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1、福建省教师公开招聘考试(小学英语)模拟试卷 2(无答案)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 A latest magazine, please. Only one left. Would you like to have_?(A)it(B) one(C) this(D)that2 Which book would you like to borrow? _of the two books is ok with me.(A)Either(B) Both(C) Any(D)None3 Mrs. Lee teaches_math. We all like her.(A)we(B)

2、 us(C) our(D)ours4 There are many trees on_side of the street.(A)either(B) any(C) all(D)both5 _is the population of the city?(A)How many(B) What(C) How many people(D)How much6 Why dont we take a little break? Didnt we just have_?(A)it(B) that(C) one(D)this7 The teacher asked the boy many questions,

3、but he only answered_of them.(A)some(B) lots(C) each(D)few8 How many apples do I have? You can have_. I want none of them.(A)one(B) all(C) both(D)some9 I bought a tie for Dad on Fathers Day yesterday. _.(A)Its nothing(B) I would; thanks(C) Thats special enough(D)I didnt mind10 We dont have much home

4、work this weekend. Shall we go but together? OK. What about_a movie?(A)to see(B) seeing(C) see(D)sees11 We need some more coffee. There is only_left.(A)little(B) a little(C) few(D)a few12 When we look up a word in the dictionary, we must pay attention to the way_it is used.(A)/(B) who(C) what(D)wher

5、e13 How about_talent show? I should say it was_great success.(A)/; the(B) a; the(C) the; a(D)the; /14 When we see Maria off in the airport lounge, we cant help_.(A)cry(B) to cry(C) crying(D)cries15 What will they do to deal with the accident? Ten doctors and five nurses have_a medical team and will

6、start out right now.(A)worked out(B) made up(C) helped out(D)belonged to二、单项选择题16 从儿童学习语言的次序来看,小学英语教学应坚持侧重培养( )能力的原则。(A)听、说(B)听、读(C)说、写(D)读、写17 带领学生深入工厂或农村进行实地参观访问的直观教学形式为( )。(A)形象直观(B)实物直观(C)模象直观(D)言语直观18 通过集体讨论,使思维相互撞击,进发火花,达到集思广益效果的思维训练方法称为( ) 。(A)讨论法(B)头脑风暴法(C)启发法(D)用途扩散法19 不属于影响阅读教学的因素的一项是( )。(

7、A)智力水平(B)生理条件(C)社会经济文化背景(D)教师年龄20 听力是一种( ) 的技能。(A)主动型、外显型(B)被动型、外显型(C)主动型、隐蔽型(D)被动型、隐蔽型三、阅读理解20 Do you know how to play a game called “Musical Chairs“? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs, some people and some way of making music. You may use a piano or any othe

8、r musical instrument, if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.Put the chairs in a row. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.The game is

9、 easy. When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If the music is fast they should walk quickly. If the music is slow, they should walk slowly.The person playing music cannot see the people in the g

10、ame. When the music stops, the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out. Then, before the music starts again, one chair must be taken away. When the music stops again, one more player will be out.At last, there will be two players and one chair. The o

11、ne who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.21 If ten people are playing musical chairs, you must begin with_.(A)nine chairs(B) ten chairs(C) eleven chairs(D)one chair22 Which of the following is NOT suitable for playing musical chairs?(A)A piano(B) A radio(C) A tape recorder(D)A tel

12、ephone23 The chairs should be put_.(A)with the desks(B) before the winner(C) all over the room(D)in a line24 When the music starts,the players must_.(A)run about the room(B) get down(C) walk around the chairs(D)sit on the chairs25 Which of the following statements is NOT true?(A)The game “Musical Ch

13、airs“ is not difficult to learn.(B) The last one can sit on the last chair.(C) The winner can sit on the chair.(D)If the person plays music,he cannot be the winner.四、短文填空25 so start easy badly someone difficult if thank class reporter medical succeedProving Them Wrong!Im John Wood, a doctor at a fam

14、ous Boston hospital. During the first two years of high school, I found biology very【K1】_. My report cards always said things like “must study harder“ or “John shouldnt choose science【K2 】_. “ It was really terrible for【K3】_who had always dreamed of becoming a doctor. I lost confidence, so I left hi

15、gh school at sixteen and【K4】_working at a supermarket.One evening I saw a documentary about Albert Einstein. According to the documentary, Einstein had done really【K5】_at school. I began to think that Einstein could【K6】_, then I may have a chance, too. I didnt want to leave my job,【K7】_I decided to

16、go to night school to finish high school. Two years later, I went to a【K8】_university.Ive often thought I should contact the【K9】_of the Einstein documentary and【K10】_him. As for the biology teacher, I might contact her, too, one daybut not to thank her!26 【K1】27 【K2】28 【K3】29 【K4】30 【K5】31 【K6】32 【K

17、7】33 【K8】34 【K9】35 【K10】五、填空题36 翻译教学法的教学程序一般由四步组成,包括_、讲解语言材料、切合原意的翻译和直接阅读。37 显性学习方法是指对_的直接学习,教学中教师会对语法知识直接讲解。38 归纳学习是指学习者通过阅读分析语言材料学习_的学习方式。39 阅读策略是指读者有意识地使用,用来解决阅读问题的技巧,比如跳读、览读、_、预测等。40 _是指学生为了有效地学习和发展而采取的各种行动和步骤。六、翻译句子41 The older New England villages have changed relatively little_(除了一两个加油站)in re

18、cent decades.42 _(食用太多的脂肪会导致)heart disease and cause high blood pressure.43 _(是我们的长期政策)that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.44 As one of the worlds highest paid models, she_(为她的脸投保了 500 万美元).45 _(多亏大量的食品输送)from the entire globe, these countries have for many years not felt any populatio

19、n pressure.七、书面表达46 现代社会,越来越多的人处于亚健康状态,请以 How to Deal with Sub Health 为题,以下面三点为思路写一篇作文,发表你的看法。(1)随着世界现代化的不断发展,人们的物质生活水平不断攀升,但人们却日益受到“亚健康”状态的威胁。(2)亚健康的具体表现及在我国的蔓延程度(北京 75、上海 72、广州 70的上班族都处于亚健康状态)。(3)在现代社会中应怎样解决亚健康问题。八、案例题47 爱画画的小男生一次英语课上,教学内容为“Is there?”句型,我的课上得很投入,学生们的反应也非常活跃。正当我得意时,我发现一个小男生始终低着头,右手

20、来回地在一个本子上快速地画着什么。他很投入,根本没察觉到我走到他身边。我看到他正在画一台电脑,转眼间,一个主意闪现在我的脑海中。我微笑着对他说:“May I use your picture?”他如梦初醒地站起来,双眼惊恐地盯着我。我重复了一遍:“Feng Hao,May I use your picture?”他愣了一下,机械地回答道:“Sure,here your are!” 回到讲台,我开心地向全班同学问道:“Whats in the picture?Can youuseIs there to guess?”或许全班都想帮他,大家纷纷举手猜测。他呢,正在为老师用他的图片做教具而得意呢,刚才的恐慌一扫而光,很快投人到课堂当中。请你谈谈对这位教师在关注学生方面的看法。(满分 10 分)九、教案设计48 请设计一个教案,达到以下目的。(满分 20 分)(1)能听懂、会说、会读单词 rabbit,elephant ,squirrel;(2)能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型 be+doing;(3)引导学生在探究过程中不仅获得动物的英语表达方法,而且获得有关动物的知识;(4)培养学生热爱动物、保护动物的情感。


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