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1、在职申硕(同等学力)英语模拟试卷 9(无答案)Section ADirections: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single b

2、ar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1 A: How are you doing today? B: _.(A)Im working on my assignment.(B) Much better, thanks.(C) Its been a boring day.(D)Im very happy.2 A: Im anxious to get started on our project. Can we meet sometime before the weekend? B: _.(A)Neve

3、r mind. Shall we meet on Sunday?(B) Your project? I have no time studying your project.(C) What about Friday morning? Ill have time to go to the library that afternoon.(D)OK. Library is the best place for us to meet.3 A: We each have our own desk and dresser, but well have to share the bookcase and

4、the closet. B: _.(A)What? I dont want to share anything. Id like my own bookcase and closet.(B) Have you got any other furniture?(C) Fine. Lets not forget to make a second copy of the room key.(D)Someone must have taken the bookcase and closet away.4 A: I have an appointment to see Dr. Gram for a ph

5、ysical examination. B: _.(A)Could you come another time? Dr. Gram is not available right now.(B) Im afraid youve got to make another appointment.(C) Dr. Gram is busy. She has just been appointed Director of the clinic.(D)Please have a seat. She is in surgery right now.5 A: Good to see you. You look

6、more fit and better. B: _.(A)Thanks. I had a lot of exercise and drank vegetable juice everyday.(B) Sorry. I dont think I am more fit. Actually, I caught a bad cold.(C) Yes. Im much more fit. And you?(D)Im glad to see you too. Though Im not much better that ever before.Section BDirections: In this s

7、ection, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bra

8、ckets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.6 Man: Yes, hello, this is Robert White calling. Could Dr. Jones see me on Tuesday morning instead of Tuesday afternoon? Woman: Tuesday morning? Lets see. Its that the only other time you could come? Question: What does the woman imply?(A)The doctor only ha

9、s time on Tuesdays.(B) The doctor is busy on Tuesday morning.(C) The man must come more than one time.(D)The man must arrive on time.7 Man: Where can I get a good deal on computers? Woman: Try ordering them through your school. Question: What does the woman say about computers?(A)The school computer

10、s are unreliable.(B) The school will probably offer a good price on computers.(C) Computers are easy to deal with.(D)It is better to order a typewriter.8 Woman: Are you going to accept the job offer? Man: Im waiting for the letters from the other companies. Question: What does the man mean?(A)He doe

11、snt want to take the job yet.(B) He will accept the job offer.(C) He will write a letter to the trading companies.(D)He cant wait much longer.9 Man: This notice says that all the introductory psychology classes are closed. Woman: That cant be true! Therere supposed to be thirteen sections of it this

12、 semester. Question: What does the woman mean?(A)She doesnt want to take the course this semester.(B) She thought the class would be easy.(C) She will have thirteen credits after she completes the class.(D)Shes surprised that all the sections are filled.10 Woman: Im afraid that John will expect me t

13、o help him with his late paper. Man: You should just tell him that youre not going to. Question: What does the man mean?(A)She should refuse to assist John.(B) John will not write the paper.(C) Johns afraid that he will finish his paper yet.(D)He is afraid of John.Section ADirections: In this sectio

14、n there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.11 Many farms in

15、 the southern United States yield hay and tobacco.(A)store(B) fertilize(C) sow(D)produce12 A new water boiler was installed in our building last week, which could provide hot water to the students.(A)inspected carefully(B) placed in service(C) undertaken with care(D)undone casually13 There isnt soun

16、d proofto support his biological theory.(A)financing(B) publications(C) evidence(D)appreciation14 The representative of the committee was asked to verify his earlier statement.(A)confirm(B) withdraw(C) repeat(D)modify15 Unless the population growth stabilizes, environmentalists predict a worldwide s

17、tarvation by the next decade.(A)famine(B) shortage(C) rebellion(D)infection16 Wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and versatile.(A)diligent(B) capable(C) clever(D)perfect17 A long journey in cold weather is dreadfully tiring.(A)unfortunately(B) terribly(C) noticeably

