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1、大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)A 类(研究生)模拟试卷 24(无答案)Section A1 What does the woman imply about the man?(A)He should do more.(B) Shed be glad to help him.(C) Hes done a lot.2 What does the man mean?(A)Theyre going to France for a vacation.(B) The woman doesnt need to study now.(C) Hes concerned about the womans studie

2、s.3 What advice does the man give the woman?(A)Take a course from another professor.(B) Concentrate on the textbook, not the lectures.(C) Pay attention to what is said in class.4 What does the woman mean?(A)Shed like to watch the news elsewhere since her room is cold.(B) Shes angry with the man and

3、would like him to leave.(C) She doesnt want the man to get sick.5 What does the woman say about the problem?(A)She thinks its easy.(B) She cant solve it.(C) She can help the man with it.Section B6 Terry was impressed with_.(A)a bridge to Manhattan(B) skyscrapers at dusk(C) streets in Manhattan7 What

4、 does Terry say about the garbage in New York?(A)Smelly.(B) Scattered.(C) Put in bags and boxes.8 How much does the hotel room cost Terry a night?(A)5130.(B) 5129.(C) 51289 The hotel Terry stayed at can be described as_.(A)roomy and comfortable(B) decent but expensive(C) cheap and comfortable10 Terr

5、ys impression of New York would be_.(A)orderliness(B) creativeness(C) tightness11 The headquarters of Biopaints are based in_.(A)Lille(B) Bath(C) France12 John Knox is_.(A)General Manager of the Bath factory(B) General Manager of the Lille factory(C) Production Manager13 There are_main divisions in

6、the company.(A)4(B) 5(C) 614 Which of the following statements is true about the Research and Development Department?(A)It is a department within the Marketing Division.(B) It has two laboratories, one at each production plant.(C) The head of this department is Bill Williamson.15 Who is the managing

7、 director of the company?(A)Ernest Roberts.(B) Ray Wood.(C) Piet Van De Geer.Section C16 What can we learn from the survey?(A)Eight American journalists were killed in 2001.(B) The number of reporters killed rose by more than 50% from 2000.(C) 24 journalists died in the war in 2001.17 How many years

8、 has it been since the wallabies were introduced to New Zealand?(A)132 years.(B) 500 years.(C) 1, 870 years.18 When will the French presidential election be held?(A)In February.(B) In March.(C) In April.19 Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the news?(A)The explosion was near the Lima Embassy i

9、n the United States.(B) 30 people were injured in the explosion.(C) The explosion was caused by an ear bomb.20 Whats the main purpose of the conference?(A)To make a plea for aiding poor countries.(B) To hold Middle East ceasefire talks.(C) To establish the International Criminal Court.Section D20 一、

10、Part Vocabulary and Structure31 _enough time and money, the researchers would have been able to discover more in this field.(A)Giving(B) To give(C) Given(D)Being given32 Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people_harm them.(A)more than(B) other than(C) rather than(D)better than33 _is

11、known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.(A)That(B) Which(C) As(D)It34 Fat cannot change into muscle_muscle changes into fat.(A)any more than(B) no more than(C) no less than(D)much more than35 The Nazi regime is_of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination.(A)ful

12、l(B) devoid(C) typical(D)aware36 There were intervals when the sun broke through the clouds, because the showers were(A)slight(B) intermittent(C) enduring(D)impulsive37 With increased taxation and rising prices, Eric is going to_on quite a lot of things, such as clothes, records and so on.(A)cut off

13、(B) cut down(C) cut in(D)cut across38 There are several landladies approved by the university who can take in_.(A)settlers(B) inhabitants(C) lodgers(D)residents39 If youve got a complaint, the best thing is to see the person concerned and_ with him.(A)tell it(B) have it out(C) say it(D)have it known

14、40 40._ any one should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.(A)In order that(B) Lest(C) If(D)Providing41 Once they had fame, fortune, secure futures: _is utter poverty.(A)now that all is left(B) now all which is left(C) now all that is left(D)now all what is left42 _I like very

