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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 899(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled My Idea of the Internet. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 因特网的重要性 2. 使用因特网出现的问题 3. 结论 二、Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimm

2、ing and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradi

3、cts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.1 Stress Pains Many in CollegeMost students in U.S. colleges are just plain stressed out, from everyday worries about grades and relationships to darker thoughts of suicide, according to a poll

4、 of undergraduates from coast to coast. The survey was conducted for the Associated Press and mtvU, a television network available at many colleges and universities. Students Stress ProblemFour in 10 students say they endure stress often. Nearly one in five say they feel it all or most of the time.

5、But most are bearing it. Nearly two-thirds in the survey say they enjoy life.The majority cite classic stress symptoms including trouble concentrating, sleeping and finding motivation. Most say they have also been disturbed, worried, too tired to work. “Everything is being piled on at once,“ said Ch

6、ris Curran, a junior at the Albany College of Pharmacy (制药) in Albany, N.Y. He said he has learned to cope better since starting school. “You just get really disturbed and anxious. Then you start procrastinating (拖延), and it all piles up.“ Many cite eating problems and say they have felt lonely, dep

7、ressed, like they are failures. Substantial numbers are even concerned about spring break, chiefly not having enough money or being in good physical shape.More than a quarter of the students sometimes think they should cut down on drinking or going out. A third say they sometimes want to use drugs o

8、r alcohol to relax. About 15% say theyre at least somewhat concerned about drinking too much on spring break. One in five say they have felt too stressed to do schoolwork or be with friends. About the same number say things have been so bad in the past three months that they have seriously considere

9、d dropping out of school. Darker still, about one in six say they have friends who in the past year have discussed committing suicide, and about one in 10 say they have seriously considered it themselves. Friends have actually tried to end their lives in that time, one in 10 say.In this ocean of cam

10、pus anxiety, 13% say they have been diagnosed with a mental health condition such as depression or an anxiety disorder. Of that group, two-thirds say they always or usually follow their treatment, one-tenth say they have been unable to stick to it, and the rest are not on a plan. The perils- (危险) of

11、 halting treatment were highlighted last month when police said the girlfriend of Steven Kazmierczak, who fatally shot five people and then himself at Northern Illinois University, told them he had stopped taking medication.All is not doom and gloom for todays students. Six in 10 in the survey say t

12、hey are usually hopeful and enjoy life. Half even concede they feel understood by their families. What Causes the Stress Problem?The survey shows plenty of sources of stress, led by the seven in 10 students who attribute it to schoolwork and grades. Financial problems are close behind, while relatio

13、nships and dating, family problems and extracurricular activities all are named by half as adding pressure.College women have a more stressful existence than men, with 45% of females and 34% of males saying they face pressure often. The youngest students cite frequent stress most often. Whites repor

14、t more stress than blacks and Hispanics. From schoolwork to dating, women are more possible than men to say they experience pressure from virtually every potential source of distress in the survey. Six in 10 women and just four in 10 men say family issues cause problems, though the differences betwe

15、en the sexes in most areas are slimmer. Besides balancing her approaching graduation with the 20-hour-per-week job that helps finance school, Jeanette Devereaux-Weber said she has a new pressure: beginning her post-college life. She has not decided what to do. “It doesnt feel like looking for a summ

16、er job anymore, its looking for a career, its things that will shape everything to come,“ she said. “Sometimes it feels like you have to make the right choice right away or you will be behind everyone else.“ How to Solve the Stress ProblemThe poll shows a spotty sense among students of how to find a

17、ssistance handling pressure. Just over half say they are sure whom they would turn to for help. Only one in seven say they were very familiar with the counseling offered at their schools. Overall, 26% of students say they have considered talking to a counselor or getting other professional help. Jus

18、t 15% say they have actually done so. Professional help, though, is not atop students lists when they need help. Three-quarters say they would be most likely to turn to friends; nearly two-thirds cite their parents and half say they would talk to brothers and sisters. Only one in five say they would

19、 seek out school counselors.Of the 9% who said they had considered suicide in the past year, only half said they had considered talking to a counselor or professional and four in 10 had actually received such help. While 11% said they had friends who had tried committing suicide in the past year, th

20、at doesnt mean there have been that many attempts because many people often know each individual who has tried. According to the most recent figures from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, far less than one of every 100 people aged 18 to 24 tried to injure himself in 2006. Howev

21、er, there were fewer than 3,500 suicides out of 29 million people of that age in 2005. How is the Survey Conducted?The survey was conducted by Edison Media Research from Feb 28 to March 6 by having 2,253 undergraduate students fill out confidential forms. The margin of sampling error was plus or min

22、us 3 percentage points. The students, aged 18-24, were handed the questionnaires at 40 randomly chosen four-year schools around the country. To protect privacy, the schools where the poll was conducted are not being identified and the students who responded were not asked for their names. Those ment

23、ioned in this story were not among those polled and did not necessarily attend schools involved in the survey.MtvUs sponsorship of the poll is related to its work on “Half of Us“, which it runs with the Jed Foundation, a non-profit group that works to reduce suicide among young people. “Half of Us“

24、is a program designed to raise awareness about emotional problems faced by college students.2 According to the survey, how many of the college students in the U.S. say they enjoy their life?(A)Nearly 20%.(B) More than 25%.(C) About 33.3%.(D)Nearly 66.7%.3 According to the survey, what is the classic

25、 symptom of stress mentioned by the majority of students?(A)Money problems.(B) Eating problems.(C) Concentration problems.(D)Physical problems.4 How many of the college students in the U.S. say they have considered dropping out of school seriously?(A)About 10%.(B) About 15%.(C) About 16.6%.(D)About

