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1、大学英语三级(A 级)模拟试卷 299(无答案)Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should dec

2、ide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.(A)How Richard traveled.(B) Where Richard went.(C) When Richard will go.(D)How much Richard spent.Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After

3、each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.(A)Some fruit.(B) Two tapes.(C) A few pieces of paper.(D)A piece of furniture.(A

4、)He wanted to see the woman.(B) He had an appointment with Ms. Brown.(C) He came to book a mom.(D)He hoped to order some goods.Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passag

5、e will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 4 How are American farms operated today?They are operated _.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding

6、 on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D.5 John is a good student, _ his best subject.(A)as English(B) English is(C) English being(D)being English6 Only a student or two _ to clean the classroom after school.(A)are needed(B) need(C) is needed(D)needs7 Mr. Brow

7、n did not tell us _ or not hell be leaving next week.(A)whether(B) if(C) either(D)weather8 I saw Mr. White _ for the bus at the bus station just now.(A)to waiting(B) waiting(C) to wait(D)waited9 If _ in the fridge, the fruit can remain fresh for more than a week.(A)kept(B) keeping(C) be kept(D)to ke

8、ep10 In the advanced course, students must take objective tests _ monthly intervals.(A)with(B) on(C) for(D)at11 She was glad _ for her well-done housework several times.(A)praised(B) to be praised(C) to praise(D)to have been praised12 The teacher, as well as a number of students, _ asked to attend t

9、he party.(A)were(B) was(C) be(D)was to13 Either you or Lin Ming _ supposed to do the job.(A)are(B) be(C) being(D)is14 You _the dictionary to Tom yesterday, he needed them awfully.(A)must return(B) should have returned(C) ought to return(D)can have returnedSection BDirections: There are 10 incomplete

10、 statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.15 Having (damage) _ during the earthquake of 1906, this bridge has never been used again.16 John and Mary had a (understand)_, but they have made up now.17 It was very (consider) _ of you to send

11、me a birthday card.18 You have made my life so (misery) _ that I cannot put up with you anymore.19 He is an (energy) _ boy. He enjoys sports.20 I would have remained in (ignore) _ if Mathew hadnt explained it to me.21 I first consider (telephone) _ him, but then I decided to go and to speak to him i

12、n person.22 I would rather he _ (buy) the house next year.23 The store has a special department to handle customer_(complain).24 The population of many big cities _ (double) in the past three years.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished stateme

13、nts, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.25 English is the official language of the United Kingdom and is the first language of the vast majority of its citizens. The use of language is extremely importa

14、nt to Britains. class structure. Some educated English people, regardless of their class origin, Strive to free themselves of regional or local accents in order to sound like educated English-speaking people. Some people in England regard regional accents and slang as substandard. On the other hand,

15、 many local people, such as Cockneys in East London and people in northern England, enjoy their particular way of speaking, regarding it as warmer and friendlier than standard English.Scottish people appreciate the Scottish accent so much they insist the BBC carry programs with Scottish-accented spe

16、akers. The Celtic language, an ancient tongue, continues to be spoken in Scotland by some people, usually those in the more remote areas of the country. Approximately 80,000 Scots speak Scottish Gaelic, a type of Celtic language. English is the main language in Northern Ireland, although at least so

17、me of the Roman Catholic minority speak Irish, another Gaelic dialect, as a second language. The ancient Celtic language of Wales is strongly tied to the cultural nationalism of the region. At the time of the 1991 census(人口调查), about 20 percent of the Welsh population could speak Welsh. Welsh is spo

18、ken in northern and western Wales much more than in southern Wales, where many English people have relocated. Many schools in Wales offer bilingual education, and there is a Welsh-language television channel. In 1993, after long and considerable struggle by Welsh nationalists, the government made We

19、lsh a joint official language with English in Wales for use in the courts, the civil service, and other aspects of the government department. 25 According to the passage, which of the following sentence is NOT true?(A)English is the official language of the United Kingdom.(B) English is spoken by th

20、e vast majority of world citizens.(C) The use of language is extremely important to Britains class structure.(D)Some educated English people, regardless of their class origin, strive to free themselves of regional or local accents in order to sound like educated English-speaking people.26 “Some peop

