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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 334(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wil

2、l be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversation

3、s. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 Why has the woman brought up the subject of snowflakes?(A)She has never seen snow before.(B) She is conducting research on snow.(C) She wants to make artificial snow.(D)She has been reading about snow.3 How many ba

4、sic types of snowflakes are there?(A)One.(B) Two.(C) Three.(D)Four.4 What determines the shape of snowflakes?(A)The shape of dust particles in the air.(B) The relative humidity.(C) The temperature of the air.(D)The geography of the area.5 What are the two speakers talking about?(A)A robot.(B) Some h

5、ousehold gadgets.(C) An intelligent house.(D)A new fire alarm system.6 Which of the following is NOT a function of the household system?(A)The system can recognize your fingerprint.(B) You can call the refrigerator from the supermarket.(C) The system can call for help when there is a household probl

6、em.(D)The system can do the shopping for you.7 What does the woman think of the new system?(A)Its too wonderful to be true.(B) Its too expensive for her.(C) She considers it nothing fancy.(D)She is considering buying one.8 John and Kens cars dont have much in common EXCEPT _.(A)They are cheap(B) The

7、y have electric windows(C) They are blue(D)They can haul trailer9 According to Ken, a smaller car has all the following advantages EXCEPT _.(A)It is cheaper(B) It needs less power(C) It is easy to find a parking space for a small car(D)It has more room10 Which of the following is true according to t

8、he passage?(A)The cost of insurance and maintenance for a car is high.(B) People prefer smaller cars.(C) All cars can haul trailers.(D)Honda is the speakers favorite car.11 What did Ken suggest at the end of the conversation?(A)Buy a new Honda.(B) Buy insurance for their cars.(C) Buy a better car.(D

9、)Take a bus.SECTION B PASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 How many hours does National Saving Bank offer the part-timer to do per week?(A)4 hours.(B) 20 hours.(C) 24 hours.(D)More than 4 h

10、ours.13 What kind of help will the conselors offer to those students?(A)Refine their interviewing techniques.(B) Arrange their work schedules.(C) Select appropriate courses.(D)Write cover letters.14 What do all of the jobs have in common?(A)They pay the same wage.(B) They involve working outdoors.(C

11、) They can be substituted for college courses.(D)Theyre part-time.15 About _ cats and dogs are destroyed each year.(A)6 million(B) 15 million(C) 30 million(D)1 million16 Friends of Animals, Inc. is _(A)a tax-funded organization(B) a society which roms the streets(C) a control center for destroying s

12、trays(D)an agency interested in animals17 _ shows a lack of interest in animal control.(A)Chicago(B) New York City(C) Friends of Animals, Inc(D)The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals18 What is the main topic of this passage?(A)The gathering of a film club.(B) The study of the elements

13、of a petroleum-free community.(C) The division of labour among the members of a community.(D)The research program of alternate energy sources.19 Which of the following is the energy group NOT required to do?(A)Research on alternative energy sources.(B) Study alternate-fuel transit systems.(C) Deal w

14、ith energy waste.(D)Make two pieces of solar equipment.20 Which of the following is true of the shelter group?(A)It will produce housing material.(B) It will calculate the number of people in need of land.(C) It will develop alternate fanning styles.(D)It may build shared-housing communities.21 Whic

15、h group is responsible for the alternative healing systems?(A)The energy group.(B) The shelter group.(C) The health and medicine group.(D)The water group.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that

16、 follow. 22 What is very important for developing countries economic growth according to the main world lending agencies?(A)The circulation of money.(B) The circulation of public money.(C) The circulation of private money.(D)Circulation costs.23 What will the agencies help to increase?(A)Long-range

17、investments.(B) The number of countries receiving foreign investment.(C) Profitable investments.(D)The number of investing countries.24 Who issued a communique at the spring meeting on Friday?(A)The world lending agencies.(B) The International Monetary Fund.(C) The World Bank.(D)The development comm

18、ittee of those two world lending agencies.25 Which is true according to the news item?(A)The committee was concerned with the failure of the Uruguay round of talks.(B) It was concerned with multinational trade negotiations.(C) It was interested in the success of that round of talks.(D)It was indiffe

