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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 687(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Grammar or Communication. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1英语教学中出现了重交际轻语法的现象2这一现象发生的原因及其后果3我的看法Grammar or Communication二、Part II Reading C

2、omprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the

3、 statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.1 The Art of Public SpeakingIf you were to tape-record one of David Lettermans comedy routines, memorize it word for word, and stand up before your friends to recite it, woul

4、d you get the same response Letterman does? Not very likely. And why not? Because you would not deliver the jokes as Letterman does. Of course, the jokes are basically funny. But David Letterman brings something extra to the jokeshis manner of presentation, his vocal inflections, his perfectly timed

5、 pauses, his facial expressions and his gestures. All these are part of an expert delivery.No one expects your speech class to transform you into a multimillion-dollar talk show host. Still, this example demonstrates how important delivery can be to any public speaking situation. Even a common speec

6、h will be more effective if it is presented well, whereas a wonderfully written speech can be ruined by poor delivery.This does not mean dazzling delivery will turn a mindless string of nonsense into a triumphant oration (演讲). You can not make a good speech without having something to say. But havin

7、g something to say is not enough. You must also know how to say it. What Is Good Delivery?Good delivery does not call attention to itself. It conveys the speakers ideas clearly, interestingly, and without distracting the audience. If you mumble (含糊地说) your words, gaze out the window, or talk in a du

8、ll tone, you will not get your message across. Nor will you be effective if you show off, strike a dramatic pose, or shout in ringing tones. Most audiences prefer delivery that combines a certain degree of formality with the best attributes of good conversationdirectness, facial expressiveness, and

9、a lively sense of communication.Speech delivery is an art, not a science. What works for one speaker may fail for another. And what succeeds with todays audience may not with tomorrows. You can not become a skilled speaker just by following a set of rules in a textbook. In the long run, there is no

10、substitute for experience. But take heart! A textbook can give you basic pointers to get you started in the right direction. Methods of DeliveryThere are four basic methods of delivering a speech:(1) reading from a manuscriptCertain speeches must be delivered word for word according to a well-prepar

11、ed manuscript. Examples include an engineers report to a professional meeting, or a presidents message to Congress. Absolute accuracy is essential. Every word of the speech will be analyzed by the press, by colleagues, perhaps by enemies. Timing may also be a factor in manuscript speeches. Much of t

12、odays political campaigning is done on radio and television. If the candidate buys a one-minute spot and pays a great deal of money for it, that one minute of speech must be just right.(2) reciting a memorized textAmong the feats of the legendary orators, none leaves us more in awe than their practi

13、ce of presenting even the longest and most complex speeches entirely from memory. Nowadays it is no longer customary to memorize any but the shortest of speeches, introductions, and the like. If you are giving a speech of this kind and want to memorize it, by all means do so. However, be sure to mem

14、orize it so thoroughly that you will be able to concentrate on communicating with the audience, not on trying to remember the words. Speakers who gaze at the ceiling or stare out the window trying to recall what they have memorized are no better off than those who read dully from a manuscript.(3) sp

15、eaking impromptu (即兴地)An impromptu speech is delivered with little or no immediate preparation. Few people choose to speak impromptu, but sometimes it can not be avoided. In fact, many of the speeches you give in life will be impromptu. You might be called on suddenly to “say a few words“ or, in the

16、 course of a class discussion, business meeting, or committee report, want to respond to a previous speaker.(4) speaking extemporaneously (即席地)In popular usage, “extemporaneous“ means the same as “impromptu“. But technically the two are different. Unlike an impromptu speech, which is totally unexpec

17、ted, an extemporaneous speech is carefully prepared and practiced in advance. In presenting the speech, the extemporaneous speaker uses only a set of brief notes or a speaking outline to jog the memory. The exact wording is chosen at the moment of delivery.This is not as hard as it sounds. Once you

18、have your outline and know what topics you are going to cover and in what order, you can begin to practice the speech. Every time you run through it, the wording will be slightly different. As you practice the speech over and over, the best way to present each part will emerge and stick in your mind

19、. The Speakers VoiceWhatever the characteristics of your voice, you can be sure it is unique. Because no two people are exactly the same physically, no two people have identical voices. This is why voice prints are sometimes used in criminal trials as guides to personal identity. The human voice is

20、produced by a complex series of steps that starts with the exhalation (呼出) of air from the lungs. As air is exhaled, it passes through the larynx (喉) to generate sound. This sound is then made louder and modified as it resonates through the throat, mouth and nose. Finally, the sound is shaped into s

21、pecific sounds by the movement of the tongue, lips, teeth and roof of the mouth. The resulting sounds are combined to form words and sentences. Nonverbal CommunicationPosture, facial expression, gestures and eye contactall affect the way listeners respond to a speaker. How we use these and other bod

22、y motions to communication is the subject of a fascinating area of study called kinesics (举止神态学). Studies have shown that in some situations these signals account for much of the meaning communicated by speakers. Answering Audiences QuestionsThe question-and-answer session is a common part of public

23、 speaking, whether the occasion is a press conference, business presentation, public hearing, or classroom assignment. Depending on the situation, questioning may take place throughout the presentation, or it may be reserved until after the speaker has completed his or her remarks. In either case, a

24、n answer to a question is often the final word an audience hears and is likely to leave a lasting impression. Effective speakers recognize that the question period can be as important as the speech itself.2 From the passage, we learn that David Letterman is_.(A)a famous comedian(B) basically funny(C

25、) of bad manner(D)a speech specialist3 Making a good speech requires the speaker to have something to say and_.(A)turn nonsense into triumph(B) make sure it is long enough(C) know how to say it(D)bear the success in mind4 Though a textbook is important in improving speech delivery, in the long run,

