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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 464(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wil

2、l be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversation

3、s. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 What is the main subject of the debate?(A)The popularity of advertisement.(B) The function of advertisement.(C) The ways of advertisement.(D)Benefits of advertisement.3 Which of the following is true about advertis

4、ements?(A)They only provide true information.(B) They tell people about best products.(C) Money spent on them is paid by consumers.(D)Advertisements are misleading.4 Ads do the following EXCEPT _.(A)providing persuasive information on products(B) consuming millions of dollars(C) providing sometimes

5、misleading information(D)communicating fair prices to consumers5 Who are talking?(A)A student and a professor.(B) A physicist and a biologist.(C) Two students.(D)Two professors.6 Why is the woman glad that the saw the man?(A)She wants to meet his professor.(B) She wants to ask for his advice.(C) She

6、 enjoys talking about scientific things.(D)She wants to thank the man.7 What is the name of the course the man and woman are discussing?(A)Physical Chemistry.(B) Life Experience.(C) Introduction to Science.(D)Invertebrate Biology.8 Why couldnt the woman find a desirable 3-bedroom apartment?(A)No suc

7、h apartments are available.(B) She hasnt been looking for it long enough.(C) She has children.(D)The bedrooms were not spacious.9 What should the woman do if anything in the apartment gets broken?(A)Leave a note to the owner.(B) Inform the superintendent about it.(C) Call the superintendent for help

8、.(D)Call mechanics.10 What does the conversation say about the man?(A)He is a real estate agent.(B) He lives on the first floor.(C) He manages the building for himself.(D)He is the owner.11 What does the man suggest the woman do?(A)Find a more spacious 3-bedroom apartment.(B) Make do with a small 3-

9、bedroom apartment.(C) Sign the lease now.(D)Leave the master bedroom to the children.SECTION B PASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 According to the passage, if all students attend year-rou

10、nd schools in U.S. they would(A)have a 3-month long summer holiday.(B) have the same arrangement for schooling.(C) go to school at a differently organized time.(D)attend school for nine weeks before a vacation. 13 Which of the following is NOT the reason for people to oppose year-round schooling?(A)

11、Some evidence shows that year-round schooling improves learning.(B) It is hard for families to organize activities.(C) Summer camp sponsors would find it hard to operate their business.(D)Some parents want to release the pressures of school for their children. 14 What is the passage mainly about?(A)

12、Education in the U.S.(B) The school system in the U.S.(C) Summer holidays in the U.S.(D)Year-round schooling in the U.S. 15 According to the passage we know in Portugal _.(A)Portuguese preferred to get partners through friends introductions(B) Portuguese are more likely to hunt partner online(C) Por

13、tuguese said they had lied about their marital status(D)both man and woman put a sense of humor at the top of their list16 In France, what is the common thing in finding a partner for both sexes?(A)They place more emphasis on appearance.(B) They both seek the romance than real life.(C) Theyd like to

14、 attend parties, bars and clubs to meet someone.(D)They pay more attention to financial status.17 For the first encounter, the Australian men pay the least attention to the girls _.(A)intelligence(B) physical attraction(C) personality(D)humor18 Dr. Sheeler was surprised at Mr. Nelsons call because(A

15、)the new patient should not have known his phone number.(B) he seldom called at night.(C) the Nelsons had been very healthy.(D)the Nelsons had not called him for a long time.19 Dr. Sheeler was a little _ when Mr. Nelson insisted that he come.(A)fussy(B) angry(C) anxious(D)crazy20 Why had there been

16、no calls from the Nelsons for quite some time?(A)Mrs. Nelsons appendix had been taken out two years before.(B) Mr. Nelson had divorced his wife and had married another woman.(C) Mr. Nelson had decided not to bother the doctor any more.(D)Mr. Nelsons former wife had been very well recently.21 It can

17、be concluded that Mr. Nelsons former wife(A)was often ill.(B) seldom got ill.(C) had married another man.(D)had undergone an operation two years before.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that f

18、ollow. 22 What is the news item mainly about?(A)The work of the two Nobel laureates sheds light on the tiny building blocks of life-cells.(B) The work of the three Nobel laureates sheds light on the huge building blocks of life-cells.(C) The work of the three Nobel laureates sheds light on the tiny