19、rent to the progress of that round of talks.26 Which statement is NOT true about the accident?(A)A train struck a truck.(B) Two people died.(C) Two lead cars of the train were knocked off the tracks.(D)Many passengers were injured.27 Where was the Arab League observer team sent to?(A)Qatar.(B) Syria

20、.(C) UN.(D)Arab League.28 When will Arab League minister meet?(A)On Wednesday.(B) On Thursday.(C) On Friday.(D)On Saturday.29 The Senate bill aims to _ within the next seven years.(A)end the countrys huge public debts(B) cut government spending on health(C) end the large budget deficits(D)cut some e

21、ducational programs30 Congressional leaders have to work out a compromise because _(A)a similar bill has been passed(B) the President might oppose The plan(C) the Senate bill was passed by 57 to 42(D)the White House is facing opposition31 How did the South Korean Foreign Minister feel about tile cur

22、rent talks?(A)upset(B) pessimistic(C) optimistic(D)confused32 Which country is not involved in the six-party talks?(A)Canada(B) Japan(C) Russia(D)China33 The Palestinian government needs _ in aid this year.(A)$3,000,000(B) $1,300,000(C) $3,000,000,000(D)$1,300,000,00034 What did Mr. Fayyad do in Bru

23、ssels?(A)He asked for financial aid.(B) He met senior EU officials.(C) He sought for solution to a humanitarian crisis.(D)He visited the EU External Relations Commissioner.二、PART III CLOZE (15 MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would

24、 best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 34 Writing is not exactly a team sport. 【C1】_ a writer you spend most of your time chugging away by your lonesome, with only your words for 【C2】_ . But all the same, writing isnt a one way street: 【C3】_ were not talking about diarie

25、s, all writing is meant to have an audience. Youre not talking to yourself, you are having a 【C4】_ .Many writers are only 【C5】_ aware of their audience as they draft their stories. Some believe the reader doesnt come into play at all until the story is finished, or the article on the editors desk. B

26、ut since we write to be read, readers are an essential part of the writing 【C6】_ itself. Your audience is an implicit part of your writing, as much as plot and characters. Your implicit audience helps 【C7】_ your story; it sets your tone and defines your style; it determines in part your choice of pr

27、otagonist; it is the “ear“ to your “voice“. If we know how to write and what to write about, 【C8】 _ we also know who it is were writing for?You are not writing fur your writers circle, or your editor, or your mother-in-law who reads all your 【C9】_ drafts. No matter how important these people may be,

28、 they are not the “reader“ I am talking about here, or 【C10】_ , they shouldnt be. Writers tend to become hopelessly blocked when they try to please specific readers. Especially when those readers are themselves writers. Or mothers-in-law. Knowing your 【C11 】_ audience will help you avoid that partic

29、ular trap.The simplest way to start getting a handle on your audience is to form a mental 【C12 】_ of your ideal reader. What kind of person is he/she? Where does he live, what kind of job, what kind of hobbies does he have? What books does he read (and when, and how many)? Chances are, your ideal re

30、ader is a lot like you. We write 【C13 】_ when we write for an audience with whom we can 【C14】_ .Sticking with that audience is more important than you think. Too-harsh criticism from fellow writers or editors can undermine your confidence to the point 【C15 】_ you write just to suit their tastes. Unc

31、ritical admiration of relatives and friends can make you sloppy and lax.35 【C1 】(A)In(B) As(C) for(D)With36 【C2 】(A)company(B) pleasure(C) fun(D)organization37 【C3 】(A)thinking(B) giving(C) assuming(D)imagining38 【C4 】(A)composition(B) party(C) conversation(D)colleague39 【C5 】(A)keenly(B) dimly(C) g

32、enerally(D)adequately40 【C6 】(A)process(B) course(C) action(D)method41 【C7 】(A)make(B) invent(C) write(D)shape42 【C8 】(A)mustnt(B) cant(C) wont(D)shouldnt43 【C9 】(A)rough(B) tough(C) sloppy(D)sluggish44 【C10 】(A)of course(B) in fact(C) in contrast(D)at least45 【C11 】(A)inherent(B) intimate(C) implic