15、much to do science, as a teacher I have to go over the students papers and thesis.(A)Much as(B) So far(C) In so far as(D)As far as43 Brown bread and butter_usually eaten with smoked salmon in the west.(A)is(B) are(C) were(D)was44 Stan: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girls

16、 life. John: _.Start: I cant tell you how much I appreciate what youve done. John: Im just happy I could help.(A)Theres nothing to be afraid of.(B) This is a wonderful day.(C) Anybody would have done the same.(D)I am glad to save her.45 Adrian: Boris. To what do I owe this honor?Boris: Just a social

17、 call, Adrian. Good to find you all at home. Adrian: Id like you to meet my family. Boris: _(A)You cant imagine.(B) Never mind.(C) With pleasure.(D)Ive been looking forward to this for some time.二、Part Reading Comperhension45 Of all figures from Americas past, Abraham Lincoln is dearest to the heart

18、s of the American people. In fact, the admiration they have for him borders on worship. Writers note that the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. DC is not unlike the temples that ancient Greeks built in honor of their gods, and that annual ceremonies of celebrating Lincolns birthday in schools and publ

19、ic places have sometimes had characteristics of religious services. Certainly Lincoln is Americas ideal of a great leader. He had many of the qualities of leadership that Americans admire.First of all, Lincolns career fits popular American belief that every child can dream of becoming president. Ame

20、ricans admire the personthe one who, with neither money nor family influence , fights his or her way to the top. Lincoln was born of poor parents. His mother died when he was young. He had little opportunity for schooling. His early study was done alone at night by the light of a fireplace. He did h

21、ard manual labor through the day-splitting rails for fences, taking care of livestock, working on riverboat or in store. But as he grew older he studied law in his spare time and become a lawyer. He was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. His ability finally made a name for him and e

22、ventually, he became president of the United States.Lincoln is also admired because of his leadership during the difficult period of the Civil War. He dared to do what he thought was right at a time when his beliefs were unpopular with many people. He, in a sense, represents the spirit of union amon

23、g the states. Before the Civil War, the economy of the South depended on an agricultural system, which made use of slave labor. When reformers in the northern states put pressure on Congress not to permit to secede or withdraw from the United States, they argued that the question of slavery was a ma

24、tter for the individual states to decide rather than the federal government, and they did not want to accept its decision. The national government said that no state had the right to secede, and the Civil War was the result. If the south had won the war, the Unites States might well have been divide

25、d into several countries. Lincoln worked hard to preserve the union, and the northern states were victorious.Furthermore, Lincoln had many personal qualities that made him dear to the hearts of his countrymen. He had infinite patience and tolerance for those who disagreed with him. As president, he

26、appointed men to high government positions whom he considered most capable, even though some of them openly scorned him. He was generous to his opponents. There are many stories about his thoughtful treatment of southern leaders. When the war was over, he showed the South no hatred. Since generosity

27、 toward a defeated opponent is admired by Americans, Lincoln fitted the national i-deal of what is right.Shortly after the Civil War ended, Lincoln was shot while attending a play in Washington Theater. He died within a few hours. The uncontrolled emotional reaction of the nation to his death was al

28、most unbelievable and demonstrated the deep esteem in which he was held. Newspapers were edged with black: religious leaders gave praise of Lincoln instead of their prepared sermons. His funeral procession in Washington was miles long. Lincolns body was taken by train back to his former home in Spri

29、ngfield, Illinois, but in all the major cities through which the train passed, the coffin was paraded through streets lined with sorrowful thousands. In the small towns through which the train passed bells rang in honor of the dead president. Citizens lit torches along the railroad track to show the

30、ir last respect.The circumstances of his death set Lincoln apart from other American leaders. Had Lincoln lived, it might well be that his postwar policies would have brought criticisms upon him that would have tarnished his popularity. Instead, an assassins bullet erased in the minds of Americans a

31、ny faults he had and emphasized his virtues.46 His_and the assassination made Lincoln ideal of a great leader.47 During the period of the Civil War, Lincolns beliefs used to be_.48 From the last paragraph it could be inferred that Lincolns death was_to him.49 From the second paragraph we learn that