19、building blocks of life-cells.(D)The work of the three doctors sheds light on the tiny building blocks of life-cells.23 According to the news, the new type of rice was created by(A)high-tech genetic modification.(B) Thai researchers.(C) the help of some experts from China.(D)natural means.24 What di

20、d the visit of Ms. Clinton aim at?(A)Increasing political reform.(B) Developing the relationships between two countries.(C) Putting an end to military rule in Burma.(D)Boosting the economic development in Burma.25 Which of the following statements is NOT true?(A)Burma has many years of military rule

21、.(B) American Secretary of State often visits Burma.(C) Ms. Clinton will travel to Burma at the beginning of December.(D)America claims to support political reform in Burma.26 Former U.S. President George W. Bush appeared on NBC television to(A)defend his economic policies.(B) promote his new book.(

22、C) criticize Democrats influence in Congress.(D)comment on President Obamas work.27 When showing up on TV, George W. Bush avoided to talk about(A)his bad memories.(B) terrorist attacks.(C) his success.(D)controversial issues.28 According to the news. Japans economy is still weak because of all the r

23、easons EXCEPT(A)an unsteady export-led recovery.(B) weak domestic consumption.(C) an ongoing decline in wages.(D)overseas economic uncertainty.29 Japans central bank is concerned about the weakness of Japanese stock prices because(A)they are the lowest in nineteen years.(B) they are lower than that

24、of nine years ago.(C) they have been lowed for ninety years.(D)they are the lowest ever in ninety years.30 According to the news, Turkish police were unsure about _.(A)when the woman was killed(B) the main cause of her death(C) the womans identity(D)why she failed to return home31 How many people ha

25、d been detained by Turkish police?(A)19.(B) 9.(C) 22(D)33二、PART III CLOZE (15 MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 31 When shopkeepers want to lure customers into

26、 buying a particular product, they typically offer it at a discount. According to a new study to be published in the Journal of Marketing, they are(1)_ a trick.A team of researchers, led by Akshay Rao of University of Minnesota, looked at consumers (2)_ to discounting. Shoppers, they found, much pre

27、fer getting something extra free to getting something cheaper. The main reason is that most people are(3)_ at fractions.Consumers often struggle to realise,(4)_, that a 50% increase in(5)_ is the same as a 33% discount in price. They(6)_ assume the former is better value. In an experiment, the resea

28、rchers sold 73% more hand lotion when it was offered in a(7)_ pack than when it carried an equivalent discount.This numerical blind(8)_remains even when the deal(9)_ favours the discounted product. In another experiment, this time on his undergraduates, Mr. Rao offered two deals on loose coffee bean

29、s: 33% extra free or 33%(10)_ the price. The discount is(11)_ the better proposition, but the experiment shows the supposedly clever students viewed them(12)_ equivalent.Marketing types can draw lessons(13)_ just pricing, says Mr. Rao. When advertising a new cars efficiency, for example, it is more(

30、14)_ to talk about the number of extra miles per gallon it does,(15)_ the equivalent percentage fall in fuel(16)_.There may be lessons for officials(17)_ regulate prices too. Even well-educated shoppers are easily(18)_. Sending everyone back to school for math seems out of the question.(19)_ more pr

31、ominently displayed unit prices in shops and advertisements would be a great(20)_.32 (1)(A)playing(B) missing(C) working(D)wasting33 (2)(A)resistance(B) disposition(C) attitudes(D)tendencies34 (3)(A)quick(B) skillful(C) dumb(D)weak35 (4)(A)for example(B) as a result(C) in particular(D)by contrast36

32、(5)(A)weight(B) quantity(C) volume(D)size37 (6)(A)undoubtedly(B) implicitly(C) immediately(D)overwhelmingly38 (7)(A)bonus(B) bubble(C) single(D)big39 (8)(A)track(B) trace(C) spot(D)point40 (9)(A)partially(B) brightly(C) vividly(D)clearly41 (10)(A)above(B) off(C) of(D)on42 (11)(A)in all(B) at best(C)

33、 by far(D)for all43 (12)(A)to(B) as(C) for(D)into44 (13)(A)beyond(B) from(C) in(D)on45 (14)(A)professional(B) accurate(C) convincing(D)difficult46 (15)(A)other than(B) more than(C) rather than(D)better than47 (16)(A)prices(B) consumption(C) supply(D)charges48 (17)(A)who(B) what(C) whom(D)which49 (18

