the

34、 18th century.(A)Henry Fielding(B) Laurence Sterne(C) Oliver Goldsmith(D)Richard B.Sheridan29 Percy Bysshe Shelley was famous for _.(A)Ode to a Nightingale(B) Ode to Autumn(C) The rime of Ancient Mariner(D)Prometheus Unbound 30 Which of the following is the most significant American poem of the 20th

35、 century by T.S. Eliot?(A)The Sacred Wood.(B) Four Quartets.(C) The Waste Land.(D)Preludes. 二、PART IV PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN)Directions: Proofread the given passage. The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is

36、involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:(1)For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.(2)For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “ sign and write t31 Moreover, parti

37、es tend to come to fair rational decisions about their nominee, placing heavy emphasis on electability.SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHDirections: Translate the following text into English. 32 终身教育是指与生命共有外延并已扩展到社会各方面的连续性的教育社区教育是在一定区域内,利用各类教育资源开展的旨在提高社区全体成员整体素质和生活质量,月盼区域经济建设和社会发展的教育活动;二者都具有“全面、全员、完整、持续”等

38、基本特征。对终身教育和社区教育的认识有利于促进我国逐步建立和完善终身学习的教育制度。 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESEDirections: Translate the following text into Chinese.33 Of course, making sure its as easy as possible for the media to get their material back to base is usually in the interest of the White House. It not only provides a transc

39、ript of every presidential utterance and background information on every place hes visiting, it also invests a great deal of time and effort in whats known in the trade as “spinning“. A steady stream of administration officials and foreign policy experts circulates in the pressroom, seeking to cast

40、the Presidents word in the best possible light. The spinners gravitate most readily towards the television networks and the most important American newspapers. Its not uncommon to see a correspondent composing a dispatch on a personal computer with a White House official at his or her side, should a

41、ny extra advice or information be required.Despite, or at times because of, such close attention, relations between the White House and its traveling press corps are seldom on an even keel for long. Ruffled feathers have to be smoothed and confrontations resolved. On such occasions, small gestures c

42、an make a big difference.三、PART VI WRITING (45 MIN)Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic.34 Nowadays, some students have dropped off school to start their own enterprises. They have their own idol: Bill Gates who has left Harvard to devote his energy to Microsoft

43、and became the leader of the software industry. But the actual situation is that many companies have opened are broken now. Should we encourage students to start their own enterprises? Show your opinion and write an article of about 400 words on the following topic: Should College Students Start Ent

44、erprises during Their Studying Period?In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


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