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1、四川省英语三级模拟试卷 1(无答案)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 In this speech he _ to the great help the club received from supporters.(A)referred(B) remarked(C) mentioned(D)talked2 When some dishonest journalists cannot get facts for their stories, they simply draw on their _.(A)memories(B) images(C) imaginations(D

2、)minds3 It is _ for his parents to buy him a computer since they hardly make ends meet.(A)beyond question(B) out of the question(C) without question(D)out of question4 The government should take _ measures to prevent the spread of this disease.(A)ordinary(B) occasional(C) affective(D)effective5 He w

3、as so _ in watchingTV that he didnt hear the knock at the door.(A)concentrated(B) focused(C) devoted(D)absorbed6 If you are interested in this job, you can _ to our personnel department for an interview.(A)apply(B) approach(C) arrange(D)appoint7 The French singer who had been praised very highly _ t

4、o be a great disappointment at the evening show.(A)turned up(B) turned out(C) turned off(D)turned down8 She believed that Mr. Smith had taken_of all the opportunities to get this position.(A)interest(B) profit(C) advantage(D)benefit9 _ the difficult situation in the job market, he decided to take ni

5、ght courses at a college.(A)In place of(B) In terms of(C) In view of(D)In front of10 Being able to do banking on the Internet is one of the_ we provide to our customers.(A)competitions(B) conveniences(C) impressions(D)inventions11 ProfessorTaylor is a good teacher. He has good manners and _ knowledg

6、e.(A)extensive(B) expansive(C) intensive(D)expressive12 Those who want to get the information about flight schedule should _ at the booking office.(A)acquire(B) request(C) inquire(D)require13 The machine _, the next step was how to operate it.(A)having been installed(B) had been installed(C) having

7、being installed(D)has been installed14 Foolish _ she is, she will not make the same mistakes twice.(A)if(B) with(C) of(D)as15 He seldom writes to you, _? No, he doesnt.(A)did he(B) does he(C) doesnt he(D)didnt he16 In Australia, the Asians make their influence _ in business large and small.(A)feel(B

8、) felt(C) feeling(D)to be felt17 I was disappointed that the hotel _ in Hong Kong didnt supply free access to the Internet.(A)where I stayed(B) as I stayed(C) which I stayed(D)what I stayed18 _ only ten minutes earlier in the morning, he wouldnt have been late for the interview.(A)Would he leave(B)

9、If he was to leave(C) If he was leaving(D)Had he left19 He doesnt want _ to be known that he is going to leave.(A)that(B) them(C) all(D)it20 Though _ mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.(A)he remembered(B) to remember(C) remembered(D)

10、was remembered二、Reading Comprehension20 Getting an online degree through distance learning has become possible because of the increased availability of the Internet throughout the world. However, what are the actual benefits and disadvantages of distance education?Potential benefits:The most obvious

11、 reasons for trying to get an online degree are time and money. With an online course, you can join a class, do assignments on the internet, and even communicate with classmates in chat rooms or on bulletin boards.Technology has even reached the point where students can interact with other students

12、and the teacher through high-quality web conferencing. All of these activities can be done from the comfort of your home or laptop: any time, any place.Second, getting such a degree can, in some cases, be cheaper because you dont have to pay costs related to an oversea adventure: air-tickets, housin

13、g, local transportation, etc.Potential disadvantages: For all these benefits, there are a number of disadvantages to this kind of learning. Above all else, you have to consider how a degree from an online school will be received by future employers because they might feel that the academic standards

14、 of such an online institution are not as high as a regular program.Second, you probably wont have face-to-face contact with other students since everything is online. Such contact is very important in learning how to deal with many aspects of non-verbal communication that arent obvious in an online

15、 chat room.21 It is possible to get an online degree thanks to _.(A)the increasing distance of education(B) the improvement of personal computers(C) the available option of technologies(D)the worldwide use of the Internet22 An online degree course allows you to _.(A)avoid disadvantages in learning(B

16、) meet fellow students in the classroom(C) enjoy adventures abroad(D)communicate with teachers and classmates23 The number-one disadvantage of getting an online degree is that _.(A)the course may take a long time to complete(B) the degree may be less useful for finding a job(C) the study may provide

17、 little face to face contact(D)the program may lower the academic standards24 The word “non-verbal“ in the second line of the last paragraph means _.(A)not using words(B) relating to words(C) without action(D)not having verbs25 Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?(A)Some s

18、uggestions for Getting an Online Degree.(B) Advantages and Disadvantages of an Online Degree.(C) An Analysis on Weaknesses of Distance Learning.(D)A Comparison between Online and Regular Education.25 Sales promotion is the process of persuading a potential customer to buy the product. It can be part