26、20%.5 How many of the college students diagnosed with a mental health condition have been unable to follow their treatment?(A)7%.(B) 10%.(C) 50%.(D)66.6%.6 The leading cause of college students stress problem is attributed to_.(A)school work and grades(B) financial problems(C) relationships and dati

27、ng(D)family problems7 Who may face the least pressure according to the survey?(A)College women.(B) White female college students.(C) The youngest female college students.(D)Black and Hispanic male college students.8 The example of Jeanette Devereaux-Weber in the passage revealed the new pressure of_

28、.(A)approaching graduation(B) starting post-college life(C) solving family issues(D)financing school9 When facing the stress problem, only 20% of the college students would turn to_.10 Because of the stress problem the rate of students aged 18 to 24 trying to injure themselves in 2006 is_than in 200

29、11 The conducted schools in the poll are not being identified in order to_ _Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the ques

30、tions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.(A)Helen is talkative.(B) Helen is active.(C) Helen is sociable.(D)Helen is quiet.(A)He expresses no opinion about the

31、 action.(B) He considers the punishment excessive.(C) He feels sorry for those students.(D)He approves of the action.(A)A drug store.(B) The police station.(C) A map of the town.(D)A place to wash his clothes.(A)Toys.(B) Pie.(C) Books.(D)Cigarettes.(A)A temporary job.(B) A permanent job.(C) Some mon

32、ey for the university fees.(D)Some money for the vacation.(A)The bad telephone service.(B) The mistakes in her telephone bill.(C) The broken-down computer.(D)The long wait.(A)She bought him a case for his coin collection.(B) She has not bought him a gift yet.(C) She bought him a book.(D)She bought h

33、im a watch.(A)The woman received a phone call from Mark yesterday.(B) The man injured Mark in a traffic accident yesterday.(C) The man met a friend by chance.(D)The woman contacted Mark on business.(A)He failed in a power test yesterday.(B) He never expected himself to be happy.(C) It was because of

34、 his fathers fault.(D)He missed about 30 minutes of a program.(A)His mothers use of the washing machine.(B) His fathers turning on the microwave oven.(C) His long hours of watching TV.(D)The switch on of two air-conditioners.(A)Watch a ball game on TV.(B) Take part in a basketball final.(C) Ask his

35、neighbor to check the power.(D)Not use any electric appliances any more.(A)Hiking.(B) Mountain biking.(C) Fishing.(D)Traveling somewhere. (A)They are always right.(B) They are always wrong.(C) They are sometimes right but sometimes wrong.(D)They are helpful. (A)Rain boots.(B) Umbrellas.(C) Raincoats

36、.(D)Some drinks. (A)Next to picnic table.(B) At home.(C) Under picnic table.(D)On picnic table. Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear

37、a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)It is not as good as fire.(B) It might cause health problems.(C) It is safe when the factorys instructions are followed.(D)It is the most widely-used way of cooking in the world.(A)It was discovered by Spencer

38、after he had made many experiments on microwaves.(B) It was discovered by Spencer accidentally, when he was making scientific experiments.(C) It was discovered by Spencer, who devoted all his life to inventing a new way of cooking.(D)It was discovered by Spencer with the help of the company he was w

39、orking for.(A)They work by motion.(B) They work by electricity.(C) They work by rubbing the food.(D)They work by sending short waves.(A)10.(B) 11.(C) 12.(D)13.(A)The accident was an unavoidable tragedy.(B) A moving truck hit a stopped school bus.(C) Poor weather conditions led to the accident.(D)The

40、 accident was the result of drunken driving.(A)Shortly after 5:00 p. m.(B) Shortly after 3:00 p. m.(C) Shortly before 3:00 p. m.(D)Shortly before 5:00 p. m.(A)Enjoy family happiness.(B) Switch to another field.(C) Start his own business.(D)Build a house of his own.(A)He planned to sell it to one of

41、his customers.(B) He planned to send it to the carpenter as a gift.(C) He planned to fill it with his favorites.(D)He planned to send it to his partner.(A)It was of low quality.(B) It was perfect in workmanship and materials.(C) It did not satisfy the contractor.(D)It was the best of all the houses

42、he had built.(A)We should focus on the future life.(B) We should react to life rather than act.(C) We should build our houses in life.(D)We should always do our best.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should lis

43、ten carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can e

44、ither use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 Around 120 years ago, Ebbinghaus began his study of memory. He 【B1】 _ on studying how quickly the human mind can remember 【B2】 _. One result of his research is known as the total time hypothesis (假设), which simply means the amount yo

45、u learn 【B3】_on the time you spend trying to learn it. This can be taken as our first rule of learning.Although it is usually true that studying for four hours is better than studying for one, there is still the question of how we should use the four hours. For example, is it better to study for fou

46、r hours 【B4】 _or to study for one hour a day for four days in a 【B5】 _? The answer, as you may have 【B6】 _, is that it is better to spread out the study times. This 【B7】 _, through which we can learn more 【B8】 _ by dividing our practice time, is known as the distribution of practice effect. Thus, 【B

47、9】 _.But we are not finished yet. We havent considered how we should study over very short periods of time. 【B10】_. Should you look at the same word in rapid succession, or look at the word and then have some delay before you look at it again? 【B11 】 _.37 【B1 】38 【B2 】39 【B3 】40 【B4 】41 【B5 】42 【B6

48、】43 【B7 】44 【B8 】45 【B9 】46 【B10 】47 【B11 】Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Ea

49、ch choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.47 Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated【S1】_? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it? Are you afraid to ask someone for a date?Many people are afraid to assert(表现)themselves. Dr


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