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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 40(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My First Impression of College. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the Outline given below in Chinese:1这是我在大学的第二天2大学生活与中学生活有何不同3我理想中的大学生活应是My

2、First Impression of College二、Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the info

3、rmation given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.2 Absenteeism in Nursing: A Longitudinal StudyAbsence from work is a costly and disruptive problem for any organization. The cos

4、t of absenteeism in Australia has been put at 1.8 million hours per day or $1400 million annually. The study reported here was conducted in the Prince William Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, where, prior to this time, few active steps had been taken to measure, understand or manage the occurrence o

5、f absenteeism.Nursing AbsenteeismA prevalent(普遍的)attitude amongst many nurses in the group selected for study was that there was no reward or recognition for not utilizing the paid sick leave entitlement allowed them in their employment conditions. Therefore, they believed they may as well take the

6、days off sick or otherwise. Similar attitudes have been noted by James(1989), who noted that sick leave is seen by many workers as a right, like annual holiday leave.Miller and Norton(1986), in their survey of 865 nursing personnel, found that 73 percent felt they should be rewarded for not taking s

7、ick leave, because some employees always used their sick leave. Further, 67 percent of nurses felt that administration was not sympathetic to the problems shift work causes to employees personal and social lives. Only 53 percent of the respondents felt that every effort was made to schedule staff fa

8、irly.In another longitudinal study of nurses working in two Canadian hospitals, Hackett, Bycio and Guion(1989) examined the reasons why nurses took absence from work. The most frequent reason stated for absence was minor illness to self. Other causes, in decreasing order of frequency, were illness i

9、n family, family social function, work to do at home and bereavement.MethodIn an attempt to reduce the level of absenteeism amongst the 250 registered and enrolled nurses in the present study, the Prince William management introduced three different, yet potentially complementary, strategies over 18

10、 months.Strategy 1: Non-financial incentives(刺激)Within the established wage and salary system it was not possible to use hospital funds to support this strategy. However, it was possible to secure incentives from local businesses, including free passes to entertainment parks, theatres, restaurants,

11、etc. At the end of each roster period, the ward(病房) with the lowest absence rate would win the prize.Strategy 2: Flexible fair rosteringWhere possible, staff were given the opportunity to determine their working schedule within the limits of clinical needs.Strategy 3: Individual absenteeism and coun

12、selingEach month, managers would analyze the pattern of absence of staff with excessive sick leave(greater than ten days per year for full-time employees). Characteristic patterns of potential voluntary absenteeism such as absence before and after days off, excessive weekend and night duty absence a

13、nd multiple single days off were communicated to all ward nurses and then, as necessary, followed up by action.ResultsAbsence rates for the six months prior to the incentive scheme ranged from 3.69 percent to 4.32 per cent. In the following six months they ranged between 2.87 percent and 3.96 per ce

14、nt. This represents a 20 percent improvement. However, analyzing the absence rates on a year-to-year basis, the overall absence rate was 3.60 percent in the first year and 3.43 percent in the following year. This represents a 5 percent decrease from the first to the second year of the study. A signi

15、ficant decrease in absence over the two-year period could not be demonstrated.DiscussionThe non-financial incentive scheme did appear to assist in controlling absenteeism in the short term. As the scheme progressed it became harder to secure prizes and this contributed to the programs losing momentu

16、m and finally ceasing. There were mixed results across wards as well. For example, in wards with staff members who had long-term genuine illness, there was little chance of winning, and to some extent the staff on those wards were disempowered. Our experience would suggest that the long-term effects

17、 of incentive awards on absenteeism are questionable.Over the time of the study, staff were given a larger degree of control in their rosters. This led to significant improvements in communication between managers and staff. A similar effect was found from the implementation of the third strategy. M

18、any of the nurses had not realized the impact their behavior was having on the organization and their colleagues but there were also staff members who felt that talking to them about their absenteeism was picking on them and this usually had a negative effect on management-employee relationships.Con

19、clusionAlthough there has been some decrease in absence rates, no single strategy or combination of strategies has had a significant impact on absenteeism per se(本身). Notwithstanding the disappointing results, it is our contention(论点)that the strategies were not in vain. A shared ownership of absent

20、eeism and a collaborative approach to problem solving has facilitated and improved cooperation and communication between management and staff. It is our belief that this improvement alone, while not tangibly measurable, has increased the ability of management to manage the effects of absenteeism mor

21、e effectively since this study.2 The Prince William Hospital has been trying to reduce absenteeism amongst nurses for many years.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG3 Nurses in the Prince William Hospital study believed that there were benefits in taking as little sick leave as possible.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG4 Just over half t

22、he nurses in the 1986 study believed that management understood the effects that shift work had on them.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG5 The Canadian study found that illness in the family was a greater cause of absenteeism than work to do at home.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG6 To reduce nursing absenteeism by incentives, the Pr

23、ince William Hospital had no choice but to get supporty only from local businesses.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG7 The study at the Prince William Hospital aimed to find out the causes of absenteeism amongst 250 nurses.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG8 The study at the Prince William Hospital involved changes in management practic

24、es.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG9 In the first strategy, wards with the lowest absenteeism in different period would win prizes donated by _.10 In the second strategy, staff were given more control over their _.11 Before Strategy 1 was applied, the absence rate varied from _.Section ADirections: In this section,

25、you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the fou

26、r choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.(A)He does not like it.(B) He has a toothache.(C) He wants to save it.(D)He has trouble eating.(A)To a museum.(B) To a wedding.(C) To a meeting.(D)To a concert.(A)He thought it was terrible.(B) He thought the actors were boring.(C)