19、 of the personal selling process.The main methods of sales promotion are:Money off couponscustomers receive coupons, or cut coupons out of newspapers or a products packaging that enables them to buy the product next time at a reduced price.Competitionsbuying the product will allow the customer to ta

20、ke part in a chance to win a prize (e.g. Coca Cola ring pulls).Discount vouchersa voucher (like a money off coupon).Free giftsa free product when buy another product.Point of sales materialse.g. posters, display standsways of presenting the product in its best way or showing the customer that the pr

21、oduct is there.Loyalty cardse.g. Nectar and Air Miles; where customers earn points for buying certain goods or shopping at certain retailersthat can later be exchanged for money, goods or other offers.Loyalty cards have recently become an important form of sales promotion. They encourage the custome

22、r to return to the retailer by giving them discounts based on the spending from a previous visit.Loyalty card can offset the discounts they offer by making more sales and persuading the customer to come back.They also provide information about the shopping habits of customers where do they shop, whe

23、n and what do they buy?This is very valuable marketing research and can be used in the planning process for new and existing products.26 Generally speaking, sales promotion aims to _.(A)win as many customers as possible(B) start a personal selling process(C) sell some cheap products to customers(D)d

24、istinguish potential customers27 Money-off coupons can be _.(A)got every time they go shopping(B) bought at a very low price(C) found on the products packaging(D)printed on a 10 dollar note28 An airline company may most frequently use _.(A)free gifts(B) money-off coupons(C) loyalty cards(D)competiti

25、on29 Which sales promotion form listed below gives customers discounts?(A)Money-off coupons(B) Point of sales materials(C) Competitions(D)Free gifts30 Which of the following is NOT true about loyalty cards?(A)The points earned for buying goods can sometimes be used as money.(B) Loyalty cards enable

26、the retailer to know customers shopping habits,(C) Loyalty cards attract customers back to the same retailer.(D)With no discount, loyalty cards can still make more sales.30 “Its not what you know, but who you know that counts.“This oversimplified statement often angers those who believe that all it

27、takes to get ahead is hard-work. However, you cant ignore that there is some truth in the statement when it comes to looking for a job.In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor estimates that 48 percent of all job opportunities are made through personal networking. So the real question for job seekers i

28、s how to take advantage of this phenomenon.Positioning yourself to take the advantage of the benefits of networking is not that difficult. It only requires participation in social and business events, particularly those that relate to your professional objectives. Its a three-step process: first, ch

29、oosing a promising event to attend; second, once there, making sure you get your massage out; and third, sending a resume after a positive conversation.The ready-made social situations created by professional associations are obvious places to network. Almost every professional association portrays

30、itself as a networking vehicle for matching jobs with prospective candidates. If you do not belong to a professional group, the act of joining one will get you in the door. Once inside, you have the opportunity to meet many influential people.Beyond the social and business gatherings, networking has

31、 recently taken a turn toward our electronic future.The Internet is becoming a networking medium for communication about job opportunities and job seekers.31 The first sentence in this passage most probably means that _.(A)the more people ydu know, the more you can learn(B) ho one cares about what y

32、ou have learned(C) personal networking is more important than knowledge(D)you should tell people who you know and what you know32 Networking may be achieved through _.(A)setting professional objectives clearly(B) participating in social and business events(C) getting ones message out in time(D)worki

33、ng very hard to get ahead33 Which of the following is NOT networking?(A)Attending business and social events.(B) Setting up professional objectives.(C) Trying to meet influential people.(D)Joining a professional group.34 This passage is mainly written for _.(A)business employees(B) professional grou

34、ps(C) job hunters(D)the U.S. Department of Labor35 The author of this passage encourages readers to _(A)take advantage of personal networking(B) ignore the phenomenon of networking(C) get ahead through their hard work(D)replace social gatherings with the Internet35 Bushfire (山火) victims have reacted

35、 angrily after being told they must present identification to get Federal Government assistance, despite most having lost everything.An open letter published in a News Limited newspaper this morning questioned the ability of Centrelink, the government-appointed agency, to quickly distribute the paym

36、ents of $1,000 per adult and $400 per child.News Ltd journalist Gary Hughes, who escaped the fires at St Andrews, said when he and others fronted Centrelink on Monday they were told there would be no financial help Unless they could produce a drivers license or bank statement.“Whats that meant to be

37、, some cruel joke?“ Mr. Hughes wrote.“Losing everything means just thateverything.There are many like us who didnt have time to calmly pause to collect wallets and purses as we fled our homes with wet towels over our faces to avoid choking(窒息) to death“.Human Services Minster Joe Ludwig has apologiz

38、ed for the inconvenience and says all efforts are being made to ensure people get the help they need.“I dont know the precise details but we are sorry if it did happen,“ Senator Ludwig said. “ We have instructed Centrelink to take the lightest possible approach in confirming identity.“He says while

