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1、教师公开招聘考试中学英语(翻译)模拟试卷 11(无答案)英汉翻译1 The robots exhibition is excellent. Each of robots is made by the students.2 China will never be the first to use nuclear weapons.3 These new cars are made in China.4 To drink more water every day is good for you.5 She studies in a university of the South.6 They wil

2、l arrive tomorrow early morning.7 Its a pity that Mr. Tang no longer came back to himself.8 Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily in the park.9 Good books can often inspire us various potentials.10 You arent allowed to stay at the hotel before/until the form is filled in (up).11 The rules

3、of the game are too complicated to explain/be explained in a few words.12 If she had been aware that the mushrooms were poisonous, she_ (不会采) them for dinner.13 _ (看着)the beef being cooked on the stove, the mother pictured the whole family having meals together.14 The director, _ (Jack 与他同住)a dorm-r

4、oom in the Film Academy, has already made four films.15 Into the complete silence of the waiting class _ (传来了老师甜甜的嗓音) , “Good morning, children. “16 _(无论她说什么) will not make any difference to our arrangements.17 We must act as quickly as possible now. Just tell us_(能否承担)the task or not.18 The profess

5、or was delighted to find that two thirds of the project _(已完成了) by the students independently.19 _(就是在这个湖里) that they found the long lost sword of the Ming Dynasty.20 _(虽然知道他)to only a few people here, his reputation abroad is very great.21 Many bad habits can be especially difficult to cure because

6、 they are likely_(形成了)at a very young age.22 The population of elderly people is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before _(发达国家尤为如此).23 As for Williams, _(他宁愿死也不愿意做这件事 ).24 A lot of people nowadays have muscular problems in the neck, the shoulders and the back_(主要是由于工作中的压力和紧张造成的)25 It has been proved that_(我们的肤色取决于遗传 ).


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