26、_.(A)it can not make the rules for speech(B) it can not take place of experience(C) it can not give the basic pointers(D)it can not take place of speech methods5 Reading from a manuscript is necessary when_.(A)the speech must be delivered word for word(B) the speech is very well-prepared(C) the spee

27、ch is analytical(D)the speech is on radio and television6 What does the author say about reciting a memorized text?(A)It is only customary to memorize the shortest speeches.(B) It should be encouraged though it is not customary today.(C) Speakers should try to remember all the words all the time.(D)

28、It is always better than reading through the manuscript.7 The difference between the impromptu speech and the extemporaneous speech is that_.(A)the impromptu speech can not be avoided(B) people choose to speak extemporaneously(C) impromptu speech is delivered with some preparation(D)extemporaneous s

29、peech is prepared in advance8 What should people do when they have got the outline?(A)Know what topics they are going to cover.(B) Cover the topics in order.(C) Begin to practice the speech.(D)Stick the outline in their mind.9 Voice prints can be used in criminal trials as guides to personal identit

30、y because everybodys voice is_10 In addition to words, the way listeners respond to a speaker can also be affected by_.11 The session that the audience most probably hear at last and leaves the lasting impression is_Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long

31、 conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide whi

32、ch is the best answer.(A)In a bank.(B) In a school.(C) In a lawyers office.(D)In a department store.(A)Stop his car for a drink.(B) Have a rest at once.(C) Drive directly to the hotel.(D)Have a drink in the hotel.(A)The research lab is far away.(B) The research lab is closed.(C) She does not know ho

33、w late the buses run.(D)She does not know the way to the research lab.(A)Go to a meeting for the handicapped.(B) Design a uniform for the meeting.(C) Do some charity in the meeting.(D)Look for a job in the meeting.(A)It is the second time he takes an art history class.(B) Art history books are more

34、expensive than chemistry books.(C) He can lend the woman his art history book.(D)He thinks the woman should take art history.(A)The noise will be gone soon.(B) The man has finished using the printer.(C) The noise does not bother the man.(D)The woman turned off the printer.(A)She has known about the

35、quiz.(B) She knows who started the rumor.(C) She is surprised by what the man said.(D)She is behind in her course work.(A)She should invest in the project.(B) She should invest in the project under sufficient conditions.(C) She shouldnt invest in the project.(D)She should listen to some professional

36、 opinions.(A)Swimming and jogging.(B) Jogging and weight-lifting.(C) Weight-lifting and swimming.(D)Jogging only.(A)She does the jogging every day.(B) She only eats bread in the morning.(C) She goes out jogging in the evening.(D)She often runs with lots of food in the stomach.(A)Set an alarm clock s

37、o that she can get up early in the morning.(B) Read more about jogging before she makes any changes.(C) Go to a fitness center and register for some courses.(D)Find an expert and get some professional opinion.(A)An interpreter works on both spoken and written languages.(B) An interpreter serves as a

38、 medium between people speaking different languages.(C) A translator works on spoken languages without dictionaries.(D)A translator follows people and does the translation.(A)English, French and German.(B) English, German and Italian.(C) English, French and Italian.(D)English, German and Italian.(A)

39、English.(B) French.(C) Italian.(D)German.(A)Being a bilingual.(B) Mastering the languages completely.(C) Having the experience of doing interpreting.(D)Meeting different people.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questi

40、ons. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)To prepare the kids to school.(B) To prepare the kids to succeed.(C) To prepare the kids to love and work.(D)To prepare the kids

41、to be parents.(A)To talk with them supportively.(B) To talk with them seriously.(C) To set a model for them.(D)To be strict with them.(A)To turn to be a single-parent family.(B) To maintain a two-parent family.(C) To teach the kids how to work.(D)To treat the kids with support.(A)It is useful for de

42、veloping professional skills.(B) It helps people develop some communication skills.(C) It helps people develop useful social contacts.(D)It is necessary for an employee to get promoted.(A)Through formal job interviews.(B) Relying on opportunities.(C) Through their family contacts.(D)Through their so

43、cial connections.(A)Most women find new jobs through informal recruitment.(B) Most women find new jobs through formal job search.(C) Work experience is equally important for men and women.(D)Most women are less likely to benefit from work experience.(A)To report on the findings of a study.(B) To giv

44、e information about family problems.(C) To show the relationship between parents and children.(D)To teach parents ways to keep order at the dinner table.(A)Because they are busy serving food to their children.(B) Because they are busy keeping order at the dinner table.(C) Because they have to pay mo

45、re attention to younger children.(D)Because they are tired out having prepared food for the whole family.(A)TV is important to have the right food for children.(B) It is a good idea to have the TV on during dinner.(C) Parents should talk to each of their children frequently.(D)Elder children should

46、help the younger ones at dinner.(A)Parents should pay more attention to middle children.(B) Middle children in the family are usually wiser.(C) Parents should turn the TV on during the dinner time.(D)The parents with small families talk less actively with their children.Section CDirections: In this

47、section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blank

48、s numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 No one likes to make mistakes. But a new study says organizations learn more from their failures than their successes, and keep

49、that knowledge longer. One of the researchers was Vinit Desai, an【B1】_ professor at the University of Colorado Denver Business School. He【B2】_with Peter Madsen from the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University in Utah. They did not find much long-term “【 B3】_learning“ from success. It is possible, they say. But Prof. Desai says they found that knowledge【B4】_from failure lasts for years. He says organizations should【B5 】 _failures as a learning opportunity an

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