27、He thought it was a success.(D)He thought it was funny.(A)Glean up her room.(B) Get her report back.(C) Not worry about her raincoat(D)Not wait for him.(A)Watching TV.(B) Listening to the radio.(C) Swimming the channel.(D)Waiting for someone.(A)Her car was damaged.(B) She almost collided with a scho

28、ol bus.(C) The speed was too fast.(D)She couldnt stop the bus.(A)To follow the committees ideas.(B) To make decisions with the committee.(C) To run the committee according to his own ideas.(D)To elect the committee chairman himself.(A)The bus is less expensive than the train.(B) The train is faster

29、than the bus.(C) The train is cheaper than the bus.(D)The bus is slower than the train.(A)Because she wants to withdraw some money.(B) Because the bank is only five minutes walk.(C) Because the bank is near the local shopping center.(D)Because she had an Allied Irish Bank pass card.(A)Its about five

30、 minutes walk.(B) its about one hundred meters.(C) Its about 10 minutes walk.(D)We dont know.(A)The woman doesnt know the way because she is a stranger to this city.(B) Before she reaches her destination, she should pass the traffic lights.(C) If she follows the right way she will see a shopping cen

31、tre to her right.(D)On the way to her destination the woman will walk across two roads.(A)He wants to play basketball with friends from work.(B) He wants to try out for the company baseball team.(C) He wants to get in shape and compete in a cycling race.(D)He wants to lose weight by taking fitness e

32、xercises.(A)She cared much for her husbands gaining weight.(B) She is concerned about her husbands health.(C) She is afraid her husband will become a fitness freak.(D)She is worried her husband will spend too much time away from home.(A)Her husband should see a doctor.(B) Her husband needs to visit

33、a fitness trainer.(C) Her husband should start with a light workout.(D)Her husband should go cycling every day.(A)It is advantageous to the brains.(B) It helps strengthen the heart.(C) It is good for improving muscle tone.(D)It helps develop mental toughness.Section BDirections: In this section, you

34、 will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)Very hot place.(B) Very dry place.(C) Very cold

35、 place.(D)Very humid place.(A)Religion.(B) Weather.(C) Residential area.(D)Nationality.(A)Once.(B) Two times.(C) Three times.(D)Several times.(A)The earth cannot last forever, if we do not take care of it.(B) Hunters are destructing the wildlife.(C) Nuclear power is increasingly used to generate ele

36、ctricity.(D)Nuclear waste kills many seals.(A)The dangers of attacking each kind of wildlife.(B) The dangers of polluting the environment.(C) The dangers of starting a war.(D)The dangers of using too much nuclear power.(A)Because of nuclear waste.(B) Because of the war.(C) Because of environment pol

37、lution.(D)Because of hunters continuing whaling.(A)One.(B) Two.(C) Three.(D)Four.(A)To move muscles.(B) To early different messages.(C) To protect the nerves.(D)To control nerve cells.(A)A writer.(B) A lecturer.(C) A scientist.(D)A doctor.(A)The function of brain.(B) The function of nerve cells.(C)

38、The five senses.(D)The chemical processes.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks num

39、bered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 Who will run into the new year first? Could you test your

40、 【B1】_ by trying these questions?An island in the Pacific Ocean 【B2】_ the New Millennium first. One hour later, New Zealand become the first 【B3】_ nation to enter the new 【B4】 _.In China, President Jiang lit a fire to 【B5】_ thousands of years of Chinese 【B6】 _. The 【B7】_ Chinese New year begins in F

41、ebruary.Kussia covering two 【B8 】_ will have the worlds longest New Year celebrations. 【B9】_.The US officials are increasing security as the nation prepares for New Years celebrations. 【B10】_. President Clinton 【B11】_. Officials in California are increasing security after someone stole ninety kilogr

42、ams of explosives.37 【B1 】38 【B2 】39 【B3 】40 【B4 】41 【B5 】42 【B6 】43 【B7 】44 【B8 】45 【B9 】46 【B10 】47 【B11 】Section ADirections: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in th

43、e fewest possible words.48 Teaching is a highly-complex occupation. It has been described in terms of very different types of roles. For example, teachers manage time, material, knowledge and students. They are expert communicators with their students as well as parents and other adults within the s

44、chool. They are decision-makers, making numerous decisions in one class period.In their basic role as instructors, teachers have a number of methods for involving their students in the content of the curriculum. Excluding lab periods, approximately 90% of college teaching is lecture technique. The f

45、igure is much lower at the secondary level, and lower still in primary school classrooms. Secondary school teachers usually rely on seatwork, during which students work at their desks on a task, and teachers circulate to answer questions or sit at their own desks and correct the seatwork. Many teach

46、ers in secondary classes use discussions to stimulate their students interests, too, and to evaluate their grasp of the material. Discussions go beyond the usual question-and-answer sequences that accompany lectures, because they are meant to help students extend their knowledge through higher-level

47、 thinking.Grouping of students within the classroom occurs primarily at the elementary level. This organizational arrangement places students together in two or more groups in the classroom to improve the learning conditions for those students. Grouping in reading places students of the same achieve

48、ment level together to enable the teacher to more easily work with them. Grouping, however, is becoming more popular in other subjects, and for other purposes. Cooperative learning groups, for example, place students of different abilities ill the same group, and the students within that group help

49、each other on assignments. These programs have been shown to be effective in raising students achievement as well as improving their social skills and attitudes toward one another.48 Teaching is a highly-complex occupation because teachers take on _.49 When secondary school students are doing seatwork, teachers usually answer questions or sit at their own desks and _.50 In secondary school classes, discussions are different f


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