21、le in England regard regional accents and slang as substandard.“ “substandard“ means_.(A)not as good as the average(B) low standard(C) low social status(D)acceptable27 Scottish people appreciate the Scottish accent so much they insist _.(A)the BBC carry programs with Scottish(B) the BBC carry progra

22、ms with Scottish speakers(C) the BBC carry programs with non-Scottish-accented speakers(D)the BBC carry programs with speakers whose pronunciation is Scottish dialect28 At the time of the 1991. if the Welsh is 10 million, how many welsh population could speak Welsh?(A)10 million.(B) 1 million(C) 2 m

23、illion.(D)0.2 million.29 What does “bilingual education“ (Para 3) probably mean?(A)Many schools in Wales offer education in English and French.(B) Many schools in Wales offer education in English and Scottish.(C) Many schools in Wales offer education in English and Welsh.(D)Many schools in Wales off

24、er education in English and Irish.Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.29 Fairway Kenwood is a quality Private Hire Car Service company. The company has a long and established service history with over a quarter of a c

25、entury of experience in private car hire, catering(满足需要) for clients transport requirements.All our drivers and vehicles are licensed by the Public Carriage Office. All our vehicles are fitted with most up-to-date computer systems. We provide transportation 24hours a day, 7 days a week. We accept al

26、l credit card bookings. We undertake long distance journeys and will be happy to give you a quote(报价) on request.When you call, our sales representatives are ready and waiting to assist with your transport requirements. They can provide full information on the companys operation and how our service

27、fits into your requirements and can help you during your visit to London.Our professional sales team can offer suggestions on how perhaps you can save money on travel while you are in London. Sightseeing and shopping trips can be arranged with very competitive prices.We offer a number of special ser

28、vices for buses and private use:Wedding Service, for those special occasions; Guided tour, executive tours of london famous locations; VIP Service, for that additional Extua service.This service is available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week and 365 days of the year.30 Fairway Kenwood is a company that_.(A)

29、has a history of nearly a century(B) sells various vehicles to clients(C) provides private car hire service(D)enjoys a good name in the car industry31 The companys vehicles are equipped with_.(A)up-to-date video players(B) the latest computer systems(C) a new model of card reader(D)an automatic quot

30、ing machine32 From the passage, we know that you can contact the sales representatives by(A)fax(B) email(C) telephone(D)personal visit33 The professional sales team of the company can help clients to_.(A)save money while eating in London(B) do sightseeing at a lower price(C) get free special private

31、 services(D)enjoy free shopping trips34 Which of the following special services is provided by the company?(A)Wedding Service.(B) Booking hotels in London.(C) Travelling around the world.(D)Discounts for frequent travelers. Task 3Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are requ

32、ired to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks.35 South Koreas current account deficit (赤字) reached all-time high of 8.82 billion in 1995, nearly double that of the previous year, partly because of an

33、 increase in imports, the Bank of Korea said on Thursday.In 1995, exports rose 30 percent from the previous year, to 125 billion, on an increase in overseas sales of heavy industrial, technology and chemical products.Semiconductor (半导体) exports in 1995 rose 70 percent from 1944, to 22.1 billion, and

34、 automotive exports rose by 57.5 percent, to 9.1 billion. Exports of light industrial products rose only 14 percent during the same period.But imports went up 32 percent, to 135.1 billion, mainly because of an increase in the purchases of capital goods (生产资料), raw materials and consumer goods.Import

35、s of machines and other capital goods rose 32 percent as South Korean corporations expanded capacity. Imports of raw materials went up 33 percent because of an increase in oil imports.An increase in imports partly resulted in (46) .Imports of machines and other capital goods increased by (47) .Impor

36、ts of raw materials increased by (48) .Imports of machines and other capital goods increased because (49) .Imports of raw materials went up primarily because of (50) .Task 4Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in

37、 Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55.40 Ataxation systemBtaxationCfiscal chargesDpr0gressive taxationEgraduated taxFvalue added taxGincome taxHland taxIexcise taxJbasis of assessmentKtaxable incomeLtaxpayerMtax collectorNgro

