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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 1008(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Is It Necessary to Continue Military Training for Freshmen? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1目前,各高校均对大一新生进行军训2有人赞成,有人反对3我的观点Is It Necessa

2、ry to Continue Military Training for Freshmen?二、Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement a

3、grees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.1 Googles Google problemGoogle is killing Google Reader. Use of Google Reader, a tool, by the way, for readin

4、g online content via RSS was concentrated among a small group of relatively intense users. As it happens, that small group includes quite a lot of people who write for or as part of their living. And so Google Reader has been mourned over, angrily at times, a bit more than the many other Google serv

5、ices that have come and gone.It isnt that hard to imagine what Google was thinking when it made this decision. Its a big company, but even big companies have finite resources, and devoting those precious resources to something that isnt making money and isnt judged to have much in the way of develop

6、ment potential is not an attractive option. Dropping Reader isnt going to hurt the companys business.Yet this little contretemps(令人尴尬的事)may suggest bigger trouble ahead for Google and big changes for the internet. One immediate effect is relatively easy to anticipate. John Hempton makes a nice point

7、 here: Google is in the process of abandoning its mission. Googles stated mission is to organize all the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful. Google no longer cares. It seems what they care about is mass-markets.Google has asked us to build our lives around it: to use it

8、s e-mail system, its search engines, its maps, its calendars, its cloud-based apps and storage services, its video- and photo-hosting services, and on and on and on. Google wants us to use its services in ways that provide it with interesting and valuable information, and eyeballs. If a particular G

9、oogle experiment isnt cutting it in that category, then Google may feel justified in axing it.But that makes it increasingly difficult for Google to have success with new services. Why commit to using and coming to rely on something new if it might be pulled away at some future date? This is especia

10、lly problematic for “ social“ apps that rely on network effects. Even a bad social service may thrive if it obtains a critical mass. Yanking away services beloved by early adopters almost guarantees that critical masses cant be obtained: not, at any rate, without the provision of an incentive or com

11、mitment mechanism to protect the would-be users from the risk of losing a vital service.There may be bigger implications still, however. As I said, Google has asked us to build our lives around it, and we have responded. This response entails(势必导致)a powerful self-reinforcement mechanism: both provid

12、ers and users of information and other services change their behaviour as a result of the availability of a Google product. You can see this on a small scale with Reader. People design their websites and content based on the assumption that others, via an RSS reader, will come across and read that c

13、ontent in a certain way. And readers structure their reading habits, and ultimately their mental models of what information is available and where, based on the existence of this tool. If you then pull away the product at the heart of that system, you end up causing significant disruption(混乱), assum

14、ing there arent good alternatives available.The issue becomes a bit more obvious when you think about something like search. Many of us now operate under the assumption that if we want to find something we will be able to do so quickly and easily via Google search. If I want an idea for a unique gif

15、t for someone, I can put in related search terms and feel pretty confident that Ill get back store websites and blogs and Pinterest pages and newspaper stories and pictures all providing possible matches.If Im a researcher, I know I can quickly find relevant academic papers, data, newspaper accounts

16、, expert analysis, and who knows what else related to an enormous range of topics. Once we all become comfortable with that state of affairs we quickly begin optimising(优化)the physical and digital resources around us. And once we all become comfortable with that, we begin rearranging our mental arch

17、itecture. We stop memorising key data points and start learning how to ask the right questions. We begin to think differently. We stop keeping a mental model of the physical geography of the world around us, because why bother? We can call up an incredibly detailed and accurate map of the world, com

18、plete with satellite and street-level images, whenever we want. The bottom line is that the more we all participate in this world, the more we come to depend on it.What Google has actually done is create a powerful infrastructure(基础设施). The shape of that infrastructure influences everything that goe

19、s online. And it influences the allocation of mental resources of everyone who interacts with the online world. But there isnt much to the real human world that isnt shaped by the mental activity of the people in it!Thats a lot of power to put in the hands of a company that now seems interested, mos

20、tly, in identifying core mass-market services it can use to maximise its return on investment. Now in the short run, that may mostly be a problem for all of us. To the extent that we become worried about this phenomenon, we may go out and find back-up services or other alternatives. This will be les

21、s convenient and more costly, in terms of time and money, but those sufficiently foresighted(预见的)might feel its a better option than opening up gmail one day to read that the email service, and the 10-years worth of communication it holds, will soon be gone.But in the long run thats a problem for Go

22、ogle. Because we tend not to entrust(委托)this sort of critical public infrastructure to the private sector. Network externalities are all fine and good to ignore so long as they mainly apply to the sharing of news and pictures from a weekend trip with college friends. Once they concern large amount o

23、f economic output and the cognitive activity of millions of people, it is difficult to keep the government out. Maybe that obstacle will be sufficient to keep Google providing its most heavily used products. But maybe not.I find myself thinking again of the brave new world of the industrial city, wh

24、en new patterns of interaction led to enormous changes in economic activity, in culture and personal behaviour, and in the way we think. We upgraded ourselves, in terms of education and social norms, to maximise the return to urban life. I think we, meaning users of the web and the companies that pr

25、ovide its blood and bones, are only beginning to deal with the implications of a world awash(充斥的 )in information.2 Google decided to shut down Google Reader because_.(A)it took up too much resources(B) it hurt the companys business(C) it was not profitable and promising(D)it was unattractive to some

26、 people3 According to John Hempton, now Google seems to concern more about_.(A)changes for the internet(B) organizing the worlds information(C) mass-markets(D)improving its e-mail system4 What will Google do if a service cannot offer interesting and valuable information and eyeballs?(A)It will ask u

