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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 749(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Grammar or Communication. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1英语教学中出现了重交际轻语法的现象2这一现象发生的原因及其后果3我的看法Grammar or Communication二、Part II Reading C

2、omprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the

3、 statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.1 Four Dangers to the EuroOperating a single currency is not going to be easy. European economic and monetary union will not function without any difficulties. Indeed, signs

4、of stress have already appeared. And these political, economic and social pressures will almost certainly intensify in the years to come. But EMU (经济贷币联盟) failure is a topic generally avoided in continental Europe. And for good reason the collapse of monetary union would almost certainly slam the Eu

5、ropean Union into political chaos and the world into financial crisis. “It would be almost as bad as a war in Europe,“ says Use Angenentdt, chief economist at BHF Bank in Frankfurt. The optimists contend EMU failure is not possible. They insist that the politicians will in Europe for monetary union

6、be simply too strong to allow it to fail. But they overlook a simple fact: European politicians invented monetary union, and therefore they can destroy it. Some think the chances of EMU disintegration are highest before Euro notes and coins go into circulation Jan. 1, 2002. Others say, no, it would

7、take more time for pressures to reach the explosive levels necessary to burst apart EMU. Whoever is right, here are a few of EMU s weak points.One Size Does Not Fit AllThe prime requirement for EMU (one key interest rate for all 11 nations regardless of divergent economic cycles) is potentially its

8、most dangerous fault line. The European Central Bank has said it will set its key interest rate at a level for average Euroland economic conditions.You don t have to be a chief economist to figure out that the fight key interest rate for the majority of Euroland, expected to grow at just over 2 perc

9、ent next year, will not be right for Ireland, seen growing nearly 7 percent. The only way for Ireland to adjust would be through tough fiscal (财政的) tightening. An even bigger problem will come when most of Euroland is humming along with solid growth, but, say, Ireland and Portugal are sliding into r

10、ecession after their booms have gone bust. The two nations would suffocate under the key interest rate and would not be able to devalue currencies as in the past. Fiscal stimulus also would be tricky because of the treaty that penalized countries who let their deficits(赤字) balloon.Money to BurnAnoth

11、er big fear is that Euroland nations, after years of fiscal penny saving to gain entry into EMU, will now go on wild spending. Some economists maintain that if only one or two nations overspend, peer pressure would quickly force them back to fiscal responsibility. The worst case would, be deficit sp

12、ending by a majority of Euroland nations. And chances of this happening have grown after left-wing electoral victories in Germany and Italy, whose governments are now mare in line with the socialist government of France.Many Germans did not want the Club Mediterranean nations of Italy, Portugal and

13、Spain to be allowed into club Euro. The fear of Italy, with its large economy and history of huge deficits and political instability, was especially intense.Adolf Rosenstock, economist at Nomura International in Frankfurt, thinks Italy could be the first nation to test EMU cohesiveness. “And this te

14、st might come sooner than we think. “, he warns.The Politicians vs. the BankersWhile plenty of fault lines exist between nations, one huge crack is opening up between elected politicians and the bankers at ECB. Bad blood has already arisen between politicians and Euro central bankers. In response to

15、 the politicians demands for rate cuts, central bankers have (in essence) told them to keep quiet and work instead of cutting structural deficits and reforming labor markets. Gabriel Stein, senior international economist at Lombard Street Research in London, says that a tight ECB monetary policy mig

16、ht prompt politicians to turn to deficit spending in order to court the voters. This could tm into a bad cycle, with central bankers revenging by raising rates. “The politician might eventually say, We cant work these guys, “ Stein says. “Yes, the ECB is independent. But ultimate power rests with th

17、e politicians, who could control in an independent ECB with one flick of a revised Maastricht Treaty.“Germany Renounces the FaithPolitical critics often worry about the Club Med nations such as Italy leaving the Eurozones. But it s not incredible that a rich country might choose to leave. Take Germa

18、ny. True, discontent among the German people over EMU would have to be overwhelming to persuade the country s leaders to opt out of the Euro. Being part of the single currency is at the very center of Franco-German efforts to keep the postwar agreement in place after Germanys reunification. However,

19、 remember that Germany is giving up the mighty Deutsche Mark for EMU, and thus, arguably, has the most to lose. if the Euro turns out to be weak and budget deficits excessive, expect the Germans, still haunted by post-and inter-war crises, to start worrying about whether they should ever have joined

20、 EMU in the first place. And coming from the opposite viewpoint, some think Germany, despite its economic power, will find it more difficult to adapt to EMU than the Club Med nations. Per Hviid, deputy chief economist at Den Danske Bank in Copenhagen, says Germany s highly regulated and expensive la

21、bor market, high tax rates and generous spending programs will be trembling hard by EMU. “Of the EMU nations, Germanys economy probably has the most structural problems,“ he says. Either way, Germany is the weather vane (风向标)to watch. And if it starts to swing against the Euro, for whatever mason, e

22、xpect a stoma to follow.2 According to the article, the operation of EMU is going to be increasingly difficult.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG3 Some optimists claim that the future of EMU will be bright because European politicians support it.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG4 The EMU will encounter failure if it does not adopt the

23、suggestions of the European people.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG5 The key interest rate for all eleven nations is set in line with the economic conditions of some less developed ones.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG6 Only through fiscal tightening can Ireland adjust to the one key interest policy.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG7 A majority of Eu

24、roland nations are in deficit due to their wildly excessive spending.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG8 In spite of its large economy and history of huge deficits and political instability, Italy is still welcomed by Germans to become a member of EMU.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG9 A conflict arises between elected politicians and

25、the Euro central bankers with the former part demanding to _.10 “Germany renounces the fait“ means the German people may persuade the government leaders_.11 Though it has a strong economy, it may be more difficult for Germany to _.Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversat

