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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 802(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic a letter asking you for suggestions about entering for a short-term course for a certain certificate. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below

2、in Chinese.1. 你的看法和建议。2. 提醒应注意的事项。二、Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with t

3、he information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.1 IntroductionsEvery day we encounter people in a variety of business and social situations. The way we meet and greet th

4、em creates lasting impressions and paves the way for a productive encounter, Introductions project information. Besides the obvious elements of name. title, and affiliation (关系), an introduction conveys a level of respect and reflects how the person making the introduction views the other persons st

5、atus. Mastering the art of the introduction will help put you and the people you are introducing at ease. Learning the basics-and they are not very difficult -is the first step.The most important point about introductions is to make them. Failing to do so causes embarrassment and discomfort. A secon

6、d important point in any introduction is the order of names. The name of the person being introduced is mentioned last. and the person to whom the introduction is made is mentioned first. The rules for who is introduced to whom depends on whether its a business or a social introduction.Business Intr

7、oductionsIn business, introductions are based on power and hierarchy (等级). Simply, persons of lesser authority are introduced to persons of greater authority. Gender plays no role in business etiquette (礼节): nor does it affect the order of introductions. For example, you would say, “Mr. / Ms, Greate

8、r Authority. I would like to introduce Mr./Ms. Lesser Authority.“Social IntroductionsSocial etiquette is based on chivalry(骑士精神), so both formal and informal introductions are made according to age, then gender, and then social status. The man would be introduced to the woman in a social situation u

9、nless the man is obviously a great deal older, in which case one would defer(听从,服从) to age over gender.As you make the introduction, include a brief but meaningful piece of information about each of the people to explain their uniqueness or importance. But never qualify a description by saying “my b

10、est client“ or “my dearest friend“ because the automatic implication is that the other person holds a lower position in your personal hierarchy. When in doubt, be less personal rather than more personal.The Nuances (细微差别)As you say each of the individuals names, look at him or her. In this way, you

11、focus attention on them and make them feel important. Once a conversation has begun and everyone seems at ease, you may excuse yourself.When introducing peers to one another, mention both the first and last names. It doesnt matter who is introduced to whom. Including a little bit of information that

12、 might start the conversational ball rolling is always a good idea. Even if everyone in a group is on a first name basis, introduce people by both first and last names.Introducing YourselfIf no one introduces you, step in and introduce yourself. Someone may be too embarrassed to admit forgetting a n

13、ame or may be distracted by other matters. Feeling slighted because you were not introduced only puts you at a disadvantage. Introduce yourself by extending your hand, smiling and saying something like, “Im Matt Jones, Davids partner.“ Avoid making any comment such as “Helen works for me“ that might

14、 be considered as arrogance or superiority. Instead, say, “Helen and I work in the same office.“As a guest, its your duty to circulate and introduce yourself at any function, large or small, especially if the host or hostess is busy. The fact that you are both there is sufficient justification to in

15、troduce yourself to anyone at the gathering. By only sticking to those people you already know, youll never expand your horizons or make new acquaintances.Always use both names when introducing yourself to convey the message that you take yourself seriously as an adult and expect the same treatment

16、from others. And, since you dont know how comfortable the other person feels with formality or lack of it, you give that person the chance to set the tone most comfortable to them.Be clear and concise in your introduction; the fastest way to alienate a new acquaintance is to talk about your life his

17、tory or, worse, your problems or illnesses. If you expect people to respond favorably to your introduction, leave your problems on the doorstep and make sure your tone is engaging. Then, construct an introduction that is interesting and catchy, yet still professional. Think of it as a one or two sou

18、nd bite commercial. A sound bite, the length of time available in television to engage viewers attention before they tune out, has decreased to 7 seconds currently because we are all so overexposed to visual and oral stimuli.Responding to IntroductionsThe way you respond to someone elses introductio

19、n is just as important as making the introduction. In response to informal introductions, simply say “hello“. Add a phrase like, “Ive heard so much about you, Barry,“ only if it is true and if it is complimentary.“How do you do?“ followed by the persons name is the customary response to a formal int

20、roduction. Refrain from the use of first names until the person to whom youve been introduced has indicated that the familiarity is preferred.Rising to the OccasionAlways stand for introductions. Everyone should rise to great newcomers at both business and social functions. The old rule that a woman

21、 remains seated when new people enter a room and are introduced is obsolete. At a very large function, only those nearest the newcomer would rise and say hello. If you are wedged into a tight position in a restaurant, there may not always be sufficient room to stand properly, but at least make the a

22、ttempt so that by remaining seated you will not be perceived as unfriendly. In an office, always rise and come around from behind the desk to greet visitors.Remembering NamesIf you forget someones name when making an introduction, try putting the other people at case rather than concentrating on you

23、r own embarrassment. Remain calm; if you fall apart, the person whose name you forgot may feel obliged to put you at ease. Be straightforward yet tactful in admitting your memory lapse. By saying, “Ive forgotten your name,“ you imply the person wasnt worth remembering. “Ive just drawn a blank,“ or “

24、my memory seems to be malfunctioning connotes a more temporary condition that doesnt have the same insulting implications. If you cant remember someones name, but you remember an interesting point about him or her, cite it. You might say, “I clearly remember our conversation about Thai food, but you

25、r name seems to have temporarily slipped my mind. Please help me out.“When youre introduced to someone, say the persons name, and then repeat it several times during the conversation. Not only do you project a genuine interest in someone by repeating his or her name, but also the repetition is, more