33、it(D)close46 【C12 】(A)figure(B) vision(C) picture(D)portrait47 【C13 】(A)most(B) easily(C) best(D)fluently48 【C14 】(A)connect(B) recognize(C) classify(D)identify49 【C15 】(A)when(B) which(C) why(D)where三、PART IV GRAMMAR Leave it alone.You read that right. According to Rossi, the biggest mistake people

34、 make is failing to control their impulse to intervene. They mow too short and too often. They water too much. They fertilize too frequently.And, when things go bad, they break out massive amounts of chemicals to try to control the advancing weeds.You should mow your grass to a height of three inche

35、s. And dont mow it again for 10 days. Two weeks if you can stand it. As for fertilizer, do it twice a year, at most. But dont even think about doing it in the early spring. As for watering, do it only once or twice a week. If mushrooms develop, youre watering way too muchand wasting water. Its bette

36、r to give your lawn a good weekly soaking than to water a little every day.One last tip: You dont need perfectly uniform grass all the time. “ This is a lot easier if you dont try to make your lawn look like the center field at Nationals Stadium,“ cautions Rossi. In other words, if you can roll a ki

37、ckball on it, you can be content.84 According to the context, “it“ in Paragraph One refers to(A)public relations hit.(B) need for fertilizer and herbicides.(C) grass.(D)environmental disaster.85 What is eutrophication?(A)A process of destroying water ecosystem.(B) A result caused by algae decomposit

38、ion.(C) A phenomenon occurred with fertilizer use.(D)A place full of chemicals and algae.86 According to experts, what is the principle of lawn keeping?(A)Be moderate.(B) Control impulse.(C) Give up human intervene.(D)Try to be perfect.87 Which of the following is the INCORRECT way to maintain a law

39、n healthy?(A)Mow the grass when it is three-inch high.(B) Fertilize the lawn once a year.(C) Soak the lawn every week.(D)Suspend watering if mushrooms are found.88 What is the passage mainly about?(A)Where to find tips for lawn maintenance.(B) What to do to prevent pollution.(C) When to mow and fert

40、ilize your lawn.(D)How to do gardening scientifically.88 One of the aims of teaching science is, through learning, to enable students to develop a complete personality by creativity, honesty, eagerness to acquire knowledge, freedom of speech and thought, and critical assessment. This is an ambitious

41、 aim which we unfortunately, rarely consider. During teaching we devote our attention more to the content rather than the aims. We thus see that science is one of the school subjects least favored by students.The emotional elements of music, dancing, painting, poetry and drama have a strong emotiona

42、l impact on students. For science to evoke the same feelings, it should be taught with the help of the expressive arts. Unlike traditional didactic approaches, drama also offers a synthesis of visual, kinetic and auditory experiences, apart from the understanding of facts and figures as a result of

43、rational and analytical perception. Drama and other artistic activities can assist in reaching the cognitive goals of the curriculum, as they are effective means of motivation. Isnt there a better chance that students who have developed a love for science will learn it more easily? Science too can b

44、e aesthetic, creative and emotional.By using drama techniques, we facilitate collaboration between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, whereas traditional techniques of teaching science stress only the use of abilities found in the left hemisphere that is, the analytical perception of scien

45、tific notions and phenomena. We allow students to engage in the learning process as full personalities with all their knowledge and abilities. Thus we develop not only logical and mathematical intelligence, but also a wider spectrum of the students abilities. Our educational experience is largely ba

46、sed on a linear perception of the subject. As students, we have not been used to developing ways of creative and intuitive thinking, especially in scientific subjects. This is why combining expressive arts with science is accepted with difficulty by many.When using drama in teaching science, we meet

47、 paradoxes which can, on the one hand, make the use of drama unsuccessful, and, on the other hand, enable the knowledge of science to be integrated into society and social phenomena that is life in general. Science is taught on the basis of scientific discoveries laws and explanations of phenomena w

48、hich are clearly defined and allow no individual or sociological interpretations. Drama, however, is based on developing imagination and different individual interpretations of the same event. Stealing a wallet, for example, will be interpreted as something negative by the owner and as something pos

49、itive by the pickpocket. Drama broadens our imagination, science is said to narrow it. When observing traditional didactic forms of teaching science, we see that students are required to understand very abstract notions. The notion of the atom or the molecule is demonstrated by concrete means including symbols, various types of atom and molecule models, sketches, experiments, photographs and animated films. These help students to


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