26、ions and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D,

27、 and decide which is the best answer.(A)Two blocks.(B) Five blocks.(C) Three blocks.(D)Four blocks.(A)He suggests that she buy the sweater in another color.(B) He suggests that she buy a jacket instead of the sweater.(C) He suggests that she buy the sweater at its original price.(D)He suggests that

28、she buy the sweater on Friday.(A)It was cleaned.(B) There was a large sale.(C) The employees had to work very late.(D)There was a robbery.(A)Be a bad boy.(B) Eat too fast.(C) Go to a game.(D)Skip his lunch.(A)A salesman.(B) A telephone repairman(C) A plumber.(D)An electrician.(A)She didnt understand

29、 what Eva was saying.(B) Eva should have been more active.(C) Eva didnt seem to be nervous at all during her presentation.(D)Eva needs training in public speaking lessons.(A)Whether to change his job.(B) Asking for a higher salary.(C) Accepting a new secretary.(D)Getting a better position.(A)He coul

30、d help her with the problems.(B) He could go out together with her.(C) She should go out for a while.(D)She should do the problems herself.(A)Food processing.(B) Environmental protection.(C) Shopping habits.(D)Over-packaging problems.(A)They help people save time on housework.(B) They go into the ga

31、rbage heap.(C) They are harmful to the environment.(D)They make products more expensive.(A)Take their bags to the grocery store.(B) Buy things that are over-packaged.(C) Not buy cloth towels.(D)Not throw away their cloth towel.(A)She is Professor Jamisons nephew.(B) She used to do the job herself.(C

32、) She is working for Professor Jamison.(D)She just finished interview for the job.(A)It can be even higher.(B) Its the same as that of post office.(C) Its very good.(D)It varies with the persons experience.(A)He wonders if he has enough time for the job.(B) He is afraid he is not experienced enough.

33、(C) He is afraid that the job may be boring.(D)He thinks Professor Jamison has chosen one.(A)Correcting examination papers.(B) Teaching an economics course.(C) Researching in the library.(D)Grading homework sets.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each

34、 passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)10points.(B) 2 points.(C) 15 points.(D)5 points. (A)They will take one of the six major tests.

35、(B) They will have to write a composition.(C) They will be given a pop test.(D)They will be required to read a short story in class. (A)An essay.(B) A magazine article.(C) A poem.(D)A short story. (A)Priority of students academic achievements.(B) Equal education opportunities to all children.(C) Soc

36、ial equality between teachers and students.(D)Respect for students individuality.(A)Efficient.(B) Complicated.(C) Lengthy.(D)Democratic.(A)To help them acquire hands-on experience.(B) To try to cut down its operational expenses.(C) To provide part-time jobs for needy students.(D)To enable them to le

37、arn to take responsibility.(A)17,000.(B) 1,700.(C) 24.(D)9,000.(A)Its located in a college town.(B) Its composed of a group of old buildings.(C) Its classrooms are beautifully designed.(D)Its library is often crowded with students.(A)Teachers are well paid at Deep Springs.(B) Students are mainly fro

38、m New York State.(C) The length of schooling is two years.(D)Teachers neednt pay for their rent and meals.(A)Take a walk in the desert.(B) Go to a cinema.(C) Watch TV programmes.(D)Attend a party.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for

39、the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing informatio

40、n. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Choosing what to do in life is one of the hardest decisions that a person has to make. Some people choose too early and【B1】_ their choices, while others choose too late and miss the【B2】_ that they had ea

41、rlier. In order to make the correct【B3】_ people must understand themselves and their【B4】_ .Everyone has dreams which they want to make real, but many people try to reach goals which are【B5】_ their grasp. Often taking the time to look at things from a different【B6 】_ will allow one to see other optio

42、ns that were【B7】_ hidden.Some things are very difficult to changeit is hard to change an【B8】_ person into an extroverted person, for example.It takes a large amount of time and larger amount of work. It would be【B9】_ . Also, choose a specialty that fits your talents. If you are good at singing, then

43、 you should consider being a singer. If you do not sing well【B10】_ .Making a good choice is tough but possible if you remember to consider your habits and your personality.【B11】_ .37 【B1 】38 【B2 】39 【B3 】40 【B4 】41 【B5 】42 【B6 】43 【B7 】44 【B8 】45 【B9 】46 【B10 】47 【B11 】Section ADirections: In this s

44、ection, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the correspo

45、nding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.47 The stars are usually actors and actresses. Most people do not even look at the name of the director or producer, except one-Steven Spielberg. When he was a little boy, hi

46、s father【S1】_ him how to use a camera. Later he got his own camera and started to film things like model train【S2】_, stories about monsters and【S3】_ murders. His three younger sisters were always the【S4 】_. Later he made his first film at home at the age of twelve. It was a cowboy film three and a h

47、alf minutes long, and it cost $10 to make. When he was sixteen, he made a【S5】_ film more than two hours long.Making films was his great【S6 】_ - much more fascinating for him than school. Of course, Steven wanted to go to a film school. But his high school grades were not good【S7 】_! So he just went

48、along to the Universal Studios and asked for a job.Spielberg sometimes uses a lot of complicated effects - in the Indiana Jones films, for example. But, like in Duel, he can【S8】_ a fantastic atmosphere even without special effects. E. T. is a【S9】_ because of the feelings and reactions of the childre

49、n. In 1994 he won the most important film prize, the Oscar, for Schindlers List. The secret of Spielbergs success is that the stories in many of his films somehow look as if they could happen to【S10】_ people like you and me.A) bought B) ordinary C) science-fiction D) crashes E) well-known F) success G) enough H) imagineI) hobby J) showed K) opponent L) victimsM) c


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