26、 likely to imprint the name on your memory. When someone seems to have forgotten your name, just jump in, hand outstretched, a smile on your face, and offer your name.2 The way in which you introduce yourself can show your attitude towards others. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG3 When making a business introduction

27、 you should obey the rule of “Lady First“. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG4 In making a social introduction, age should be considered as an utmost thing. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG5 When introducing yourself, try to speak in a humble way. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG6 At a gathering you can get to know a lot of new friends by talking to y

28、our friends. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG7 In order to make others involve in your introduction, you can ask them to the doorsteps. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG8 How you respond to someones introduction is more important than bow you make the introduction. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG9 While introducing, _ to make them feel important. 10

29、 You had better _ when you have visitors. 11 When you forget someones name, you might _. Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation

30、 and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.(A)They are a happy couple.(B) They axe tiresome.(C) They are bad-tempered.(D)They are very good people.(

31、A)The woman will take the test.(B) The woman will not take the test.(C) The woman will take a delayed test.(D)The test has been canceled.(A)$5.00.(B) $4.00.(C) $6.00.(D)$3.00.(A)Computer science.(B) Physics.(C) Chemistry.(D)Mathematics.(A)How to solve problems.(B) Someone whom they can rely on.(C) S

32、omeone who will listen to them.(D)What a real friend should be.(A)Be interviewed for work.(B) Buy a birthday present.(C) Go to Marys birthday party.(D)Go to Marys wedding ceremony.(A)Take another magazine.(B) Take the time to read.(C) Take a dictionary.(D)Take the desk away.(A)His student.(B) His co

33、lleague.(C) His partner.(D)His boss.(A)Extreme stress.(B) Hair loss.(C) Declining health.(D)Unemployment.(A)Old friends.(B) Brother and sister.(C) Colleagues from work.(D)Boss and employee.(A)Its ugly.(B) Its expensive.(C) It does harm to the skin.(D)It may drop off his head anytime.(A)He is going t

34、o drive to the countryside.(B) He wants a few days to stay somewhere.(C) He wants to rent a room.(D)He is going to visit the city centre hotels.(A)Carlton House and the Imperial.(B) The Imperial and the Bridge.(C) The Bridge and the Majestic.(D)The Royal Oak and the Bridge.(A)It is a five star hotel

35、.(B) It provides excellent service.(C) It is equipped with modern facilities.(D)It is quite near to the main square.(A)He would go to neither of the hotel.(B) He may choose one between the Carlton House and the Imperial.(C) He probably goes out for the town hotels of the Bridge Hotel.(D)He prefers t

36、o the hotel with a swimming pool.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choic

37、es marked A, B, C and D.(A)Solar energy.(B) Synthetic fuel.(C) Alcohol fuel.(D)Electricity power.(A)Air traffic conditions.(B) Road conditions.(C) New traffic rules.(D)Traffic jams on highways.(A)Arrive early for boarding.(B) Carry little luggage.(C) Undergo security checks.(D)Arrive early for board

38、ing.(A)By doing business.(B) By buying and selling land.(C) By cheating.(D)By making whiskey.(A)He received an injection in the neck.(B) He drank a glass of whiskey each evening.(C) He was being treated by a doctor.(D)He felt unwell near his neck.(A)They wanted to find out how to become wealthy.(B)

39、They wanted to find out how to live longer.(C) They wanted to know what alcohol he drank.(D)They wanted to know where to be given an injection.(A)He took them to watch a basketball game.(B) He trained them to play European football.(C) He let them compete in getting balls out of a basket.(D)He taugh

40、t them to play an exciting new game.(A)The players found the basket too high to reach.(B) The players had trouble getting the ball out of the basket.(C) The players had difficulty understanding the complex rules.(D)The players soon found the game boring.(A)By removing the bottom of the basket.(B) By

41、 lowering the position of the basket.(C) By simplifying the complex rules.(D)By altering the size of the basket.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage i

42、s read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write

43、 down the 35 There are a lot of good cameras available at the【B1】_. Most of these are made in Japan. But there are also good【B2】_models from Germany and the USA. We have【B3 】_a range of different models to see which is the best【B4】_for money. After a number of different tests and inter views with pe

44、ople who are【B5】_with different cameras being accessed, our researchers【B6】_the Olympic BY model as the best autofocus camera available at the moment. It costs $200 although you may well want to spend more【B7】 _as much as another 200 dollarson buying【B8】_lenses and other equipment. It is a good Japa

45、nese camera, easy to use.【B9】_, whereas the American versions are considerably more expensive.The Olympic BY model weighs only 320 grams, which is quite a bit less than other cameras of a similar type. Indeed, one of the other models we looked at weighed almost twice as much.【B10 】_. All the people

46、we interviewed expressed almost total satisfaction with it.【B11】_.36 【B1 】37 【B2 】38 【B3 】39 【B4 】40 【B5 】41 【B6 】42 【B7 】43 【B8 】44 【B9 】45 【B10 】46 【B11 】Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choi

47、ces given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank mor

48、e than once.47 Not long ago, the only time youd see a robot is 【S1 】_ you were reading a novel or watching a movie such as Star Wars. Today, however, science stories are fast becoming science facts. Robots are starting to make their 【S2】_ felt in our everyday lives.These robots come in all sizes, sh

49、apes, and colors. They all have the same type of man-made “brain“. Leading the robot revolution are 【S3 】_ robotsrobots that work in factories. Industrial robots 【S4 】_ different kinds of jobs that are often 【S5】_ and sometimes dangerous. Robots are also coming to American 【S6】_, though not as quickly as they are entering factories. These robots arent as friendly and bright as those you see in Star War


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