39、identification was helpful, a signature would be enough, adding that about 800 applicants for assistance had already received the money.36 Fire victims became angry when they learned that _.(A)Centrelink had no ability to distribute the money(B) the financial help would not be delivered quickly(C) c

40、hildren will get much less money than adults(D)they must show identification to get the money37 The open letter is written by Gary Hughes, who .(A)works for News Limited(B) thinks $1000 is not enough(C) has learned the story from the newspaper(D)says Centrelink hasnt got the money38 In the eyes of t

41、he victims, the demand for the identification is _.(A)inefficient(B) unkind(C) impractical(D)unnecessary39 When escaping from their homes, many people _.(A)were in a hurry to collect wallets and purses(B) were in too great a panic to think what to take(C) couldnt find wet towels to avoid choking(D)d

42、idnt take anything but wallets and purses40 The sentence “take the lightest possible approach in confirming identity“ (Paragraph 7) means that _.(A)victims may sign a document to get new identification(B) identification will not be required for financial assistance(C) 800 families will be allowed to

43、 get the money first(D)identity may be accepted without an official paper三、Translation from English into Chinese41 (Paragraph 9, Passage 1) In the past centuries, Italian children would sometimes even be given wine to drink in preference to water which was often polluted.(A)过了几个世纪,在水经常被污染的情况下,意大利孩子有

44、时会喝加了葡萄酒的水。(B)过了几个世纪,意大利的孩子们有时甚至以喝葡萄酒代替常常是受过污染的水。(C)在过去的几个世纪,意大利人有时甚至给孩子们葡萄酒喝以代替常常是被污染了的水。(D)过了几个世纪,常常是因为污染的原因,意大利孩子有时会饮用加了葡萄酒的水。(E)在过去的几个世纪,意大利人有时甚至宁愿给孩子们喝葡萄酒而不是喝常受污染的水。42 (Paragraph 5,Passage 2)In fact,the EWG report that some of the best-known brands are the least likely to report where the water

45、 comes from and what it contains(A)EWG 报告的事实表明一些最知名的品牌瓶装水最不可能标明其水源和水中所含物质。(B) EWG 的报告发现,一些最知名的品牌瓶装水其实最无法说明水的查处和水的含量。(C)实际上,EWG 的报告认为,某些最知名的瓶装水也有某种可能标明水源和水质。(D)事实上,EWG 的报告说一些最知名的品牌瓶装水最不可能标明其水源和水中所含物质。(E)EWG 的报告人陈述的事实仅仅来自于那些销量最佳的品牌瓶装水的产品说明书。43 (Paragraph 3,Passage 3)With an annual growth rate of 7 per

46、cent,Chinas population aged 80 or above will reach 22 million by 20(A)按其 37的年增长率,中国 80 岁以上(含 80 岁)的人口在 2020 年将达两千两百万。(B)达 80 高龄的中国人口每增加 37就有 2020 人加入这支两千两百万的高龄队伍中。(C)按 37的增长率计算,80 岁或 80 岁以上的中国人口即将在 2020 年超过两千两百万。(D)因中国人口增长率达到了 37,其中年龄达到 80 岁的人在 2020 年将超过两千两百万。(E)37的中国人口已达 80 高龄,每年还有 2020 人加入到这支两千两百万

47、的高龄队伍中。44 (Paragraph 3,Passage 4)Over the years,more than two hundred fifty million dollars in company profits have been donated to social causes and organizations(A)数年以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入被捐给了社会的团体以及个人。(B)长期以来,超过两亿五千万美元的公司利润被捐给了公益事业和组织。(C)年复一年,公司把多达两亿五百万美元的收入全部投入到了社会福利事业。(D)多年以来,公司将超过两亿五千万美元的盈利捐给了公益事业和组织

48、。(E)很久以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入都投入到了公益慈善事业上面。45 The bus driver has a style of driving and its fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so(A)公共汽车司机各自有各自的高招,能够在开车的第一时间就让人感到愉快。(B)公共汽车司机有自己的驾车风格,在乘车的头一个小时左右去发现它倒也有趣。(C)公共汽车司机有自己的开车风格,有趣的是在乘车一个小时左右就能够表现出来。(D)公共汽车司机有一种独特的方法,人们只要乘车一小时左右就能感到快乐。(E)公共汽车司机有一种特殊的方法,开

49、车一小时左右就开始与乘客开玩笑。四、Writing46 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a Letter to the Consumers Association of no less than 100 words, whose title is: A Letter to the Consumers Association. Remember your composition must be written according to the following outline. Write your composition on the Composition Sheet in Test Paper Two.Outline:以李伟(Li Wei)的名义给消费者协会写一封信,反映刚买的手机质量问题。1手机型号、购买时间、


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