18、(D)predictably18 Vast amounts of money are being invested in the local market.(A)Enormous(B) Constant(C) Unknown(D)Sufficient19 He merely meant to give his opinion, not to start an argument.(A)simply(B) sincerely(C) actually(D)definitely20 Only her friends knew she had a(n) fatal illness, and her fa

19、mily was not informed.(A)strange(B) deadly(C) serious(D)benignSection BDirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar acr

20、oss the square brackets on your rnachine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.21 Is this an _ order or a personal request?(A)authentic(B) influential(C) authoritarian(D)authoritative22 All our efforts to save her did not _ anything.(A)avail(B) help(C) profit(D)benefit23 He _ his failure to bad luck.(A)prescribed(B)

21、 ascribed(C) described(D)scribe24 This grave event did not _ the personal crisis between them.(A)divert(B) alert(C) avert(D)evade25 After the bombing, there was a lot of _ everywhere.(A)debris(B) junk(C) rubbish(D)trash26 His _ led to the resolution of all our difficulties.(A)general(B) generosity(C

22、) generation(D)generalization27 You may leave the jelly in a cool place to _ it.(A)harden(B) soften(C) sharpen(D)strengthen28 He was exhilarated by the thought of his _ trip.(A)forthcoming(B) imminent(C) immediate(D)uprising29 Relations with our neighbors arent very _ at the moment.(A)musical(B) com

23、patible(C) congenial(D)harmonious30 I felt the soil creep and _ beneath me, like some monstrous serpent.(A)lift(B) pull(C) raise(D)heave一、Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4

24、 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.30 Gravity is a slippery beast. We dont know how strong it is, how it works or how fast its effects move. But this year we made progr

25、ess.October saw the most accurate measurement yet of Newtons gravitational constant(引力常数 ), G, a measure of the strength of the gravitational interaction between two objects. A Swiss team calculated Gs value by measuring how the gravitational pull of two huge tanks of mercury affected the weights of

26、 test masses.However, there are discrepancies between measurements of G made in different labs. This year a highly contentious(有争议的) explanation for this was proposed. A group of string theorists proposed that gravity is subtly affected by magnetic fields, and that G should be larger near Earths pol

27、es where the magnetic field is stronger. Sure enough, this fits with the measurements so far. So Gs varying values might just be the first proof of the hidden dimensions predicted by string theory.Equally tantalising is possible evidence for the existence of gravitational waves, the ripples in space

28、-time supposedly caused by abrupt, violent cosmic events. An Italian team reported that two massive aluminium bars, one at CERN(欧洲粒子物理研究所) near Geneva, the other in Italy, had once vibrated in unison(一致)perhaps as a result of a passing gravitational wave, they suggest.The claims will be closely scru

29、tinised by gravity researchers in Washington state. They got to turn on a very expensive toy this year. LIGO, one of the biggest scientific instruments ever built. Its twin sets of intersecting 4-kilometre-long laser beams should be very sensitive to any waves. But so far the $400-million machine ha

30、s not seen anything.At least one gravitational mystery has (hopefully) been wrapped up this year. when you move something, how long before its new position will affect its gravitational pull on surrounding objects? In other words, what is the speed of gravity? Newton thought the effect instantaneous

31、, but Einstein said it could travel no faster than the speed of light.Astronomers have finally devised a way to test which one of them was right, based on the way gravity bends radio waves from a distant quasar(类星体). They finished the experiment in September. We dont yet know the answer but our mone

32、y is on Einstein.31 Why is gravitation considered to be a slippery beast?(A)Because it gives people so much trouble.(B) Because it is much stronger than expected.(C) Because no progress has been made about it.(D)Because it remains largely unknown to people.32 What kind of metal did the Swiss team us

33、e to calculate the Gs value?(A)gold(B) silver(C) mercury(D)lead33 A highly controversial explanation proposed by string theorists is that _.(A)magnetic fields affect gravity subtly(B) G is larger near the Earths poles(C) G has a number of hidden dimensions(D)discrepancies emerge between measures of