38、ss incomeOgross profitPnet incomeQaverage incomeRnational income40 ( )特许权税 ( )总利润41 ( )所得税 ( )纯收益42 ( )国民收入 ( )纳税人43 ( )累进税 ( )税制44 ( )财务税收 ( )增值税Task 5Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following t

39、hem. 45 ABC Co. Ltd.Gentlemen,We are sure that you would be interested in the new “Changling“ Vacuum Cleaner which is to be placed on the market soon. Most of the good points of the earlier types have been incorporated into this machine which possesses, besides, several novel features which have bee

40、n perfected by years of scientific research.You will find that a special mechanical device enables it to run on slightly more than half the current required by machines of equal capability. Further, most of the working parts are readily interchangeable and, in the event of their being damaged, they

41、are thus easy to replace.The special advantages it offers will make it a quick-selling line, and we are also ready to cooperate with you, by launching a national advertising campaign. Moreover, we are ready to assist to the extent of half the cost of any local advertising.Bearing in mind the rapid t

42、urnover which is likely to result, you will agree that the 5 per cent commission we are prepared to offer you is extremely generous.You will find enclosed instructions describing this vacuum cleaner and we look forward to your agreeing to handle our product as the sole agent in your district.Yours f

43、aithfully,(Signature)XYZ Industrial Company LTD45 What is the purpose of this letter?To ask ABC Co. Ltd., whether they would like to act _.46 In what way is the new type of vacuum cleaner better than the old types?It has _.47 Compared with the old types, what advantage does the new machine have in p

44、ower consumption?It can save _ of the current of it.48 How does XYZ Company suggest cooperating with ABC Company?They offer to _.49 What benefit will ABC Company get if they agree to promote the sale?It will get _.50 Small moments sometimes last a very long time. And a few wordsthough they mean litt

45、le at the time to the people who say themcan have enormous power.(A)落花有意,流水无情。(B)有些瞬间虽然倏忽即逝,却常常令人久久不能忘怀。同样,有些话虽然对说的人来说算不了什么,但是对听的人来说却具有深远的影响。(C)小的片刻有时持续很长时间。而且很少的几个字在当时对于说这些字的人而言没有什么,最终能有很大的力量。(D)有些瞬间能持续久远。有些只言片语却意义非凡。51 In this experiment,they were wakened several times during the night and asked t

46、o report what they have just been dreaming.(A)在这项实验中,他们在晚上几次被叫醒,被要求汇报他们刚才正在做什么样的梦。(B)在这个实验中,他们在夜里几次被叫醒,要求讲出他们刚才梦见的是什么。(C)在这次实验中,他们几次被叫醒,要求讲出他们在晚上梦见的是什么。(D)在这个实验中,他们一晚上醒了好几次,相互询问梦见了些什么。52 The opening policy made it possible for some people to be rich before others.(A)政策的开放使得一些人可能富裕起来。(B)政策开放了,一些人就有可能

47、比以前富有了。(C)开放政策使一些人可能比其他人富有。(D)开放政策使一些人先富裕起来。53 Some people insist on finding fault with the results of other peoples work,without ever making a constructive contribution to their efforts.(A)有些人对别人的工作成果只会挑毛病,却从未提出过什么建设性的意见。(B)有些人只会对别人的工作成果百般挑剔,自己却从未有任何建树。(C)有些人坚持认为,对别人的工作成果就应多挑刺,因为他们的努力没有任何建设性的贡献。(D)

48、有些人只会对别人的工作成果求全责备,从未做出任何建设性的贡献和努力。54 First, you must determine if you are eligible to use a flex-time schedule. The flex-time system is designed for those employees whose jobs do not require them to answer telephones or to be available to the public between the hours of 8: 00 A.M. and 5: 00 P.M. In

49、addition, an employee must receive written permission from his or her department manager.一、Part V Writing (25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information.55 Jim Green 于 2006 年 1 月 15 日早上乘坐 108 次快车从深圳到北京,托运一个皮箱,但去取行李时,皮箱丢了,托运牌号为 100859,

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