27、s to build our lives around the service.(B) It will make big changes in the offering for the internet.(C) It will quit its mission of organizing the worlds information.(D)It will think it is right to close down the service.5 A bad social service may become successful provided_.(A)it gets a critical

28、mass(B) it has network effects(C) it bases on an incentive mechanism(D)it protects the would-be users6 What caused the behaviour of the providers and users of information and other services changed?(A)The design of Google website.(B) The availability of a Google product.(C) The assumption the inform

29、ation providers based on.(D)The alternatives provided by other companies.7 What will people do once they become comfortable with the optimized resources?(A)Participate more in the digital world.(B) Rely on expert analysis confidently.(C) Change their mental architecture.(D)Stop to keep a mental and

30、physical model.8 What kind of thing can be influenced by the infrastructure created by Google?(A)Everything on the internet.(B) Everything in digital form.(C) Everything concerning market.(D)Everything related to mental resources.9 Now Google is interested in the core mass-market services with which

31、 it can maximise its_.10 People are not inclined to make_ responsible for critical public infrastructure.11 The big changes in economic activity, culture, personal conduct and thinking method were resulted from_.Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long con

32、versations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which i

33、s the best answer.(A)She has already seen the film.(B) The film is very good.(C) She is interested in seeing the film.(D)Most of her classmates think the film is good.(A)She would swim with the man.(B) Shes got a pain on her leg.(C) She doesnt want to have a rest.(D)Shed better not go swimming.(A)He

34、 is asking his teacher for help.(B) He has never done an experiment.(C) He will help the woman with her term paper.(D)He will not spare the woman a few more days.(A)She called the police.(B) She got a sound sleep.(C) She attended a ball.(D)She didnt sleep at all.(A)Renting an apartment for their tri

35、p.(B) Reserving a room in a hotel.(C) Building a house on the shore.(D)Choosing a room in a building.(A)The program is satisfactory.(B) The program is disappointing.(C) The program is cancelled.(D)The program is better than expected.(A)She is not easy to get on with.(B) She is more beautiful than ot

36、her girls.(C) She is very kind and helpful.(D)She is not beautiful at all.(A)The psychological test was difficult for most students.(B) The woman has failed the psychological test.(C) The woman has got a much better grade than her classmates.(D)Most of the students have already failed the psychologi

37、cal test.(A)It is reserved for someone else.(B) It has been checked out by others.(C) The library doesnt have this book.(D)He is not qualified to borrow it.(A)Because she needs notice him when the book is available.(B) Because it is the registration requirement of the library.(C) Because the library

38、 provides home delivery service for him.(D)Because it is effective to remind readers of returning books in time.(A)It will be available next week.(B) It will be returned within a month.(C) It is booked at the present time.(D)It can be reserved after a month.(A)Poor sleep at night(B) Lack of exercise

39、.(C) Being overweight.(D)Eating too much chocolate.(A)Having a healthy diet.(B) Eating no meat.(C) Eating food with high fiber.(D)Taking exercises.(A)To eat more vegetables.(B) To eat less sweet food.(C) To eat food in low fat.(D)To eat nutritious foods.(A)Eat them less.(B) Eat chocolates only.(C) E

40、at sweet dairy instead.(D)Eat no more hamburgers.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer fro

41、m the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)The manner and ability to grasp main idea.(B) The speed and efficiency of reading.(C) The type and intentions of reading.(D)The pace and step of reading.(A)Read fast.(B) Proceed more slowly.(C) Re-read several times.(D)Take in the whole.(A)The spelling and

42、meaning of words.(B) The general meaning of the text.(C) The exact shape and order of letters.(D)The details of the text.(A)Most people can bear the losing of their wallets but not cell phones.(B) Most people admit mobile phones are the “remote control“ for life.(C) Most people must live with their

43、mobile phones.(D)Most people owned more than one mobile phone.(A)They are afraid of missing their phone.(B) They fear to miss something.(C) They feel scared without the phone on.(D)They feel depressed by missing something.(A)They have brought in the new way of communication.(B) They have explored mo

44、re chances to communicate.(C) They have strengthened the relationship between people.(D)They have altered the character of relationships.(A)Choose to be positive.(B) Try our best to overcome.(C) Make some decisive strategies.(D)Get our ambition inspired.(A)By developing a proper character.(B) By exp

45、eriencing hardship.(C) By getting inspired by great people.(D)By doing writing to criticize oneself.(A)A leader.(B) An inspiration.(C) A teacher.(D)An example.(A)They write their biographies for us to read.(B) They make themselves to be heroes.(C) They persuade us to face the impossible things.(D)Th

46、ey show us their experiences to overcome the difficulties.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill i

47、n the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Just because youre the boss, doesnt mean

48、you are right every time. It doesnt mean you have the best ideas. Learn to back up your ideas or decisions with reason. Use【B1】_to explain things, not authority. By doing this your decisions might invite【B2】_, but you will also get an opportunity to improve. My friends boss made a huge mistake by【B3

49、】_up with an event management company. The wrhole purpose of the tie-up was to【B4 】_his company but it failed miserably. Instead of【B5】_his idea and carrying on as if nothing happened, he【B6】_to the team for not including them in the decision-making. Its OK to admit you were wrong. You will gain the【B7 】_of your team mates, and you will also gain trust.Remember the time when you worked really hard but got nothing in return. Not even a thank you. It hurts w


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