34、)(A)persuaded(B) distracted(C) foxed(D)impressed50 (19)(A)Then(B) Or(C) So(D)But51 (20)(A)relief(B) surprise(C) help(D)success三、PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN)Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Cho

35、ose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.52 This is_the city lies.(A)which(B) what(C) where(D)when53 The financial problem as well as other issues _ going to be discussed when the congress is in session again next spring.(A)is(B) are(C) were(D)was54 You must have made it up. It was_!(

36、A)incredulous(B) credulous(C) credible(D)incredible55 _is no reason for dismissing her.(A)Because she was a few minutes late(B) Owing to a few minutes late(C) The fact that she was a few minutes late(D)Being a few minutes late56 The students have expected for the winter holidays for they want to exp

37、erience the feeling that work is _into money.(A)transcended(B) transplanted(C) translated(D)transacted57 Its good he enjoys his own_because he has a very lonely job.(A)companion(B) company(C) accompaniment(D)companionship58 Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else _such a beautiful pa

38、lace.(A)you can find(B) to be found(C) can you find(D)is found59 He _ her on her new dress without even looking at it.(A)recommended(B) clapped(C) commended(D)complimented60 This job needs a repairman or a builder_.(A)or someone(B) or anything(C) or something(D)or anywhere61 Even from within prison,

39、 his qualities of leadership_his followers.(A)aspired(B) despised(C) respired(D)inspired62 If you _ that late movie last night, you wouldn t be sleepy.(A)havent watched(B) didnt watched(C) hadnt watched(D)wouldnt have watched63 Iron and steel expands when heated and_when cooled.(A)shrinks(B) contrac

40、ts(C) condenses(D)compresses64 America is waging a war against terrorism _ a large scale.(A)at(B) to(C) with(D)on65 The mother tries to bring home to his son the seriousness of his conduct. The underlined part means(A)take his son home(B) make his son realize(C) tell the truth to his son(D)speak dir

41、ectly to his son66 It is well known that knowledge is the _ condition for expansion of mind.(A)incompatible(B) incredible(C) indefinite(D)indispensable67 The teachers whispered _ they should disturb the students.(A)in order that(B) provided that(C) in case(D)with the result that68 All too _ it was t

42、ime to go back to school after the Spring Festival.(A)quick(B) soon(C) fast(D)speedy69 The climate here is cooler throughout the year than _.(A)the rest of the country(B) in the rest of the country(C) at the rest of the country(D)other places of the country70 The fact that the management is trying t

43、o reach agreement _ five separate unions has led to long negotiations.(A)over(B) upon(C) in(D)with71 They talked for about an hour of things and persons_they remembered in the school.(A)who(B) that(C) which(D)whom72 Is there anything like management_for temporary renting the office?(A)fee(B) fare(C)

44、 cost(D)payment73 _, I must do another experiment.(A)Be it ever so late(B) It is ever so late(C) It be ever so late(D)So late it be ever74 Brown had the report _ as soon as he finished _ it.(A)to be typed, to write(B) typed, to write(C) being typed, writing(D)typed, writing75 _ for aches, pains and

45、fever, aspirin is now the subject of multiple investigations of its role in treating many more serious complaints.(A)Long used(B) Being used long(C) Having been long used(D)It has long been used76 It is believed that the authorities are thinking of _ new taxes to raise extra revenue.(A)impairing(B)

46、imposing(C) invading(D)integrating77 This is an exciting area of study, and one _ which new applications are being discovered almost daily.(A)from(B) by(C) in(D)through78 His career was not noticeably _ by the fact that he had never been to college.(A)prevented(B) prohibited(C) hindered(D)refrained7

47、9 At that time, neither Britain nor France was _ in readiness for the Second World War.(A)prepared(B) devoted(C) armed(D)provided80 The plane found the spot and hovered close enough to _ that it was a car.(A)ensure(B) examine(C) verify(D)testify81 No longer are contributions to computer technology c

48、onfined to any one country,_ is this more true than in Europe.(A)Hardly(B) Little(C) Seldom(D)Nowhere81 Intel Corp. will try to liven up the drab desktop PC later this year with new technology that will help convert the home computer into an entertainment hub, but advertising and technology ex- pelt

49、s say such a product will be tough to market. Intel, the worlds largest chip maker, is keeping details of the technology under wraps. It will introduce a set of chips with a new brand name in the third quarter.Analysts say the chip bundle and software will transform the PC into an all-purpose multimedia


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