32、through endeavor everyone could_for him at last.50 We can infer from the passage that before the Civil War, the Northern states had_different from the Southern states.50 Although French, German, American and British pioneers have all been credited with the invention of cinema, the British and the Ge

33、rmans played a relatively small role in its worldwide exploitation. It was above all the French, followed closely by the Americans, who were the most passionate exporters of the new invention, helping to start cinema in China, Japan, Latin America and Russia. In terms of artistic development it was

34、again the French and the Americans who took the lead, though in the years before the First World War, Italy, Denmark and Russia also played a part.In the end it was the United States that was to become, and remain, the largest single market for films. By protecting their own market and pursuing a vi

35、gorous export policy, the Americans achieved a dominant position on the world market by the start of the First World War. The centre of film-making had moved westwards, to Hollywood, and it was films from these new Hollywood studios that flooded onto the worlds film markets in the years after the Fi

36、rst World War, and have done so ever since. Faced with total Hollywood domination, few film industries proved competitive. The Italian industry, which had pioneered the feature film with spectacular films like Quo Vadis?(1913)and Cabiria(1914), almost collapsed. In Scandinavia, the Swedish cinema ha

37、d a brief period of glory, notably with powerful epic films and comedies. Even the French cinema found itself in a difficult position. In Europe, only Germany proved industrially capable, while in the new Soviet Union and in Japan, the development of the cinema took place in conditions of commercial

38、 isolation.Hollywood took the lead artistically as well as industrially. Hollywood films appealed because they had better-constructed narratives, their special effects were more impressive, and the star system added a new dimension to screen acting. If Hollywood did not have enough of its own resour

39、ces , it had a great deal of money to buy up artists and technical innovations from Europe to ensure its continued dominance over present or future competition.From early cinema, it was only American slapstick comedy that successfully developed in both short and feature format. However, during this

40、“Silent Film“ era, animation, comedy, serials and dramatic features continued to thrive, along with factual films or documentaries, which acquired an increasing distinctiveness as the period progressed. It was also at this time that the avant-garde film first achieved commercial success, this time t

41、hanks almost exclusively to the French and the occasional German film.Of the countries which developed and maintained distinctive national cinemas in the silent period, the most important were France, Germany and the Soviet Union. Of these, the French displayed the most continuity, in spite of the w

42、ar and post-war economic uncertainties. The German cinema, relatively insignificant in the pre-war years, exploded on to the world scene after 1919. Yet even they were both overshadowed by the Soviets after the 1917 Revolution. They turned their back on the past, leaving the style of the pre-war Rus

43、sian cinema to the Emigres who fled westwards to escape the Revolution.The other countries whose cinemas changed dramatically are: Britain, which had an interesting but undistinguished history in the silent period: Italy, which had a brief moment of international fame just before the war: the Scandi

44、navian countries, particularly Denmark, which played a role in the development of silent cinema quite out of proportion to their small population: and Japan, where a cinema developed based primarily on traditional theatrical and, to a lesser extent, other art forms and only gradually adapted to west

45、ern influence.51 Who played the main role in cinemas worldwide exploitation and led the artistic development?52 How did the Americans achieve a dominant position on the world market by the start of the First World War?53 During which time did the avant-garde film first achieve commercial success?54

46、Which countries were the most important countries that developed and maintained distinctive national cinemas in the silent period?55 Why Hollywood can dominate over present or future competition?55 Businesses Thrive on TransparencyStakeholders scrutinize business activity.Corporate transparency is c

47、hanging the face of business. Consumers are now armed with new tools to uncover information about business firms on matters important to them. Corporations have no choice but to rethink their values and behaviors.Several factors drive this trend.The success of market economies and globalization: As

48、market capitalism grows globally, the competitive success of firms and nations depends on genuine performance.The rise of knowledge work and business webs that depend on openness and candor regarding business and production matters, as opposed to firms knowledge, which remains in employees brains an

49、d resources.The spread of communications technology, especially the Internet, which challenges traditional business hierarchies by making information pervasive, immediate, and impossible to control.Demographics and the rise of the Net Generation: Young people today are more aware of the world around them and have a stronger sense of civil values than previous generations, mostly through technologies like the Internet.


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