34、G34 The report given by the Italian team might provide evidence that _.(A)two things far apart might vibrate in unison(B) the ripples in space-time are only imagined(C) there exist gravitational waves(D)abrupt, violent cosmic events lead to gravitational waves35 Until now LIGO has _.(A)never been tu

35、rned on yet(B) been the biggest scientific instrument(C) done nothing to look for the gravitational waves(D)found no gravitational waves36 From the passage we can infer that _.(A)Newton and Einstein had similar opinions on the speed of gravity(B) the author of the passage is in favor of Einsteins th

36、ought about the speed of gravity(C) astronomers think that both Newton and Einstein were wrong on the speed of gravity(D)Newtons thought about the gravitational effect is out of date36 What makes teenagers moody and impulsive? The answer used to be raging hormones plus a dearth of(短缺) life experienc

37、es. But three years ago this simple equation was blown apart by evidence from brain scans of strange goings-on behind the teenage forehead.Till then, scientists had thought the brains internal structure was fixed by the end of childhood. The new scans showed the brains frontal cortex(皮层) thickening

38、just before puberty(青春期), then slowly shrinking back to normal during the teenage years. Suddenly, the erratic huffiness(发怒) seemed to make sense: the teenage brain was a work in progress, a house in the process of being rewired.Now comes more evidence of neural turmoil. According to psychologists i

39、n California, the speed with which youngsters can read the emotional expressions on peoples faces dips suddenly at around the age of 11 or 12 and takes years to get back on track.The latest study, like the brain scan research before it, is a welcome and necessary part of building up a picture of a t

40、ypical teenage brain so that scientists can get a better handle on what might be happening in the mental illnesses that appear to be afflicting children and adolescents in ever greater numbers. But there are dangers.Scientists still have no idea how to interpret the subtle changes seen in adolescent

41、 brain scans. Yet in the wrong hands, these findings could be used to justify hothousing, impulse control training and other dubious attempts to get the most out of malleable teenage brain cells. The science could also spark a new wave of moralising based on a perceived need to protect teenagers evo

42、lving brain connections from evil or toxic influences.Incredibly, some scientists have already suggested in the press that the brain scan evidence somehow proves that it is biologically bad for teenagers to play video games or lie on the couch watching MTV. A hundred years, ago one well-known “exper

43、t“ urged teenage boys to drink six to eight glasses of hot water a day to flush impure thoughts from their bodies. Have we really learned so little?37 In the past it was thought that teenagers were moody and impulsive because of_.(A)their innocence and lack of life experience(B) their raging hormone

44、s and lack of life experience(C) their radical attitudes towards life(D)the generation gap between teenagers and their parents38 In the last line, paragraph two, “a house in the process of being rewired“ indicates that _.(A)teenagers like to live in a house rewired(B) teenagers brain structure like

45、a house(C) teenage brain is working in progress like a house being rewired(D)teenager tend not to get erratic huffiness if the house ,is rewired39 From the passage we can learn that _.(A)the teenage brain is a kind of work in progress(B) the new brain scans support the conventional thought(C) the br

46、ains frontal cortex becomes bigger during the teenager years(D)at the age of 11 or 12 teenagers are unable to find out peoples true feelings40 The latest study is very helpful in that _.(A)it can take clearer pictures of teenagers brains(B) scientists will meet with fewer, dangers in their research

47、work(C) it may help scientists understand better the mental illness in teenagers(D)it may enable teenagers to experience fewer dangers during teenager years41 According to paragraph five, which of the following statements reflects the present medical reality?(A)It is biologically bad for teenagers t

48、o play games or lie on the couch watching MTV.(B) Teenager boys should drink six or eight glasses of hot water in the morning everyday.(C) Scientists should apply the findings of brain scans to practical use as soon as possible.(D)Scientists still dont know how to explain the subtle changes seen in

49、teenager brain scans.42 The authors attitude towards the findings of teenagers brain scans can be concluded as _.(A)cautious(B) positive(C) prejudiced(D)neutral42 Is nothing sacred? Even the idle weekend pastime of skimming stones on a lake has been taken apart and reduced to a mathematical formula.Everyone knows a stone bounces best on water if its round and flat, and spun towards the water as fast as


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